What are your unpopular Batman opinions?
What are your unpopular Batman opinions?
Tim was the most interesting robin and damian is a mistake
Jason's resurrection was a mistake and he adds more to the mythos dead than alive.
Overexposed and stale
Riddler works better as a serious and competent villain instant of a comic-relief C-lister
I don't quite understand the hype behind Morrison batwank. I love Morrison's work, and Grant/Breyfogle Batman is kino, but the work just hasn't clicked with me yet.
The Bat family is not too overcrowded, writers need to move some of them out of Gotham.
I'm okay with most of King's run. WOJAR was fucking awful though.
Tom King is the definitive Batman run
I prefer the new whore lesbian Harley over the classic
she's hotter too
This opinion is unpopular?
I thought the popular opinion is that Tim is best Robin and Damian only works with Dick.
Long Halloween and Killing Joke are two of the worst stories in the entire Batman continuity and Tim deserves to be Batman more than Dick and Damian.
Bruce should have stayed dead, Dick should have adopted the mantle for good
Bruce has been Batman (almost) continuously for 80 years, there's no story left to tell about him that hasn't already been told.
I ship Batman and Zatanna
The bat-family needs to gone. Keep one robin/batgirl if you want, but remove all the bloat characters.
Batman himself is the least interesting part of his universe, seriously. His existence is necessary in it but yeah
I hate the batgod meme.
Batman and Gotham does not work as a concept in the context of the DCU, batwank be damned.
People should stop acting as if Batman having a no kill policy somehow makes him unique.
I don't really mind Batman killing or using guns.
I can't take batman seriously I really can't. Him and his stories take themselves so seriously but he's wearing a fucking bat costume and looks like a goof when he tries to be serious.
Here's a hot take, the comics have never used Harley well.
Hell, she's only ever been used well in animation.
I agree that people shouldn't act like it's a sacred rule.
Robin can totally work in live-action if producers and directors wanted to make him work.
Damian is fine. Not the best Robin but I think people forget that the whole point behind the character is for him to learn how to be humble and moral.
Dick should've been Batman for a good 5 years at the very least.
Batman is overrated. Still love the character but I love a bunch of other DC characters and their 'worlds' much more.
all the Robins are good besides Damian
fuck that little shit he should've stayed dead
Two-Face needs a sidekick
whose face should be 1/4 messed up
Named Quarter
I always cringe whenever someone says something like
>a guy dressed as a bat.
He looks more like a devil or a grim reaper, and the only reason anyone would know he's bat themed is because he tells them so.
Batman should have more obvious side-effects mental health issues. Nigga spends so much time on his trauma but it's always in some kind of "positive" light. He should freak the fuck out in a flash of rage every time a gun is pointed at somebody in close proximity to him - near-blind fucking "might kill you" rage if you point a gun at Robin. Hell that might even make Robin interesting.
the whole "every villain is a dark reflection/foil of batman's own psychology" gimmick is retarded
Golden Age Batman is great.
shoulda married catwoman and stuck with it
Bruce has never done right by any of the Batgirls
Dick is a better Batman than Bruce. Actually almost every different version of Batman is better than Bruce.
Batman as a concept only works outside of the common DC universe with a bunch of superpowered heroes. Theres nothing Batman do that Flash cant do in a single night. Batman should be in a separated universe with only normal humans heroes and villains
Cocky Smug Who throws jokes once in a while Batman > Dark & Broody "Life is miserable" Batman
Dick should have stayed in Spyral forever.
The Batfamily is great save for a few redundancies, and should be used more.
He's boring as fuck when he's alone, even fucking Snyder is giving him Joker's head to talk to in Last Knight.
Yup. penguin, too
I have yet to read a good Batman comic that isn't Year One or Dark Knight Returns (or the one by Darwyn Cooke). I've read most popular Batman comics from before DKR to Hush, and so far none besides the two by Miller are good. Morrison let me down with Arkham Asylum and Gothic, but hopefully the Bat Epic is enjoyable.
BTAS is overrated. Batman Beyond and Superman TAS were better.
He shouldn't kill, but I want to see him, or maybe Green Arrow, pick up a rifle to shoot something down.
When he drops on you and breaks your limbs, demon or devil or something would be best, you only got a glimpse in a dark alley of a gloved fist bashing your face in.
But whenever anyone else is on the rooftop with him and Gordon, "a guy dressed like a bat" seems about right.
>but hopefully the Bat Epic is enjoyable.
There's this one weird prose issue that might throw you off, but it's a neat story.
Stop killing Alfred, that's wrong. We need more people in Batman comics than Batman.
Stop making psychokiller lolrandumb Joker. He's not supposed to be a mass murderer, AND the Joker is supposed to be funny.
New villains are needed. Every new villain from Professor Pyg to Flashpoint Batman has been a good story.
Red Hood is better off not being in Batman. Let the writers fulfill their gang war lust elsewhere.
Batman needs to be defeated sometimes. He's just a guy in a cape who plans ahead. Use the utility belt more, too. Think of inventive ways to use a nail file to get out of a deathtrap.
I always thought that Dick and Kory were perfect for each other.
"Superman's not allowed in Gotham, he keeps cleaning up the place." Let him. Clearly Batman can't do it. If anything it'll allow the new characters like Emperor Penguin to do what they do.
Damien Wayne should not be canon
scarecrow should be his arch-nemesis
Grant Morrison's run is overrated, all his new villains are fucking awful.
It's fun to read something that isn't "the Joker is killing people, we need a super hero to punch him, oh we're so helpless." and it's fun to see them fail.
Hell yeah.
I don't like him
batman should use a compact car instead of those big machines
He's just an edgier mad hatter.
>batfamily was mistake
>Morrison started Bat"can deafetat anyone with preparation"god meme Batwank
>noir gothic romance>>>>>>>>>>>>>discount "Bruce shut up I have money Stark" with bat logo
>Killing Joke is overated
>Loeb is the worst storyteller on any Batman reading list
>Adam West Batman have better understanding of the character than Nolan trilogy
>Nolan trilogy is generally uneven mess with Dark knight only two redeeming qualities is Joker and tight story telling
>Bat and Sups are only two comics character wher no kill rule not only makes sence but is inherent to their characters
>Bat/Cat romance suck no matter who is writting it. The game has charma but their relationship is dead end. Talia is better love interest for Bruce
I think he sucks, but this isn't unpopular
>unpopular Batman opinions?
That the character is a blight on DC and would work a thousand times better if he wasn't part of a merged universe.
i think revealing the identity of the murderer of batmans parents is a mistake,it donest matter it was joe chill or jhon doe,he didnt kill his parents because of who they were,it was a random crime,and thats the point,it wasnt just a person who killed batmans parents,it was crime
>>Bat/Cat romance suck no matter who is writting it. The game has charma but their relationship is dead end. Talia is better love interest for Bruce
i like the idea of batman ending as a lonely bitter old man like in batman beyond
also i think making terry be genetically related to bruce was retarded
That's only unpopular with mindless assholes
>He only agrees with Two-Face 1/4 of the time, but does things begrudgingly in a teenager sulk
DKSA and Master Race didn’t do it for you? The former was on-par and the latter is also great but not as completely excellent, still I would group them all on the same tier and say “4 by Miller”
All Star B&R was great
Long Halloween sucks
>> Bat/Cat romance suck no matter who is writting it. The game has charma but their relationship is dead end. Talia is better love interest for Bruce
All true.
Re: the “romance” I think this is actually a litmus test for the characterization of Batman, with golden age being the ideal. It’s best for her to be just some broad who is so beautiful and cunning and maybe weird that she makes Bruce feel magnanimous and/or partial to her, and just as a break in the action/suspense.
This idea happens to tidily condemn the King run so it starts with some credibility...
Batman should have remained dead.
Steph should have stayed Robin for a while. Her and Bruce have a real fun dynamic.
> Snyder movies are best Batman cinema, they make the best use of the mythos, have the best Batman physicality, decent detective aspect, at least some dapper nobility, and an acceptable dourness (which is all you get outside of West and Keaton anyway, with West being too camp and Keaton being too Burton fetishistic)
> Killing Joke is melodramatic trash
> There is not enough or enough attention payed to Bruce Wayne in contemporary Batman (idk if this is unpopular but it’s one of the biggest weaknesses I see, even in the otherwise best-of-the-best Miller)
I don't think it's really unpopular but a complaint of mine is that if we're meant to believe that Batman is his "real self" or whatever, he really aughta do more to make Bruce Wayne a more distinct person different from himself. Like early on in BTAS they did a good job of that because he had a completely different speaking voice and personality as Bruce as apposed to the Bat. They don't show that nearly enough, in just about everything (including BTAS later on) it's just entirely too obvious that Bruce sounds and acts exactly the same as Batman, it kills the believability that nobody can figure out that it's him. Not to mention that he hardly makes the time to go out as Bruce at all, ain't nobody gonna question what the fuck this rich boy's doin' all the time?
Pyg is the best new villain in the last 20 years
>I'm tired of Dick being Robin in most adaptations
Raping the Joker would only make things worse.
Damian also works wirh Jon.
I wouldn't mind Tim being Batman if DC didn't go out of their way to show that everytime Tim succeeds Bruce he goes full facist.
I'm gonna fuckin say it: A lot of Batman's villains are incredibly overrated.
more character specific ones:
>Joker is the single most overrated villain in comics and DC needs to stop licking his asshole
>Ivy is stuck being Harley's girlfriend and hasn't had a good story in god knows how long
>Secret Six is one of the few times Bane was decent after Knightfall and he should've stayed there or died after it
>Mr Freeze just needs to die or not be used because other than Heart of Ice, he downright sucks and is one of the worst ice villains
>>like I'd rather they choose Icicle and develop him than try to force another MUH NORA story on us
>there needs to be another really big Ra's story that doesn't revolve around Batman's penis, Damian, or Talia
Also Ivy and Clayface are like the only villains that could threaten non street level characters so I'm tired of shit like Catwoman vs Cheetah or Joker being able to boss around characters more powerful than him a la Salvation Run.
Maybe Batman shouldn't have recovered from Bane fucking up his spine. Dick would take on the cowl with Bruce as support from the cave, like in Batman Beyond.
Maybe Bruce could still walk without a cane, but not fight crime anymore.
He’s a boring, shitty Deus Ex Machina that really needs to be benched for right now. Batman doesn’t need to be in 20 fucking different runs. Give someone else the spot light for a while. Actually while I’m at it. Fuck the trinity. It’s stale.
Lol I was gonna say that those two are the only ones I’ve liked. Most Batman I read is ass.
Me too. Fuck Red Hood.
>batman is insane
I like Batman best when it’s noir based. Where it has some fantastic and cosmic elements but mostly Batman is a normalish guy and his villains for the most part have no powers. I also like it when it’s mostly isolated from the rest of the DC verse.
Batfamily is fine but I’m not too crazy about it when it gets super bloated. Sometimes Bruce and Alfred is all you need.
The super gritty brooding pyscho autistic prepgod Batman that is prevalent nowadays is lame as fuck. Tomasi's 'Tec is great because it has the detective badass Batman from the mid-80's to early 90's era of Batman.
(not an unpopular opinion) Batman has never looked better than when he was under the pen of the great Norm Breyfogle.
The last 20 years have truly been terrible if Pyg is the best we have to offer.
i like tim
His silhouette is very bat-like. When he's descending from the rooftops doing a cool pose he just looks like a giant bat.
Batman comics shouldn't be too dark and violent. I hate ultaviolent characters like Pyg and Zsazs.
BatCat shouldn't be a real relationship, she just leads him on because he goes easy on her.