How does this make her a hero? Nobody in America bats an eye at a black athlete. They dominate the Olympics.
How does this make her a hero? Nobody in America bats an eye at a black athlete. They dominate the Olympics
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Yes because you started a business you're on the same level as someone who pulls people out of a burning building....
>blacks dominate the Olympics
Is this what coons actually believe?
Not all athletics are the same you brainlet.
Basketball's stereotypically for black people.
Ice Hockey certainly is not for example.
The comic is stupid because no women's sports are impressive, not because they got the stereotypes wrong.
I can only assume a white woman wrote this.
white "woman"
Tranny was my second guess.
You don't understand, user
Jesse Owens was a hero, this fact is hammered into children's heads, along with the fact that he was a hero for being-black
Therefore anyone being-black in sports is a hero!
It's funny because she is Wakandan anyway.
Her she is appropriating the black american struggle.
Obama did the same thing and nobody seems to care.
Obama grew up in shithole Chicago, bro.
Michelle said his car didn't even have a floor on the passenger side when they first met.
She didn't grow up in Wakanda, she grew up in the States
Also we don't know who her father was, get could have been American
bro I dont even know who she is, I just got that from the last user buttblasted about that from the last thread angry about comics
>Obama grew up in shithole Chicago, bro.
Obama was raised by his rich white grandparents in Hawaii.
I think it was vaguely implied that the dad could be Atlantean.
>Obama grew up in Chicago
Obama didn't grow up in Chicago. He lived in Hawaii until age 6, then moved to Indonesia where he lived for 4 years, then he moved back to Hawaii where he lived for 8 more years, then he spent 3 years in LA, and then 4 years in New York.
THEN he moved to Chicago.
Marvel made me racist
Although I disagree with the notion of something "making" someone racist at all. All it did was give you reasons to be blatantly racist instead of latent.
Racism has to be born from something. It's not generic, it's a learned behavior. Something making you racist is literally the only way for someone to become a racist.
I just don't know if comic books are capable of it.
>a black person successfully running a business is so bizarre that it qualifies as a superpower
that's a bit fucked up marvel
How did these people gain control of everything nerd-related?
Yeah, I agree, it's a learned trait, but I guess I sort of misspoke.
I think people can learn racism from media, but I don't think that X event can turn someone into a racist.
I think it just takes latent traits and previously held bigotries and exposes them.
It's like when people say that shitty things BLM protesters have done has turned them into a racist, which is a ridiculous premise.
Nothing could "turn" me into a racist, because I am not a racist.
I meant to say "genetic" not "generic", but user already responded to me so I guess my typo didn't matter.
Creative/artistic types are naturally liberal.
>Racism has to be born from something. It's not generic, it's a learned behavior.
>Yeah, I agree, it's a learned trait
No it isn't. Discrimination and racist behavior is an offshoot of tribalism, which in itself is an instinctual human trait. Even if white people disappeared overnight, racism would still exist. Even if every human being were the same shade of brown, racism, or some form of it, would still exist. To react negatively to something that you find strange or unfamiliar or invasive is primal human emotion.
Racial stereotypes on the other hand, are things you learn. "Black people love watermelon and fried chicken" for example.
what the fck is this shit?image search yields no conclusives results
It's from the one of the final issues of the latest West Coast Avengers
This is patronising of not outright racist. I agree with this user . Only self-righteous white leftist could write it.
these people want constant validation for mediocrity. It's being entitled, spoiled, narcissistic.
false, it was not made by "these people" (lowkey racist btw, be better), read
nigger "these people" wasn't implying specifically niggers, stop being such a fag.
stay mad, chud
"ok" retard.
Just for clarification, the writer for OP's image was Kelly Thompson. Her Hawkeye book was canceled due to low sales, so Marvel rewarded her with the opportunity to continue writing the same book but with a different title attached (West Coast Avengers).
Firefightesr get paid to pout out burning buildings. So yeah, that's also a business.
Many firefightering departments are entirely volunteer, with little to no pay.
>i do thing while black, some muddy color, or hispanic
>im a hero
i think we're running out of people this is impactful for
dont hispanics and blacks hate each other?
Only sometimes
>How does this make her a hero?
It doesn't. She's just a narcissist.
>false, it was not made by "these people" (lowkey racist btw, be better),
By allowing mentally ill white women to speak for them, niggers are endorsing this garbage. You be better.
Honey, here's a word that fits you better:
>It’s not genetic
Humans are tribal animals.
If you want to be pedantic we're pack animals, we just call our packs 'tribes'.
To be fair most of the "black" sports lend themselves most easily to heroics. Nobody questions a black boxer or sprinter. Shit, that's why Phoenix Jones got to fight crime in real life: He was an undefeated MMA fighter when he started out and he was in good shape as a 20something man.
If a black dude claims to be super because he wins at white guy sports that just makes him less impressive.
yeah, most white people are pathetic, so beating them at their own game is par for the course.
Fun fact; Hitler actually liked Jesse Owens.
Fun fact: The SS was the most racially diverse army in the world at the time.
no it wasn't??? the British army was.
sweetie the greatest sprinter is black
Same, Marvel and Twitter to be precise
>black surfer
Bitch stop appropriating my culture.
liberal are pathetic
It's impressive because blacks can't swim.
Yea Forums is not mature enough to have these discussions without sperging out but it's cute that you idiots try.
It's supposed to be witty social commentary but it was written by someone with no wit, so it ended up coming off as
>I'm a black person who's not a living failure, worship me.
Of course that wasn't her intent, it comes from the recent white woman fixation on black women as a status and fashion symbol as opposed to a group of people. Kind of like how trust fund kids talk about how they "came from nothing" and imitate rappers. Power from the position of powerlessness has always been the purest, most romantic form of power. Why strive for a world where anyone can succeed no matter the race when you can fetishize "succeeding in spite of being black"
good incentive to not fall off the surfboard
>sprinting is the only Olympic sport
>That light skin Italian bitch from Sam & Cat
not Yea Forums, try /pol/ or /his/
That's the point, she's taken to adopting a lot of the black woman identity as an outfit for the reasons I explained.
>How does this make her a hero?
By being in a badly written comic that's been cancelled and yet still gets posted on an image board.
Oh okay. Just making sure we're on the same page and that you know she's practically doing blackface.
The funny thing is when you read between the lines and it's implying the author thinks black people are incapable of athletic achievement and owning small businesses.
I'm yet to see one black guy winning anything during Winter Olympics
No, because the British Army didn't include the Indian Army which was a seperate Army (though still British).
If you want to be pedantic we're animals who thrive in groups, we just call groups 'packs'.
Racism is a goddamn survival mechanism. In a natural, pre civilization setting, you're supposed to hate and fear those different from you or you're dead. Once civilization set in, and the further it developed, this became less and less applicable, but the mechanism it's still there, we haven't had the time to evolve out of it.
This woman is the lovechild of a Wakandan royal guard and an Atlantean who abuses her natural aptitude for water to excel at surfing, and she has a surf shop. Big whoop. She also owns enough vibranium to feed herself through retirement.
She has massive genetic and legal privilege that her self-description obscures.
For a nobody side-character she's ridiculously powerful, too.
I was gonna write up something big for this but frankly stepping on eggshells to make sure its impossible to be misconstrued is tedious.
How's this lad fit into the narrative?
>I should know, as I am incapable of what I am describing
At least she's ready for the eventual biopic of her life.
That's Leftist racism for you. Racism through lowered expectations.
>Racism has to be born from something. It's not generic, it's a learned behavior.
Unless you're white
It’s impressive to both be a champion athlete and run a successful small business at like 25.
Also this is one of the oldest cliches in the book(surviving in real life is an act of heroism), why get mad about it.
>It’s impressive to both be a champion athlete and run a successful small business at like 25.
Not really. Most sports expect you to be a champion by 25 or give up, and anyone who becomes a national champion at something has the name recognition to keep even a shitty small business afloat through name recognition and good will. The combination is exactly as impressive as the championship title, and no more, unless she had the whole business running before she got into surfing (and no one knows whether that's the case or not because no one read this garbage heap).
She cute, would hang out with her.
Never heard of that title before, is the story she's in worth reading?
>How's this lad fit into the narrative?
There's no narrative here, user. That's the way of the world. That lad who hates schizophrenics hates them because they're different. That still falls in line with what I said.
> (and no one knows whether that's the case or not because no one read this garbage heap).
i did but she was like a tertiary character so I don't remember
>Black guys running away from someone firing a gun is the only Olympic sport.
Art mimics life I guess.
Why does war always hurt women the most?
>Black people can't be successful. If you are, you're basically Superman
Fucking kek.
I've never even seen a black person IRL till I was 21, but I always disliked negroes for their ugliness. And I was an unironical commie in my teenage years. How do you explain this?