Find a flaw
Find a flaw
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No season 3.
She was the flaw that made the show way worse.
Not fat enough.
Got people to watch either that one episode or her song but didn't actually make enough people stick around for the show.
Doesn't have a dick.
She's not wearing my wedding ring.
>not a little bird that needs my help to fly
Too much shitty futa art of her with Queen Tyr'Ahnee
She's not exposing her midriff in that pic.
No penis.
>Doesn't have a dick.
Why do you all want her to have a penis
Some of it's alright. I find it funny that most of it is either commissioned, gift art for that commissioner, or based off the former.
She is not the universe's awesomest evildoer
Penises are synonymous with dominance. She's clearly a domme, therefore she should have a dick.
Her butt isn't on my face right now
No nose
She has huge tits for a toon
not enough brap art
I know nothing about this character. I like this
Why don’t you? She’s clearly not human, so there’s no reason she can’t have one.
The better to dominate with.
DomiNEET is legitimately a fantastic story concept.
Penis's are gay and you wouldn't be able to impress her womb with your cock otherwise.
Reminder that Dominator gets the best of both worlds because she doesn't have a gross xeno dick but can just make an artificial one out of lava when she needs to rape someone
Twink lord dominator > everything else
not real
didnt take her shoes off
>those disgusting moles all over her body
>wearing sneakers and that long sock with a dress
>half her head is shaved
Other than that, she’s perfect
She didn’t get her face smashed in beyond repair by Lord Hater like she should have.
>implying any of these are bad
freckles, she's space irish
Fuck you
The Flash still isn't out
The half-shaved head. It's a really bad look.
It ruined comfy Wander threads by bringing all the waifuincels in
That gym socks and slip dress combo has given me a fetish I didn't know I had, can't understand at all and will probably never see again
>implying it wasn't the shitposter(s) that would constantly bitch and moan about Dominator even when everyone else was having fun discussion
Nice cumbrain revisionism
Her balls not resting on my face
how tall is she meant to be?
Dumb no-bangs no-sides hair which looks like a mop was stuck on her head.
She does not serve the Dark Powers
Someone stole her song and got famous on it
I always figured it was about six feet at least given how she usually has a head on Hater
I wouldn't mind of Queen Tyr'Ahnee didn't also have a penis in most of the art. I want to see Dominator dominating with her own cock, not sharing it with someone else's
Based and Hatepilled
She was cool until she took the armor off.
Then she was hot.
She's not stepping on me while sitting on my face.
Little to no cruel giantess art. She was basically made for it, what the fuck
No, it was definitely the waifufags. Circlejerking over dominator wasn’t “fun discussion”
She was actually evil as fuck
You wouldn’t be able to impress her womb either way.
All of those are red flags
The idea that she could be redeemed at all
>Zone still hasnt released the dominator flash
>Still uses dominator and Hater as his twitter banner
and its been a year since it was announced, hope zone didint just give up on it.
No Wander facefucking her
Fucking futafags
>looking forward to an out of character Zone flash about cuckolding
Yeah cause she's a buttslut.
Wait what’s it about ?
Isn't she like the tallest character in the cast? Probably pretty huge, but it's hard to say when we don't have a clear sense of scale for the characters due to no human characters to compare.
If you find the paheal pics it'd paint a pretty good picture
>wearing sneakers and that long sock with a dress
What's wrong with that?
She’s a character; just a tool for other characters to have their characteristics expanded upon.
Maybe he has a high-heel fetish or something. Or he simply doesn't understand that it's meant to underscore that she's just as immature as Hater.
This is not inherently bad. She has a memorable personality and has a couple of subtle depths, which sadly didn't get expanded upon due to lack of S3.
Such a cumbrain thread
>they thought they were defeating her but they just gave her more powers
ffffuck that twist ruled
this show deserved three seasons
This should have never been made
Reminder pants are evil. In this pic, she is the good guy.
She herself is not flawed but Disney not giving us season 3 so we can see her redemption arc is very flawed indeed.
How would we redeem her? She's pure evil.
I want her to spit on me, step on me, and call me dirt.
Only the unconditional love of a space hobo Muppet can redeem her.
>wander will never redeem you
Why live...
Creators already said she was going to be redeemed and Wander hinted how lonely she really is.
Isn't he working on indivisible?
Saw this earlier. How do you guys feel about Lord Dominator being a huge Amazon?
She didn’t die like she should have.
there's not enough art depicting that
I feel like I'm very comfortable with this.
>Creators already said she was going to be redeemed
Creators have shit taste, she should have been made to cease her existence
She's even more perfect now
Inside her ass
There arent enough female villains in the world
especially ones with younger innocent heroes to corrupt.
Nah fuck that, she deserves a happy ending
Female villains don't really exist because cute girls don't have it in them to be evil or nasty.
>attractive women can't be mean or bad people
Imagine being this much of a cumbrain, LMAOing @ your life
>Female villains don't really exist because cute girls don't have it in them to be evil or nasty.
NIGGA WAT?! please get out of the house more.
i dont know if thats cannon but ir makes a lot of sense to me, i like to think that hater is huge
She attracted too many waifufags and destroyed the wander general over it. I don't even hate the character herself, she's pretty alright, it's just the people she attracts are fucking cumbrains.
>cute girls don't have it in them to be evil or nasty.
This is how we all know you’ve never dated.
We don't really see any Humans in the series as far as I know or remember, and Wander is pretty small compared to the both of them.
I'd be down with that.
Just because your ex dumped your sorry ass didn't make her a bad person, losers.
He's big where it counts.
>"Oh, user..."
Aku wants to know her location.
All the better to dominate me with.
She legit gave me a converse shoe fetish. Craig is too good at waifu design.
She broke based skelebois heart
She survived
>TFW you actually like the Domineet idea but hate that it's used primarily for fat porn
>t. likely butthurt because Star killed your waifu along with the rest of magic
glad I'm not the only one to notice lol
has she ever been questioned about this in interviews?
Theres barely any of it. And there needs to be tons more.
It definitely needs more proper "story content," for lack of a better term. More about Wander trying to help her and cheer her up.
show is bad
coomer design
does anyone have that pic of her laying on her back with her legs all toned while she's wearing knee high gym socks
This it?
She also has a huge ass and the camera lingers on it in her musical number.
For a modern cartoon character she was sexualized as hell. It was great.
Isn't Hater always slouched over, though? Makes sense since he was a reanimated gorilla and all.
This is a legit Neet (haha kill me) idea for her character if they were ever to continue the show.
I Love that Craig has no fear when it comes to having sexual female characters.
The Faceless Secretary in PPG
Franky in Fosters
If he wants a sexy character for plot or a simple joke, he'll do it.
I wouldn't really call Franky sexy, but Ms Bellum sure was.
She was in the idealized girl next door sort of way, or at least he was willing to sexualise her (such as the episode where she was on a date). I might be misremembering though and over emphasizing it.
What is the factual nudity threshold on Yea Forums? In threads like these, I don't know how much will be too much.
I helieve the most you can get away with on Yea Forums is convenient censored nudity
Bare ass is fine sometimes, at least if you spoiler it, but a big ass with a censor bar can get you a 3-day vacation.
Huh, an actually decent Shad pic.
Is it really? The way she is drawn indicates poz overload.
We don't for 100% certainty that she's shaven down there. She could still have faint traces of hair that's only visible with her cooch
Dominator should have a bus, user
>Tfw post-Tumblr porn purge, Dominator's tag consists almost entirely of a single contributor
>Tfw it looks like something straight from Fanart-Central, because even deviantART isn't that consistently terrible
>That pointy region of blanket below Wander's head
Based on the position of his foot that's sticking out, I think he's lying on his side and that's his shoulder or hand.
she isn't using me as her toilet.
She's not real
>wander is human sized
this is my headcanon now, there is nothing that could possibly change that
>head is shaped like a fucking balloon
>hair is some ugly-ass tumblr warrior girl mohawk
>runny eyeliner/mascara
I don't get the appeal at all
Forgot pic
No idea but I bet that's because she's scares them away.
>runny eyeliner/mascara
I suspect that might be actual facial markings, consider she had them right after getting out of the shower.
I haven't watched all the eps, sorry bout that
She was a prop to get people to look at a crappy show...
>And it didn't work.
I mean, the show was already dead before season 2 began.
So no?
Just wait a couple more years for Zone's next video to be released and all the attention hungry porn artists hop on his coattails and start drawing gangbang shit.
Indeed, it's a shame the creator wasn't involved with the 2016 PPG.
We may have had Sadusa come back.
>runny eyeliner/mascara
That's a big plus for me.
She hasn't done this to me.
I bet she's merciless with that thing. Just ravaging your rumper, not caring if you scream, cry, bleed, or cum, possibly fueling the wrathful slam-fucking and an impending tidal wave of steaming liquid domination.
>female character shows even the slightest signs of evil or meanness
>artists everywhere slap a dong on her
Why does this keep happening
I like mean girls because they're mean AND girls. I'm getting increasingly frustrated by this.
She'd probably still want to put stuff up your ass, probably explicitly because you don't want her to.
nah. that ain't it.
but thanks for looking
>you will never be in the shower with her to find out
why even live...
I'd rather be under her butt than her foot
Vore is nice too
It sounds nice until you realize that her shower water would be scalding hot
just because she would also be there
user, I started watching it for her because "cumbrain" but came to love the show for its actual merits.
i think he means actual cumbrains, the ones who only search for the porn
What if I just nod while staring blankly?
Or more of her being antisocial out in public
Then she takes it off while walking away from you
This, the DomiNEET concept works perfectly without pandering to fatfags
This image has made me realize what's "off" about 2D fat fetish art, the faces stay relatively thin and smooth.
Well yeah, otherwise they'd be ugly as shit.
What needs to be done is to set our sights on how the character lives rather than how the character looks
Pretty sure that has more to do with the simple style if anything. Though in general it heavily depends on the artist whether or not characters have fat faces or not.
Fusa says otherwise.
I disagree, they can be pretty cute depending on the art.
I'm curious to know what her idea of casual wear looks like
Her extreme reliance on volcanium meant she was fucked once her ship blew up.
We know. She dressed like a straight up punk circa the 1980's.
Is it wrong that I want to see her dressed up like GG Allin now? Y'know, naked except for a leather jacket, Nazi helmet, and a jockstrap...?
I think she could pull off the look
do you also want her to shit on stage and throw it at people
Think I might draw it.
I'm not sure I'd go that far.
If you do, a jockstrap is for guys; the female equivalent would be a thong
I can't.
Keeping the converse and gym socks though.
Black lipstick Dominator is good shit
Not fat enough, ahhahahaha I'd really like an episode where Wander feeds her until she gets very fat hehehe you know, so she can't do evil stuff anymore and as revenge she sits on him with all her weight, wouldn't that be funny ? Hahahahhaha
I tried doing an ironic shitpost but my dick actually got hard from writing this
>>hair is some ugly-ass tumblr warrior girl mohawk
I fucking hate what this hairstyle has essentially been characterized as such,because it's great.
You still have 13 boiled eggs to go sister, don't talk to me until then
more like this
Just the way I like it
If a woman shows any sort of dominance or competence, that makes her more of a man than a woman.
And since the cock is a masculine tool created to make women submit, of course the character needs one.
wait domi and wonder don't age? Or at least not like humans?
>dominator flash wont be about wander riding her like a tiny whimsical jockey
Move over.
I personally don't mind the fat art all that much, but yeah, we could use more non-fetish stories about it.
Wander's like a thousand years old already, so probably not.
Wander is basically immortal, meanwhile, you have other villains like Major Threat likely being thousands of years old but not aging a day.
So its not out the question for Dominator to be the same.
>Wander kid is the one that grew up evil
go home wario, your disguise wont trick me ya hear
guess sylvia lost her job then
>Nazi helmet
It's called stahlhelm you pleb
>guy talks about how he likes mean girls because they're still girls
>go on a spiel about how they have to be not!guys
we get it, you're gay
>What these guys said
She has no nose. In 3D, she would look like this with a wig.
And regards a good thing
the truth
According to the artist, he is ironically enough, the closest one out of his three siblings to Wander. A totally Daddy’s boy.
She would never love me.
old and busted
gimmick character
Wew, got any more edits?
Artist name? Do they have more Dominator?
How many years did it take him to make the Wakfu movie? Think about it.
Anime Movie Law (of which sucrose is a fan of) dictates that she'll never be seen or heard from again.
And not enough clothes swap art of her with Queen Tyr'Ahnee
Didn't get raped into submission
Newsflash pal everyone in this show would look terrifying in 3D, that's why it's a cartoon
Sauce is Hayabusart, you can find his stuff on the booru.
nice projection.
Does anyone have a mega link with all the episodes
Yes, that's kinda the point.
She's an omnicidal maniac.
not bouncing on a dick at this very moment
>ywn navelfuck this bitch in her depression coma
This has always been my strongest memory of her, doing a casual vertical front split like that. She's FLEXIBLE and probably does crazy kicks with her armor off.
You can really see it can't you.