Superman loses his secret id, again
So will Clark sell his marriage and child to Trigon to get out of this?

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Bendis can't hold a secret identity if it kills him.

>So will Clark sell his marriage and child to Trigon to get out of this?
It would be pretty based if they made this joke.

why are they trying to act like they're being cheeky with this bullshit identity thing when it failed the last time they tried it?

what's with bendis and his desire to ruin superman?

He wants to make his mark by blowing everything up. If that means destroying the marriage, the secret identity, Kandor, the super son, Krypton’s poetic natural death....then f$&@ the fans.

bendis dick

Wonder how far sales will have to tank before they finally realize that he's a cancer on their line?

He will fight Myxlplyx and fuse with another Superman again and reboot his history again.

Knowing Bendis he probably want to do a run based in that silver age story where Superman lose his secret identity and then his and Lois life get fucked.

It would be a great opportunity to simply do what Marvel did to Thor and simply let Superman go full cosmic adventures for a couple of years but again that's Bendis so it will be just some short lived drama that will be retconned somehow.

There's speculation that a lot of the head honchos over at DC, especially Bendis and his Marvel immigrants, all their positions because of some sort of dirt/blackmail. But this is all just rumor of course.

Knowing Bendis he's probably going to push Naomi in Superman harder than ever

Does Bendis not know this already happened?

To be fair it already happened like 7 times.

>Expecting Bendis to read canon
He gives ZERO shits, user. He already retconned Krypton's destruction, again, and smashed Kandor, again

just another mistake to be fixed in a year, and i only give this one at most a year.

i swear, almost nobody writing comics should be allowed to write comics.

Bendis only knows a few DC stories at most, if even that. He's expressed a blatant disregard for canon and continuity before, and had been said to throw tantrums whenever people tell him that his ideas are shit and they contradict other stuff.

The man is a literal manchild.

Way too based to Bendis, but yeah would be an amazing roast, fuck Quesada and fuck OMD

His Young Justice and Legion books are already tanking IIRC. He's probably going to get retconned away by whoever comes next.

Honestly, it sounds like DC is planning a big relaunch/retooling down the line. And stuff like this and Alfred dying is just DC letting writers do whatever they want until they reset everything and put out a bunch of new #1s.

Bendis is determined to ruin EVERYTHING. He does it on purpose. He destroyed Marvel on purpose and he went to DC and brought his sjw cronies to destroy that publisher as well.

That would imply Bendis is aware Trigon exists. More likely, he will make a new OC devil. Anyone care to guess what it would be like?

>There's speculation that a lot of the head honchos over at DC, especially Bendis and his Marvel immigrants, all their positions because of some sort of dirt/blackmail.
No there isn't.

Yeah there is. We've talked about it on here several times. Never said there was any truth to it.

>Superman will “reveal his identity” to the world? “The biggest change in the Man of Steel’s life ever!”?

Bleeding Cool previously informed you back in July 2018 of a very different take, that would fulfil all these requirements but not let the world know that Superman is Clark Kent. And it all goes back to the book Lois Lane has been writing, holed up in a Chicago hotel.

> The suggestion is that Lois Lane, this time around, reveals that she is Superman’s partner — but that the Clark Kent marriage is but a front, a green card-type deal to disguise that she is Superman’s other half. ‘Cuck Kent’ if you will, to use rather unpleasant modern parlance. And a way to let Jonathan Kent be known and to operate openly as Superman’s son.


Feels bad man

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Even if that was the plan at some point, it's clearly not happening.

Jon is going to the future, so he doesn't need to be openly known as Superman's son in the present.

Solicits also say that Superman himself, not Lois, reveals his identity. Lois is just said to react to the big change in her book.

Bendis would do great reimagining Satan for dc as he was always meant to be: a stong independent woman of color.

This truly is the worst time to be a Superman fan.

>Probably no more Superman movies for a very long time
>Superman comics are too busy introducing Bendis OC's than telling a story
>Lois and Clark aren't even living together
>Hurr Lois is whore double standarz
>Jor El is a crazy villain
>Superman gets cucked out of founding the LoSH
>Superman getting blown out every single issue by a new OC villain
>Retreading the whole no secret identity thing when it was so bad they soft reboot Superman

Bendis is the cause of so much hurt and suffering why is he allowed to keep doing this to us?

Unless he gets a buzzcut and a motorcyle then what is the point?

Clark will go back in time before Jon got deShotaed.

ironically, Johns is helping form the new CW Superman series that is pretty much what Tomasi was doing before Bendis wrecked everything. Seems the CW like Rebirth more than Didio.

I'm pretty sure Clark and Lois aren't married anymore after all the reboots.


What's his endgame? Is he gonna ruin the other labels too after DC? Does he have a vendetta against the comic industry?

Pretty much everyone liked Rebirth more than Didio did

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Bendis has it in his contract that he he is guaranteed X-Number of issues; enough to guarantee a huge size ($125-150 buck) omninus of his entire Superman run.

Also, DiDio is banking on the idea that Bendis's Superman will be his longstanding wet dream of an evergreen Superman run ala the Snyder New 52 Superman run he can sell/repackage again and again to normies.

Also Bendis can't do the same thing if he went to Batman; King has made a mess of things there and rumor has it King is making huge noise that DC will be forced to retain his post-run status quo on Batman for a couple of years before editorial will be allowed to unfuck what King has done to Batman. Bendis won't be put on a book he can't fuck up, and the rumor mill goes, that was why he took Batman and not Superman as DiDio was willing to let him go scorched earth.

this is fanfic

Bendis is a failed hack who couldn't cut it in Hollywood and had to settle for comics and has basically decided to rape comics because he considers it beneath him.

The first two was confirmed ages ago. Bendis' contract is full of clauses, including him getting an omnibus of his run released. And that part of DiDio's justification internally, for giving Bendis the Superman books, was that Bendis sells gangbusters in trades and that DiDio wants more casual friendly Superman books instead of having to re-release Death of Superman trilogy every couple of years.

Third is rumor and truth; one of the reasons why King was forced off the main Batman book was that King wanted a new status quo that would last a decade and when he pitched what he pitched to DC's corporate overlords, they said "Fuck no"; given Harras his excuse to fire King.

Bendis just has an impossibly huge ego. His peers let him get away with a lot because he's apparently very amicable and friendly. But his writing methodology/philosophy is 100% deconstructive. He breaks status quo and continuity and leaves the mess for other writers to either clean up or ignore. His pet characters are lifted to new heights of privilege while every other character pays the price.

Yea Forums's fanfiction is rarely ever true, user.

>Legion tanking
I didn't even know it came out already.

The worst part is that we had a really brief bright couple years with Rebirth where it looked like things were going to be great for a while, and then they just completely wrecked everything.

Why'd it have to end...

Because Didio is angry that people didn't like new 52 and that Johns was right about what the readers actually wanted.

Well we already know he'll retire because some black guy is supposed to replace him. Let's see how long that lasts.

It’s amazing how bad the Batbooks have become since Tom King got Mark Doyle removed as group editor.

does bendis really think he is fucking cleaver with this shit at all?

Hold on, how well are Bendis' trades selling nowadays on Bookscan?

They tried to warn us...

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Do you really think he cares?
He's not trying to be clever. His work has no passion, or even effort.
It's just a job. And since said job is so mind-numbingly easy (again, no effort) he just goofs off.
It's just like how most rich and famous people are crazy dicks. Not needing to ever work hard fucks with you.
I'd almost pity the bastard if he worked in a medium I don't give a shit about.

Nothing about the stories he'll tell or any reason why people should be excited, just editors very publicly patting themselves on the back for dropping a ton of money on signing the big Marvel guy.

Somebody should have told them even Marvel was realizing what a hack the guy is.

They tried to do what they did when Kirby jumped over but Brian Michael Bendis is no Jack Kirby.

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>Fire King
>By giving him an entirely new Batman & Catwoman book

Because user, nothing gold can stay

Is he actually going to give Tim Drake the codename Drake?

Most of the comments in that Newsarama link are generally negative toward it.

The question I have with this is why? With the New 52 they revealed New 52 Superman's identity to the world and killed him off. To retread any of that just seems inane, and I have less confidence in Bendis considering how many major blunders happened in his Superman run. It'd be like we're getting New 52, but dumb and mundane.

Didiot's ego and hateboner for legacies

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After what HAPPENED in TRUTH we are with this again.. WHY?

B End Is Coming


>ironically, Johns is helping form the new CW

Cereal Lord isn't doing shit that isn't going to make him residuals. Since he's neither Jurgens nor Tomasi, he ain't doing the crap you're trying to give him credit for.

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Invasion has already begun

He already burnt Marvel, now he will watch DC burn.

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But why?

Jesus I didn’t know we had it that bad

I had a meltdown so big that i stopped reading comics since they announced his Young Justice.

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i think Supermanfans are just at the level of suffering Spider-manfans where around 2014
it'll get better bro

Hickman and Cates are outselling BatCatBatCatBatCat just to keep us smiling.

Because editors are fanboys that care more about making their comic universe as they like it, than telling successful stories.

They already did this with New52 Superman and it was terrible

This may be a pleb-tier question, but was Bendis famous for anything before Avengers Disassembled? That's the earliest I remember him, and of course it was him obliterating the Avengers at the time.

I miss buying comics and enjoying them...bring rebirth back bros

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Bendis is The Joker: Confirmed

Bendis had some minor writing and art credits here and there, but nothing notable until Avengers Disassembled. That's what skyrocketed him. I think that's why he keeps using the same formula.

On the plus side, this justifies piracy.

Daredevil and shortly thereafter, ultimate spider-man

Dont buy batman 79 it is just batcat shit.

Batman #78 was really shit but 79 is cancer.

Daredevil, USM, Alias and powers were critically acclaimed at the time

He was actually.

In the 90's he was obscure but was getting critical acclaim from magazines and fellow comics creators (like Warren Ellis) for his crime comics (Jinx, Torso, Goldfish). Hell, even in 1999 he won the "Talent Deserving of Wider Recognition" award for those three comics. But the general American audience didn't care as much because they usually read Marvel/DC superheroes.

But then he got chosen to write Ultimate Spider-Man, which got published in 2000, and that made him a superstar writer. After that he did Alias and started a long run on Daredevil which got acclaim from the fans, then in 2004 did Avengers Disassembled which started some fan resentment toward him, but subsided by high sales on New Avengers.

What the fuck. Why is it so hard to just stick to the formula?