>Antagonist has an actual point
>Writers don't know how to refute this point so they make the antagonist an asshole who kicks puppies or something
Legend of Korra villains are the first thing I think of, what are some other examples?
>Antagonist has an actual point
>Writers don't know how to refute this point so they make the antagonist an asshole who kicks puppies or something
Legend of Korra villains are the first thing I think of, what are some other examples?
You could say that Vlad is one of those villains. He is right when he says that Danny could be as good as he is if he'd just actually train and shit. Of course, Danny ends up doing most of his training on the job.
literally every incel stand-in
so did yaiba shit the bed or something? I dont care for that show but I'm down for controversy on big name shit out of pure schadenfreude.
there's nothing controversial about any part of the show so far
yeah Yea Forums fucking hates it but Yea Forums hates anime so that doesn't really count
Yea Forums hates it really?i have not been in a for a long time them
Haven't been to Yea Forums either but I'm guessing they hate that it's shounen shit. From what I have seen it's decent with some good fighting animations.
Every other board is better for anime discussion than Yea Forums, like discussing books outside of Yea Forums is also better.
Yea Forums is actually decent for holding conversation on a cartoon basis, I suppose, at least when compared to those bastions of fake intellectuals.
At least we know we’re retarded here.
That's literally Viren in The Dragon Prince. He makes a lot of sound, pragmatic decision, even if a bit coldhearted. But the writers need an easy villain, so they also make him put a hit on the princes, make a deal with an obviously evil elf, and other mustache-twirling evil.
>Yea Forums fucking hates it
Based on what?
It has frequent threads for it that aren't especially negative, just ignore ones that are obvious shitposting
every yaiba thread either shit talks it or fujo's just post gay pics
Every. Single. Political. Comic.
Yea Forums hates that it got popular with normalfags after the adaption.
i just come from Yea Forums,and there is a yaiba thread,and yes it has a lot of fujoshit,but also some love for best boy zenitsu,so that board may not be totally lost yet
>Humans and mutants can never coexist
>You're wrong Magneto, I have a dream
>Couple decades later
>We're building our own island utopia, no humans allowed
and even later cyclops went full magneto,totally shamfeull
>Yea Forums is actually decent for holding conversation on a cartoon basis
There's actually a fair amount of genuinely decent discussion. Just ignore Shinobu posting from the grave about Tomioka.
It annoys me how obviously not-metal those props are.
No user, you go to /tg/ for Yea Forums.
>yeah Yea Forums fucking hates
Yea Forums is the one that's fucking translating it.
but superman did refute his point you fucking idiot,is good to have dreams,you fucking edgy retard
Maximus from the live action Inhumans
>Being this mad over an image
Chill out
Shi Long from the new Kung Fu Panda series gave me A LOT of Kuvira vibes, where she had genuine gripes against the royal family that adopted her, so the writers suddenly have her do some brutal, dark shit to justify her villainy.
At least her actions are actually on-screen (unlike Kuvira's off-screen re-education camps) and while she's jailed for her crimes, there's more sympathy shown to her than there ever was to Kuvira.
He was goddamn right. Also his hair game was on fucking point.
>An evil villain? No thanks buddy, this isn't an 80s cartoon! The best kinds of villains are ones with better motivation than the heroes!
Brion in Young Justice. He had every right to execute his uncle, a repeat war criminal that murdered his parents.
Why must you constantly post like this?
It was hilarious how in season 4 of korra Kuvira wasn't really doing anything that bad until they mentioned but never showed that she was putting people into concentration camps while she was legitimately helping the earth kingdom.
I feel like if they didn't make Lex Luthor an evil asshole, he would have a very good point about being worried about Superman just like Batman is
Wait is it the srereotype that soibois that like complex and nuanced villains?
I thought it was them that like unambiguously pure evil villains because it spares them from having to question their own flimsy morality?
Just stop replying to retards that post wojacks, you're only enabling them.
Adulthood is realizing there are gray areas in morality
>If I can't have a daddy, then nobody can.
Arguably pic related. Think about it, the hyenas are just exiled expected to starve for no reason and we're never given any reason as to why Simba would make a good leader aside from it being his birthright and we later learn that Simba is sort of an asshole as a leader anyways from TLK 2 who also isn't unwilling to exile people at random either. They made Scar such a power-hungry snakey cunt who somehow manages to make the rain in the pridelands stop despite just being a fucking lion.
Also Lotor from Voltron: Legendary Defender I suppose falls under this category too but he bizarrely flip-flopped between being sympathetic and unsympathetic fairly often because the VLD writers are fucking retarded.
Sinestro as well is another example.
Was he an honorary Aryan?
scar had no self control or sense of responsability,the draught was not his fault but he wasnt up to the challenge of being a leader in such a situation,nala begs him to talk to the hyenas,they eat and hunt with no control,scar should have tell everyone to take it easy until the draught pass,but no, he was a lazy bum.
i agree with you with sinetro tough,altough i disagree with him,no one ver takes its time to tell him why he is wrong and his corp a mistake
probably ozymandias
You forgot the zero you numbskull
The hyena's were kicked out because they didn't respect the Circle of Life and would just kill and eat everything until all the prey animals got sick and left the Pridelands. Meanwhile Scar just wanted to be king for the sake of being the boss and didn't actually do any king stuff.
Simba might not be the great king Mufasa was but the whole reasons the Pridelands worked was that the king had great respect for all life including the prey animals that they all lived in relative peace even though some of them would literally eat the other from time to time.
>Arguably pic related.
Or would be if he was half the King Mufasa was
>If everyone is super, no one will be
syndrome is characterized as a twat, but he's totally right. It's fucked up that only a few people are ubermensch and everyone else has to live in fear of them. What if one of them is a psychotic rapist or something? The Boys is the only good sequel to The Incredibles.
When though?
This. They're the board that popularised anti-spoonfeeding so they could keep anything they find interesting a complete secret.
I mean, would you prefer for them to just be right the whole time and for the protagonists to be the bad guys? That might be good for a movie (Blade Runner arguably did it), but for an ongoing show, you want to be able to root for the protagonists. I think extremists with good intentions make good villains. That said, I also like for the heroes to learn from them, like T'Challa helping people outside of Wakanda after listening to what Killmonger had to say.
>Yea Forums is actually decent for holding conversation on a cartoon basis
Maybe, but it's terrible for comics.
>kills world’s most infamous serial killer
>Superman spergs out so hard he GTFO’s of superheroing for decades
Magog was the real hero.
Adulthood is also realizing that not every villain has to be some relatable greek tragedy inspired fujo-bait. There's room for vampires who are sadboys, vampires who are soulless reapers of men, and vampires that are literally just giant talking bats; all of whom can be excellent villains if written well.
>I mean, would you prefer for them to just be right the whole time and for the protagonists to be the bad guys?
no,most of us just want the protagonist to have a fucking point too,and rejects the anatagonist ideals with other ideals
I want to fuck Tanjirou
It's terrible for comics but it's actually pretty good for starters. I started reading comics thanks to Yea Forums giving me great recs years ago.
na is terrible for cartoons too,just hop in any of the star vs or the steven universe threads
you really like vampires right user?but i agree i also like villains that are just power crazy or just batshit crazy,is refreshing, like adachi in persona 4
I was using vampires because they're the poster boys of "The villains is good because the hero can't object to his schemes" as a rejection of their classic "literally a demon that just wants to rape virgins and drink their blood" characterization.
The whole setting of the Incredibles is just bizarre and makes no sense. Best to focus on the excellent story and characters and ignore the libertarian shit.
>inspired a new generation to kill for thr fame and glory
>never tried to truly lead through example or utilize restraint when needed
>literally let the Midwest get nuked because he couldn't actually lead worth a damn
Magog's whole point was that violence alone was no replacement for genuine heroics.
what are some comics you read so far?
By using his might to make it right. Thus MIGHT MAKES RIGHT.
I asked them for X-Men recs then Batman recs but that was just basically to start. Once I knew how things worked it wasn't that hard to get into other franchises. I read the X-Men rec list on that Yea Forums rec page (read about 10 issues of Uncanny then jumped straight to Giant-Sized) and also read Emma's origin story. Batman. A little bit of Wondy. Avengers but only until Civil War. Basically a lot of classic stuff. I've avoided new stuff since it really seems crappy but I did read Injustice since it was fun in a comedic kind of way. I've also had to read Dark Knight Metal since a coworker made me. It was ok I guess but it felt very asspully with the story. I've also read non DC and Marvel like Watchmen and Y: The Last Man (fuck this DC-Watchmen crossover I'm never picking that up).
Also read Supes, JL , and Punisher Max btw. And a little of the Batfam's solos. I just want more inspiring Supes and compassionate Wondy. Or basically any hero being inspiring.
His uncle also said he would never give up on ruling the country as long as he lived
Literally asking to be killed
I'm white and I agree with Killmonger, there needs to be a racewar so we can abandon all pretense and wipe all you brownies and yellows out.
Also Spidey and Spider-Man Noir. A lot of other stuff I'm sure I'm forgetting to mention but yeah, Peter's awesome. Sorry for the multiple posts.
cant we keep the yellows?they make cool things,like videogames and waifus
This is why I don't read capeshit. It's infested with weird militant-pacifist lunatics.
are you pretending to be retarded again user?you have to be carefull with that, you might stay like that
Superman didn't refute anything. He overpowered him with brute force. What the fuck do dreams have to do with killing supervillains? Idiot.
He didn't have a valid point. All the shit he talked about was irrelevant to the matters at hand. He is explicitly spelled out to be a complete hypocrite during his introduction when he goes off on a rant at the museum, then takes the mask because he thinks it looks cool. We're talking about a guy who constantly rants about how shitty black people have it and how the system keeps them down, but instead of working hard, escaping the ghetto, and doing something to help improve people's lives he willingly signed up to be a part of the same system he criticizes and spent his entire life killing people and overthrowing 3rd world countries. So no, he didn't have a goddamn point, because no matter how you try to spin it exploiting a nation's customs to get yourself declared king, destroying a major facet of their culture immediately, turning around and trying to start a war with every other nation in the world, then immediately starting a civil war because it turns out you should have double tapped isn't justified because your dad was killed after being caught redhanded committing high treason. You don't get to take a salty runback against the whole damn world just because you're pissed that you had to grow up in Oakland.
I mean, would it really have been so hard to show her clandestinely destabilizing areas to justify her taking control? Maybe she's herding refugees, maybe she's dumping criminals, maybe she's handing out money, weapons, and intel to anyone with a gripe against legit authorities.
Any actual African black would disagree with him. Only Afro-Americans believe in that "black brotherhood" bullshit, actual Africans would be at each other's throats the moment they got the superweapons. Or they would just sell them to Europeans or Chinese.
Because people don't report these shitposts on sight.
“Heroes” protect the status quo.
“Villains” seek to change it in some way.
He literally does, he literally tells them why he thinks they're wrong in the end and he doesn't actually kill anyone.
The writers mention that Viren is neutral in D&D terms. Their point is that Viren is unwilling to see other points of view (like an actual truce with the elves) and uses the wrong methods (like the aforementioned attempted regicide).
He's not wrong, but he's doing it wrong.
Sometimes you don't need to prove them wrong, you just need to stop them.
I think there is another example where captain america/falcon talk about refugee, but I forgot.
Unless they don't.
Except Syndrome pretty explicitly states that he's only going to sell his inventions once he's old and tired of playing god, and the only thing that happens there is that the rich become super and the poor don't
>just hop in any of the star vs or the steven universe threads
That really is all Yea Forums has to offer these days, isn't it.
user is working in total hypotheticals.
So far the only bad Super on record was Jack who was still ultimately a hero who just had some very worrying opinions.
The more people you give powers too the higher the chance for a super rapist.
>The Boys is the only good
>the board that popularised anti-spoonfeeding so they could keep anything they find interesting a complete secret.
A complete secret to everyone that doesn't have google. It's a practice that should be more common
Well sometimes they post images that can't be reverse searched.
In their defense, their threads are typically on topic....for better or worse.
>All blacks are the same people
No. He was full of shit. Africans have just as much tribalism/nationalism as Europeans or Asians.
It's like expecting the Chinese to side with the Japanese because "We're all one people"
There's a reason Yea Forums has a cabal of about a dozen weebs who left Yea Forums in 2009 or so desperately trying to make a little bit of Yea Forums acceptable on Yea Forums or anywhere else. Not being able to sperg out and discuss their shit without endless screaming drove them here.
To be fair, I doubt he thought that was the case.
Best case, he thought they'd be excellent pawns in fucking up the current status quo even if they weren't necessarily on his side.
Worst case, he never cared about anything beyond causing as much death and destruction before he died.
Nah not that kind of spoonfeeding, more the kind of thing like "Is this show shit or not" or "anyone got a list of recommendations? Looking for something new to watch that's good."
If you respond to either with anything other than "FUCK OFF AND JUST LEARN WHAT'S GOOD MAGICALLY" or a list consisting of nothing but Boku no Pico-tier garbage you're a "Spoonfeeder".
Because apparently not wanting to make others dig through garbage makes you...a problem? Somehow? Listen Yea Forums is mostly full of fake weebs who only got into it in like 2010 onward.
/m/'s a bit similar but instead of hating "spoonfeeding" they instead like to pretend they're oldfags which is more tolerable but they're way more niche and have...opinions...on some things.
>To be fair, I doubt he thought that was the case.
He was raised American Black. American Blacks think that all Africans are the same, and they are all "one people"
In that respect he's rather well written. The idea that all Africans are one and should help one another is an EXTREMELY American Black point of view, and suits his origins.
But that doesn't mean he's correct.
They even crop manga pages so you can't reverse search them. They're the epitome of muh sikrit club.
Doctor Psycho is right about women.
Glad you're filtered, faggot.
The problem is that it's not really supported in the comic itself. We keep constantly getting told that they're all terrible, but the only time we see the Justice Battalion in action it's against a well-known and dangerous supervillain, and it has two Superman-era heroes in its roster (Alloy and Captain Atom). The new superheroes even point out that they were the ones to actually stop most of the supervillains. From a purely textual standpoint, a completely valid interpretation of Kingdom Come is that Magog and the Justice Battalion were an effective superteam who suffered a catastrophic defeat in a world where supervillains run amok because the old guard of superheroes packed up and quit because they weren't the center of attention anymore.
Kingdom Come is a very pretty story that knows how to hit emotional notes, but it's largely Waid and Ross shaking their fists and going "kids these days." It is also brought down by Waid injecting his headcanons into the story, leaving us with a wishy-washy, whining, morally self-centered Superman, hypocritical, antagonistic, contrarian Batman, and completely mischaracterized Amazons with a Wonder Woman who is consistently depicted as being in the wrong but who is actually completely justified, pragmatic, and reasonable in her actions.
That's a /h/ meme.
Yea, it's a shame more boards aren't actively hostile to people who don't know how to fucking image search (or in many cases don't even know where to go to read manga online).
There's a reason all the boards that spoonfeed the most (Yea Forums, /pol/, Yea Forums, etc.) are also the shittiest.
Fuck off newfag, go back to watching shitpiles and jerking off to your waifu.
I was about to post that.
>He thinks this has anything to do with image searching.
Fucking retard. ANyone can fucking image search, and nobody said anything about that. What they're talking about is the fact that anyone who goes on Yea Forums and asks "Hey anyone got some not shit anime or anime that're like *insert name here* that I haven't seen" Gets screamed at by a bunch of whining autism babies who just came back from jerking off to their husbando, because they're too much of a "real anime fan" to have a waifu, on tumblr.
Maybe you should use one of the many anime/manga aggregation sites to find recommendations if it upsets you so much.
Like that other user said, I'm glad you get filtered.
Syndrome kills dozens of people to create a robot menace he intentionally deploys in the middle of a city for the express purpose of pretending like he's fighting it so that he might receive accolades from the public. Considering that there aren't any supervillains to fight, he'd need to manufacture a lot more threats to the public; he's the equivalent of of a doctor who intentionally harms his patients just so he can look impressive saving them. Considering that the heroes were either working for the government or directly supported by it, he's like a guy pretending to be a doctor intentionally harming patients so he can look impressive saving them.
>foreign terrorist asks America to help him overthrow America so he can stop the foreign terrorists from overthrowing America
But what the fuck is it called?
Star VS kinda
Good to know that the plebfilters are working
Fuck off, we're full
Yea Forums, why do you have to be so retarded?
Seriously just explain to me why you go into retard mode when Yea Forums is mentioned.
Pan Africanism began in Africa and is currently pushed mainly by Africans, not Americans.
Give a man a fish, and you'll feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you've fed him for a lifetime.
And if the bitch complains beat him to death with the fucking fish.
Finally I get to post this again
Oh wait no. He's pretty evil.
>is currently pushed mainly by Africans, not Americans.
But user throwing a man into a mountain of shit next to the river and shouting "FISH FAGGOT FISH!" doesn't teach him anything but that's all you do.
Maybe if the faggot had lurked for two years and watched me fishing we wouldn't be beating no one to death with fishes.
user you are literally the memetic muslim mexican gangbanger rapefugees to Yea Forums's Yea Forumsmerica. Fuck off with acting like you were there first.
This is why Yea Forums went to shit. Because we got a massive wave of newfags who desperately try to defend their retardation by pretending they learned it from lurking or were actual oldfags, while pretending the eternal September never happened.
Lurking as a method of teaching people doesn't fucking work anyone faggot. Retards like you ruined that for everyone.
>Lurking as a method of teaching people doesn't fucking work
Good, we don't need more new people posting here.
Glad Yea Forums has started losing popularity and is now back to pre-2016 levels.
Here's hoping we can get it down to pre-2014 levels.
>thinking this will stop people from posting.
user I know we're all retarded here but you are aware it's not a contest right?
>draw a girl
>call it a boy
>Lurking as a method of teaching people doesn't fucking work anyone faggot. Retards like you ruined that for everyone.
Well that's funny, because I did that and I have never asked to be spoonfed once in 10 years.
There are so many threads on Yea Forums that have talked about the different sites where you can get anime, manga, VN, LN, etc., what videoplayers to use, threads about different genres where you can find recs without making a new pointless one and the list goes on and on.
You can't blame your own laziness and lack of fucking brain matter when all that Yea Forums does is tell you "do it yourself". And if you're really that lazy then there's good news, a board was made to spoonfeed people like you, it's called .
Again, the site's been steadily declining since late 2018, soon we'll be back down to sub-30 million sessions a day.
Yea Forums hates everything, just like Yea Forums but not as much as Yea Forums
I dunno, Yea Forums seems to love Chainsaw Man, though I imagine that's because it's edgy but childishly edgy and not depressingly edgy like Fire Punch was.
Present the statement that i've said that you are accusing of being retarded, then explain why it is such. Until then, this conversation is over.
>Hey guys I didn't post for a week and learned to suck cock and hate anime, this means I'm better than all those shitheels who can do basic social interaction.
Unironically kill yourself.
>They even crop manga pages so you can't reverse search them
It's not like reaction images and OC are the blood of Yea Forums, they're only cropped so YOU can't find the sauce.
Could you strawman a bit harder?
i dont remember anyone having any kind of point in that series