
So this series apparently released on Amazon Prime today, I remember the trailers looking pretty interesting. Anyone watch it? When can I expect a mega?

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I thought it looked like another female sympathy thing by her getting in an accident and her reality messing up and her cracking that Jedi joke was cringe inducing. The trailer didn't pull me in.

>female sympathy thing
What does that even mean? The only part of the trailer I can see retards flipping out at over muh political agendas is the scene with the gay guys in the bath tub. I think a trippy show about a crazy chick's reality falling apart and her dead dad helping her through it sounds cool, Saul Goodman playing the dead dad makes it cooler

I"m cautiously optimistic. Still probably will only watch it if I get really really bored.

you know Amazon Prime lets you do a 30 day free trial right

I don’t even know what it’s about

Protagonist is pretty awful.

It takes a REALLY, REALLY long time for the col visual stuff to happen as Alma spends half the series trying to root herself in the present. She’s also kind of shit. Like, genuinely putrid. And her boyfriend’s this huge, similarly irritating, milquetoast Indian stereotype

Relentlessly unpleasant heroine

She’s an unabashed suburban feminist who think she’s Mexican when she’s only half and she’s lived in white bread TX her whole life

The series has a really uncomfortable message about how living with mental illness supposedly opens your mind to seeing and understanding the world in a way regular people can't. Main girl constantly spouts woke talking points, awkward twitter-esque millenial jokes, and passive aggressive bullshit and we're supposed to believe it's because she's operating at a higher level. She's very much a stereotype though, a classic "not like the other girls" character. The series only relents on its "meds are bad and mental illness is a personality" message when she physically harms herself. In a way I'm not surprised the creator of depressed meme horse show went on to create an entire series of memebait pseudoscience, if this show ever gets a fanbase it will be insufferable.

>woke atheism
>but, ah, that is, um, spirituality is still pretty cool

God damn. That was weird

Are her flaws treated as flaws that she grows out of or is she rewarded and coddled for being a shitty person? If it's the former that's probably the point, I'm only on the first episode but it's obvious she's not being cast in a good light

It’s mostly the latter.

>from producers of Bojack Horseman
That is the most dodgy side-dodge bullshit version of "We gave money to someone who is actually talented so that means this MUST be good too goy" I've ever seen.

It also has the opposite attitude toward mental illness

Let’s just say it draws a firm line in the sand between Latinos (hardworking, passionate, and religious) and Latinx (you know. You just know). So there’s that.

I liked it

Yeah but you gotta feed it your information to try it out. And that's how they getcha. Next thing you know I got Alexa spyin on me while I'm masturbatin to prime videos, training its AI to recommend me things similar to downton abbey. Now who wants that kinda invasion of privacy?

Don't interrupt the hate circlejerk

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>when can I get spoonfed?
Fuck off.

pretty good desu, the relationships were mostly endearing and everyone had good chemistry