Which one is more Evil Yea Forums?

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Pink accidentally caused a genocide
Star intentionally caused a genocide

Pink didn't even accidentally cause a genocide, all the corrupted gems were healed. She did awful, pigheaded and selfish things throughout her life but eventually became a better person (or at least tried to) before she died. Star won't even look back on killing magic because she has Marco and that's not even confirmed to be endgame.

This. Pink was fucking stupid but didn't mean harm. Star knew exactly what she was doing.

Pink fucked up while TRYING to make a better world, hated herself, recognized that she was a fuckup, told Greg he was better off not knowing her too well, and ultimately was okay with giving up her life so someone new could be born.

Not even a contest. Pink is deeply flawed, but the writers acknowledge it (maybe not as much as they should, but still). Star is just awful.

Pink started a war to save her planet and a rebellion to protect the organic life that would have been destroyed otherwise.
Star killed off an entire catalog of being because she couldn't live the 2 hours it would have taken her to find some new dick.

I'm actually concerned that Star vs teached kids that murder/genocide is ok if you're going to "make the world a better place"

How is it that this garbage stays up while any thread I make gets deleted within 120 seconds?

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Pink made some awful, pugheaded decisions becuase out of the your deities of Gemkind, she was both the youngest and the msot immature. Even then, she realized what she had done was wrong, and actively fought a war to protect and save the Earth and all life on it becuase she had grown to genuinely care about it and everything on it. And even after all the long years following the Rebellion, she regretted who she was and actively tried to bury the past, even telling Greg he was better off not knowing what she was really like, and literally gave up her own life to give birth to a new life.

Star completely fucked over the entire universe because of petty relationship bullshit.

Actually that's the truth, there are large groups of people that need to die

I don't watch Star, what did she do

Killed all magic across reality and merged Earth and Mewni together, essentially ensuring mutual extinction at some point or another.

But why

Eh depends on how you view it I guess.

Star wiped out magic beings to an extent. Only pure magic beings were gone as the laser puppies were fine. It was treated as a good thing by Gloss and lets face it, if it were to ever to resume you KNOW this is just Gloss's long game and Meteora will bring it back and it will turn out they are fine. We don't know the full extent of the fallout from her actions (at least in regards to Earth and Mewni fusing) so its hard to really say. Not to mention the only reason this happened in the first place was because she was dealing with a shit ton of rogue Solarians that were rocking everything in sight.

Pink had good intentions but she was essentially waging war against HERSELF and was supremely immature about the entire thing. She was throwing her own subjects into the meat grinder as well as plenty of others caught in the crossfire because she couldn't stand up and say "No". She barely considers how others felt / would feel. We also DO know the extent of her actions. Her race falling into a depression, her sisters grieving for thousands of years, White going crazy / more cold than usual, An entire class of her gems bubbled for something they didn't do, and a ton of other bullshit. Also unlike with Star, there is no magical safety button (Glossaryk) in place. Her shit stuck or had lasting effects

I still say Pink caused more damage

the kingdom was being invaded by magic super knights because monster racism, destroying the source of magic was the best way to get rid of them. but also just because the protagonist Star came to her own realization that magic sucks and should be destroyed.

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That just doesn't sound right, who comes up with this shit

>We don't know the full extent of the fallout from her actions (at least in regards to Earth and Mewni fusing) so its hard to really say. Not to mention the only reason this happened in the first place was because she was dealing with a shit ton of rogue Solarians that were rocking everything in sight.
People were being eaten in the streets once the Earth/Mewni fusion happened. It was not all fun and games.

Pink may have caused untold devastation in her actions, but if she sat by and did nothing, Earth would be long dead and the Gem Empire owuld still be going about slowly but surely killing the galaxy/universe. Meanwhile, Star has irreversibly fucked over two whoel dimensions, if not even more.

>war against HERSELF
It was not against herself, she had no actual control over the Empire armies, she was only being a double agent to steal info and predict the enemy strategies.

>who comes up with this shit
Sheltered Californian college kids

They could make their own super soldiers, fucking hell there was countless ways to beat Mina without being a genocidal maniac.

truly star was red pilled.

Star just wanted Marco's dick. She probably didn't stop to so much as ponder alternate means of victory.

I got the impression that war / rebellion was ongoing with "Pink" with assistance from the Empire. Shit then proceeded to go full meltdown when Pink "died" and the Diamonds gem nuked the place as a massive "Fuck You". It was basically a war against herself that lasted a VERY fucking long time before her dumbass decision to fake her death under the assumption that her sisters wouldn't care that led to a fuck ton of gems on both sides being turned into monsters.

It would have taken too long and I assume they'd have been loyal to "Solaria" or some stupid bullshit. Really this SHOULDN'T have been a problem at all because that is a fucking stupid spell clause but hey, they needed a threat for the finale.

Oh for sure there was definitely shit going on, but that was after the initial fusion. It probably settled given how they were used to dealing with Star's own shit and the relationship she built with the monsters. Again we don't know. Its kind of like a Korra situation only we don't get to see how the joining affected everyone in future seasons.

Didn't Nefcy said in the AMA that Marco and Star will eventually break up?

She basically said they were teenagers and who knows if their romantic relationship will stick.

Marco's VA then supported Jarco and there was that bit that he willingly went along with her Jannigans.

...So yeah Jarco was endgame the entire time

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I don't think making even more of those things would have been a good idea, the spell is tainted any knights they make will be loyal to Solaria's message. Even just a single Solarian knight took a big shit on the whole cast, who are now hours from blowing up, and Eclipsa collapsed after taking out just the one. The situation wasn't really looking so good.

And it all happened because Moon is a fucking idiot.

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>Didn't Nefcy said in the AMA that Marco and Star will eventually break up?
Worse, she said she doesn't know what going to happen to them and leaves it up to fate. So basically the God of Star Vs. basically washed her hands free of the mess that is Starco and left it to fend for itself. But atleast Janna survived and that means Star getting cucked again is inevitable.

To be fair to Moon, the "fucking off switch" spell not working was absolute bullshit.

Solaria was a bitch who really shouldn't have been given any kind of power, in hindsight.

She should have known better than to meddle with ancient magic from the Nazi queen, and making what looked like hundreds of them was just so very unnecessary. I've never seen a character slapped by the stupid stick so hard than here with Moon. It's especially weird because we specifically saw Moon earlier in the same season chastise Mina for suggesting restarting the Solarian Project.

Solaria should have been a military general and that's it. Her brother would have been a way superior "Queen", and was basically responsible for the alliances Mewni has.

Unfortunately, Skywynne was a spell autist and mistook not giving as much a shit about magic as being unfit to be ruler of the kingdom.

It was really just a dumb situation all around. Moon getting that into it, the safety net spell not working because reasons, her subjects going against her after how much she had to deal with their crap when she originally just wanted to retire from their shit.

Though at the end of the day it was obviously just that they needed an antagonistic force great enough to invoke such a retaliation for the finale and that's what they came up with.

>Pink didn't even accidentally cause a genocide
You're right. She 100% intentionally caused a genocide.

Even if she was the special needs sibling, it was painfully obvious that her actions in the very short term would cause a planet-wide conflict that would inevitable end up terribly for one side.

>"it was okay because they got better in the end"
That's a horrible fucking argument. That's saying that sentient beings being literal homicidal zombies for 5000+ years was okay because eventually after milennia someone fixed them.

Both pink and star were literal retards in cartoons made for actual toddlers

Latino dick

>the safety net spell not working
honestly not that crazy to me that Solaria would make the counter spell only usable by her

Pink did what she did because If she did nothing, Earth would die. Sure, did her actions fuck up the planet? Fucking yes they did. But did it ensure that the planet came out relatively intact at the end of things? Also yes. All Star did was create a nightmare hellscape of a merged dimension that will probably nuke itself out of existence at some point or another.

But seeing as how you're one of the "lol toddlers" fags, I probably shouldn't bother.

All she wanted was to protect the Earth, if she didn't disrupt the colonization than the Earth would have been doomed. Originally she only had her Pearl working with her, the rebellion didn't become about giving more gems freedom too until they met Garnet which was when things really kicked off with Rose getting waves of support from the many unhappy gems.

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I don't know why people think Star's Mewni Merge is THAT bad. Mewmans have been able to deal with monsters if they ever started something and they were shit tier. The monsters were also pretty chill for the most part and could be reasoned with.

Meanwhile Pink's actions led to a fuck ton of crazy strong insane monsters that they had to clean up all the time.

>I don't know why people think Star's Mewni Merge is THAT bad.
Because Star erased their homeword and tossed them out onto the laps of people who had nothing to do with them. And even if they don't outright kill all the monsters and let them live, do you honestly think the humans are going to accept them as members of society? We barely tolerate people who do different things.

I think the destroying magic was just an excuse to create a situation where Star needs to decide between saving the Monsters or staying with Marco.
The killing of all magic being could be explained by Daron macabre style and fucked up sense of humor. She probably thought people would find funny seeing the Magic High Commission corpses since they became assholes by the end of the series.

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You don’t fight with Yea Forums, you ride with it.

True but if the whole point was a message of unity you would think the big thread would have been solved by Mewmans and Monsters fighting together instead of Star just deciding for everyone that magic was the source of all evil.

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reminder Kelly will never be able to leave her planet again
she will never go on another big space adventure, she will never see any of her friends again except for fucking Tad

and will never know why

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Wait Im confused, how and why does destroying magic let her be with marco? Wtf happened in this fucking show?

Eh it was just standard happy ending shit for them. There was just some residual magic and/or love magic shit after the magic dimension crashed (just chalk it up to Marco and Star being at the epicenter of the event or something) and then the explosion fused the realms because reasons. Then Star and Marco can hang out and stuff.

Destroying magic would have separated her and Marco forever, but still she choose it for the sake of the monsters.
It was due to a deus ex machina that the worlds merged and she got back together with Marco.

Eh just give it 10-15 years until Meteora inevitably brings magic back

Basically was evil/Satan incarnate and she couldn’t live in a world without Marco so she brought about Dies Irae/judgement day

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I'd be cool with that spin-off.

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Same, but as long as we get Wine Aunt Star.

You know, I thought that the whole magical genocide was out of nowhere and uncalled for as well, but it's not like Star was doing it to be with Marco.

She was fully ready to segregate the worlds and force everyone to be apart forever.

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Maybe it's the way you're dressed?

I think Pink started out much worse, raised to treat people like toys or tools, but slowly became better once she found Earth, saving the planet despite some cruel decisions she made along the way, and leaving mess after mess behind for her son.

Star started out more naive and abrasive, and grew as a person as she matured and learned more about the world. But the last season kind of nosedives her development at the last minute in regards to the mess of a love triangle and weirdly abrupt hatred of magic.

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They aren't evil. They're just kinda stupid.

This Pink was bad but had a character arc and became a better (not great) person by the time she had Steven.

Star was naive at the begining of the story, but her worse side started to creep out even when she had good intentions.

>A trail of fucking dumbass shit that gets her own kind killed
>Actions that lead up to death and destruction.
>Although the diamonds are sharing the stupidity by not seeing through the painfully obvious deception
>Pink is still mighty shit though for even being this immature in the first place

>Straight up refuses other options that were quite literally more viable by the end than what is accomplished
>Kills possibly millions INTENTIONALLY and KNOWINGLY just so she can stop one attack

Both can be viewed as more evil than the other, but I think the point needs to be made that Pink didn't exactly fuck up the world of SU by herself, actually has a point, she wasn't really the main reason for the genocide, she wanted the diamonds to fuck off but she heavily miscalculated how much they cared for her.

Star though? She knew fully well what she was doing and did it anyway despite literally her big bad being defeated for her.

tl:dr: Pink is only a smaller piece of the grand fuckery in SU
Star is the WHOLE fucking pie of fuckery in Star Vs.

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>make the world a better place
I don't see how it could be better by merging two dimensions into chaos

That's not exactly true. Star didn't do it alone. It required all the Queens. Plus she was only responding to a MASSIVE fuck up on Moon's part and a bunch of insane super warriors.

Pink kicked off her own war. Star was dealing with Mina's bullshit and shit was getting fucked in the Magic Realm regardless. Not to mention Pink's conflict lasted THOUSANDS of years.

If I didn't have the slight context of how the finale goes i might agree, but it seems like Star just literally commands the situation by the point where destroying the magic is decided, and plus, Moon is fucked, Eclipsa is getting ignored, and Hekapoo is not going to help them out any further.
The thing was, Star still had options, even when she is destroying the magic, Mina is getting whooped so badly in the magic realm that if they were being effective they could have just went back and claimed the leader was defeated to try and intimidate the army.

Pink never really had the option at any point to stop or change course once she kicked it off, and.. Again, most of what happens in general is not mostly her fault, if the diamonds at any point legitimately fucked off, the show would never have happened, and Pink would have genuinely been successful, she just vastly overestimated how stubborn and caring her sisters were.

Also gonna be honest I forgot what other options were available but Eclipsa using her OP but destructive magic sounds honestly better than just plainly getting rid of it.

>they could have just went back and claimed the leader was defeated to try and intimidate the army.
Wouldn't have done squat
Their friends were going to blow up any second, albeit I don't know if Star even knew that she did know they had Buff Frog and his kids as hostage and them being caught in the crossfire is the very last thing she would have wanted

The army wouldn't have cared I think. Its Solaria that they "work" for. Not Mina. They would have just gone on with the murderfest. If anything they may have been less organized but given a single one of them bodied Star's A team, it wouldn't have ended well.

It literally was her fault though. She started a fake war and of course the Diamonds wouldn't fuck off when something like that happened.

Did she ever even try to take charge of her colony and just tell them straight up that it was hers to do with as she wished by their own admission? From what I recall she only just went "Oh darn they are rebelling, well gosh darnit I guess yall just gotta go home and let em have it." She is almost never straight with people and goes with some roundabout bullshit that ends up fucking people over in some capacity.

Then she pulled the "Ahhh they won't care if they think I am dead! They don't care about Pink Diamond! This will surely get them to fuck off" stunt and that backfired spectacularly.

Yeah, she tried to stop it as Pink Diamond but they wouldn't listen. It was only after her "death" that they did. And they got the wrong message

She tried talking to them at first, but they gave absolutely no shits. The only time they even showed they cared was when she faked her death, and they got everything completely wrong with that one.

It's ironic how they thought they had lost her, when they in fact didn't actually lose her until some thousands upon thousands of years after the war. And the only reason that happened was because they were too stubborn to actually listen to her. Now, they'll flat out never see her ever again.

>Now all you want to do is be rid of it. First it was too many organics, then their cities were too difficult to dismantle, and now these Crystal Gems? We're tired of your excuses Pink. You can't be swayed by a few unruly gems enough! You must understand that you are a Diamond. As long as you are there to rule, this colony will be completed.

Sounds to me she never tried telling them the truth or approach it in any semblance of a smart way. Her attempts at "talking to them" was basically saying "Wah its too hard we should quit" and just beating around the bush like she always has been shown to do. If she just said something like what Peridot did they would probably be liable to listen or write it off as "Ugh fine, its your colony. We'll see where it goes." She never tried that approach at all.

I mean Steven in Change Your Mind is basically the scenario where if she just tried talking to them more maturely and stand her ground.

Man, Moon was probably my favorite character. I don't know why they had her do a complete 180 with Mina offscreen.

>Her attempts at "talking to them" was basically saying "Wah its too hard we should quit" and just beating around the bush like she always has been shown to do.
>She tried. When she told the other Diamonds she didn't want to go through with the colony, they told her to finish what she started. When she told the other Diamonds she wanted to preserve life on Earth, they created the zoo and threw a handful of humans in. She did everything she could as Pink Diamond. But her status meant nothing to Blue and Yellow.
It's not really that hard to believe that the Diamonds were having none of it no matter whatever Pink said, looking at it from their perspective after she's begged for a colony for so long.

Were we shown the conversation in regards to the Zoo? For all we know Pink was roundabout with that as well. That or she could have just stood her ground. Not sure why they would disregard her word if she gave an argument like Peridot. Something that preserves the planet while also providing a large benefit to the Empire.

Ultimately though I guess it just comes down to

>16 year old girl whose family screwed up hard and took a hasty and selfish reaction against what she perceived as the source of all her problems (which it was from certain perspectives) to solve a bad situation when nobody else had any answers. Treated as a "good" decision by the OG of Magic but the total fallout isn't completely apparent to us and mostly inferred. Plenty of non total magic beings could have survived, the monsters may have worked things out or were quickly bodied by the modern day military, etc etc. The genocide idea is too overblown as it was confirmed that there were survivors. The problem will also most likely be solved by Meteora anyway in a few years

>Girl who is thousands of years old who caused tons of problems due to her immature and kicked off a massive shitstorm that was felt for millennia not only on earth but across the entirety of an interstellar empire. Hardly ever considered the consequences of any of her actions up until she met Greg and even then she was still pretty immature. Got lucky that Steven found out about the Cluster or Earth would have been fucked anyway. Also the Cluster was a thing because of her actions as well since again she never considered how what she did would affect her sisters.

Pink just seems to have been worse and caused more general damage that we can actually see and were told about. They do have similar actions (Pink abandoning Spinel and Star abandoning Doop Doop) but Pink's just has the edge of massively larger timescale. That and Spinel was more of a person than Doop Doop

Left. You can see it in her eyes.


Pink screwed up horribly in a lot of ways but most of it was callous thoughtlessness and poor decision making while Star knew she was going to cause the deaths of others but cared more about what she wanted than the consequences.
Also she blamed magic to avoid taking responsibility for the fact that she was the cause of most of the problems in her life.

like white people and jews?

pink will manipulate you emotionally and make you cry
star will skip all that and just kill you outright

Then why not literally have Solaria order them to stop
she was there

I can't not get mad when I see this picture.


This is why I refuse to believe Disney didn't just pull the rug out from the series team mid season 4. It makes no sense otherwise.

Even in the situation where Nefcy is an absolute drooling mong she still has an entire team working under her. I refuse to believe nobody in that room said the ending as it was planned wasn't at least a little bit retarded. Even if they feared Nefcy would go unga bunga on them and bite the shit out of them or something.

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Pink isn't evil at all, people that push this meme are retards. She fought to save the lives of Earth's inhabitants, and to give Gems a better way of living. Pink was definitely reckless and somewhat naive, but she left the world better than it had been., and all her actions as Rose Quartz were working toward improving other people's lives.

>This is why I refuse to believe Disney didn't just pull the rug out from the series team mid season 4. It makes no sense otherwise.
The series was shit from the start, so it makes perfect sense that it would remain shit.

>she was the cause of most of the problems in her life.
But she isn't.

Quite the opposite, they planet the ending to be Star defeating Toffee, they renewed the series and had to slap together an ending.

>dozens of generations of queens managed to rule the kingdom with stability
>Star managed to:
>be the worst magic student in history
>destroy the book of spells
>fuck the wand
>burn all the kingdom buildings more than once
>kingdom get occupied 3 times in less than 2 years
>genocide the magic beings
>put the kingdom in the middle of the United States territory
>fill earth with giant spiders
>get cucked

Idk but I want them to sit on my face

I'm really curious now of how SVTFOE would have ended if Battle Of Mewni was the finale.

It would've been a million times better in hindsight, that's for sure.