So what's the deal with this whole venomverse thing?

So what's the deal with this whole venomverse thing?
I'm really out of the loop, but I'd like to start a discussion and stuff, what should I read to get into it? Pic unrelated

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It was just a few minis a couple years ago. It wasn't really memorable. Some of the Edge of Venomverse one-shots were alright, you posted the best of them.

tl;dr Cassidy lost his symbiote for a nanosecond before becoming Grendel, Ultimate Wolverine's son became a weird interdimensional alien thing and got trapped in 616, Jean gained literal immortality (she can revive herself at will now), a couple mutants died but Marvel forgot immediately because no editors, and nothing else important happened.

there were this weird thing call poisons that fuse with people with symbiotes, making the three of them permanently fused into a new being, so they start pulling people wth symbiotes across the multiverse into their dimension.

This was just one among three (!) Venom mini events in the course of two years, so believe me when I say I have no idea what happened in which specifically, aside that I enjoyed the one you posted for the fun factor (something sorely missed in the actual Venomverse thing where she was unceremoniously killed off).

Remember Edge of Spider-verse? These writers did and thought they could recreate the success with another character, in this case, Venom.

It's a fucking cashgrab, pure and simple. Although I'd be more truthful to call it a cashflail given how unhyped and shit it was.

You're thinking of Venomized.

Venomized was the conclusion to Venomverse.

And what was Venomgeddon?

Pretty sure you people are just making shit up at this point, but I can’t tell.

I was, yeah. Venomgeddon wasn't a thing-- Spider-Geddon was. But Venomized and Venomverse are definitely real.

I didn't read the actual event, but I liked that Gwenpool one-shot.

Hey, Venom Island was a great event.

Was it canon? As in, Earth 616?

It's an alternate universe where she already had a symbiote.
She had a really cute thing going with Matt Murdock, too. I don't think that was ever followed up on, though. Apparently she was just a background character in the actual event?

Thank you.

Was the whole event set in an alternate dimension?

>Was the whole event set in an alternate dimension?
Yes and no. The premise was preventing Symbiote eating aliens from eating all Symbiotes across the multiverse. I think most of the books took place in alternate universes, but a lot of 616 characters were there.

No, but most of the people involved were never before mentioned elseworld venoms and poisons and nobody from 616 was heavily impacted other than Jean retroactively.

Unrelated topic but what the hell is going on with absolute carnage? The timeline is a little hard for me to follow how is venom running around with peter and miles separately and at the same time?

>how is venom running around with peter and miles separately and at the same time?
Same question, but with Savage Avengers. I don't understand how he's there, but also in that event and elsewhere.

Same way wolverine can be on multiple teams

No but you don't understand, it's not the "actual" Venom as the other places, like, it's not Eddie or his symbiote, it's like a copy or somethin. I don't remember, it's why I wanted to know if somebody knew.

Just because two comics are coming out at the same time doesn't mean they're happening at the same time. Consider this, the average story arc is 4-6 issues. Most times, a story arc only actually takes place over the course of a couple days, if that. Sometimes it's just over the course of a few hours. These issues come out monthly. If a comic depicts 1-2 days in the life of a character over the course of 6 months, what is he doing for the other 5 months and 28 days in that period?

Rage and D-Man died but everyone seems to be ignoring that

Eye-Boy died too. Eyeboy and D-Man were already brought back with literally no mention of how. Rage is currently the only permanent casualty, but I doubt anyone would give a fuck if he was brought back at this point. I guess Jean brought back all the other victims when she came back.

is it a full event yet?