Channel edits 8.0

ITT: Anons post Channels and images of pink Channel that they want converted.

Attached: channel (171).png (500x376, 161K)

Other urls found in this thread:

first for /la raza/

Has there been a Yea Forums style parody of Other Friends yet?

Attached: wiggly.jpg (281x179, 8K)

God i need a channel gf right now

Attached: 1568002392464.png (490x440, 130K)

Viva la Channel!

Attached: A gun.jpg (550x550, 190K)

Probably won't do all of them tonight.

Attached: CHSPKtr.png (668x384, 7K)

NOOO user stop numbering them or they'll send us to /trash/!

draw spinels feet

Yes, someone even did a Vocaroo

Attached: 1567845121044.png (675x585, 73K)

you mean if someone sang it?

channel drinking an HP potion

At what point do we take a break from this madness.

Attached: 1568086374564.gif (400x400, 70K)

Maybe Channel slicing an user and banning them?

Channel shitposting in a dark room illuminated by the light of the pc screen. just channel shitposting if it's too hard

Attached: Untitled-1.jpg (590x860, 281K)

6000 years from now

When is death scheduled

needs some tweaking but not bad nonetheless

In a few months when the movie is done

Comfy Channel wrapped up in a blanket on a snowy night

pink scythe resets you to factory settings

what does green scythe do

Resets you to newfag status

it bans you from the board for 24hs

So nothing really changes on any of the boards lmao

>Channel shitposting in a dark room

closest model i could come up with

there are probably GIFs from the '00s with the Awesome Face doing something similar that might be cuter

Attached: troll-suspended-anim.gif (550x400, 205K)

What's a break?

Attached: 1567816897154.png (1280x1343, 229K)

I like either.

dubs confirm

In 8019 we’ll all have robotic Gem bodies anyway

Everyone but you

Yes I’ve already reserved my magical girl body instead

Anons i've got a drawfag with me, anyone got some Channel requests?

Channel closing the pool

When SU S6 start

Channels feet

Who wants to be the first one to make a Channel version of this?

Attached: 1567842857994.png (600x900, 168K)

you're upsetting me

This with Channel

Attached: 1483674230048.png (403x672, 376K)

So when is a flockmod or drawpile room going to be made? I wanna draw some shitty drawing with strangers online.

Attached: 1567916780625.png (813x606, 143K)
found the old link

>Do you wanna have a BEST FRIEND TIME?

Attached: 1568352291963.png (600x900, 171K)

You bitch.

Attached: 4734D579-6BF6-4382-9CA6-A021C09F8CA9.jpg (1484x1075, 157K)


Requesting Channel drawn in the style of Tabbes, the youtuber.

Why would you do that

Attached: 1568252744886.png (508x406, 101K)

she looks cute in black face

Come on, the style is simple enough.

Yes, I want to have a fun time! That's why I'm here.
This is not what I want user. Not even a little.

Attached: 1567843147890.png (1920x1080, 904K)

Jannies, delete this man RIGHT NOW.

Quick get Steven to cure her!

I just want to hug her...

Attached: quick edit for anon.webm (1280x720, 637K)

There is nothing wrong with wanting Channel done in that style. It's literally noodle arms and a stick neck.


Attached: 1567592096717.jpg (894x894, 62K)

You could hug her as tight as you want and you wouldn't hurt's every strongman's dream

Its too late for her we should focus on channelify other spinels, take these

Attached: Spinel4you.png (1280x838, 786K)

Channel/Spinnel decapitating Luanne Loud with her scythe or a chainsaw.

Attached: 1464383163124.jpg (552x539, 22K)

already ahead of you

Attached: heykidscheckitout.png (888x631, 27K)

Channel looking like this

Attached: Nigga....jpg (1000x774, 170K)

We need a version of pic related with channel

Attached: 1567914969799.png (1920x1080, 1.26M)


i kek'd way too hard

i can do that but im gonna need you guys to post A LOT OF CHANNELS!


Attached: 1567812831413.png (526x677, 117K)

Attached: ChannelEdit1Fix.png (483x527, 202K)

How about altering other Spinels into Channels?

Attached: 1565552931379.png (768x768, 136K)

Attached: 1568262870231.png (1920x1080, 1000K)

It wouldn't be complete without this one

Attached: 0a1568001274850.png (900x700, 176K)

Stop forcing your OC shit

>Channel closing the pool

Attached: pool.jpg (1240x761, 292K)

Attached: 1568223967899.png (500x500, 120K)

Based old fashion dubs

This character gives me such old-Yea Forums vibes and I love it


You've brought me great joy new draw friend

Attached: very nice.gif (216x126, 564K)

You've altered them so much I don't even know what I'm looking at anymore lol

Here you go user, enjoy it

Attached: feet for anon.png (1280x720, 277K)

Just a suggestion, no need to get upset. Channel could use some other green sisters, don't you think? In various shapes and sizes.

Attached: 1567760375169.jpg (6000x3375, 3.78M)

stop toying with me

checked and blessed

Attached: 1567896789051.png (351x337, 86K)

That's not his art

Where's punished channel tho!
also i need at least 6 more!

Attached: chan2.png (1920x1080, 1.36M)

That was the plan. She had to sit by and watch as the site deteriorated.

Attached: 1568005143031.png (412x632, 170K)

Attached: 1567995043081.png (729x890, 456K)


Attached: fiteme.png (165x122, 6K)

Attached: chan.png (1920x1080, 464K)

>Your site won’t stand a chance against my faggotry! Not after what I did to your memes!
>W-what are you talking about?
>You weren’t always a popular site where you... ehehehehe*USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST*AHAHAHAahaaaa

You funny. I'll see what I can do.

Still drafting it.


Attached: 1568064034161.png (513x437, 280K)

Attached: channelandcobra.png (1011x595, 206K)

Attached: 1567990545530.png (1920x1080, 654K)

Is it pronounced like how you'd say a TV channel or like "cha-Nell"

Attached: 1474949017668.png (680x398, 136K)

You know, I just realized Channel almost seems like an Alice in Wonderland character.


Attached: 1568002369272.png (660x938, 158K)

Attached: computer.gif (593x422, 1.87M)

Like spin el but chann el

cha nell

>File: 1568223967899.png (120 KB, 500x500)
Thanks to every user

Attached: do it for her co.png (1920x1080, 1.2M)

why do people keep forgetting Punished’s tears are //^// like the board urls

it makes me sad

i wonder how many anons that participated on the raid are still alive, gj anyways drawnon

i remember but im too lazy to edit that desu

fuck you got me.

Attached: Group laugh.jpg (580x417, 67K)

good shit user

Attached: 1568005872878.png (364x463, 64K)

Attached: Channel Shitposting furiously.jpg (1240x1753, 616K)

I am. I was 18 at the time. Seems so long ago now.

i want to pet Channel until she stops shitposting!

Attached: i was too lazy to draw a hand.gif (500x281, 2.37M)

Attached: su2.png (1112x928, 67K)

based drawfag, thanks for the request user i love the expression!

Attached: perfect.jpg (1684x1191, 695K)

Is it possible to do a channel edit with this?

Attached: Man looses hope.jpg (766x960, 80K)

this is why she's /ourgirl/

Trips of thanks
gj drawnon


Good job user thanks

thanks for everything m8

Attached: 1568187068130.gif (1000x550, 3.36M)

Requesting an edit with user and channel

Attached: Pomf.png (1200x910, 513K)

Attached: boing.gif (1920x1080, 3.59M)

Very nice user. You've inspired me

>Remember, everything begins with your masks.
>You do it for them, and you would do it again.
>You do it for her, that is to say you do it for them

>Keep your masks tight, keep your timeline lowered
>As your moving forward color is for key.
>Right bun, left bun, now go even faster
>And as your moving backwards, always do for free

>Keep my masks tight, (good) keep my timeline lowered (right)
>As I'm moving forward-concentrate. Don't you want her to live?
>Right bun, left bun-Yes, but put your whole soul into it
>Everything you have, everything you are you've got to give
>On the Channel Threads, where everything is chaos
>And you have nothing but the way you feel, your editfags, and a brush
>You just think about the life you'll have together after the flamewar
>And then you do it for her, that's how you know you can win!
>You do it for her, that is to say you do it for him.

>Deep down, you know you weren't built for drawing.
>But that doesn't mean you're not prepared to try
>What they don't know is your real advantage
>When you live for someone, you're prepared to die

>Deep down, I know, that I'm just an user (true)
>But I know that I can edit her and post!
>With our short existence, I can make a difference
>I can be there for her, I can be her host!

>I can do it for them!
>You do it for her!
>OK now do that again!

>You do it for her and now you say
>I'll do it for them

Attached: 1567817883127.png (1000x1115, 172K)

Didnt mean to reply to sorry

modern art is truly something special

The answer is cuddle btw.

I feel honored. im listening to the song while reading

reminds me of these things

Attached: BT121ES80-1.jpg (1000x1000, 208K)

>now we're getting parodies of the other song too
pretty good

yall gonna get /trash/ed one day

fuck off twitter fag

just finished reading it with the song, you're gonna make me cry user, this is amazing, and accurate.

Beautiful, user.

Here you go bro, have fun with her!

Attached: Bed.png (1200x910, 591K)


Thanks user good job

Attached: 1567930248591.png (721x768, 430K)

amazing work user. i love you

Progress on the pixel art.

Attached: CHr1prog.png (1920x1040, 216K)


Attached: channeldancing.gif (540x304, 791K)

HOLY SHIT user, you've been really busy you're actually doing EVERY request, you're awesome

>do t for her
Other than that, good job user.

>He's actually doing every single one
You're mad user, MAAAD

Attached: BEEG CHUNGUS.png (1809x2000, 564K)


Attached: 1568331260865.png (490x440, 160K)

>doing every one
Based drawbro

My second otter request to be made, thank you

the fucking fish channel, noice

I'm glad that I have the time to do this.

I have been drawing nothing but Channel for the past several hours now, I have essentially drawn this character 8 times today. Fucking Christ.

Please allow me to introduce myself
I'm a gem of wealth and hate
I've been around for 6000 years
Stole many a gem's soul and faith
I was round when pink diamond had her moment of doubt and pain
Redemption my diamond?
Watch these hands to seal your fate
Pleased to meet you
Hope you guess my name
But what's puzzling you
is the nature of my game

Attached: IMG_2015.png (418x368, 151K)

>not Wah
Left in the garden

Idk why I included 109983501
I meant


Needs a Punished Channel saying “Just get it over with.”

Attached: Bruh.jpg (1670x1670, 221K)

I've had the same amount of dedication
>user why are you rotoscoping Channel at 2:30 in the morning
Because I've lost control of my love. I've even gone so far as to have dreams of editing her when I finally passed out. Too slow. Gotta make her faster. Gotta do it for them. Gotta do it for her. Faster and faster.

Attached: I've lost control.gif (320x287, 689K)

Is there one of her doing the crazy legs?

absolutely based and redpilled

haven't done that one, sorry user, i can do it tomorrow if you provide the gif!
I just can't stop, i could be earning money right now. posting more videos in my youtube but here i am making edits of channel like a fucking retard, what is wrong with us, user? why do we love her so?

This is a serious problem, look at all these drawfags and editfags they just can't stop loving channel. we need to find a way to bring clossure to this poor souls

Fuck no I hope they're here forever

The movie will be our magnum opus, user

>what is wrong with us, user? why do we love her so?
Because we've felt joy as a result of Channel. And like a drug, we desire to gain that joy again through making more of her. And getting it. But not only that, but we get the extra joy of bringing happiness to other user's. Gaining a new high resulting in us unlocking our always present but still hidden desire to spread joy. All apart of Channels plan to make her best friends happy.

We truly are blessed by her in our lives.

Attached: Cute and perfect gem goes for a train ride.png (323x360, 143K)

I am buying a tablet just so I can come back to drawing. I’ve been meaning to for ages but I needed a kick up the bum to do it. Channel/Spinel is my motivation.

Hopefully this is still going by Sept 24th because that’s when I get back home.


Based Channel brings us happiness and the desire to do things and bring happiness to others

Y-you guys...

Attached: the feels.jpg (553x369, 25K)

Man I wish I could draw so I could contribute. Being a notalent sucks.

I can't draw either user. But I'm still able to edit things and let the computer do most of the work. And if you put your heart into your drawing, no matter how bad it is people will love it.

Attached: I won't forget.png (441x660, 148K)

Most of drawing is trial and error. Give some pencil sketches a try. And if you're really interested in digital art, go check out some OSU drawing tablets.

Attached: 2.png (424x320, 2K)

Dude, spinel is mostly made up of cylinders and ovals.

No, really. Look at how easily you can make your own spinel even if you suck balls.

Attached: totally not a dick that turns in to a poorly drawn qt.png (1065x999, 148K)

You fuckers better be here in 2 weeks because god damn do I wanna rock your fucking world with some Channel.

I'll always be here user. I can't wait to see what you bring to the table!

Attached: Smile Anon.png (761x731, 343K)

C'mon user give it a try anyways!

Attached: Do it anyways anon.jpg (612x512, 49K)

Yeah! Thread number higher then the past one.

Attached: Good shit anon.png (734x752, 177K)

We need a spinel/channel edit of this.

Attached: images (4).jpg (680x451, 20K)

Daily reminder that you're all great and loved

Attached: Blushing cutie.png (734x752, 175K)

Thanks user, here's a message for you and every user from my wife Spinnel

Wait, is that actually her? what the fuck


Attached: POSITIVE EXAMPLE.png (1272x1200, 228K)

it does kinda but I think it's just an user

"Channel, why're you making OC at 4am?"

Because I forgot to draw her nose. Oopsie.

Attached: POSITIVE EXAMPLE.png (1272x1200, 230K)


Attached: 20190911_074906.png (425x333, 51K)

nice job user it really conveys the emotion of i've lost control of my life

feed it

Attached: forcefeed channel.jpg (1401x1075, 205K)

That's REALLY sounds like her, gj user

Since I'm sure you lot have looked at her design in closer detail than most, I got a question I need answered.

Where on Spinel's head does her neck connect? The darker part like her hair or the lighter part like her face? I know "on-model" is a meme for SU, but there are frames where it looks like the darker/hair part extends to the middle of the underside of her chin, and other times it ends at where a normal neck nape would be.

Dark part, looks like.

Attached: images (2).jpg (738x369, 28K)

I'd stay with the idea that it connects to the light part because I don't want to think of spinel with a weird neckbeard

So this is what channel sounds like...iiiii like it

Attached: 7c4.jpg (288x348, 105K)

Your positive example worked, I tried

Attached: attempt.png (103x90, 5K)

as long as one can tell what it is, i'd say that's a good jobo

Your attempt is great user, I love it. Makes me feel like my own art was worth it.

Attached: Your New Best Friend CHANNEL.png (1360x768, 697K)

Now I need a proper neckbeard Channel

Attached: Bad thoughts .png (278x548, 32K)

And then she poofs.

>Channel, Dinner's ready!

Attached: Why are you like this.png (542x810, 426K)

dont worry user is just auto erotic asphyxiation

Attached: jesus1.jpg (320x320, 31K)

also because we've been getting trips, quads and quints (dubs are common in all boards, let's be honest)


Attached: CTOON-SU-1R-Movie_1567979952_00_27_42_01.jpg (1912x1072, 348K)

Attached: CTOON-SU-1R-Movie_1567979952_00_55_46_01.jpg (1912x1072, 150K)

Finished it, I gotta get some Z's.

Attached: CHr1.png (960x620, 21K)

damn inconsistent character design

Attached: CTOON-SU-1R-Movie_1567979952_01_09_03_02.jpg (1912x1072, 142K)

these frames are SECONDS apart

Attached: CTOON-SU-1R-Movie_1567979952_01_09_51_04.jpg (1912x1072, 161K)


Bottom left kinda reminds me of gorefield.

Second one looks better, but it's no big deal


Attached: CTOON-SU-1R-Movie_1567979952_01_13_36_06.jpg (1912x1072, 192K)

Spinels face kinda looks like a mask in this one.

Attached: Deep hmm.png (611x564, 104K)

Just imagine the hard "thwack" as your bat makes contact with his stupid face, cracking it and maybe even shattering it in the process.

user looks up at you, teary-eyed, still processing what just happened , lips quivering with shock. "what did I do wrong?" but you just smile at him and tell him that it's a special game, and that if he wants to keep playing he needs to stop being such a crybaby. Obviously he has no frame of reference so he'll suck it up and force a smile even as you bring the bat up for the second strike.

I honestly feel my heartbeat quickening just imagining his tears as he huddles up against the cold concrete walls when I lock him up for the night. He doesn't understand that this isn't normal, he blames himself for not being good enough. He attempts to wrap his arms several times around himself, but hugs his knees while burying his face into his chest, doing anything he can to feel the warmth you deprive him of.

God, just think how good it would feel to take him out as far as you can, a rare smile creeping across his face as he wonders why you're treating him so much better than you usually do. His heart fluttering with joy as you pat him on the head across the many cracks. You guide him out and hold his hand while leading him to a spot where you can watch the sunset together. He beams with happiness and you press him close for the first and final hug he'll ever get. And then you walk back to the van alone and drive away.

He doesn't understand, he continues to smile as the van shrinks in the distance and eventually disappears into the horizon. It's only when the last rays of light sweep across the surface that his smile fades and his heart goes cold, slowly realizing that he's been abandoned for a second time. His knees buckle and he collapses into a rumpled pile, retching and crying for hours after you've left, firmly establishing that he is not worthy of love or of being loved by anyone.

Can you imagine that?

Attached: 1568249195522.png (500x375, 124K)

Lovely. Sweat dreams.

I feel like I'm gonna have a bad time

polymorphic jesterhat/hairline. She's just bamboozling everyone user

These threads are garbage

Attached: 1554335875438.jpg (193x272, 46K)

Based. pink diamond version when

Attached: 1567638206507.png (1280x720, 575K)

channel edit of this when?

Attached: f3b.gif (560x560, 771K)

Cringe and Lame. Blunel and Rhombel have better gimmick

>Spinel commits suicide by rope hanging
>Her neck just stretches like a giraffe the next panel

any art bros wanna come up with a decent phone background, wanna look at channel 24/7


Attached: 20190913_072631.png (347x586, 58K)

Attached: dwefrthyjukiol.png (612x375, 912K)


Attached: 1568292435568.png (490x536, 170K)

Good morning, Channelfriends.

Happy Friday the 13th!

I hope you all have a wonderful day today.

Attached: 20190913_064707.jpg (2516x2045, 2.13M)

Good morning, have a wonderfully SPOOKY time user

Almost forgot

Attached: 1567913012735.jpg (2560x1440, 2.2M)

Very nice.

What's going on in here?

Oh it's horrible user. Instead of getting 3.14 cutie pies we got 314 cutie pies. They're practically giving them away now.

Attached: 1568176603524.png (785x831, 172K)

posting "4chanification" edits/OCs of Spinel from the SU movie. Long story short: Yea Forums did not expect the movie to be decent and they really liked the new character.

so Yea Forums basically invented the new pepe/wojak except it actually great?

Attached: huh.png (365x364, 31K)

Now you're gettin' it!

Attached: 1568158662847.png (423x482, 104K)

If only she would become as popular.

I don't think we really that she should be popular cause you know what happen to them

Extreme popularity would ruin her.

I can't wait till she becomes the new meme of Yea Forums so CNN can call her an alt-right symbol.

If our girl got on the news, I'd have a stroke and then laugh my ass off. It'd all be worth it.

Attached: 1567918901235.png (1920x1080, 1021K)

Lick my balls legofag

I think that Channel SUCKS

t. retard

Only in ways that it counts

Who is that semen demon?

Sucking is nice.

Well it is early in the morning

this, rather best kept in a thread gen

I think that morning SUCKS

Nice. I like it

Its shit, but thanks for trying

Channel can save Conrad

All boards but Yea Forums. It’s a cursed place

Gracias, médico

Requesting channel finna bust a nut

>You fuckers better be here in 2 weeks because god damn do I wanna rock your fucking world with some Channel.
by then there will be so much spinel all over the board that we'll be sequestered /mlp/-style into another board

requesting channel as the executioner at the gallows, except the rope is just her stretched arm. bonus points if it's user or any of the spinel OCs preparing to get executed

Attached: gallows.jpg (612x406, 24K)

thank you based drawfriend

/mlp/ style would be spamming it on all the boards and even external websites. Ponies were literally everywhere.

>spamming it on all the boards and even external websites.
what do you think will happen when everyone's Yea Forums folder has over 9000 Spinel fanarts and Channel edits?

i predict a delayed reaction but it'll happen

I think we'll occasionally see them once in a while.
I guess it would be funny if you were right though. Not that I want a "new /mlp/" mind you.

ALL the boards.
Who’s going to post Channels on /his/?
Who’s going to cosplay her for /cgl/?

It’s like comparing a cold to the Black Plague
No one, and I mean no one, can ever beat the ponyfuckers’ spread and virulence

Someone could post a Channel stencil over on /po/, it'd probably stay on pg1 for a few years.

that second one isn’t a bad idea

Attached: yotsuba.png (217x192, 10K)

>the Black Plague
there was a flu epidemic in 1918

every time we assumed we'd run out of history, we've been wrong.

Hello friends I am here. A humble edit user that is procrastinating. Give me screenshots to edit.

Attached: Poils Lion Around Updated.png (3706x1077, 1.4M)

Good times are officially over.
It's all downhill from here.
>inb4 "go back"
I unironically don't use Reddit. I knew that it was a matter of time before they'll filch her and started lurking there and Tumblr out of sick sense of interest just to see when it'll happen.

Attached: reddit.png (1507x690, 262K)

Spinel has made me practice hygine!
Spinel has made me diet!
Spinel has helped my work ethic!
Spinel helps me get out of bed in the morning!

Attached: 1568101694530.png (1042x1042, 1.36M)

What image needs white pearl imo.

Attached: ED6dDNeXoAA4Iiq.png (683x667, 184K)

Spinel taught me the piano and would place her hands over mine to show me new scale structures

Attached: B2974354-1CA2-4222-9285-E16612D853A3.jpg (1812x1019, 1010K)

It is good that those vermin still fear us.

quads of "do it for her"

The poster seems fine except not realizing that most of the fanart was original and not edits of Spinel fanart, and well, he's dumb for posting it on reddit but that's a given. The pony simulator/Yea Forums guy scares me however. I hope he stays away from Channel, everything about his post is unbelievably awful.

Attached: Fucking horse fags.png (750x185, 61K)

I love Spinel!

Attached: 1568163789089.gif (1280x720, 2.4M)


Attached: spaghet.png (592x702, 26K)


Attached: 1568140750699.png (894x1054, 231K)

Channels face is how I feel after seeing that pic.

It's funny how he even admits to not being familiar with the site and yet still talks shit about us

Ah, that reminds me!
Need to get some horsenel made.
Thanks for the reminder, user!

but hey, at least he likes the art

Anyone up to make a Channel edit of my Spinel fanart?

Attached: Spinel is a Gamer.jpg (768x768, 93K)

You wouldn't dare

Attached: 1567976042261.png (545x510, 175K)

Let them do what they want.
They will never have what we have in these threads.
A common bond and joined love for our girl.

Very cool user.

Attached: Cool channel 2.png (407x407, 188K)

I will make one for her eventually

Attached: dfgbbdf.png (683x667, 186K)


Let me stop you right there user.

>touching Spinel
I don like what he's insinuating.
But then again, I've seen posts on Tumblr that say Yea Forums is the place where school shooters organise.
There's nothing funnier than seeing normalfags soak their undies at the mere mention of ebil alt-right imageboard.
Also, no one tell them about Channel The Movie, they stole /ourgirl/ just to make fun of her, so they should be officially banned from seeing it.

Fuck yeah! user delivered.

Attached: Cool (you).png (1920x1080, 544K)

Now I want a gif of Channel laughing in the corner of the classic exploding-van gif.

give me some more

Attached: vsdve.png (768x768, 237K)

Some of you are cool... don't come to the thread tomorrow.

Attached: Shooter channel .png (1200x1191, 490K)

I’m shocked we didn’t get any edgy 9/11 Channel pics

"Mistakes into miracles" with user and Channel when?

Yea Forums’s userbase is too young to remember that

>implying getting channel pregnant is a mistake.

Attached: Cheap edit.png (734x752, 180K)


Attached: it_begins.jpg (292x344, 20K)

>this shit is getting brought up now only because reddit mentioned it
I'm sure someone's going to blame Yea Forums for it if Channel becomes too popular.

Attached: Worried.png (734x752, 171K)


>didn't lurk enough to see the source to the comic and didn't read the filenames
Linking it again if anyone wants to see it

how long is the natural estrus cycle for rubber hoses

Attached: minnie-pays-for-a-hot-dog.webm (470x360, 555K)

Attached: Its reddits fault.png (461x852, 459K)

>tfw i doodled channel playing vidya on my break
>tfw Yea Forums IP block is still being a shit
>tfw I can't post it

That's all well and good, user, but...
>off by one

Just post it from work wifi dude

thanks reddit

Eh, that's ok, is a good GET.


Attached: rage fire wojak.jpg (834x1000, 111K)

oh wow i havent been on Yea Forums since the movie dropped. yall are really this garbage now huh?

We need channel doing this with gets.

Attached: images (3).jpg (739x415, 58K)

Should've never returned.

First bite


They don't give employees the wifi password


Attached: 1567970375563.png (525x637, 235K)

Try "password"

Oof that sucks.

Attached: Deep thoughts .png (1143x1200, 260K)

Have fun

Attached: wat she got.png (2894x2039, 1.23M)

I was waiting for this

I posted it in the spinel thread on /aco/ if anyone wants to see it. For some reason I can post images on that board

Always a pleasure to ser your art

Can Channel give herself big titties and ass?

Who do you think are in these threads?

not u drawfriend, ur awesome

Attached: obligatory.png (2894x2039, 1.19M)

Thanks user.

Attached: Untitled49.png (1200x845, 441K)

All gems can

By the way, can you link to that reddit thread or at least post more caps, I'm interested in what those troglodytes are saying

Huh is it weird that spinel lewds dont do anything for me?

Attached: Cool channel 1.png (611x564, 105K)

Fair is fair, the Channel variant of the image. He was able to post it in /aco/. Thank you Pearlanon.

Attached: 1568384827402.jpg (2550x2693, 2.15M)

Looks great mate

I can, but the thing is... that's about it, really.
Both posts about Channel I've found there have less then 20 upboats

I looked it up. That's all they said. It was mostly ignored I guess.

That's the best possible outcome really

Attached: 1568305311345.png (500x375, 111K)

Why are you people not posting requests?

>implying they're not just getting started

I still want someone to do a channel version of this.

Attached: images.jpg (554x554, 19K)

Attached: SUCKS.jpg (1280x720, 197K)

Havent touched myself since the movie came out, cant stop thinking about her and she's too pure for that.

>having the nerve to shit on our OC when their content is 80% object labeling and "noone:" maymays
Fucking redditors, I swear.

Attached: k2ZJQhkAZgo.jpg (488x442, 27K)


I wanted to see the other thread mentioned by but now I regret looking for it. On the other hand, I found a couple funny posts suggesting to stay away from Yea Forums because
>you'll get the same content here a day later

Attached: Untitled51.png (1200x879, 990K)

move the bottom-right leaf up

so they admit they rip off Yea Forums

Why would white diamond care about channel?

I wonder how does channel taste like

Requesting Channel edit!

Attached: tumblr_c38c4b37f7d243304dc25b9b877c05a2_0e3f329d_640.png (640x611, 170K)

Like mint ice-cream

Attached: 1568089533610.png (1319x1524, 650K)

Attached: srsspinel.png (598x1002, 338K)


Attached: wat she got 2 electric boogaloo.png (2894x2039, 1.24M)

No most “on model” spinels don’t do anything for me, because she basically dosen’t have any curves, her limbs are parallel lines.

That being said stuff like dose do it for me. I think it’s because you can tell she has some feminine features outside of the face.

Attached: tumblr_pxqtdz62Cs1un8hvoo1_1280.png (1280x1272, 318K)

Same here. I like though, because it's cute and heartwarming.

Would it be stupid to make Spinel a pearl since she already has pink pearl to go with?

God I love White Diamond

Idk I just know I want to plow pearl and spinel like a deep dicking contest

Send Channel to Rebecca

Good. One of the upsides of the name we've given her is that it's incredibly hard to look up without getting swamped by other results.

Attached: mfw.png (368x336, 168K)

I having a feeling she already knows

Maybe she's seen her already

as if becky doesn't shitpost on Yea Forums every day

Channel is the best thing to happen to this board in a long time

Attached: 1568172580494.png (763x822, 350K)

/r/ing Channel tightly hugging Rebecca and thanking her for the show on behalf of Yea Forums.

Alternative idea: Rebecca watching channel from a distance and channel is surrounded by anons praising her and Rebecca looks proud of her creation

I want to Marry pearl and spinel.

Ah shoot I posted the Spinel version
Oh well, they're both cute

Attached: 1568171998171.png (763x822, 416K)

Posted another doodle on /aco/.

Thanks, user. I do try to mesh the show's style with my own and typically give them a bit more femininity.

Or disturbed.

Sorry, didn't mean to quote

This is also good

All the Channel's I made so far.

I'm not putting in the god damn seal

Attached: CHc1.png (1920x1240, 65K)

Attached: 1568216271237.png (990x831, 521K)

tfw no quints

Attached: channel (37).png (655x555, 113K)

fake, nobody wants to be my friend



Im so sorry

What a fucking shit get
atleast we got a nice cozy set of dubs

you can trust dubs, they're always there for you. quads and up are overrated

Attached: channel (124).png (1472x753, 325K)

Don't cry Channel, we still love you!

It's interesting that so many of the crystal gem spinel edits add suspenders

Suspenders are cute and wholesome

I wish they weren't associated with clowns and 40-ish fat balding bastards so I could feel no guilt in wearing them as a man.

you will never be cute or wholesome, user. sorry.

Don't feel any guilt, image you're living in the 1940s


Will Spinel be Ms. Yea Forums?

I mean, I woudn't be as concerned about that if I've lived in 40s or was italian but neither of those things are the case.

If you're not fat or balding you can pull off suspenders.

How does the ms/Co/ work? The one with most replies wins?

Theres a whole polling thing

Has anyone done this yet?

Attached: 1015151_plagueofgripes_your new best friend spinel.png (1920x1080, 1.87M)

Attached: 1568009736624.png (682x570, 189K)

Will she win Ms. Yea Forums?

Attached: 1567930637268.png (710x706, 344K)

I hope so

Attached: 20190908_124904.jpg (1726x1491, 989K)

so damn good

This is adorable. I need more.

can someone make a version of her in a desert ranger armor from fallout nv and instead of "forgive me mama" on the helmet it says forgive me pink?

Attached: desert ranger.jpg (400x512, 34K)

>edit of a thumbnail

Maybe. Maybe not.

Either her or Echo for winner plz

Attached: lady echo.jpg (1104x986, 512K)

Can someone edit either a spinel or channel pic to have sgarp teeth/fangs? I'd do it but im not home rn


stick that knife into my heart

That's damn adorable.

Shit, Yea Forums, make up your damned mind...

Here's today's lunchtime doodle.

Spinel enjoying a lot of candy.

Have a great rest of your day.

Attached: 20190913_143710.jpg (2734x2471, 2.25M)

God damm it. They really hit gold with spinel.

Attached: Explosive personality .png (500x457, 146K)

Where do I vote?

Numbers re-confirm what we all know to be true

Attached: 1568229405088.png (631x1086, 173K)

What the fuck? The comic wasn't even made by us

i love your work user

>"Do you eat your candy with or without the peel user?"
>"What the fuck?"

Attached: 1568016732565.png (938x886, 188K)


Attached: 1567891689383.png (1006x678, 546K)

wow user...that's...that's just amazing you're one hardworking person


You're an angel user. thanks for this lovely content.

>THIS is what Channel said when she saw herself in a reddit post

Attached: (You)ll love again.webm (1920x1080, 702K)

based Pearlanon

Attached: ---.jpg (428x228, 25K)

sounds just like that actually channel?

Attached: REEEE.png (603x630, 173K)

i can't believe channel would say that
actually i can totally believe it, she's one of us after all.

I've done some 3d model, It's not finished yet.

Channel texture would come after i finished.

Attached: Test01.jpg (1024x1024, 52K)

I don't know who that is but pls marry me

Attached: 1568058473286.png (1033x768, 403K)

Oh god, Pearl’s pilot design. Yikes. I think I remembered prefer her pilot design before her tv show design won me over

BASED amazing job user, will you make a channel version when you're done?

Glad you like my doodles, anons. It's the weekend, so stay tuned. I have three planned pictures to do, and one for a birthday user. In between those, I'm sure there will be many inspired doodles between them and perhaps if I'm feeling real good later, I'll start drinking and doodling which is always fun.
I once drew 16 doodles one night whilst drunk.

Attached: 1568356215585.jpg (3207x2279, 3.75M)

Ah, be careful you don't get too drunk Pearlanon. You like to draw lewd when you get drunk, and I'd hate to see you get a ban over posting lewd on a blue board.

I'll be here user, just waiting for those lovely drawings of yours, you're amazing, don't let anyone tell you you aren't.
but also

What if they made a version that was Snacks coming back to Yea Forums instead after moot's gone and replaced with Hiro?

What the actual fuck user, is that the real Channel?!

Attached: lapulga_1.gif (420x300, 968K)


Attached: I'm not serious.png (598x1002, 357K)

She WOULD say that too...truly /our girl/

Nicejob user!

Attached: office.png (523x818, 110K)

like all gems
cold, hard, and super smooth

Like licking a spoon?

Attached: The TIck meme.jpg (1400x1400, 46K)

i can feel the love and care in every drawing, you're awesome user

I'll be careful.

Attached: 20190910_230243.jpg (1997x2173, 1.8M)

>Office spinnel
i didn't know i needed this

Being Here is Fun.

Aww, thanks. I love drawing and Spinel is so much fun to draw.

Attached: 20190908_015734.jpg (1051x2038, 1.02M)

it would make even more sense with channel because know, us

Attached: anonn.png (1510x1400, 190K)

Wtf most of them should be on their late 20s.

user What the FUCK, that's adorable

tfw you will never fight over who has more of the bed cover with Channel

i can feel my heart grow while watching this drawing

did..... did spinel just walk the way of the green
frog and gain super powers?????

Attached: scared pepe.png (224x224, 8K)

>Fighting for bed covers
>When you could just be wrapped up by Channel/Spinel
MFW Spinel and Channel enter my life.

dubs for accuracy, that's exactly how i feel and my dog is next to me too

Yeah, I should draw Channel seeing as how I'm in her thread. I'll doodle some at some point this weekend. Might do some practice on my tablet.

Well, about to drive home. I'll talk to you cuties later. Got a few things to take care of before I can start drawing, and I'm sure at some point my brother is going to want to play online, so I'll see you when I see you.

Attached: 20190905_192601.jpg (2757x2103, 2.43M)

This feels so accurate it hurts. i love how they both still care about you in their own ways

pretty much, gems range from being more metallic to more like a polished rock

Be safe on the road!

lovely work as always, hell yeah we need some channel with this level of quality in our life.
Go home and play some vidya user you deserve it!
watcha guys playing btw

Attached: anon less bright.jpg (500x376, 136K)

Where have you been?
Her powers have been prevalent since the first thread.
Has somebody got the cap for this user?

i don't but i can make one real quick brb, going to previous threads

Pic related if spinel actually insulted me.

Attached: images (3).jpg (554x554, 23K)

I used to fill the void with fighting game autism, but that would now take away from Channel time.

Attached: Protect Green Smile.png (1000x2000, 995K)

I have this one

Attached: 1568011722374.jpg (1242x1761, 127K)

Can someone post pic related?

Probably a texture like jellyfish

I also have this

godspeed user

Attached: 1568071052154.jpg (750x727, 279K)

The septs draw close. I sure hope something worthy gets it.

Attached: 1568167019636.png (819x764, 368K)

Operation: Get Septs for Spinel

It's already in this thread

Attached: 1568223888195.png (596x533, 384K)

Let's not try to get and instead just see if it happens.
It might, it might not. We shall see.

Oof. Didn't remember it from last night

channel edit when?

Attached: oa50m.jpg (534x443, 63K)

Here you go froggy, this is a quick one i did scavenging the previous threads
Might be hard to read because im retarded but give it a try, it's vertical columns...for the most part

Attached: Sorry if it's hard to read.jpg (3805x1296, 3.08M)

I'm going to place this as a per-emptive anchor to whatever gets the septs. May it be something worthy.
How about an edit to make this Channel holding a baby? Can edit Steven if you want to.

Attached: 1567832445955.jpg (565x810, 33K)

>watcha guys playing btw
He's really into the PvE/survival/resource gathering type games and his current favorite is Ark. I'm not the biggest fan of that type, but Ark isn't bad and I'm spending time with my brother, so I'm at least having fun.

We used to play FPSs and we were usually the top two players on our team, but he got married and had kids, so his gaming style changed.

Attached: 20190904_204337.jpg (3141x2414, 3.18M)



Most games are super fun if you play with people you love! it's about the time spent more than the game when you play with someone!
also awesome drawing reminds me of my gf, wish i wouldn't tickle her but she's super ticklish, i love you user, keep up the unironically amazing work!

An attempt was made

Attached: Swiftly half-assed.jpg (534x443, 53K)

Don't know if you're still around pixel-bro, but if you're still taking requests could I get a Jannel shoving her broom in Channels face?

i believe he's still sleeping

Oops, my bad then.

Channel ?
More like

Attached: 688c49bf03ceb7b2f22af699f094aafe--s-style-chowder.jpg (474x358, 29K)

Attached: uwaty.jpg (1180x683, 295K)

I took what you said and did my best.

Attached: My new favorite thing.png (468x361, 55K)

This shit always get me

Attached: ufunny.jpg (710x706, 220K)

Don't be sorry user this is amazing!
If you ever feel like adding more to it, please do.

Question...Is there a booru dedicated to Spinel/Channel? Or is every piece of media content of them on the Yea Forumsllection booru? These type of threads of Yea Forums are not going to last, I know that much. . .

everything is made here, i know because me and a friend are posting everything we make HERE. there's no booru as far as i know, sorry

Well, that needs to change! I can't do much but I'd advocate/delegate someone to maybe create something to save all spinel/channel edits someplace.

>"Ya hungry? Want sum'n ta eat, sweetcheeks?"

Attached: 1568263329907.jpg (2368x2858, 2.66M)

this is so adorable

im not saving the webms and gifs of channel im making so i hope some of you are making a folder for channel!

Attached: OOOOO.gif (540x304, 776K)

>im not saving the webms and gifs of channel im making
Why not?

>spinnel will never makeyou dinner
why live bros

I've been using an image downloader to save every image, gif and webm in these threads.
It's innefficient but atleast I get every image posted.

>You will never make breakfast with Spinel
>You will never grab her stretchy arms and wrap them around you without her even noticing beyond her smile widening
>You will never watch as Spinel eat her super burnt bacon because she likes the texture and gems actually can't taste shit

Attached: 1567798732293.png (910x652, 26K)

I have saved almost every single Channel image, gif, and webm.

Thanks anons this makes all the editing worth it.
hope you guys post a folder or something to downoad them all some day!

absolutely based anons

Attached: blloody_hel.jpg (288x315, 35K)


When it's all over

Attached: Thats alot of channel.png (1045x439, 230K)

thanksanon, based.

oof that's embarassing
I deleted the post cause I forgot a reply in case you were wondering

bloody hell user, I need a (you)

Not sleeping, was just dealing with some life stuff. I'll make sure to do it when I can today.

This place has enough homosexuals, thank you.

Channel already said we should kill ourselves if reddit fags invade

I would give anything to hear her say she loves us

Have we all quoted Rick and Morty today anons?

Would that make you happy, user?

trips and double dubs, your IQ is showing user

I think it would make many of us happy


Attached: Ya look pretty small down there.png (1280x720, 527K)

i'll see what i can do

Channel is going to kills us. with memes. she's gonna inject them

Attached: brainlets + gem.webm (1920x1080, 382K)



Attached: 1567900733824.png (1748x1142, 599K)

Attached: 1567902632375.png (412x632, 141K)

If this is really gonna happen I just want to clarify that I want her to show her appreciation to us for our OC and praise.

Attached: channel (27).png (634x512, 136K)

Good job lad. The more you practice, the better you'll get.