What was his name again

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Big Bad Beetleborg


butler goose


Donald Trump

Pinstripe Pete

Beetle Juice

oh god guys we can't say his name again or else he'll be freed!

plastic fingertips


Eciuj Elteeb

phew, good thing you didn't say his name right



Lord Moldybutt


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Yeah. I mean, we don't want someone like Beetlejuice running around this board.

Betty Juice

Oh no...

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Nice try, Satan, but we don't want him up here either.

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here's that betelgeuse you ordered Yea Forums

Attached: beetlejuice-3-700x374.jpg (700x374, 36K)

Thanks for the secret spooktober thread, satan. Also isnt beatleguese's fingers red because of an inside joke?

Yes. The inside joke being they were red from fingering Lydia

how was this? I only saw a trailer and nothing else

what did they mean by this?

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i want to impregnate lydia

Mr. Beetleman.


it's okay if you don't say his name 3 times

So did everyone else who had their first childhood crush on her. Lydia's a prime waifu.

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you took half of the right name and half of a completely unrelated wrong name and mashed them together to make this nonsense. i fucking hate you, do you know that?

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wrong version

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Movie version's also cute.

both definitively started the goth gf thing for me.


Beetlejuice! Beetlejuice!! BEETLEJUICE!!!

That was fun for a American version of Metal Heroes.


It’s not completely unrelated in the movie his name was really BetelGEUSE, but the show his name is explicitly Beetlejuice

beetlejuice green


They called him by the English name in the Spanish dub.


Yes and?

What's up you fuckin niggers, my friends, it's me Beetlejuice. Man I've been busy fucking 12 year old girls all day and also I ate the shit out of Terri Schiavo's asshole. Just wanted to let you guys know how much I fucking hate black people.

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bagel bites

uh based?



I think it was something like... Ladybugtea? Yeah, that sounds right.


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