
Countdown to imminent suffering.

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>Countdown to imminent suffering.
Hopefully the Coppers'

>Roger is going to have to watch as Vampire gets his head cut off to prevent Vampire from killing him

This is kind of cinematic.

>we’ll never see another cute Ulestrian milk hick
I’m sad bros

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So the curse is essential for the plan.

Inferior brown girls. The Silvers are better in every way. And Elka outclasses them all.

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>Book one centered on Duane and Sette and their adventures
>Book two centered on an Ulestrian milk hick sorority scheming to win the annual nation-wide wet T-shirt contest by smuggling in a couple of mega-milk Silver lasses.

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Poor Will must be so confused by all this exposition

>will changes arms between panel 1 and 4
I'm sure he could have just shifted him around, but it still bugs me

Handbags don't need to think. I imagine he's quite content