Cracked > Mad

cracked > Mad

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I remember liking the Sean Baby articles back in 2012.

I remember liking Seanbaby back in the '90s.

hostess comics and fat chicks in party hats and NES reviews. that's even before you get into the martial arts stuff.

that man is a national treasure

Of course you mean the actual comics and not the shitty website


This issue was the first time I ever heard of South Park.

Attached: D69849BC-1091-4DE2-9C17-915B39779AE5.jpg (600x808, 94K)

Their site fucking ruled around 2008 up to 2012.

Now is just political correctness bullshit.

I had a few issues as a kid, but even then I knew it was just a poor man's MAD. Sylvester even looks like an offbrand Alfred E Neuman

Attached: Cracked_No_202.jpg (600x800, 105K)

Did go back to making fun silly articles or are they still pushing stupid leftoid propaganda instead? I haven't visited the site in probably 8 years.

80% HARD left propaganda, seriously too much muh orange man, and way too many shitty shitty opinions