Ok Frank, What else?

Ok Frank, What else?

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Can I have chocolate?

Frank has lost it.


what's his favorite flavor, Yea Forums?

Frank knows he can kill

Get Duggan on the main Punisher book.

Is Rosenberg still writing the current one?

I know that 2099 would be something like Bloody Mary

Is this the earth where instead of a shootout, there was just no ice cream that day in the park?


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Babysitter Frank is best Frank.

Strawberryfags leave

what run is this from?

>Omae wa mo Shinderu.

The ice cream is poisoned and it's gonna kill a bunch of mobsters.

Because that's just the kind of asshole Frank is.

Based Frank.

Mango iced cream pls

Newfag here. Never read Punisher before.

Has he ever killed the wrong guy by mistake? Or does he always somehow manage to catch criminals red-handed, like Batman?

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I'm pretty sure he goes on patrols to catch folks in the act, and supplements that with research and background checks to ensure he only gets actual criminals when he has a specific target in mind.

he's the kind that spends days or weeks scouting out a criminal to check out their hideouts, how many people they have, figure out their routines, then plots a clean hit.

he once killed a group of vigilantes who admired him because they were careless.

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Best Punisher. Prove. Me. Wrong.

How was that post pol? Are you just spamming that image in literally every thread in the catalog?

The truth exists beyond the gate


Punisher Kill Krew, issue 2 that came out yesterday.

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Not going to

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>Never read Punisher before.
>Has he ever killed the wrong guy by mistake?
He was going to kill an undercover journalist who infiltrated a street gang. Venom tries to tell him about the journalist but Frank responds by using sonics to keep him trapped by his truck. Venom eventually gets free though and stops him before he can kill the kid, although in the time wasted from being trapped by the sonics the gang forced the kid to kill someone as initiation, and also the kid then gets turned into a fire themed supervillain.

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>on the edge
I love that shit.

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Not sure if it counts, but in Punisher MAX he kills an entire boat full of people trying to kill off just two asshole executives and a mercenary they hired. The ENTIRE BOAT full of people, god knows how many of them were innocents.

To add to the irony, Punisher (in both continuities iirc) has killed other vigilantes for causing too much collateral damage.