Attached: jobber stare.jpg (1988x3056, 2.25M)

Death Battle was a while ago, dawg. No one cares.

>being this much of a casual

The jobber stare has become practically a joke. It doesn't work on anything anymore.
Why would a ghost Rider fan even defend it anymore? Like, all a GR fan can do at this point is say "it was once something cool that's been destroyed, like the X-Men, the Inhumans, and the light of joy in a soon to be molested child's eyes."

>hating Ghost Rider
What’s it like having shit taste

Seems Ghost Rider should focus on swinging chains and fire around since his stare does basically nothing. Aunt May's stare is more deadly than his.

Death Stare didn't work against Doom and Punisher.

Death Stare is fucking useless and now it apparently can fuck the user instead as well.

Reminder that Carol beat it because "I'VE DONE ENOUGH PENANCE LMAO" and Thanos enjoyed it.
This is the fucking jobber superpower.

Shit writing like this is why we can't have nice things.

I read it as a sign that Marvel (((hero))) are psychopaths who are incapable of penance