we dead now edition
/prod/ - Music Production
Best remasters? Worst remasters?
HLB's Remastered self titled album, of course!
normos fucking off so suits can continue to try to kill me or vice versa, the end result is all the same I wonder why I even bother sometimes... They're just so fucking lame my mind just can't help but wander
how comes there's no way to favorite sounds in Omnisphere? am i missing something?
please rate that masterpiece
How's my amateur singing
i wanna make a track reminiscent of deadmau5 anything i should look out for?
what active monitor speakers under 1000 Euros should i buy
Bitwig is the final redpill of daws. IYKYK
found the ROLI employee
soo if my ableton 11 wants updates but i got it cracked, how do i install an update?
do i have to install the whole program again in a newer version?
i like how your language personifies Live. it "wants updates" just like it wants to be a real boy.
i dont really know the answer to your question but personally i just uninstall and pirate the latest version if i feel updating is necessary
hm doesnt that fuck with the folders/sample paths and such?
maybe you can just dirty patch it by installing the new cracked version directly
from what i remember it creates a specific folder per version
damn i remember going from 10->11 it fucked up every plugin path and whatnot
i guess if i dont wanna pay im gonna need to go through the hassle of this
there's no need to be on the latest version if you don't need something specifically
you should turn off the auto update as it's a pirated version
it won't auto update anyway
i wanted a specific vital preset someone handed out for free but since i dont have the 11.1.1 version i cant import it from the project
you can have both versions installed at the same time
just install the new version and see how it goes
i dont remember because i use a user folder on an external drive for everything relevant to my process. i updated from 10 to 11 and between versions of 11. sorry i couldnt be of more help.
its okay ll try luck with dual installations
I’m too poor for that shit but thanks
What is the preset?
some deadmaus stuff
I haven't opened my DAW or checked /prod/ since the Elden Ring release.
Can someone summarize the last month for me?
read the OP i guess
also you didn't beat the game
we /g/ now
you uninstall and get bitwig. sinple rly
Sick, can we talk about trackers without ridicule now?
How do i make a groove like this
no chance
Well gee
how does anyone improvise/write melodies quickly? i can play in key and stuff with one hand while the other plays block chords but it never sounds very natural, logical, tuneful, or structured.
i get jealous of streamers when i go on twitch and see pianists effortlessly improvising cohesive lines because when i try to do so i sound painfully awkward.
am i just retarded? is there any one weird trick or some sort of like "solve for x" algebraically easy way of writing quickly/improvising? im starting to think i just dont have an artist's mind.
you may be able to try midi automation and midi mapping so that one instrument rack plays chords in one keyrange and another keyrange does something else
Just bought a 4 track cassette studio This is so much more fun than recording on DAW, I just sat and recorded and wrote stuff for like 8 hours which I've never done before on my computer.
I don't know why but for some reason I found it way less tedious to have to redo an entire track through the entire song at once on the cassette, than to have to redo one 15 second take on my daw
zeroes and ones were a mistake
wasted MONE$
my apologies if you just went over my head but like how exactly do those things help with instant composition?
if i understand you correctly your suggestion is something along the lines of: make one keyrange auto play chords upon pressing one key and maybe have the other keyrange set to some sort of arpeggiator or something... am i on the right track?
if so, i guess that helps a little but it doesnt speak to like... getting lightning quick inspiration to form and structure. im seeking the skills to constructing musical "sentences" on a whim. these streamers seem to have a musical grammar that i dont have. they seem to know which pitches logically stack vertically or follow horizontally well and may even use repetition to bring pattern to their improv. things that seem like they take a long time to plan they'll do in an instant.
automation may help take some of the thinking out of it but iunno ill stop typing because i think i just dont understand what you mean and i feel like im embarassing myself just by responding.
but thanks for your helpful efforts.
you can hum a decent improvised tune over chord changes right? then you have the grammar already you just need it in your fingers
try to play chords and sing a melody and then play it afterwards, then you should notice melody patterns and such you can come back to
how did i waste money if i enjoy it
>you can hum a decent improvised tune over chord changes right?
i hate to be a stick in the mud but personally i can't. this might be a red flag of a gap in my internalization of music and working on things like singing and imagining music would probably help lots with unlocking these coveted skills since i definitely can follow your logic that if i could do what you're suggesting then i would have the grammar.
>try to play chords and sing a melody and then play it afterwards
okay, i will. because you're making me realize that i sort of have things backwards. i think i moreso react to the keys im pressing instead of thinking or imagining sound first then realizing what i have in my head. i have a few stock progressions so i'll try.
a lot of it is just me being frustrated at myself for sucking so i spend time internally whining about it instead of trying to think constructively.
thanks for the guidance. i feel bad for wasting your time with my struggle though.
Hmm im still not sure if chords would actually fit the overall vibe of this
I want it to sound heavy, with heavy bass and kick
Any ideas?
Just threw in some risers and stuff to map the beginning out a bit
I don't know what the hell you want this to be but at 40 seconds you got the spiderland snare so thats cool
First make sure you know how each note within a key sounds. It's vital you understand that each key is exactly the same, just with a different starting note, as all the intervals in the key are the same. So stop thinking in terms of C D E or Gb Ab Bb, but in what number the note is. For instance, in the key of Gb major, Ab is the second of the scale, so in context it actually will sound exactly the same as a D note would in the key of C major. Once you understand that you can start noodling around in the scale more efficiently.
The next really important thing is to know what chords you are playing, and making sure that your melody is harmonically supported. Its good to know what notes make up the chords, and then using that as a slight guide for what you want to do with the melody
Finally, you really need to know where you want to go. How is the melody going to be shaped? Is it short passes of notes next to each other, or leaps? Does it go up? Down? A little of both? Is it going to richly support the harmony, or is it going to dance around it? It's really important to be thinking about what you are wanting to do with the melody as you are improvising
All that stuff is useless if you aren't practicing though. Practice improvising at least once a day and you will see huge improvements. Your ear will get better and you will be able to translate what you are hearing in your head much better too. It will feel less awkward with time and far more fluid. I've only been improvising for about a year but those tips helped me dramatically rather then flailing around on a keyboard
Thats sick user. Can I ask how much you paid for it? I'm looking to get one I just am not sure how much I want to invest in one. I might get a broken one and fix it up for a bit cheaper
Just spit balling updating as i go
I don't see them going lower than 300 nowadays unless you troll boomer estate sales for a few months. I wanted mine without the hassle so I paid 350 with 50 dollar shipping from reverb tbqh
> think i just dont have an artist's mind
not true, improvising is a skill like any other
Dig the music but what a shitty band name
Boring and sounds like shit
Sounds like shit
No matter what you do to the kick and bass it's still going to be typical house garbage that has been done 100000 times. But since you seem stuck in your ways use a compressor on the master and side chain it to the kick. Then use another compressor on the master but side chain this one to the bass and use very light compression. Now add another light layer of compression on the kick track and side chain it to the bass and another on the snare. Ez.
Still sounds like trash
>Still sounds like trash
Well thanks i was just toying with ideas there user, but appreciated
>compressor on the master and side chain it to the kick.
>side chaining everything to the kick
recipe for everything ducking for the kick a.k.a. disaster
Ask me how I know your music sounds like shit.
ask me how i know you have no idea of how to produce music
What an obnoxious coping mechanism you have.
why so mad
tone it down m8
>First make sure you know how each note within a key sounds.
i dont beyond knowing like... the modal feel of each scale degree when tonicizing each degree but okay, something to work on.
>stop thinking in terms of C D E or Gb Ab Bb, but in what number the note is.
okay so scale degrees are the most useful for improvising. noted. because i thought in terms of C, D, E, etc like a chump.
>The next really important thing is to know what chords you are playing, and making sure that your melody is harmonically supported
part of the problem maybe that i play stock progressions like the most basic I-vi-IV-V or really just pretty randomly as dictacted by what feels comfortable to my hand at a given time.
i want to like have a sort of inuition that guides me along saying "play this chord next and justify it by preparing before and expanding it after youve landed on said chord with appropriate motion in your melody" and somehow just do it. i want to have that skill of syntax.
>It's really important to be thinking about what you are wanting to do with the melody as you are improvising
mmm i hope thatll become second nature eventually.
>All that stuff is useless if you aren't practicing though.
im the type to practice a lot one day then not feel so inspired other days but just seeing you stress the importance of consistency i feel more inclined to get back on a practice regimen like i used to have.
>I've only been improvising for about a year but those tips helped me dramatically rather then flailing around on a keyboard
i see. maybe im being impatient then. im definitely at more of a flailing stage as my practice is too sporadic to even measure and most of it is not spent trying to improvise as i mostly transcribe music more than anything else.
uk oh mister grumpy is here