It’s that time of the year

It’s that time of the year
Post 9/11-related ridiculousness, whether from autism, cringe or absurdity

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The shitshow that was Civil War was very strongly influenced by the 9/11 era atmosphere and politics. And gave us this faggot.
Double checked
You have absolutely no idea.

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I for one really like Penance's design. Reminds me of Voldo from Soul Calibur.

I learned Image published a 9/11 truther comic
>A lab tech travels back in time on the morning of Sept. 11, 2001 to try and get her husband out of the world trade center before it falls, but will the facts convince him before it's too late? A riveting tale of 9/11 by award winning master storyteller RICK VEITCH that exposes 'The Big Lie'!

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Suck my hairy asshole if you think Magneto wouldn't use this as propaganda for his cause.

I wanted to do a storytime of that one 9/11 truther comic about a woman who tries to go back in time to warn her husband who works at the WTC to evacuate that the towers are about to be destroyed by a false flag attack but nobody believes her, then the comic ends with the husband surviving the plane crashing but being killed by explosives planted in his wall. However, it turns out I'm gonna be busier than I thought today, so I don't know if I'll be able to, if somebody else could do it'd be much appreciated.

In fact, THIS is the comic I was talking about I storytimed it here last year.

Here's a classic.

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I legitimately forgot
Americans sure hang onto things for too long.

Especially our slaves.

the only one in this picture who would be somewhat affected by it emotionally would be kingpin
Doom and Magneto wouldn't give two shits

>Doom’s crying because he didn’t get to destroy the Twin Towers first

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Imagine being that autistic to not understand why they did that issue.

Easy money, duh.

Marvel civilians as dumb as ever.

I’m an American and I have to be reminded every year.

So you keep your hate and your xenophobia levels high, user.

Marvel: A tragedy unlike any other. Never forget
Also Marvel:

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I think it's perfectly valid to hate people who want to blow you up for being an infidel.

And when does the hate stop user?

All those poor people that will never know the glory of a world united by DOOM

Hate is the only reason why USA even exists.

And what if the terrorists had been Christians?

Doom is a fucking PUNK.

Everyone talks about how horrible a villain he is, yet every damn one of his reads, at least the ones that I've seen or been suggested to see by Yea Forums, depict him as more of a fucking antihero than an actual villain.

Joker -- Killed Jason Todd, paralyzed Barbara, killed Sarah, etc.

Magneto -- Ripped Wolverine's fucking skeleton out

Green Goblin -- Killed Gwen Stacy, all of the psychological damage to his own fucking son

Doom -- The nigga delivered Reed Richards' child.

His big "act of villainy" there was just NAMING THE GIRL. Sure, you can toss out the whole "oh well he was proving that he could do something that Richards couldn't, he could help his family when Richards could not", or the bs "Oh well he's a classy motherfucker dohoho/he's an honorable villain" crap out there, but when it comes down to it, Doom hasn't done SHIT.

That all being said, Doom crying at 9/11 wasn't any sort of break in character or anything to me. Hell, I would even go as far to say that it was entirely IN character.

There's also that time Norman Osborn blew up a football field. Or that time Kang the Conqueror nuked Washington DC. Or that time Archangel nuked some small town in the American midwest. Or that time Ex Nihilo bombarded the Earth with genocide bombs.

>And what if the terrorists had been Christians?
They weren't.

>680x901 2.9 MB

Haven't americans blown up islamic countries for years?

It works if it was some demon/magic guy, not fucking Screwball!

>His big "act of villainy" there was just NAMING THE GIRL
Oh, and unmaking all of reality to remake it in his image as its God King, but let's not dwell on that.

We've also invested more into their infrastructure and education in the last few years than they have in their entire existence.

It shouldn’t have happened to Speedball of all people.

Wouldn't Doom and Magneto of all fucking people be able to easily stop the towers from collapsing? Magneto at least is the kind of guy who would do it. Heck, probably Jean Grey, Professor X, Iron Man, Doctor Strange, the Scarlet Witch and many others could also do it. Showing them like that just being sad around the destruction instead of stopping it is pretty retarded.

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Yes, mainly Saudi Arabia, aka the guys that actually funded the terrorists attacks in the first place, because oil. Other wise, the US has been stirring shit up in the middle east for years even before 9/11, either directly like in desert storm or the seriously complicated and messed up politics that comes from the the US endorsing Israel

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DC had a much more tasteful approach towards 9/11

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No, mainly Iraq and Afghanistan.
Anything we bombed before was an objective improvement.

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>Superman can breathe in space
Since when?

Depends on who's writing him.

Imagine believing this.

>Killed Mar-Vell
>Impetus for Civil War and everything that followed like OMD

What the fuck is Nitro’s problem?

This just goes to show how ego driven Marvel was even back then

in irony it was for the people that turned on us, We saved Osama bin laden in the 80s.


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The people that use this word must be pulled from their homes and beaten in front of the ones they love, to teach the younger generations that we simply won't tolerate this level of faggotry.

This is why putting real word disasters in a fucking comic isnt a good idea

And yet his Thunderbolts solo was great.

>i want to take a break from all rhe 9/11 shit, its wearing me down
>i know ill read a comic, thats some good old fashioned escapism

Why would you run into a burning building with a flag?

Was 9/11 easily the most radical cause of change in popular culture in the last 50 years? Literally everything from the 2000’s onwards is almost certainly a reaction against it. Comics in particular

>And what if the terrorists had been Christians
Friendly reminder, the crusades were retaliations of previous Islamic invasions.

I've heard of 9/11 now get ready for Super 9/11

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I remember Spiderman 1s dvd had a whole feature of them jerking themselves off over how groundbreaking and touching this issue was

>Why dont you just change the character who cries?

If he truly understood the difference, Doom would be laughing.

>Anything we bombed before was an objective improvement.
Then why don't you bomb yourselves?

Because america is a shining beacon of light, fairness, and hope. Every year millions of people try to get in still. Im sorry you cant be free like us. No go bang rocks together or what ever you third worlders do for fun.

explain to me why megneto would be so upset by 9/11. Makes sense with doom. Those victims were potential new subjects for latveria. Erik would delight in humans dying since it proves him right that humans are destructive and will kill each other over nothing.

How did Black Bolt get away with this?

If you think we’re bad, check out the Israelites.

I wish we could bomb california and the northeast


Anyone remember this?

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Medusa let him off with a warning.

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See you in 3 days faggots

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I remember a time before the Forever War, fuck I'm old

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Step 1: blame the cause of it on Thanos
Step 2: go into hiding for a few weeks
Step 3: Come to save your people both old and new from some people in invading the new version of the Inhuman City
Step 4: Step down from the Throne for a month or so making it look like you've learned you're lesson.
Step 5: Have your hot Wife handle everything political related in regards to Humans and Mutants alike.
Step 6: ???
Step 7: get away with it all.

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Jesus Christ Rick.

You left out
Step X: Kill mutant Hitler as a public relations stunt.

And he didn't blame Thanos. It was common knowledge he set off the bomb. New York was literally invaded by Red Raven's kingdom because of that shit.

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Grade schools still hold yearly remembrance events even though 9-11 is old enough to vote as of today.
This one is actually kind of nice.

Okay, so not a comic but a fanfic someone is right now writing in regard to MLP.

This one's alright
Pretty stasteful all things considered

Where’s the one of Cap holding a survivor?

>An edgy teen supervillain suicide bombs himself and causes a nuclear explosion at the site of Ground Zero
>this comic came out in 2010

I really, really hate casuals like you.
Doom caused M Day, almost committed genocide, raped Wanda, sent Franklin to hell and killed Stature.

the only bad shit about the spidey 9/11 comic is the villains at the end

not a mutant

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Were they really trying to point the Inhumans as being in the right with this shit?

Grettings from /h/:

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Is this a post for ants?

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Meanwhile in Japan they save buildings.

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Oh, we do, we just like to make sure the only people who remember are the political radicals who might get bombed again, see also striking coal miners in the South, and MOVE in Philly.

Why do you fucking casuals think Magneto is a villain? Read a fucking comic.

oh you are correct I forgot about that. Thanks Emma Frost, you really helped out there.

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>t. Magneto

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Jugglenut! No!

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Since the 50s

Why would you bomb the biggest contributors to your economy

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How does this play into Hypercrisis?

This was actually not bad at all and handled the subject so much better than OP's pic.

I've always thought that he just holds his breath.

I could see Doom not jiving with senseless acts of violence on innocent civilians. He's more of a "greater good" kinda guy and 9/11 ain't exactly that.

To own the libs. There's no other reason.

Shut up, Cletus. If anything, we need to bomb the south.

I agree. Mexico needs to go.

You know good and well what I was talking about.

We need to say goodbye to Texas, Louisiana, Alabama, and the Carolinas.

Doesn't Texas fall into the same problem as California? Not as much, but it was my understanding they have a significant contribution to the American economy.

>military consists of rednecks
>wanting the military to bomb redneck country

Texas is around 2/3rds of Californias. If they were their own countries they'd be like number 3 and number 5 in the world of something.

Nah, they seceded from the U.S. once and we took them back after they almost starved to death. They don't even have a state income tax, they rely on the federal teet as much as anyone else does. Taking in slightly more than they pay out.

The only time Texas seceded was when they joined the Confederacy, and they definitely weren't starving then. Texas use to be it's own independent nation that soon joined the US after populace started to starve. Retard.

>Nah, they seceded from the U.S. once and we took them back after they almost starved to death
That was over one hundred years ago, dude. Things have changed a lot since then.

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When would Doom or Magneto ever give a remote fuck about an event like 9/11 past using it for potential propaganda purposes? Not that they wouldn't ever have such a reaction to a catastrophic event, but 9/11 in particular would be more or less an average Tuesday for them. Doom in particular would likely find it all amusing. Just an interesting choice of characters.

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I feel like this comic gets too much shit, it was made on like 9/13 by New Yorkers they were emotional

The arrogance hasn't changed, that's for sure.

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What the fuck is this shit?

how is this spider-man's fault?


this man's magnum opus

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what's the context here? why isn't magneto being a dick?

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How bad does it get? Mandy causing 9/11 seems like the height of edge

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I wonder if muricans know every other country makes jokes about 9/11 just like they do about any other tragedy like the hiroshima and nagasaki nukes

I'm sorry you stupid euroes don't understand why 9/11 is so important

but americans make jokes about 9/11 as well

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Are you so autistic that you cant understand a special non canon memorial issue?


Post Hiroshima memes.

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Doom is from the Balkans.

Of course he has sympathety for those who suffer from islamic degradations.

id assume americans were the biggest consumer/ creator of 9/11 jokes with how many i see get tossed around over here.

Yea Forums is a international forum where people only post in english for mere convenience

Every time I see that guy (whose name I can't remember) I think he's the speedster from The Order.

I still don't get it. What was the mistake? The fourth plane no reaching the white house?

>Spider Menace swings planes at twin towers
Jesus fuck J.J.

Magneto has committed Genocide before, not sure why the deaths of Homo sapiens matters to him
Kingpin I totally get, he could either legitimately be interested in rebuilding his turf, or use it as a massive PR boost with the citizens of NYC.
Doom being there is retarded, while he wouldn’t enjoy them dying he probably wouldn’t care. Unless he’s upset he has lost potential Latverians or the fact the planes didn’t kill Richards

Bleedman, a loli weeb artists who runs a (actually very well drawn and designed) webcomic where a bunch of cartoon characters live in the same universe, in one his most edgy works Mandy takes over the future my making Grim fall in love with her so she can take over the overworld or some shit like this. Also Aku and Him from the PPG have daughters

Americans don't give a shit what other countries talk about

Imagine if you knew a mutant who instead of trying to either play the long game to persuade humanity on coexistence or domination and instead performs a suicide strike that kills thousands of civilians, destroys a cultural landmark and turn America to a cynical plutocracy.

Garth Ennis wrote a 9/11 conspiracy comic called 303. It says that George W. Bush had advanced logic at the very least. And that he wanted that sweet sweet middle-eastern oil. Did the USA ever actually end up getting any oilfields? I don't think they did.

It's striking how sane this is.

>genocide bombs.
Aren't all bombs suppose to be genocide bombs?

It's not about literal oil. It's about the currency used to trade in oil. Oil is almost entirely tied to the US Dollar, so countries that don't abide by that and try to buy and sell oil in other currencies are called "rouge states" and end up getting bombed eventually. If Russia/China didn't have nukes, the entire planet would be under the American thumb. That's why there's a huge push for alternative energy, because it weakens America's position in the world ("global warming" etc was invented to hasten this decline) Not to say they're any better, everyone is a son of a bitch when it comes to international relations.

Lets project mutant 9/11...

A middle eastern man witb good education and family connect and prospects learns that he was a mutant. Taking his inheritance and business connections with him, he moves to Genoshia and bonds with Magneto and is wowed by his visions of mutants ruling the earth. On his way back Kelly's thugs detain him and asks him to help maintain America's interests in the middle east throught guns and mutant superpowers.

Years of being a government toady wears him down and he managed to escape back to Genoshia where he gathers talented followers who calls out American hypocrisy for its worth. One day. A mutant uses their unstable mutant powers to destroy multiple historic landmarks and thenselves with it. Leading to untold death and a scarring of American pride

Realizing what trouble the guy had brought. The terrorist leader is exiled to some fiction middle eastern country embroiled by endless war as America demands, telling stark industries and shield to go open a can of whoopass on the fictional country which leads to the strongman government overthrown and later another country having their strongman dictatorship toppled. In a comic book story this would have some sappy ending about a hopeful future. But this marvel, there are no happy endings.

Eventually the resistance to the weak regime swells led by a mix of mutants and loyalists who want the occupiers out and openly spitting on the American Occupation. What little hope they have flushed away in suicide attacks against a nigh invincible enemy. Mutants tossing their lives even when promised mercy by Cap. Eventually another wave of popular revolt for mutants happens with mixed success at first followed by soul crushing reality as more landmarks are destroyed, more hopes and dreams are crushed and the mutant dream of dominance is further and further away

>a loli weeb artists
a lolicon weeb artists, loli would imply he is a little girl.

Comedy gold, is this real?

>That's why there's a huge push for alternative energy
Actually it's because oil supplies are limited, you fucking retard.
Saudi Arabia is one of the highest investors in alternative energy, because they're practically tapped out of oil reserves now.

There is no shortage of oil. The stone age didn't end because they ran out of stones. The Saudis are investing in "alternative energy" because they want to disconnect from American influence so they can go back to not letting women drive.

We make jokes about 9/11 all the time. 90% of 9/11 memes were more than likely made by an American. Stupid foreigner, go die in your irrelevancy

Well, it's actually easy to understand. It's THE excuse.

"By defying the laws of gravity, you can go anywhere you want."

>global warming was invented to destroy American hegemony
Man, it must be really convenient for the people who invented it that all of their bullshit is coming true.

>Everything you predict can be true.
>If you only remind people about the times you were right!

>military consists of rednecks
>wanting the military to bomb redneck country
That logic didn't work well the last time either...

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reading that shit here in Yea Forums was amusing and painful at the same time

Most of us military is from puerto rico and the territories

What if there were mutant folk in the towers?

Back when it was more profitable for them to play up the Inhumans than the Mutants? Absolutely.

Marvel had/have a remarkable knack for portraying a side in an event conflict as their chosen 'right' one and managing to get it entirely ass backwards, mutants during Marvel's extended tantrum over not having the movie rights to them was especially prone to it