Goddamn rape gangs compromised exclusively of white devils and preying on on poor, innocent citizens of color! This shit has to end right now!
Goddamn rape gangs compromised exclusively of white devils and preying on on poor...
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this seems sort of like the Jussie Smollet situation
I don't get it.
Do they think they're subverting expectations or something?
Because "white men acting like minorities do in the real world" is the most stereotypical Current Year shit ever.
Whachu talkin'bout honkey? White devils hookin' up with da police to dish out some of dat white devil sheit is real yo.
>and then he said "hands up don't shoot" before George Zimmerman jumped out of the bushes murdered a baby Eric Gardner with a rocket launcher
What even is this shlock?
>my sick moms
How progressive, and brave.
The most recent reboot of the original Daredevil, "The Death Defying Devil".
Fucking great, this is like the shadow stopping a fucking school shooting and crowing about white privilege.
White people commit 97% of the crimes in the US when you factor in white collar crime.
In addition, 87% of sexual crimes and a whopping 91% of incest are committed by whites.
Guess america doesn't have that big of a muslim population yet
Fun fact: White people are more likely to commit fucked up crimes like serial killings and that shit then black people
Black people murder and rob white people
>White people commit 97% of the crimes in the US when you factor in white collar crime.
A lie.
>In addition, 87% of sexual crimes and a whopping 91% of incest are committed by whites.
Also a lie.
Also black people been complaining for decades that they been fucking they cousins cause everybody got a daddy with three different baby momma
Nice try, (((you)))
But hey, you know what?
Forget 14 and 88
The two most racially charged numbers are 13 and 47
White people are the devil. Gas all the evil whities, as my 4 gay, black, biracial lesbian grandfathers used to say.
Despite being only 13% of the population, black people commit more than 50% of crimes in the US. Now ain't that crazy?
Isn't the point of comics to provide outlandish situations that never happen in real life?
read that in Hugh's voice
Feel free to post the stats proving all this.
No it's to indoctrinate the masses to hate white people because they think the comic is just like real life.
Everything is political, user. Don't forget.
I like this comic's subtle themes.
>like serial killings and that shit
Ok, I believe you, smart and eloquent man
lol this is like a fucking parody a right-wing writer would come up with.
The most pronounced similarities have little to do with the traditional demographic categories, like race, class and marital status. Rather, other kinds of patterns have emerged: these men begin early, studies find. They may associate with others who also commit sexual violence. They usually deny that they have raped women even as they admit to nonconsensual sex.
>This Thread.
So this is actually a parody written by /pol/?
Are we not allowed to discuss comics on the Comics & Cartoons board?
"Heavy drinking, perceived pressure to have sex, a belief in “rape myths” — such as the idea that no means yes — are all risk factors among men who have committed sexual assault. A peer group that uses hostile language to describe women is another one."
for what reason?
Unironically, no, not anymore.
Oh sure, just don't bring in /pol/shit. This ain't Yea Forums.
Bye kids!
>just don't bring in /pol/shit
The "/pol/shit" is in the comics. See ?
>not already having /pol/ open in another tab
White people defending themselves is /pol/shit to sjws, they want you to die quietly and not bring it up when a comic demonizes you.
No it is hilariously shit writing that rather than being called shit writing and torn up for that is now just leading to some pol shit.
And they're assholes too for dragging that shit into comics in very hamfisted ways.
is anyone even discussing it?
this is like fight night at the plantation
>written by Gail Simone
Jesus Christ. Burn out is a real thing but she keeps fucking going.
>is anyone even discussing it?
Yes. We're discussing how hilariously terrible it is.
despite popular belief you can discuss and joke at the same time
What's hilarious about it? It's 100% serious. Would it be 'hilarious shit writing' to you if i portrayed a pack of niggers being rapists and murderers and inhuman ape monsters? No, you'd get offended and start calling for me to get banned and censored everywhere because you hate it when people talk bad about niggers, hypocrite.
Are you stupid?
Are you?
...so you're angry because YOU'RE the one being made fun off?
Jeez, learn to take a joke!
Motherfucker, nobody wants this shit in a book! The problem is that you guys always take it to the "FUCKJEWS&NIGGERSTHISISNOWAHATETHREAD" level.
>no u
Yeah, you're stupid.
Why are you angry when I make fun of blacks?
>nobody wants this shit in a book
Except for sjws that hate white people and wanted this shit in a book apparently.
>Why are you angry
but i just called you the angry one, which would make me not angry
>White thugs don't exist!
This is written like shit, but you guys are predictable as fuck.
That's true I'm not denying that murder and robbery aren't fucked up. But shit like serial killers and the fucked up shit they do so almost exclusively white men not to mention that most mass shooters are white.
Who the fuck uses scofflaw anymore?
>if the niggers were the murderers and rapists I wouldn't be angry except I totally would be because that shit is RACIST! Except when it applies to whites
What's that 0.00001% of all crimes while blacks commit 50% of murders and robbieries?
most people are making fun of this
Not an argument.
For good reason, but you know which posts that was directed atp
>Are we not allowed to discuss comics on the Comics & Cartoons board?
According to the FBI, whites are no more likely to become serial killers than any other race.
Additionally, serial killers tend to target their own race, usually women.
Racist news media doesn't care about black-on-black killings, but kill a white girl and look at them jump on it.
I never denied that?
>I'm a hypocrite
Thanks for admitting that. Now shut up and go away, hypocrite.
Sorry I triggered you /pol/-kun