What musicians death would hit you the hardest? Whose has hit the hardest so far?

What musicians death would hit you the hardest? Whose has hit the hardest so far?

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Jason Molina

I'm not seeing the bulge you would expect from all the hearsay.

Bob will hit me hard. My mum is a fan so his music has been with me my whole life. I can remember sitting in my booster seat in the car listening to Sad Eyed Lady of the Lowlands and wondering where I could get my own Arabian drums. After a bad breakup aged 28 I went from casual fan to utter obsessive and taught myself guitar to his music. If it wasn't for Bob I would never have had the audacity to try to write my own songs.

I think he's the greatest artist of the last century and is utterly irreplaceable.

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>whose hit you the hardest
>would hit you the hardest
iggy, or tront

Tyler the creator. Nipsey Hussle.

Iggy Azalea?

Bladee would make me cry :(

Vern Rumsey hit the hardest for me back in 2020
Bryan St. Pere was also super unexpected and shitty
I think the hardest death for me would be Jeremy Enigk

Forgot to mention, John Prine hit me hardest out of those who have died. I had tickets to see him when he passed away too. It's fortunate that his last album is so fucking good.

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My mistake, the motherfucking MF DOOM hitted harder.

>whose hit you the hardest
Michale Jackson
>would hit you the hardest
Aphex Twin

This. Dylan dying will completely unironically be one of the saddest events of my life.

I was depressed when Lemmy died, it also sucks that his persona will always overshadow the fact that he was a great songwriter. Next roughest for me will be King Diamond.

I love "No Voices in the Sky", and his lyrics in that song are so great.

ugly mane

Probably Kevin shields. I wish he would release another album.

Layne Staley, the way he died was something I'd wish on no man

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I won't like it when Paddy McAloon finally goes. Is it too much to ask for one more album in the meantime? Crimson/Red was surprisingly kino for such a latter-day career release. I'm sure he has more gold tucked away.

wtf bob dylan is still alive?

Bowie's death didn't hit me as hard as I thought it would, but Trish Keenan from Broadcast felt awful for some reason

You're probably being facetious but if you aren't listen to his latest album Rough and Rowdy Ways from 2020. Bob's still alive and on top songwriting form.

>Whose has hit the hardest so far?
Freddie Mercury and Eddie Van Halen

Snoop Dogg
Probably Michael Jackson because of the timing. Ray Manzareks death would have been it if I had been old enough to recognize his talent. Jim Morrison if I had been alive for it.

bob dylan sucks fucking dick, kill yourself instead.

Dimebag Darrell is the single most loss of talent of the 00's

gave a listen to i cointain multitudes, nice.
later i will sit through the whole thing.
whats his best record by the way?

Glad you enjoyed.

>whats his best record by the way?
That's too hard to answer to be honest as he has so many good records. I'd suggest starting with Bringing it all Back Home as it's a nice mixture of folk and rock and contains several of his best songs.

John Cale or Daniel Johnson

have a good day

You too user. :)

unironically the bog troon biting it hit me harder than I would have thought given it's not my kind of music at all, just a shame to see that kind of vitality (if bizarre) snuffed out after only one album when I thought they'd be a fixture in the periphery of my cultural field of vision for at least the next couple of decades

David Berman
Marilyn Manson

I love that guitar. I want a telecaster with those colors.

I still remember the day Van Halen left us. I was stunned for a couple of day. My friend's dad was a guitarist since the 80s, he had it hard as well. Oof.

Over time? Kurt.
In the moment? None.

eh, I'd have to say Frusciante would be the one that would impact me the most.
It started with Stadium Arcadium, then went all the way down to Mother's Milk, then his solo stuff. Have heard literally everything he has put out solo or with other people.
I really love some of his stuff, specially Curtains, Niandra, Automatic Writing...
Don't reaaaally care for anyone else that is alive.

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Andy Partridge

why would a Guitarhero have such a modular Synth and Keys collection?

john's been disinterested in the guitar like the last 20 years, it's just a paycheck for him at this point. i'm sure he still gets enjoyment, but like 90% of his solo work is electronic stuff

It is like a funko pop collection for rich musicians

Fuck I didn't know that.
Remember him to be on many Best-ever /fav. Guitarist lists...
Gonna search for some clips or tracks from him now...

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>What musicians death would hit you the hardest?
Fenriz, can't even imagine it
>Whose has hit the hardest so far?
Lemmy and Mark Shelton

Tom Petty, Warren Zevon
Neil Young

This isn't on the news yet, but Bill Corgan. I just got off the worst day of my job ever. Found my childhood music hero dead by suicide. He cut off his own penis and balls and bled out. His cats were eating the body parts when we got there.

He has over 40 albums and hasn't made a good one since 75. The shit albums can't be ignored.

his older solo stuff doesn't really have all that much "electronic", mostly just some beats.
After he left the rhcp in 2006, then pretty much all of his solo stuff is purely electronic music, rarely featuring a guitar.
he also put out stuff with other names like trickfinger

Dave Grohl because he was in Nirvana.

Karen Carpenter and Elliott Smith still get me.

How did he die? Wasn't it just an overdose?

fuck up the link

kinda, he also cut off his dick and balls. his cats had eaten them, they also died of overdose because there was so much heroin in them

Bollocks, he hasn’t made a bad album since 1990 with the exception of Christmas in the Heart. Learn2ModBob

Yes it was just an overdose.

Fuck off, kek

he overdosed but his death was long and drawn out over years. he lost his teeth, he contracted gangrene, had huge abscesses, and weighed about 80 pounds with a six foot frame. Basically he wasted away and became a corpse. Probably the most horrific way to die because it's so long and drawn out over years.

lol this is a fucking lie

just watched : John Frusciante - Brand E

I just can't imagine a Guitar Player doing that IDM Music, similar to the AFX stuff...
and it doesn't sound bad at all.

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I'll try to go back and listen to the ones i've missed. Who knows, maybe another listen could change my mind.

eddie van halen. still feels like something is missing.
Other than that, anyone in sabbath, Metallica or Megadeth, and angus aswell.

well the choice of TB-303 makes sense, since it was labeled Bass Synthesizer.

there's not photos of him between 1998-2002?

Viktor Tsoi....
this emo nigga man.... i miss him

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I’d recommend this as an introduction to Bob’s modern material. It’s alternate takes, unreleased songs and a few live tracks, all excellent.

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They say overdose but I think it was on purpose. He had needle sticking in his leg and another syringe loaded in his hands ready to go when they found him.

not to mention he severed his own penis and balls, there were 3 dead cats and when they performed autopsies the cats all had penis and balls chunks in their stomachs

The last photo of him in public was taken in 1998. The last photo ever taken of him is owned by his mother and hasn't been released. The photo was taken in February of 2002 and it's a picture of him holding his nephew.

I'll check it out later. Ty.


Last photo of him is him from Valentine's Day 2002 with his sister's newly born baby and family. It's never been published but I actually saw the photo(s) about year ago on Alice in Chains reddit. They were there for only like half a day before the guy who posted (apparently had some connection to Layne's family)deleted the post and account. It was poor quality taken with probably some potato phone camera but there were several pictures on a wall of pictures and on two of them there was one with Layne and the baby in his hands and another one with him sitting and surrounded by his family members. He had short hair and even though they were really low quality you could see it was him and he didn't look AS BAD as you would think.

>has hit
this guy had the worst luck...
>will hit
King Yellowman

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