There was a brief moment in history when cartoons could have guns again
Actual firearms as seen in Regular Show, Batman the Brave and the Bold, etc
Then pic related happened
There was a brief moment in history when cartoons could have guns again
Other urls found in this thread:
I was litteraly thinking about this guy 20 minutes ago what the hell
I was thinking that his actions shifted the message TDKR was supposed to bring
That Bane's message and actions of a class war between the haves and have nots were never to be aspired to in the methods he brought before him
And that maybe he was brainwashed
the mind makes up some spooky stuff
Still say another sicko like him will shoot up a Joker screening.
This says a lot about our society
Odds of something similar happening during the Joker premiere?
Oh God.
He was MKultraed in his college, CIA is active in universities.
If someone did shoot up a Joker screening, how would DC react?
Would NRS delay the Joker DLC?
They'll probably pull some "thoughts and prayers" shit and nothing else.
well that's OK, Panchito can be a luchador instead.
Because corporations don't have souls but pretend to
Let's be real, even if this nut job didn't do what he did we'd still go down the path of censorship we went down because of how nuts the shooting culture right now
Think for a moment. This is the shit CN got away with in the early 2010s, and now we aren't even sure Looney Tunes Cartoons, which has a very heavy adult target audience, will have guns. Disney has banned guns for its cartoons. That's a heavy shift the other way
Because at the end of the day none of these companies are your friends and family, and only care about making money. And there would be plenty of Joker fans that would not give a shit willing to pay.
>which has a very heavy adult target audience
When was the last time a Disney cartoon had a gun anyways?
stop, this is not a rational thread.
Here's a direct example of the media response. Beware the Batman was going to have realistic firearms, as seen in this poster, but then they had to edit all the guns to shoot lasers after what happened in Aurora.
You're telling me the shorts that go back to the 40s era of LT and are released online with highly-detailed animation isn't targeting adults?
Also at least a decade ago Disney had merch with characters with guns, which they don't even do anymore. I know Disney comics also had guns not that far back
I'm gonna be honest, I kind of like it more when realistic guns aren't in play. In a way, I feel like having realistic firearms actually LOWERS the stakes, because you know no that no cartoons is going to feature someone being shot to death.
When the bad guys are toting ridiculous sci-fi laser weapons, at least we can actually see characters get hit by them so we know the people firing them are at least semi-competent. Hell, sometimes even the PROTAGONISTS get hit!
Didn't this guy get fan girls and fan art?
Proably pull all their joker books for a bit, delay white knight and other batman shit, and then put out a fundraiser book like "Ricanstruction" or "Love is Love" that had the proceeds go to Puerto Rico, post hurricane, and victims of the Pulse Night Club shooting retroactively. Maybe release the movie on streaming services so you can watch it without fear of being shot.
I think he actually works better at times without guns.
Like the new series really got to show off his cuckoo personality
I actually remembered something like that
Even made it into a documentary
Found this
Gentleman, I behold you the "Holmies"
>Fucking Steven Universe had a gun at one point
>No one every even brought it up or made a big deal of it at all, everyone just seemed cool with Vidalia owning a gun
Is Rebecca /our/ girl?
DBZ reference?
Because at the end of the day they can’t do shit about it, but are going to be blamed even though gun control and mental health are the problems that cause mass shootings. They can’t tell the people who will be harassing them to fuck off and bug their senators and they can’t just ignore the issue. The only reasonable thing they can do is say “omg so sad :’(“ and wait for it to blow over.
Oh.....oh man
I'm fairly certain something similar had happen recently but can't pin point who exactly
Skip to 3:40
No one is going to get shot, you colossal faggots.
Its Burgerland user
Just another reminder on how the 2010s devolved into a sick regression of standards, where we used to have irreverent comedy cartoons with even guns in them now because of SJWs and safe space culture everythings mutated into soified husks of its former self. Animation is a joke compared to what it was 9 years ago.
^^^Took the words right out of my mouth
Same can be said about movies now too, i fucking hate this decade where the left became the new conservatives and soccer moms, everything is far worse then before and the 2000s were horrible, i genuinely want to die and to see people responsible for these changes die along with me. If i had a death note or a way i could take them out without anyone else innocent getting harmed i would, i hate them and this damned new zeitgeist so goddamn much. Everything we fought hard against censorship was for nought and brought down by the very same side that used to be against deplorable acts such as silencing art because its too “triggering”, i hate pear clutching think of the children faggots no matter which side theyre on.
they shouldn't launch that movie during school' season
Does Up count?
Watching a video about the PR Clown campaign ARG of the Nolan films, the Morrison Meta Meme Hypcrisis and the names of the young men caught up in the blast wave makes anyone claiming to have answers as to whose telling the truth or where the line between fiction and reality seem empty, even atheists seem less plausable.
lmao @ your misfortune
>blacks shoot each other every day
>nobody cares
>lone whiteoid kills 7 people in bumblefuck nowhere
>time to start revoking rights
I hope you get cancer, being apathetic to the things wrong with the modern world makes you apart of the problem.
America's been getting shot up all year. How comfy is that rock you're under?
I mean your assessment of the modern world is so off base the pitcher had time to walk over and tag you out.
Probably retire Joker as a character.
And don't forget those schizos around the world like that guy from New Zealand or the guy who burned down the KyoAni studio.
Came here to bring this up. It wasn't even that long ago. I think this was the last time I have seen a gun in a western children's show.
How is it off base, its pretty damn accurate especially when it comes to media. Everythings regressed back into over bearing standards and restrictions because of SJW and sex negative culture. The democrats are the new conservative prudes and are ruining everything.
lmao @ your paranoid malcontent ass
Sincerely from me, enjoy being frustrated for the rest of your life
Thanks for showing that youre trolling and not even comprehending what im saying with your weak bait responses
Because depicting guns towards children has never been popular. Because left wing and right wing politics doesn’t really effect shit as much as movie tickets do, and in order to get as much money as possible they all aim for the mighty pg13. Because the “regression” of society has to deal with our social spheres being completely warped by the sudden introduction of the internet, so now all these tent pole films are pretty much required to be watched lest you fall out of the zeitgeist. Except the films are so shallow they are immediately forgotten. They didn’t stop showing tits and blood in films because of moral panic. Tits and blood where super popular in the fucking 80’s; The same decade that introduced the public to Heavy Metal and D&D being products of Satan & everyone’s dad was molesting them according to psychologists and repressed memories. Moral panic has rarely ever been anything other than a sideshow that rarely anyone gives a fuck about. When columbine happened people had been screeching about the evil of video games for decades, but a school of dead children couldn’t convince people to ban a niche hobby. Everything has regressed because “art” has been consumed and produced by soulless mega corporations put to maximize profits.
I said you were off base because nothing you said added up and even a cursory glance around would get you to notice that.
>Because left wing and right wing politics doesn’t really effect shit as much as movie tickets do, and in order to get as much money as possible they all aim for the mighty pg13.
Except companies now (especially disney with their family friendly hard on) are watering down content and properties even more to be kid friendly, its desdpecibale that there cant be actual violence in even star wars anymore. Its all about pushing their prudish agenda, specifically feminist agenda. They want the world colorless and bland because tits and blood are evil and wrong just like the catholics and mudshits who are the epitome of conservatism are saying, the left are the new prudes and its horrible.
They really don’t have an agenda. They pretend to because it creates controversy, which in turn increases sales. However if you actually studied left leaning concepts Disney does the most inoffensive watered down versions of it possible, if at all. Like the last Star Wars was more right leaning then left leaning. The major themes were “embrace traditionalism” and “trust your leaders and never question them”. Meanwhile the black guy was just the but of the jokes. Sure one of those themes came from someone with tits, but unless you are arguing that letting women talk is left wing, I don’t see the problem.
>They really don’t have an agenda. They pretend to because it creates controversy, which in turn increases sales.
Thats stupid, i avoid products that carry a certain agenda. And besides, that last movie was all about how incompetent men were even when the female admiral got the entire resistance killed from her actions. We wouldnt get a scene like pic related in disneys moral panic infused star wars, and thats where alot of my gripes come from.
It's funny because you're only hope is to some how bring back Think of the children, as a good and proper meme, to really think about the need for the children to remain innocent even whilw.they are cursing like waivers and thinking about titties. That's for boys. I don't know how to save girls from big coma inducing mandingo dicks. Honestly, if we are going to let open and Mandingo cuck docks into every vagina I don't know how we are going to keep everyone or anybody motivated to build families or physically healthy for that matter. It's funny because your only hope is censorship and "THINK OF THE CHILDREN".
You won’t get that scene because Disney doesn’t want to push boundaries, because they are a soulless company making the blandest shit possible. That isn’t from moral panic, that is from committee-style “art”. The last movie’s moral wasn’t “female strong”, it was “never fucking question authority”.
Your anger is misplaced. Search your feelings, you know this to be true.
Are you schizophrenic?
>You won’t get that scene because Disney doesn’t want to push boundaries, because they are a soulless company making the blandest shit possible.
Yes, because of their soccer mom agenda to make everything safe and stale. Its literally a crusade theyre doing, buying up properties and castrating them because daddy walt was an over sensitive bitch who wanted everything to be musicals and princesses. I wish he is suffering where ever he is, i wish i could shit on his grave for everything hes done.
>to fuck off and bug their senators
but why not. This isn't a partisan matter, this is a route all citizens have for addressing their concerns about their community. If corporations can pay celebrities pleading for me to vote every 4 years, they can also put a little more effort and remind people to do more than think about voting for a single office.
but I guess our votes don't matter, and our lack of voting matter much more for the people who have the money to make real difference without votes.
You're genuinely incredibly narrow minded. Your points have been summarily refuted IN THIS THREAD, to say nothing of the world at large. Banal controversy (which sounds insane when you apply it to serial killers, but that's how things are) is one of the single greatest drivers of media sale in the world. Works better than sex ever did.
No, silly, I just keep acting like realife is real, I treat life as it presents itself while everyone else is running around hiding the secret of their own advancement.
Schizophrenic is an accusation, it's definitely not a comp!iment. And this is fourchan, a couple of channels over you have Yea Forums a place where all kinds of "CRAZY" POSTS are common place, I couldn't believe there was another person on the other end of this thing thinking I have schizophrenia if I tried. Anyway, schizophrenia is a funny accusation in a thread headed by Meme Joker IRL manifestation #322
Because the majority of people are dumb and if the companies told them to fuck off and actually be smart they just become even more annoying and stupid in retaliation. It’s a lose-lose scenario for a company so they take the one with the least amount of losses.
>Banal controversy (which sounds insane when you apply it to serial killers, but that's how things are) is one of the single greatest drivers of media sale in the world. Works better than sex ever did.
Nope, if people hate something they wont see it out of spite, look how “well” that did for marvel comics. For instance, im not seeing terminator dark fate after tim miller called all of its critics misogynists.
Are YoU schizoPhrenic?
found the non-American
but seriously, you gotta be ready for this shit now. that's why it's always best to pack heat for extra safety when you see a movie.
You really do believe people are all fundamentally the same, don't you? That people have consistent internal values and perspectives? You believe in Logic and Reason as empirical states and practices.
Good luck with that. I hope it works for you, and you don't spend the rest of your life desperately shoving rags into holes while water floods in.
I kinda feel we're overhyping it at this point
What, youre saying people pay to watch things they hate, what kind of absolute moron would behave in such a manner?
Not tha surprising. There was once an entire tumblr community dedicated to the Columbine boys and that was next level cult worshipping - no edgelords, just fan girls thinking they were cute and misunderstood.
>out-of-context Star Wars quotes
I can't wait for boomers to fucking die.
That was perfectly relevant, you middle school dropout. Stay in your fucking lane, moron.
Pearl also has a shotgun
Someone definitely will since it gets brought up with whenever joker gets brought up. Dude is gonna yell a Yea Forums meme and Yea Forums will be blamed again
Daddy Walt had a sense of running a business and making money.
He also wasn't afraid of a bit of edge. When he told the animators to show dead hunters at the end of Bambi, from a fire they caused, an animator asked "Sure boss, you want them rare or well done?" - that's when he figured MAYBE it wasn't a good idea showing charred corpses on a movie for kids.
>Stay in your fucking lane
kill yourself
Maybe it is a good idea. American children's animation is too soft.
Damn, Kenny Omega looks like THAT?
Not till I can know that morons like you have all died painfully. It’s my new life goal, so the next generation need not share the same air as you.
Living in a world where I could be terminally ill from various diseases and incurable cancers. Get killed by a distracted driver because that baby dick faggot cannot stop talking on his iPhone. Beset homeless because the cuck invested wrongly and my funds were miss managed to lose the deed to my house. I'm am constantly being monitored by my fucking government and IP of everything I type and do online.
Some fucking limp wrist libtard is crying about fucking guns.
None American think they will get shot everyday living in Burgerland Yurocuck. Not a day goes by with the thought I'm going to get shot randomly.
And you are crying about them crying, so I guess that makes you a double faggot.
I dunno if that counts.
Cops typically get shown carrying service pistols without recourse because part of their job is to carry one and they typically don't use the -- *checks Gravity Falls screen caps* ...Huh. Okay ASIDE from Disney, does anybody else refuse to have cops having guns these days? I just now noticed that.
rightists are evil
Nigger, just off yourself you baby dick fag.
>share the same air
yet another retarded tumblrism. you are not welcome here.
leftists are misguided
lefties are evil, righties are misguided
Originally Bambi's mother was gonna die on-screen as well, but they decided against it. Pic related is the original storyboard for that scene. I'd argue the off-screen death was more effective.
The final film does show a shot pheasant falling to the ground along with dogs presumably getting crushed by rocks.
rightists are not morally equivalent. They have no morals.
But genociding whites is ok because the left is good guys.
Lefties are the party without morals.
No. rightists aren't welcome.
rightists are traitors with no morals
>genociding the global white population is ok because i don't like the right :(
Exceptional reasoning skills.
You've proven my point.
Why can't we have a nice discussion of guns in cartoons without the normalfags making it about their shitty politics because they have nothing else in their pathetic life besides shit they have no control over
rightists are intentionally retarded. Fake news. Suck muh cock, traitor.
One day, we will kill the democratic party. The brainwashing is ending.
>be moviegoer about to watch the new already critically acclaimed Joker movie
> see somebody walk to the front instead of going to the screen
> they yell something about feed and Sneed formerly Chucks
>start shooting
> last thing heard before death is a Yea Forums meme
Tell the rightists to fuck off
You're just a vocal minority. We will crush you, pussy.
Your main agenda is globalism. Open borders. Population replacement. What makes you think you get to call others traitors? Yours is the highest form of treason possible.
There's a difference between someone using a gun to protect their life/property (and not even firing it, at that) and some jackass unleashing the dakka at unarmed civilians because the voices told him to. People like to think of guns as a black/white issue but it's more of a spectrum
Oh yeah, the left is of course well-known for their military prowess.
You're retarded and a traitor. rightists don't deserve an American life.
Kinda this. The ONLY time this wasn't the case in kids cartoons was in Gargoyles, and that was because Broadway accidentally shot Eliza Maza while playing with her gun.
90% of the time though? They MISS with said real guns.
You will all fail and be forgotten. You're all weak and dumb.
You can't even explain to me what makes you not a traitor. You admit that I'm right.
The left goes out of its way to be feminine and anti-masculine and constantly begs the government to take away all the guns, and you think you're going to win a civil war? Doesn't work that way.
rightists don't deserve meaningful discourse.
You're a dumb pussy. You'd never do anything. You goblins will be stomped out.
The absolute fucking state of the left. They've regressed to the level of toddlers. And they think they're going to be winning a civil war. Unbelievable.
>calling people a pussy as an insult
You're all physically and mentally feeble.
rightists ate weak little goblins. Pathetic.
Shooting random people who have no history with you in a public environment is more scary to the average person than gangs killing each other with long histories of personal feuds
rightists are weak inbred retards. They can't think.
Lefties cannot fight against the grain. They are dying out every day.
rightists are a pathetic minority. They are impotent and dying.
Lefties are inbred sociopaths that cannot procreate wihtout gibs.
lefties are emotionally stunted. they are pathetic really
THat fucking shitposter is going to ruin ANOTHER thread. AGAIN.
And this time, he doesn't have the "excuse" that the thread is "propaganda" because this thread is about guns in fiction getting censored everytime something bad happens.
rightists love incest. They are literal goblins. rightists will be extinct.
What even is a "righty" so far you've insulted people by calling them pussies and faggets that doesn't seem Very left of you
lefties love incest. They are literal goblins. lefties will be extinct.
rightists have no morals, thoughts, or strengths.
suck my cock, traitor
It's not about left vs right it's x-Tian vs left+right. The air right and the libtards are both anti-christ.
screencap this in the event that it does
Meant the say a bit going ape shit*
That was weird. All these deleted posts. Didn't think it was that obvious.
It's not a new thing, a lot of people like murderers and serial killers a little too much. They talk often about how they get bags of fan mail and marriage proposals from women; the logic these women often use is that these are passionate men who need that passion directed somewhere else rather than killing. Sadly it's not something that is really studied heavily.
Here's Chris Watts, a Colorado man convicted of killing his pregnant wife and two children. And the numerous women around the world who love him.
>having to hear sneed right before getting shot by sperg
is there a worse way to go out, cause i can't imagine it
Personally, I think hearing "REEEEEEEEEEE" followed by gunfire would be pretty bad.
We live in the KFC dating SIM time line so this is possible
There have been guns in Steven Universe, Voltron, Young Justice, and Carmen Sandiego. There have been guns in nearly every major action movie in the last decade.
You guys are morons.
>not getting shot
Well yeah, someone needs to do the shooting
Frankly it's strange they would leave this thread up in general
It goes further than that. "Concerned" parents would complain, the "media watchdogs" would complain and demand some bullhockey. At the end of the day, the gun is a tool and just like any other tool, it's up to the user how to use it.
A gun isn't a tool! Lol
Nice narrative
Yeah, it is a defensive tool. Like a fucking sword you libtard.
outside the US, probably not. In the US? Please, they've turned into a national pastime at this point.
The definition of a tool is a handheld device that aids in accomplishing a task.
You're retarded. It's a weapon for killing.
Depending on the timeframe, Teen Titans GO! might have had cops firing guns more recently.
It's a weapon
Outside the US they rather get stoned, macheted, stabbed, or burned by gasoline. I'll take a bullet any day over slow painful death, permanent disfigurement, and horrifying torture.
>It's a weapon for killing.
Yes, you kill someone trying to harm you. I mean, you can hug it out if you want but I doubt a rapist will be giving you a reach around. This is just not a perfect world little baby boi.
Yup, still a bit lighter than the original idea.
Right, a weapon is also a tool with a job. You use the said weapon to do the job of defending yourself.
You are gun shills. You don't need guns. Just don't be idiots.
How can you be brainwashed? What country are you from? Candyland?
A weapon is a tool. You hold it in your hand and it aids you in your task (said task can be either taking a life or defending yourself in case you are attacked). I'm not a native English speaker and even I understand what a tool means.
You don't need to do any killing
There is a certain kind of people that are scared to death of guns. It almost makes me wonder if the beta gene is real.
Yes, don't be idiots. Just let yourself get robbed or shanked.
That's not what i said, retard
Yes, you kill the bad guys. I'm sorry, but this is the reality of the world. You're not always going to be the bigger person to fend off the monster. The police are never always gonna be there for you need them.
You love being a victim. I understand, but eventually, you'll have to grow up.
Weapons are for war. Nobody needs guns.
Wow. Keep shillin.
Apparently you don't need brains either.
Like I said, you're a gun shill
Defending the right to arm myself is not shilling. Shilling the idea that no one needs guns does more harm than good. Better to have it and never use it than not and need it. You just need to use your brain.
Wow. Keep being a retard.
You don't need a gun to be safe
Proud of it. I'll always shill to people that they have a right to defend themselves. Please try to understand that not everyone are mindless sheep.
What is hunting you commie fag.
You probably don't if you live in a gated community or under a police state.
Go make a spear and quit being a pussy, lazy idiot
What you just said doesn't make sense
Remember, the people who are against guns are blind to the real world. Never be brainwashed into thinking you do not need a gun.
Lol, a gun isn't going to save you from a police state
I see you lack reading comprehension as well.
You don't need a gun
Your reasons for needing a weapon are dumb
>What is hunting?
Just admit you're a gun grabbing commie because like all gun grabbers you're a totalitarian that desires genocide of all those who disagree with you, like every communist nation
>You don't need a gun
Literally the same generic "NPC" meme reply.
You just started being retarded intentionally
Imagine being such a cowardly fag you need a firearm to feel safe.
You're underage I understand. Once you see how the world actually works. You'll see it for yourself.
You don't
Imagine being such a coward that you think a gun is so scary that it will kill you.
You're just wrong
Imagine needing one, lol. Because you don't.
I once saw a gun in a glass cabinet that I collapse down to the floor shaking in fear. I don't know why people would keep these death machines around them. I mean, it could just go off and kill you without warning.
Plus we don't need them
My friend and his father went to a gun range. I scream at him that he is as good as dead! All those people with guns in one area? I thought he had a death wish.
Guns shouldn't be a hobby
>practicing gun safety
I once saw a gun in a movie that I covered my eyes and hummed to myself.
We don't even need guns at all. That's gun safety.
Well you're a dumb pussy
These are proof of it.
You are retarded
Hell, I'm at the point of thinkin' every mass shooting since 2012, that was "right enough" to report, has been an engineered false flag to dissuade and misinform the lesser informed of the public on guns and their purpose in the United States.
Well we don't need guns in the US.
They're here to fight against tyranny, and I know you're gonna say stupid shit like guns can't stop drones and tanks, and they won't, that's what pipe bombs, gas bomb (I hate saying molotov cocktails), IEDs, infiltration, sedition, sabotage, hostage taking, assassination, bribes, and foreign aid is for, along with others.
Yeah, it still wouldn't be enough. But also, you don't need guns for everyday life.
>A gun isn't a tool
If you think that's the case, then you certainly are. Stop pretending to be an expert on things you have 0 knowledge on, and let the adults talk.
You don't need guns
>He thinks he has the right to determine what people do and do not have the right to have
Instead of spreading your godawful atrocity of an ideology, have you considered moving to a place that's already 1984, like say, Britain?
>You don't need guns
You don't need a car or an iPhone either
Frankly I think both of those things have been infinitely more harmful to Western society than guns, not even being sarcastic
All of it. We'd be better off without any of it.
You don't have the right to kill
Wrong, I have the right to kill those who present an immediate threat to my rights, my health/life, my property, my family, and my community.
>You don't have the right to kill
Actually we absolutely do
Murder is 100% sanctioned by every government in the world, otherwise they wouldn't have armies or police forces
What we don't have is the right to kill indiscriminately
Use a sword like a real man. People don't need guns.
I remember a Batman comic doing something similar to this but with Freeze
>People don't need guns.
People don't need cars or iPhones.
Both of those things have been infinitely more harmful to Western society than guns.
Actually we don't need society or law either.
Get rid of civilization and then I might consider disarming.
Guns are not a hobby. You're just being part of the problem.
>All weapons are equally effective in all situations HUURRR
Yep, you're retarded alright.
>like a real man
>thinking it's about being manly
>thinking a leftist is in any way qualified to discuss such issues
You're just repeating the same thing over and over again. You sure you're not a robot?
>Here's Chris Watts, a Colorado man convicted of killing his pregnant wife and two children. And the numerous women around the world who love him.
/pol/ plays a game where they make fake tinder profiles about sex offender chads who had sex with teenagers.
Roasties be thirsty as fuck, especially white women.
White women fuck dogs, incidentally for the same reasons they fuck black men - because it's taboo.
If they weren't going to dump them within a couple months I'd actually feel bad for the black men being used as a walking dildos.
You like weapons so much. Have yourself some daggers and spears too. Don't be a pussy.
>daggers and spears
Nah, I'm more into blunt and electroshock for melee weapons.
Thats just the truth
Moral high horsing? What the fuck is this shit and why is it in Yea Forums? Why are you all retarded? I just want to grill for Christ sakes.
>Guns are not a hobby.
Sure they are.
>You're just being part of the problem.
See, I'd say you're the one who's the problem, but because I have a gun if I shoot you then you die and stop being a problem.
Stalin was on-point when it came to murder.
No man, no problem.
Noice. I would go for aluminum t-ball bats probably.
>Claims to be telling the truth
>With unsubstantiated claims
iPhones aren't designed to kill people.
This is why people shouldnt have guns
fuck these white nationalist fuckboys ruining shit for the rest of us. I have never seen a better advertisement for abortion than this fucker
>You like weapons so much.
No such thing
> Have yourself some daggers and spears too.
So you're saying I can have guns if I also have other weapons?
>iPhones aren't designed to kill people.
100% they are, social media is 100% designed to destroy lives and individuality
>This is why people shouldnt have guns
This is why you should be shot
>at any point, pearl could just whip out a gun and blast someone
She is not to be fucked with.
No. You just man up and become the warrior you pretend to be, or fuck off. Everyone should learn to actually defend themselves.
well that's what you get for enjoying dumb things made by white people you dumb negro
Yet an iPhone caused a death of someone.
You shouldnt be allowed to ever own a gun
Wait are you against tech or social media, because that's not explicitly the same thing. Also by definition Yea Forums is social media so you should stop using it if it's so bad.
>You just man up and become the warrior you pretend to be, or fuck off.
Nah, get shot bro
You're a pussy and a fraud
So have vending machines but that's not what they're designed to do. Guns have one use; to wound/maim someone.
There should be a law passed requiring people to shoot you
>Wait are you against tech or social media
>Also by definition Yea Forums is social media
By definition it's not
>You're a pussy and a fraud
That doesn't really bother me.
You see, I have a gun, so nothing anyone says can ever really bother me.
Because I have a gun.
Pew pew :^)
You're just proving me right
You couldn't even do it. You're a coward.
I don't really care because no one will ever listen to you lol
>social media
>websites and applications that enable users to create and share content or to participate in social networking.
Sounds like Yea Forums to me.
And you'll never actually need a gun
>so SEETHING it can't even reply to the right post
>Sounds like Yea Forums to me.
Not at all. Yea Forums is for shitposting.
For example a Canadian can trigger a bunch of gungrabbers with the words "lolno"
>And you'll never actually need a gun
Right, just like I don't need gold rings but I wear them cause I wanted 'em.
The task being to put messy holes in things.
It's not a constructive tool, it's an instrument of destruction.
>websites...that enable users to create and share content
This alone covers the drawthreads and storytimes.
>It's not a constructive tool, it's an instrument of destruction.
Running with that logic, so is antimalware programs. Some people need to be permanently removed from the world.
That's great and everything, but Yea Forums is for Yea Forums, Yea Forums and /pol/
If you actually think Yea Forums matters you're pretty autistic
You're a fucking shill
Guns are the sovereign right of every American
Wouldn't have Endgame made more sense?
No they aren't
You're being too specific, all armaments are the sovereign right of every American.
It's literally in the constitution.
You know that's not what it means
So Iron Man espouses truly American Values.
Wow. It's like the mods want to help cause mass shootings. Thanks mods.
>that's not what it means
Oh boy, this retarded argument again?
Oh boy, here we go. "HURR HURR, WE HAVE GUNS THAT'S WHY WE GOT MASS SHOOTINGS" It's like they see the gun..and not the sicko that holds the gun
>in the constitution
Only if they are well regulated.
You're apparently unaware that when the constitution was written, "regulated" meant "in working order", "well equipped", and "well maintained".
Here we go.
8 channel all over again.
You're wrong about the amendment
And your proof is?
That you're a shill and already know better.
I remember the early episodes of Jackie Chan Adventures, the thugs that worked for Valmont would pull out guns on Jackie all the time, then about 10 episodes in, never again
That isn't proof, nice to see that you ran out of arguments, though.
Oh yeah, not like that nutter streamed on other platforms yet those are still fine or anything,
unless you are Elliot Rodgers(Isla Vista shooting) then all you get is one fat girl making a comic about how she relates to him
This wouldn't happen if we shot IRL memesters.
>A sovereign right refers to a legal right possessed by state or its agencies and enables a state to carry out its official functions for the benefit of public.
Are you a state?
If we're getting into this weirdness, Ted Bundy had groupies. Who'd style their hair to look like his preferred victims of choice.
>antimalware programs
Are more like a wood chipper. They serve a useful purpose.