Final Space Live Thread

Last wake was a break for some reason, maybe because of the hurricane? Anyway on tonight's episode...

>An act of betrayal shakes the crew; Hue and Mooncake have a day out for themselves

Who will be the traitor, and why is it 90% likely to be Clarence?

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I am here and hope Gary's mom fucking dies.

I'm ready to be annoyed.

To subvert expectations I'll guess Quinn.

Why has Season 2 been getting hate? I thought most of Yea Forums liked Final Space.

Clarence vibes already

Change in status quo hasn't gone too smoothly for everyone's taste

it's been fine overall though

The opinion is pretty split actually. I'm split myself. Kinda like it but also fucking hate it.

I just want some Quinn fanservice.

Anyone got a mega in case 123 live stream fucks up?

It lacks best cat. And they had the gall to bring him back just to take him away the episode after.

>Clarence betrayal for some treacherous tail

this is pissing me off, kudos to the writers for getting me to care like this

>treacherous tail
This is what pisses me off, I hate evil/bad female characters that "turn on their seduction" its annoying and she has been shit in general.

I'm not even mad at the seduction aspect, that's in character for Cheryl, I'm mad that Clarence is doing it because he feels unappreciated

>that's in character for Cheryl
Yes, that is the issue. My problem isn't that it's OOC, its that her character is fucking shit.

Yeah, he should be doing it because someone offered him a shiny dime.

Watch her get redeemed.

jesus christ, did Clarence just kill him?

Fucking hell I didn't think he'd do THAT

>kvn thanked the women
nice guy

quit mocking me adult swim you fucks

fuck i was not watching because i thought the season was over with that mom betrayal thing and no new episode last week

why was kevin in panties
why is mooncake/robot looking for a hat
why were the kids in a stripclub
not shocked that the little dude beat up his adopted kid for profit and that is kinda self explanatory

>why was kevin in panties
because he's a skilled and gracious lover apparently
>why is mooncake/robot looking for a hat
to impress a girl
>why were the kids in a stripclub
Clarence conned them
>not shocked that the little dude beat up his adopted kid for profit and that is kinda self explanatory
pretty much

Yeah. A lot of channels don't do new episodes on holiday weekends.

The kids were tricked into looking for someone I think by Clarence (little dude) who is in the process of backstabbing the team to join Gary's mom. He needed them off the ship. Mooncake and Robot are just doing their own things.

1. Strip Club.
2. The crew is at a big entertainment/shopping planet and Hue wants to buy a hat, so he competes in a robot fighting tourney.
3. Clarence lied to them that the key would be in a "Drill Factory." Drill Factory is the name of the strip club.

uh what

>He really is a snake rat


Wow. That was...really really stupid.

Okay, that actually was a twist.

...They're gonna forget to return it.

I don't understand what I just saw...

Either this is a simulation or I don't know. That snakerat thing felt like something they improvised.

>he subbed to the women
of course

Selling skinsuits is kinda his thing.

>KVN sacrificing his Sanity for Fox

Sex Stuff.


It's nice to see them becoming a real family now that clarence isn't around

Just a fucking Turducken of skin suits.

oh wow double crossed what a surprise i expected her to not be a bitch wow

>He was wearing another skin suit
>Skin suit was another skin suit

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Deceptively delicious.

just let the mom fuck off already

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I hope they keep that Falcore ripoff

>You left yourself with nothing
>that look in her eyes
I almost feel sorry for her. The fact that it's Clarence she's hurting makes it hard to be mad at her.

Now they don't have to pay for Conan O'Brien.

Not before doing more fanservice she won't

God, HUE's having a fucking great day today.

dont make me sick

they never had to, he produces the show

It's nice that he's finally getting something after the whole season shitting on him.

Didn't know that.

The Huebieduebie deserves it

>>that look in her eyes
you mean the same look as usual

But he makes the show. With his own freakishly disproportionate hands.

Anyone got the mega?

Is that Bolo betraying the crew, or another Titan?

>HUE finally got his day

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Yeah. They're little windows to how dead she is inside.

Looks and sounds like another Titan.
Bolo sounds deeper

dont fall for that shit

Honestly this last batch of episodes has been enjoyable. Sure this season is still a market downgrade from season 1 but It's still managing to keep me engaged. Glad we finally dropped Clarence though. He was just one cog too many in this story. Same with Tribore.

ya know its been so long i forgot why they are collecting the keys

They're just thinking with their penises.

they just said it, gary wants to save the black girl

Ok but seriously is Sheryl dumb or downright a full sociopath. How does she expect to win back her husband after all the shit she made her son go through?

Per Bolo they can release him from his prison and open a way to Final Space to rescue Quinn

It was a quest given by Bolo to free him from his cage.

No wonder he has half the airtime on TBS. TBS is slowly depriving him of oxygen in his final space called life.

Fucking told you guys
Shanon was doing it for mr. Goodspeed
She´s gonna get so SMECKLEDORFED than Gary wont be able to save her

So has a season 3 been green lit yet? This looks like it’s gonna need one.

>No wonder he has half the airtime on TBS
He brings in the views for TBS, I wonder why they did that.

i missed a few episodes, what happened to him? last i seen he was on a date with himself in a mirror using that one groupie

Because he's running low on air due to traveling the world.

one of two things will happen in the finale

>Invictus will possess John and Cheryl will be so indifferent to it so long as John accepts her that she and Invictus become the endgame villains
>John confirms that he does love her despite her betrayal, but he still sides with Gary and utterly destroys her

>season 3 is ordered and begins airing before close enough gets a release date

I don't think she expects to have him back. I think she just wants him alive for Gary's sake, even if they don't want to have anything to do with her after.

I hope the finale is just that, a finale. gimme something to close the loop like everyone dying because of the titan betrayal and quinn being sent back in time again to start it all over again because the titans feed off all this to stay alive

I remember when he went to Japan because there was an anime using his name.

These last few episodes have been better than the first half of the season. This is the Final Space that I (mostly) like, the one with heavy continuity, where every episode takes you to the next one.

How is Squidbillies still going? What happened that made Aqua Teen die despite being the same thing but reusing more assets to be cheaper than SB?

The one thing in this series I want to know nothing about is Tribore.

But what if female Tribore is hot?

He adds so little to the show, that I didn't even notice he was gone.

Probably doing stuff with that lady from the other ship.

What look? She was just being a hypocritical cunt.

Nah, she doesn't care if Gary dies. I am expecting a moment where they all get thrust into Final Space and it turns out the dad is alive. He chooses to save Gary instead of her.

any links to where I can watch it?


That's not a link.

The problem is the lack of the villain’s presence. In the first season, the Lord Commander carries the season and presence make the season have some sort of dread. Todd H. Watson actually has the potential to be this kind of character for this season but his actions are barely visible and other villains get in the way of his spotlight (even if they are long dead). It’s as if the antagonist are constantly fighting each other for their attention.

Oh fuck clarence should've stayed as rat/snake and become a secondary antagonist they really dropped the ball with that

There was a break last week ‘cause it was Labor Day.

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It's a lot less inconsistent than the first season which really got better as it went along. I still like the show but it's really started to have trouble balancing its comedy and drama lately.
