Wtf is she right never heard of it

wtf is she right never heard of it

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Traveling Wilburys

unironically hot opinion

am i fucking up bros? we just had our first date tonight and she seems into me

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you've never heard of the Traveling Wilburies you retard? it's a supergroup composed of some of the most talented musicians ever. this bitch is going to run circles around you intellectually, just quit now.

Women are fucking retarded

where do you hear the resemblance? what the fuck are you talking about

guys how do i fix this. i was busy on the phone and just tryin to keep the conversation flowing. how fucked am i?

Yeah just start arguing with her, tell her to get her hearing checked

>how do i fix this

no, if's never heard of any of the velvet underground's music before he'll be find. That's the key to the retard ass OP that he can't see. Bonding over music so early like that will lead to good things.

you dont need to fix anything, just move onto another topic


Mention that a long time ago you found an album she might like while browsing the internet.

well what did she mean by TVU reminds her of the Traveling Wilburys then? goddamit im a retard.

too much puncuation bro be casual

"Did you have any songs in particular you liked"

Too wordy

"Got a favorite? Or "Any standouts" would've been better


"And wow yeah"


Too tryhard

her pussy dried up when u said "in particular"

you sound super fucking thirsty dude lol, stop agreeing with everything she says

>oh nice
>wow yeah
be sure to throw a "haha" in there as well

well she stopped responding so I think we're good. i'll just kill myself or continue being an incel.

its the name of a supergroup with george harrison, tom petty, the guy from elo, roy orbison, and some other guy i dont remember. they made a couple albums in the 80s that were like country rock and probably did a ton of coke together

Holy shit, DO NOT listen to anyone in this thread. Your response is fine, just unironically be yourself. She obviously is into you somewhat, she listened to a band you said you liked and texted you about it. Just be cool, OP. Don’t listen to these incel tards

exactly, put her in her place

>Traveling WIlburys
She has better taste than you

>Your response is fine, just unironically be yourself. She obviously is into you somewhat

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travelling wilburys are ass

>some other guy i dont remember

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>well she stopped responding
why does everyone need instantaneous responses to everything, nigga just calm down

>t. tvu fag

Supergroups are a meme

The "Oh nice" wasn't too bad desu but the "wow" kind was, unfortunately

thanks guys. we'll see what happens tomorrow. i'll be more careful. we just met up after 2 weeks of talking and i'm just like super into her.

i text like this. what am i doing wrong

She's not wrong, it does have elements of alt country and folk. Its a pretty based take. i like megan
>prepares stalking kit for night at laundromat

Too eager, too nervous seeming/desperate to please

stop being a beta male

she actually listened to your rexomendation. youre fine

Traveling Wilburys are beyond based but I do not think VU and Nico sounds like them

you're both fake plastic people just pretending to like these artists to engage in animalistic coitus then hate each other right after

A huge money making with lots of profits meme

>Report Junk

you're plastic

obv this is my fate, but it sounds good

Checked and based

shocked a girl under 30 knows the traveling wilburys, probably has a boomer dad who got her into them.

Tell her to listen to The Gift and see if she gets why

if she is down i’m going to ask her to listen to vinyl sometime and play WL/WH

Judging from this convo, you don't need to worry about being fucked

well you type like you're super into cock

>doesn't know the travelling wilburys
She's too good for you, bro

Well the song is about a hopeless simp who eventually gets his head sliced open by the girlfriend who's cheating on him. See what effect that has on her

Based game coach. Can tell you’re a genuine woman

>he said, in the desperate-for-pussy voice

Instead of talking about your music taste, aske her what she listens to. If she asks you the same just tell her you're a "huge music geek" and that you like "all kinds of stuff". If you're enthusiastic about it, she'll find it cool.

Yeah, no biggie. Right?

whew lads she actually responded. except she’s talking aboutl loaded and tvu not the banana. i’m so confused. any advice

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First VU album sounds nothing like The Traveling Wilburys.

kek she's listening to a best of playlist


Music is one of the worst ways to engage with a potential partner. Talk about philosophy or something that you're working on. Some kind of dominion you have on your life.

this is actually solid advice. i gotta get outa here.

chill out

>oh yeah those are bangers
>i was thinking about going to (insert local gig) next week if you wanna come?