Why'd he have to die so young?

Why'd he have to die so young?

Attached: JimHenson.jpg (700x900, 648K)

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its because you sin


How young was he?

You just watched the Happytime Murders on Showtime.
So did I.


The guy had a head cold, he ignored it and didn't seek medical attention, it got out of control, and he died. The end.

Actually, I've been reading his biography.

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fuck me for memeing but he was chill but had no chill.

maybe if he took a vacation once in a while, recharge his batteries. but nope, get pneumonia and die at like 50 and leave your brand at the mercy of Disney.

don't become married to your work.

Probably didn't get enough sleep or eat properly and it weakened his body to the point where a simple cold overwhelmed him.

I really don't know shit about him, but didn't he not believe in medicine or something?

If that's the case and I'm not just repeating bullshit, then it's pretty understandable why.

he didnt want to be a bother to anyone

I watched the DefuncTV miniseries on him fairly recently.
Started crying when all the puppeteers got on stage at the end for the funeral.

And if just one person believes in you...

He was working too hard and just wouldn’t fucking stop to go to the doctor and the illness seriously. Same thing just happened to me. I keep my house and family together and hold down a job and can’t afford to stop but almost ended up in the hospital with viral pneumonia. Untreated it turns bacterial and will fill you lungs with puss and kill your ass. Just like Jim. Slow down and take care of yourselves. You only have 1 life and your not invincible forever.

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How is 53 young? He old as fuck.

What're you, twelve?

His parents were Christian Scientists but he gave up the practice early in his adulthood.

>you’re twelve if you think 53 is old
Fuck off.

10, then.

You’re seething cause you’re old and wrinkled. Go make a disabled child.

10 it is.

Old and wrinkled bum it is.

There's always been this speculation by some dark corners of internet that Jim Henson was really in fact a closeted gay man who died of aids. Saying that though this rumour has also been attached to alot of other famous dead celebrities like Andy Kaufman, Prince, that guy from Queen. So yeah. Probably not true.

Average life expectancy of a white male is 76 and he would be 83 if he were still alive, an entirely reasonable age to live to.

tl;dr he went way before his time

>He was working too hard and
And like I said, probably didn't sleep enough or eat enough/properly.


Unironic enjoyment when that shit happened. I wanted a Stan vs Walt battle since college.

Because the Disney deal was tiring him out, his new show was failing, and he was flying all over the country multiple times a week.

He was stressed, over worked, and over 50. He disliked doctors and did not want to go to the hospital until he was past the point of saving.

Unfortunately lots of people die just like Jim Henson.

Good people die young.

Henson didn't die of cancer. He died of toxic shock syndrome due to a bacteria. Which is even sadder.

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Wrong puppeteer, the one who was gay and died of aids was Richard Hunt

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Wonder what things would be like if he'd taken the helm at Disney.

I heard it was a thing that he refused antibiotics, is that true?

For those who've never seen it.


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>The guy had a head cold, he ignored it and didn't seek medical attention, it got out of control, and he died. The end.
Yeah that's what [[[[[THEY]]]]] want you to think WAKE UP SHEEPLE


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