Questionable Content
what even was the joke
That she’s lying about how high tech the device is, but the ... girl? ... is so amped (s)he cant tell it’s just a hot glue gun.
> tfw you will never hotglue a gynoid
The robot also got a dick attached based on that bulge.
Surely not with that attitude.
Not terrible.
Sam's dad should be seriously concerned about his daughter's mental development. She's 14.
Too busy getting dommed, my daughter is just going through a phase. Now if you excuse me, I have to go get my daily pegging.
do people honestly still read this?
I don't think anyone honestly reads it, but people still read it.
>Strong coffee joke
Thing is, she tried a latte. If it had that much caffeine in it that she had a Garfield response, then it wasn't a fucking latte.
Coffee types are very strict in their coffe/milk ratios - it's what defines them. Since so much of Jeph's society seems to revolve around coffee shops you'd think he'd know this.
Having a punch bag suspended from that thing is a fucking terrible idea - it would be far too easy to trip over those struts on the floor.
Why is there a punch bag anyway? Faye obviously isn't using it as she still has her dumpy frame, and the robot plain doesn't need it.
What, Jeph's suggesting a robot needs to keep practicing just in case it forgets?
And I don't know how, but Jeph seems to manage to make it uglier and uglier as the strips go past - it's almost as if he'd find it too triggering to actually look at some naked bodies for reference on musculature. I mean, look at those fucking legs in the 1st panel!
The left leg looks like it has water retention compared to the right with its golf-club foot.
>Jeph's suggesting a robot needs to keep practicing just in case it forgets?
My understanding is that the AI’s in QC are learning computers rather than programmed. In fact, they don’t seem to be programmable at all. So, she could practice to improve her skills. Also, punching a bag can be therapeutic and Faye or bubbles would probably feel the need to punch a bag sometimes.
Anyone else remember when this was an indie rock comic about a guy who wanted to fuck his friend?
>practice to improve its skills
Not with a punchbag it won't - you need sparring for that. Like Burce Lee said, "Boards don't hit back" and neither do bags.
Thing is though, it's still a digital mind and it clearly has some memories of combat; if it wanted it could just immerse itself in a simulation and learn a lot more than thumping a static bag - it would be just as real to it either way.
And the positioning of the bag is still terrible - ideally it should have an armature attaching it to the wall or just be suspended from the ceiling.
yes, I remember 16 years ago
The fact that he makes a living off of this shit
You can work on your form while punching a bag. I’m sure Bruce did a lot of training to hone his skills that didn’t involve fighting people.
>Thing is though, it's still a digital mind and it clearly has some memories of combat; if it wanted it could just immerse itself in a simulation and learn a lot more than thumping a static bag - it would be just as real to it either way.
A lot of her memories were erased and i believe she was a non-combatant in the military. Jeph should go into her origin story. Like maybe meet someone from her old unit or when she first joined the military.
I thought lattes were basically espresso with milk. If you chug a latte in one go (like a child would), then aren’t you really just getting a shot of espresso?
It's still diluted by the milk.
Sam didn't chug the whole thing, anyway.
And if anyone did decide to chug a freshly-poured coffee, the caffeine would be the least of their concerns.
we must read Questionable Content
Why would a robot need to wear underwear?
Mechanical pussy
You really want to see Jacques try and draw nudity?
I'm skeptical that he could, intrigued that he may
He had drawn some bare tits for a scene in Alice Grove that was completely non-sexual.
The hardened, foraging, survival expert had the usual, kinda-flabby, Ministry of SocJus-approved body type.
I feel like if I were a robot Id be pissed off that the repair shop was trying to seal up my "wound" with cheap ass hotglue thats coming to come apart in a few hours.
Maybe they're self-healing and just need a temporary glue scaffolding.
Maybe this comic's terrible and we shouldn't think harder than Jacque about it.
Where did they get the punching bag? I thought they were living basically hand to mouth.
It's the thotbots personal belonging, she already had it when she was working in to fighting thing.
I want that green robot to give me a thigh job
Mind the gap!
I think that's a puffy vulva. Telling myself that anyway. Also explains why she's wearing underwear.
I always figured that if the robots did wear underwear it’d be more for personal reasons like just the fashion or for a fetish. Like how Roko buys fresh bread in bulk.
That being said, her panty choice is shit.
It would be for our reason
If she doesn't hotglue her fingers together I will be disappointed.
I just want to see momo turn on her inner slut. she had a dream where she was a slutty anime schoolgirl.
Why would they need to put a towel over her ass if she was already wearing underwear?
Maybe Faye had her take her panties off so she had something to look at while she's working
Heh, you sneaky shit