Why does every villain attack New York?

Why does every villain attack New York?

And why the fuck would ANYONE stay in this city when it gets attacked 24/7 and shits always getting destroyed.

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If you can take over the world there, you can take over the world anywhere, OP.

The answer to both of your questions is: it's where the money is.

Fuck off, Sinatra.

I still wonder why people live in Gotham.
it's a shitshow that's filled to the brim with sadists, abandoned factories, and gargoyles. Also wasn't there some story that implied that Gotham was actually evil
Like the city itself was on cursed ground or something?

I’d rather take over somewhere I actually have a chance at Conquering; not the place where all of the heroes are.

Somewhere advanced enough it has modern comforts, but also some place nobody cares about. Like Canada or the Midwest.

Why the fuck are there no west coast heroes/villains? Is it because LA only has like 6 skyscrapers???

New York in the DC universe is probably a lot safer than Gotham or Metropolis

>And why the fuck would ANYONE stay in this city when it gets attacked 24/7 and shits always getting destroyed.
Have you met New Yorkers? They put up with homeless dudes everywhere, high prices, dirty cops, insane rents, crowded subway cars, and more just to say they lived within a 10 block radius of a decent food place or hip neighborhood. Not to mention your even more insufferable types who brag about the "NYC struggle" so they can jerk off to their non-NYC friends about the struggle of being a New Yorker.

I THINK that Gotham is a psydo-Chicago

One of the interpretations I've read and enjoyed is that people live in Gotham because it's one of the hottest cities to live in- economically, culturally, and otherwise. It's got the cutting edge business ventures, the hottest nightclubs with the best acts, the best art shows, the best restaurants, the best everything. Sure, it's dangerous, but that's just the price you pay for living there. Not to mention you have to factor in what mentioned, there's probably tons of people who have a New Yorker sort of mindset about Gotham and are actually weirdly PROUD of how dangerous their city is.

It has the highest concentration of Jews in America

Because New Yorkers have convinced themselves that New York is the literal center of the Universe.

Because nobody likes LA

>Somewhere advanced enough
Fuck that. Somalia here I come. Gonna conquer then turn the population into cyber niggers. Even keep the sex bits so they can reproduce then just augment them later down the road. We will build a glorious city, with so many spinning wheels.

You see it every now and then. Venom set up shop in San Francisco, back when he got his first book in the mid-90's. That was specifically because it was as much distance as he could put between himself and Spider-Man while still being within the continental United States, though.

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Seriously id rather take over beijing and just wait for the chinks to take over the rest of the world for me

>fucking with Canada

Careful, you might piss off Alpha Flight who will immediately call Wolverine to win their fight for them.

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Sinister Sinatra sounds like a good villain name. Sinistra?

Supervillains attack New York
Giant monsters attack Tokyo
Aliens invade London

It's just what happens to those cities

New Yorkers are not killed off by the hundred to thousand by things like a giant penguin robot, or poison joker gas, giant glacier appearing in downtown, laser shooting question mark, flattened by huge double faced coin, or ripped apart by gargantuan plants.

Gotham has a 9/11 style attack every month or so with hundreds of deaths and millions on property damage.

look at this no chopped cheese eatin' ass nigga.

>And why the fuck would ANYONE stay in this city when it gets attacked 24/7 and shits always getting destroyed.
Supervillains are nothing compared to 1980s urban decay.

Wallstreet is there
The so called villains are acctualy trying to save us from this hellish capitalist prison planet while there fat cat payed medua paints them as monters and maniacs they are the real superheroes and not the faggots with underwear atop thier pants who guard the zog world order

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Shut up Stalin.

In what way is New York City not the center of the universe?
All the 24 hour global metropolises, really.

>West coast avengers

Wolverine is the best Canadian superhero ever

Sinastra-with the power of a beautiful voice, gorgeous blue eyes, and mob ties.

are there any superhero comics set in London?

>Housing, healthcare, and education
But does it ensure food or quality of any kind?

Communists aren’t people

>that filename
eh, too much on the nose for a bait 2/10

Well the nerve...no need to hate on Sinatra.

Even superheroes want LA to fucking die

It literally is in Marvel/DC

New York is the best city, obviously

I don't think there's a definitive timeline. Who knows how long it goes between attacks?

You could move upstate, but that's where the Great Old Ones reside.

So like a better Purple Man?