How much time passed between this scene and her ditching Spinel forever?
Do you think she ever hit Spinel?
How much time passed between this scene and her ditching Spinel forever?
Do you think she ever hit Spinel?
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That... honestly might explain why Spinel is so goddamn dangerous in a fight.
Spinel was made to be a toy for Pink Diamond, who was immature and childish but still one of the strongest of Gems.
Spinel would have been made so that Pink couldn't easily break her toy.
>Leaves Yellow’s ship and goes right to the garden
>beats the shit out of Spinel
>Then goes right back to making her sing and dance
Get on THAT comic Tumblr!
who knows
probably not that long, by gem standards. Pink's desire for a colony was reaching a fever pitch Yellow will soon concede perhaps after additional prodding from Blue and that's when Spinel was ditched.
and I don't think we need to add "Pink was also physically abusive!" to the narrative it's getting excessive with this Satan Pink shit
Is it possible Pink abused Spinel whenever she was frustrated? Say, a sentient punching bag.
Spinel was made to handle the abuse of a diamond.
At least, that’s why I assumed she defeated the CG with ease.
Pink is a shit. A SHIT
A literal punching bag - the gem
I get Mr stretch vibes.
It is convient that she could heal gems that might've been cracked by say, physical abuse.
They were RUSTY. Give them a break.
Not sure how warriors with 6000 years of combat experience could be rusty though. I never liked how old and how long ago they made the Gem Rebellion, personally. It would have solved more problems if it happened 800 or even 1000 years ago instead of 6000.
>they were rusty
Spinel was standing in the same spot for 6000 years. She was far more rusty.
This was way before Earth meaning Spinel is in the garden waiting for her to play with.
Funny that the Crystal gems couldn’t beat a jester who stood in one place for 6000 years but Steven could, does that mean that Steven could fuck up his friends if he wanted to?
Pink abandoned Spinel as soon as she was told she was "grown up" and had a colony all of her own. And the whole angst of her having a colony but not really was post-Spinel.
I mean, he’s a diamond. At full power he could probably defeat at least a hundred gems at once.
I think she used the rejuvenator on her everytime after she did. Also this movie proves that Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz exsists, I mean come on it’s an inator he might’ve created the Diamonds as well.
>Pink would routinely unleash her anger onto Spinel.
>Spinel just has to sit there and take it.
>Still believes Pink loves her as she lies on the ground, shattered.
She had a weapon that was effective at destabilizing gems when she beat them. It wasn't terribly effective against Steven, and then later, she fought him unarmed and didn't really lose so much as lost the will to fight.
Regardless, Steven at this point could probably defeat any of his friends in a 1v1, he is a diamond after all.
What’re you implying about jesters?
Steven has Diamond power
Steven could probably beat amethyst and a maybe pearl imo.
Convince why Steven won't fight his mom in season 6.
That they stupid dumb dumb idiots
Based Yea Forums with satanic trips.
She’s Gone.
Satan here makes a point. Jester's are often OP as villains.
But it begs the question, why didn't the diamonds make more spinels if they are so effective in battle? Well, this Spinel might just be one of a kind and never meant for fighting so they never knew her potential. In her original form she was totally harmless due to her kind hearted nature. Also, the amount or resources to produce a gem like hers might be better put to use making multiple other gems The way I see it, Pink probably damaged her original pearl and White Diamondy was like, lets make you a friend that is difficult to break and will keep you busy while mommy works.
And also, at the end of the day, while a single stretchy guy might be good as an assassin; large battles are different and a bunch of quartz soldiers may make for a more effective army than a bunch of spinels.
>and I don't think we need to add "Pink was also physically abusive!" to the narrative it's getting excessive with this Satan Pink shit
Now I really want to get on your side cause I also think people go a bit too far with the demonization of PD, my man.
But then I remember that we never got an explanation for why Pink Pearl has one of her eyes fucked up.
If that was PD that would be the finale nail.
would the creators have the vagina balls to do that or something as horrific?
Good ol' Sir
Still putting out quality shit
Spinel’s a perfectly cut gem tailor made for Pink, she probably costed a fuckton to make beings a luxury item and all. It’s probably be more resource efficient to shit out a couple dozen quartz than a single Spinel.
He didn't defeated her, he just put his shield up until she had an emotional breakdown.
He clearly could’ve beat her if he wanted to, he definitively wasn’t struggling to keep up
He didn’t even need to try. Just let her release her rage.
Well Spinel did catch them off guard in the first round with her erratic stretch powers and the Rejuvinator that made the finishing blow.
On the second round she didn't have the Rejuvinator and the Crystal Gems knew what to expect from her in a fight.
Plus whenever Garnet sings the CG's are pretty much guaranteed to win.
What about an enemy that kills you mid song?
>so passive-aggressive she couldn't even say "hey I got other shit I want to do and I don't feel like taking you along, sorry"
But yeah no she totally beat up on her. Write an edge fanfic about it.
I don't think you understand the circumstances that:
she gone.
Standing in the same spot for extended periods of time only makes you more powerful tho
>Weapon uses “-inator” suffix
C’mon, user, you know that’s a stretch
It was prob like that streamer who hit her dog or whatever for jumping excitedly around her. Shed be trying to talk to the diamonds and get fed up with spinel jumping around
Spinel's a kinky freak she probably enjoyed it.
Being fair Doof accidentally creating the Gems unironically makes the show better and would explain a lot.
Pretty sure she's strong because she's one of the older gems.
Where do you think Spinel got the Rejuvenator from?
Well, something must of happened to Pink Pearl.
Well she's also a perfect cut -and- an Era 1 gem, so she had enough resources and care put into her that she came out strong and capable in a fight.
If she were an Era 2 gem she wouldn't be able to do nearly the amount of things she can do now.
She's also naturally 'twinned', whatever form that's going to take, abilities/etc.
>Pink abusing Spinel.
Now this is the shit I wanna see in my SU fanfics!
>Do you think she ever hit Spinel?
I mean, it seems more likely that she broke her original Pearl than that White Diamond did. This isn't really White Diamonds style. Pink being irresponsible and in this shot hitting something in a rage is. Her smacking the shit out of her original Pearl and busting her face up seems plausible.
Why did this make me laugh
>Era 2 Spinels don't have stretching powers.
>Or any abilities to fight back with at all.
>They're only super durably.
>To be used as sentient punching bags.
I wish Steven hadn't destroyed the time piece back in season 1. He could've used it to actually meet his mom if he wanted to. He could easily meet his mom due to time shenanigans.
They sound like living fuckdolls to be honest. They'd probably like it too.
Can we talk about what the hell they're going to do if they get a season 6? I can only think of like three avenues they can go down.
>Humans get their hands on gem technology, reverse engineer it and start up their own kindergartens for military grade gems. Steven doesn't like this.
>Another alien empire shows up to fuck Steven and the gems shit up.
>Another rebellion starts up against Steven and his idyllic new empire, most likely lead by older, Era 1 gems who want a return to form for the Diamond Authority/the hierarchal society they used to have if they have to go forward without a diamond's support.
I see the third one as the most likely, and we might even see an "artificial diamond", or Cubic Zirconia made to lead them, but that could happen in the first one too.
a human villain maybe?
All of these sound vaguely sane, and interesting, but by far the second is the least so of them, so of these, if it'll be any of them, it'll be that one.
>She's gone
No one is ever "gone".
Combine invasion.
Why are era 1 gems better than era 2 gems?
More, and quality resources.
just saw the film.
dont really watch the show.
is steven's mom a bitch or something?
Why would you watch the movie before watching the show?
Yes, but you have no idea.
Maybe user is new to SU, maybe they're busy much of the time, any number of reasons why they haven't watched it yet.
Yes she is a bitch. I would argue this isn't even the worst thing she's done. That's why Steven isn't surprised at all.
She seems to have been, but everyone loved her for the first couple seasons.
not the worst?
I absorbed enough from Yea Forums and the "reminders" in the film to figure out the story, but I think I missed the plot point that everyone loved this Pink gem, but she was actually a massive cow. what kinda stuff did she do?
Well she started a war that killed God knows how many, but people will argue whether that was justified or not I guess. It was mostly just the way she did it though, which basically involved faking her own death to her family so they killed tons of the gem people as revenge for something that never happened. And then a lot more lying and lying again to everyone, "putting down" allies who disagreed with her and never telling anybody about it, and interpersonal shitty things, keeping human beings in a creepy slave zoo and leaving them there lobotomized, maybe smacking her Pearl around but we don't know what happened with that, her never feeling bad about anything, if you think that she could have done the war thing better in any way it's hard to top that though.
It honestly really bothers me how they all just sorta ran towards spinel before she ended up resetting them.
Like they just ran towards a gem towards a weapon they didn't understand. Last time that happened Jasper was a threat .
Garnet should have seen this coming in more ways than one.
is there anything in the movie itself that indicates she can feel physical pain?
but wouldn't the damage just make her go back into her shell?
i think it might be more likely she got mentally broke, and it manifested as physical damage
Cracks fuck up physical appearance of Gems.
Shut the fuck up nerd
I honestly just pretend Gem operates on Symphogear rules where Singing = Tangible Powerlevel Boost.
She hit her so hard she almost shattered her. She is a diamond after all.
her gem looks fine though
Crack could be on the inward facing side, but who fucking knows. We're already putting more thought into this than they did the entire show.
An internal crack could explain it.
thats true
she does have healing powers though. maybe she only fixed some damage
We're already putting more thought into this than they did the entire show.
also true
Clearly Spinel is one of those friends that you don't invite to the movies because they;d talk through the whole thing. Doesn't respect your things and lacks boundaries because they probably have aspergers.
You don't bring to your colony because they'll kill all the organic life "for fun". You know. THAT type of person.
Or it could be that she was unable to heal at all, an internal crack means she can’t cry on it if there’s no openings on the outside to get to the core. And she can’t exactly punch a hole to get to the internal damage, it’ll be too much for her to heal.
when steven politely asked her to not do things, she didn't do them
it's just more of pink being a dumbass and assuming other people dont have feelings or internal lives.
Pretty much this, 'Best friend Spinel' for Pink was just a jester because she couldn't think of anything else, when she was with Steven she learned quickly that helping him what what made him happy so she did that.
Pink hit her Pearl in frustration when she wouldn't stop taking her orders. The Pearl broke and White "fixed" her.
Open Book (Cloud Connie wearing a PINK hood and then having an eyepatch over the same eye as White Pearl)
>"Steven stop, you're going to break her"
I'm super late on this joke, right?
She absurdly irresponsible and childish
cloud connie broke when steven told her to not do what he wanted to do. pretty sure that's how pp got broke.
The kicker is she literally started a war with herself. Tons of gems killed or turned into monstrosities basically fighting for no reason all because Pink couldn't just say no to her sisters
it's weird looking up past discussions of the movie and there's a bunch of people claiming spinel was actually red diamond all along.
I went from Bixbite to Taffeffite and pretty much everything inbetween before the movie dropped. Turned out Spinel made the most sense all along because apparently they're like fake diamonds.
so are zircons
During the first fight, only Garnet actually swung on Spinel before they all jobbed
>if they get a season 6
Literally already confirmed and nearing the end of production. And my bet is on Sneeple.
>gem empire is experiencing a scarcity, scarcity is when demand exceeds supply
>would could be generating the demand if all they're doing is reproducing and spreading casually at their own pace?
>why is gem society structured as a military instead of an industrial focus?
Theoretical answer: Gemkind is at war or at least in competition for expansion with another galactic empire. Who could they be?
>Renaldo has never been wrong, only correct, or unconfirmed
>Sneeple is one of his main theories
>snakes are feature prominently across SU, there's even snakes on the money opposite to the diamond symbol, indicating diamonds and sneeple are of equal importance
A galactic Sneeple empire at odds with the Diamond authority would explain everything on both ends. I can only hope going forward they'll confirm Sneeple.
gotta be 3
more likely some gem will go 'if you can be anything i should be a diamond'
and i really hope it's one of those gems steven uncorrupted. those have way too little trauma as it stands.
I will drop the show if they actually do Sneeple, but I highly doubt they would.
>Gemkind is at war or at least in competition with another galactic empire.
I highly doubt this considering how readily the diamonds dropped galactic expansion plans. If they really were trying to out compete another, equally threatening empire then I doubt they'd just throw their hands up and say "Yeah, fuck it. You're right Steven" without bringing it up to him.
Then what's generating the demand? Why make flawed gems for era 2? They could just plant fewer gems per planet and they'll all come out as good as era 1, if you know they wont come out right if you persist through the scarcity it seems reasonable to think that there must be a reason or a demand for forces. Whats causing that? What are they fighting?
>one dollar
>pink diamond on the left
>a snake on the right
>Then what's generating the demand?
you realise people die in accidents and domestic crime all the time right? if you don't replenish your population, you are fucked.
Gemkind isn't just sustaining population, they're multiplying. They're growing their forces. Why go for growth at the cost of birthing a generation of cripples? There has to be something pushing them that poses enough of a threat that makes era 2 gems worth it.
Just sing a song half as short.
>half as short
That would be twice the length.
they have a drive to reproduce like humans or viruses do
They're mindlessly expanding in a non-sustainable rate and they never questioned it until now because they're dumb, I don't think they had a real purpose in their expansion. They're a K species using a r strategy, which is not sustainable at allall and creates lesser gems like Peridot.
So the broken glass leads to a broken Pink Pearl leads to the separation of her play and work life, Spinel and our Pearl.
Back in season 1 I would have liked a human villain that was also collecting gem artifacts. Maybe as an added fucked up bonus she uses gem chard as jewelry maybe summoning an arm from a ring to punch stuff.
Now what is more likely to happen is your idea of a gem rebellion, maybe with gems that just can't imagine love outside of endless war. For some reason SU doesn't like to show other aliens even though is a sci fi.
Humans don't reproduce at the cost of value. See for example, the one baby rule in old China that lead to people killing girls so they could have a boy. There's no reason to churn out era 2 gems unless there is a demand and something generating that demand.
>all of these points are valid, but the answer is just a production mistake and they're stupid
Cop out.
Yes and No.
>In her "youth" she was a spoiled and selfish brat but grew to appreciate the native life of the planet she was colonizing.
>Started a rebellion to liberate earth from her sisters and did a lot of morally questionable decision during the war.
>She had a character arc and became a better but still flawed person but that doesn't erase all the shitty stuff that she did in the past and continue to affect the life of Steven after she died.
I can't imagine being held accountable for things I said or did even just ten years ago, let alone six thousand fucking years. You you were isn't who you are.
Sure is not right to jusdge someone for what they where many year ago, but still consider the scale of what she did, She hid one of her friends in a magic bubble and told her other friends she died. She orchestrated a war where she was the leader of both sides and lied to everyone about it, even thousands of years later she still never came clean.
She showed regret for what she did in the flashbacks when she was alive but still never did anything to set things right.
There's not really anything to do. The war is over. And being a leader of both sides is a stretch, according to Yellow and Blue you just have to be there and the army runs itself.
Sure the war was over, nothing to do there. Still she lied about Bismuth to Garnet and Pearl and she never came clean about who she was leaving Pearl with that mental command that made her shut up every time she wanted to tell the truth.
She could have revealed who she was, she could have liberated Bismuth but decided to just live the rest of her life lying to her friends. At least she could have left a note before dying is she feared the reaction of Garnet.
it would be funny if the original diamond empire was a response to an ancient enemy race that was vanquished so long ago that the Diamonds even forgot about it (it could be so old that the diamonds didn't exist in their current form back then) which would explain why a race of immortal beings that require no food or resources other than make more of them would require such an expanding empire, maybe the war was so intense that it became part of their programing.
I struggle with a personal issue that is pretty similar to that level if deception, and let me tell you it's not easy to know when to tell the truth. The very short version is I'm 29, my daughter is 10, and her mother took her and ran when she was born so I havn't seen either of them in years despite being willing. So let me ask you this, when I meet someone and hit it off romantically, how soon is too soon and creepy to tell someone, and how late is too late that it becomes a lie? It's not exactly first date talk "oh yeah I have an illegitimate child, doesn't that make me seem responsible and attractive?" But I'm not trying to lie, I want to tell them eventually, at the right time. But then, a little while later it's too long. Now suddenly when I tell the truth it seems like a big secret I was hiding, and that's sort of the route Rose went. I go through this whole blog post thing to say I completely understand why things went the way they did with Rose and her truth. Even when you have good intentions and even when your goal is to be honest, the truth isn't always that simple.
she is unintentionally a bitch, also the show basically turns her into a scapegoat for a lot of its problems later on.
No. Pink WAS a bad friend but I don't think she was a physically abusive one.
No? The Diamonds still were galactic dictators. Showing that Pink also did bad things doesn't change that.
Be casual but not nonchalantly about.
weren't the monsters during that episode where Steven and Connie got stranded in that gem outpost non gem related? like the one that Stevonnie was debating eating or not.
yes but the remaining diamonds are alive to be redeemed, meanwhile Pink will always retain its bad actions because she is pretty much dead.
Thanks but the point wasnt to make it about me, the point was just to say that doing the right thing is sometimes an evasive target, and Pink/Rose shouldn't be so quickly condemned.
Yeah, but we have yet to see other intelligent aliens.
The ones on that planet with Steven and Connie were basically animals.
Plus, that was the literally the first time we saw aliens other than the Gems.
I get that, but I don't agree with such a cynical take as scapegoating. I feel that comes out of some fans wanting the Diamonds to be killed or something and pretending the show is treating them as fluffy bunnies instead of the autistic ex-dictators that they actually are.
I just want to assume Pink was reckless as fuck during one of their pranks and something ended up breaking part of Pink Pearl gem. Because the PD breaking her would be so so so bad.
Don't gatekeep, this could actually get more people on Yea Forums into the show. Maybe if it becomes well received enough we won't be moved to trash for another 6000 years.
Spinel are essentially a transparent aluminum alloy. Artificial spinel is used by the military as anti-artillery armor window for cameras. Luxury limousines make bulletproof glass out of it.
>Steven was tanking hits from another tank.
>He only survived because Spinel lost the will to continue hurting him.
fuck. I hated the movie but this theory makes me like it.
He didn’t even want to fight back. If he wanted to shatter her, he would have.
Why the fuck wasn't spinel her knight instead of pearl,
I mean, I know why, but fuck that would have been cool
And am now requesting warrior knight-spinel
The real Steven is meeting his mom right now, as the original Steven was unmade in that episode. Thus he has no Rose/PD memories anymore.
Short lazy in-show answer... because the disguise was Pearls idea and absolutely nobody else was allowed to know. Pearl is basically lucky she wasn't bunking with Bismuth.
Speculative reasoning... what questions would it have raised if Rose had shown up with a one-gem-army like Spinel? What kind of troops would the Diamonds have responded with?
Kind and caring...or about to pry out that gemstone?
Here's my idea, OP.
I can only imagine the terrified looks on the faces of hapless gems as a maniacal pink bolt of rubber lightning looked through all their shit and vanished.
my bad, I posted this in the wrong thread, because I am retarded.
Have a good day
Or Spinel just hit up an armory. Probably knew a bunch of them from traveling with Pink. Probably kept rejuvinators with the injectors for any gem that even showed a hint of getting out of line. They wouldn't want Crystal Gems II
>I would have liked a human villain that was also collecting gem artifacts
what about a human villain collecting gems in general
I want this thing to make a comeback, it seems like it's a planet-buster
Her character Arc is setting her up as this wonderful benevolent leader who made the ultimate sacrifice to fight against a Evil Diamond Ruler to save the earth from being part of their tyrannical rule. Turns out the entire time she was the Evil Diamond Ruler who fabricated the whole rebellion so she could fake her own death and liberate the planet from herself, killing both sides of her own army each way and ultimately so she could hide out on the planet free from her overbearing siblings. A lot of the things she did was just childish and immature and problems she ran into she just ran from or tucked under rugs and hoped they never came to light like with Spinel and Bismuth. Sure ultimately she did "Save the world" and all the pretty things and all the pretty life, but she did it for all the wrong reasons and didn't care what eggs were cracked on the way.
The show follows everything through Steven's lenses. His mom is dead so he doesn't get to see much of her. We saw the end of her arc first where's she shown in a positive light, then recently we saw her beginnings and she was kinda of a fuckup.
*zirconia, not zircon
I think that, technically, this scene came *after* she abandoned Spinel.
Despite Spinel saying "her very own colony, Earth!". I think that was either a hand-wave to help continuity with the self-contained movie, or Spinel didn't know about the dozens of failed colonies Pink went through before landing on Earth.
Pink only had one colony, those other organics she tried to save were from her sister colonies. As we saw in Jungle Moon they sometimes brought her along probably as a "this is how its done" lesson.
Reminder you watch this shit and you are over the age of 12 you should kill yourself faggot.
Believe In Steven
she sung a song and aquired it in a training montage, clearly
unironically this. People make fun of the "gay space rocks" show, but it's the best example of personal liberty and moral empathy that I have come across.
I believe in Steven.
>While Steven was singing about his happily ever after, Spinel was singing about her bad ending
I like where this thread is going.
Fool. Spinel is literally impossible to abuse.
Even if you punched her square in the mouth, your fist would just bounce off her grin with a squeaky-toy noise.
That's why it's so sexy.
>an ironically happy song plays as she beats half a planet of goons up and richochets around like a pinball
I think this is referring to the false-rubies
Spinel are often mistakenly called Rubies, when they happen to be red.
Why she so damn cute?
big eyes, eyelashes, round shape
The worm reminds me of Doctor Worm, Blue's face reminds me of Junji Ito reactions.
All I read was "Spinel"
>Pink Diamond becomes a huge proponent that gems can change and function outside of their societal roles, literally leads a whole revolt about that
>Leaves her Spinel on read because "oh lol she was annoying"
Pink didn’t become a revolutionary until she had already ruled earth for some time, at that point she probably just forgot about Spinel
Spinel reminds me of Nui.
What thread did you come from, user?
Imagine how fucking OP spinel would've been to have in the war as a cg? She can shapeshift much easier than other gems with less energy, has noodle powers and can easily ambush hostiles. She has an unassuming look in her original form and could just use stretchy arms in all engagements to yeet hostiles away. Trained, she would be rivaling pearl for combat prowess with a weapon because untrained she only caught the cgs because they underestimated her the first time. Second time around she put up a fight but 3v1 still knocked her on her ass.
He wouldn't shatter anyone but he was apprehensive about getting her memories back. Peridot suggested it and he was against it because "sHe TrIeD tO kIlL mE" which peridot and bismuth kind of laugh off. Not sure why lapis was kind of cunt tho, what the fuck was that about her being "on the fence about it"?
In any case, he still was prepared to not give her her memories back, starkly different from how willing he was to open up to and engage previous hostile characters.
There wouldn't happen to be any fanart or greentexts depicting this, would there? If there isn't, there ought to be.
She was bare fisted in the rematch.
I know autism is on hell of a drug my man, but Lapis was clearly joking. The subtle thing they did to try and let us know she wasn't being serious was making everyone laugh after she said it.
So i became an ASS
She's not good for comedy. She's just moody waifu bait.
6,000 years ago Pink gets the Earth and ditches Spinel.
5,750 (+2) years ago Garnet begins existing. By then "Rose" and Pearl had already been making a nuisance of themselves for some time.
How long did it take for the first amethysts to emerge? I feel like there's an issue with the timeline.
Amethyst emerged 500 years late, right? All of this makes me question Pearl's statement that the war itself lasted for 1,000 years.
Man they really did a good job with that face, that's a fucking despair face if I've ever seen one
Spinel just became a fucking Kirby character!
Nah, she still has arms and legs, she's not a modern Kirby character.
That divided up snake image is a classic revolutionary-era American political cartoon (attributed to Benjamin Franklin himself). the snake was the animal totem of the early USA, also featuring on the Gadsden flag (the 'DONT TREAD ON ME' flag), which was essentially the original informal flag of the revolution.
Maybe an error, but at this point being a liar isn't the biggest of Rose's 'mistakes'.
Most of the Amethyst were shown emerging as Pearl convinced Pink to impersonate a quartz for the sake of visiting the kindergarten.
I wish she wised up a little sooner. In 6000 years no one ever sent a message on all of the diamond channels?
> Pink: "Oh Pearl!"
> Pearl: "Yes, my Diamond?"
> Pink: "Has she written back yet?"
> Pearl: "Who?"
> Pink: "Spinel. You know, because I keep sending her these invitations to join us?"
> Pearl: "Oh... OH! Of course. I delivered those myself... Um... just let me check the message queue... and yes. Right here. This is her reply it seems."
> Pink: "Yay! Lemme see! La la la.... oh... huh... well that's... She seems to know a lot more big words than I thought she did... but... I guess it was considerate to fill in so many swears with pounds and ampersands."
> Pearl: "Not joining us? Oh darn. I guess it's just you and me then."
> Pink: "Did she really write this?"
> Pearl: "Oh certainly. I just can't imagine who else could have."
> Pink: "Oh... All this time I thought we were friends."
> Pearl: "Chin up my Diamond. You'll always have me. Always."
> Pink: "Thank you Pearl. I'm glad i can count on you."
No doubt abused
There has been a couple interactions with snakes in the show that seem to lead to gems being afraid of them.
Steven is freaked out by snakes on two occassions, one attacks pearl in a vacation cabin, Onion owns one, it kind of fits in with the popular 'Reptilian' Conspiracy..
If gems are indeed a manufactured species, i.e. AI,Robots, some kind of self-replicating machine that acts much like a virus ; then they had to have a creator species. It's not humans obviously.
It may work if we get that gems are energy beings; however due to the various glitching,computer-like referencing in their abilities and how they 'work' Im pretty sure it's safe to assume gems are infact androids of some sort.
The Amethysts were already popping out by the time Rose and Pearl first got to the colony.
who says that was their first day
This much pain should not come from cartoon rock lesbians
Only in the "toon" aspect. Nui and Spinel are totally different personality wise.
Don't forget that time cowgirl Ruby "dueled" a snake.
>But it begs the question, why didn't the diamonds make more spinels if they are so effective in battle?
That would require them being creative. Once a gem has a function, that's their only function.
ao3 20503721
Yeah, and 500 years after that the MC Amethyst emerges, leading to the contradiction with the 1,000 year war statement since she emerged after the corruption.
>bare shoulders with loose straps
DOING THINGS TO ME MAAAAN, but it'd also be better if the gem size was on model so that her top could be smaller for EXPOSED NAVAL, FUCK
>MY diamond beats me FOUR times a day! How about yours? :)
Fuck off.
How did THIS get derailed?
Okay, here's something a little bit more on topic: Do you think next season is going to be Homeworld based or focus on more things Pink did that Steven needs to fix?
>it's a 'spinel murders pink diamond and impersonates her via shapeshifting for thousands of years' episode
I just want more world building and extended Gem cast development.
>Do you think next season is going to be Homeworld based or focus on more things Pink did that Steven needs to fix?
where there's a false dichotomy if I've ever seen one.
damn it, Spinel, stop being cute and making me forget English.
just wait, they'll end up running into Megas XLR and fighting a ridiculous battle a few solar systems away
If she returns who will she be shipped with?
I think shippers have already picked Steven.
Gems have inherently unhealthy obsessive relationships with each other. Anything other than a human would be creepy to see.
I'm sure abusing her would be the message that you don't want her
She pulled it all out of her pocket, obviously.
Don't you all watch cartoons?
From behind her back, but essentially yes.
The CG are shown to be kinda shit at fighting when they're not up against mindless creatures or have the element of surprise. They were beaten by watermelons for fucks sake. They're 1 for 2 against a single IT nerd
Steven. Or, failing that, Steven
But I do friend-ship her with Garnet. I imagine Spinel'd be kind of bashful and ashamed but Garnet would go out of her way to be nice and ask about her day.
Nigga what the fuck are you on about, they were talking about how long it took for each of them to stop wanting to kill Steven, hense their answers
>Peridot: months
>Bismuth: a day or so from her perspective
>Lapis: Jokes about still being on the fence about it
I don't think she ever wanted to kill Steven, one of the first things she did was save him from a car
>Rose: That one's going in the vault.'s gone.
>Do you think she ever hit Spinel?
Why do people look for more stuff to demonize Pink despite all the bad stuff we already for sure know she's done?
Another thing that I don't think I've seen mentioned here is that at the beginning when she first poofed everyone with the rejuvenator, most of her fighting that overpowered them was just excessive playing. Dodging and Juggling them, pulling at their arms, flipping their hair, she's literally toying with them, and how she uses her scythe is similar to twirling a baton.
During and after True Kinda Love, she got overpowered when she lost the element of surprise and she was trying to fight more head-on which got either managed by the gems or tanked by Steven.