Do you think the goblin girl's show is gonna make it?

Do you think the goblin girl's show is gonna make it?

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Other urls found in this thread:

1) too many fantasy shows being picked up, meaning genre oversaturation
2) luke weber

Maybe. Though oversaturation doesn't necessarily mean people wouldn't crowdfund it. Plus this is the only one of these independent animated projects I can think of that already has a proof of concept.

Shill your cartoon somewhere else.

it doesn't have to be good, it only has to deliver.

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Poor guy sounds like shit.

This kind of looks like every pop culture D&D game rolled into one. Look, there's lizard Taako, and there's Nott from Critical Role except blue. I sorta don't think this guy's had much real experience with dungeon crawlers to draw inspiration from, and is just cribbing from things he's seen other people do.

I used to follow Luke, but like any time he doesn't post art it's just him complaining about evil feminists or something.
It's like the only emotion he can express is deep seated resentment and it makes me kinda worried about him.

Is that Wander as the voice of the barbarian guy?

>its fine when artists post retarded lefty shit on twitter, but when they post retarded righty shit that's over the line

lmao who cares, Luke's art is based.

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Sure, Luke. What's next on your whining list?

It would be excusable if Luke didn't screencap threads and whine like a primadonna. Come on, man. Professionalism.

professionalism is dead

Who's Luke and why do we hate him?

I’d donate five bucks if lizard wizard ditched the rod and got an exacto knife.

>Lizard Wizard isn't green anymore

>Anyone who disagrees with me is the boogeyman

He's a whinny anti-sjw storyboard animator that Yea Forumsumblr autisticaly makes threads about to easily bait him into acknowledging their nobody existences. Since he hates cristism and they hate being possibly ignored by him. It's like a self hating symbotic relationship.

>what's with all the CGI Uncle Phil?

I would fucking kill for an animated series about TAZ

This pitch is only made that much more autistic with Jordan Peterson's voice attached to it
But honestly unless they nail the character development flawlessly it's just going to be a shitshow of
>haha!! subverted ur expectashons!!! :DDD

Are... are they allowed to just straight up steal Bonetrousle like that?

>who cares if the artist/creator is an annoying little bitch who does nothing but complain, he draws ladies with non pants so it’s all good
Dumb faggot.

seethe harder

Idk what you guys are talking about, this Luke guy sounds ultra based



Why do you need experience playing DnD to write compelling fantasy?

I didn't say compelling fantasy though, I said "dungeon crawlers". The whole genre is basically centered around the RPG experience that stems from D&D and the other systems it inspired. Video game RPGs spun off from that, and in the tabletop side of things, that's still what dominates. There's nothing wrong with using that concept to build off of for a show, but I wish it felt more like it came from his own experiences, rather than filtered through the lens of already-popular D&D podcasts.

So what do you think'd be missing from the show that a closer knowledge of RPGs would add?

Found the feminist. (Ewwwwwww)

No one cares about your shit project, Luke, you dumb asshole.

Nothing they could currently add without an overhaul of the main cast.

Hi, Luke. Shilling your shit at midnight? That's just sad. Use your unemployment checks to fund your garbage, loser.

>7% funder with less than 2 months left
Shill harder, dickhead. Gonna start another screencap rant on twitter?

No you're not, schizo. Go try to x-acto knife another failed love interest.

Oh, I'm sorry. THREE PERCENT.

Stop trying to sound young and hip, Luke. You already sound like an idiot saying 'dawg' on twitter with your alt-right buddies.

>Do you think the goblin girl's show is gonna make it?
Original spunky gremlin loli or bust man.

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I know nothing about the guy, but I like his art on twitter.

How do you know his twitter art but not him?

the snake guy is cute, but the phone gag made me cringe. Everything about this idea is dated. What a waste


How did they do that?
Some deeplearning algorithm?
Did they pay him like on fiverr?
Just an impersonation?

text to speech bot.

I just quickly skimmed through it and thought the art was good


What happened to Luke's instagram?
I thought I saw a pic he did of Black Cat and Black Kitten but now I can't find it.

Attached: Bcbk1.jpg (417x537, 307K)

>bara with DSL

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