Anyone speak Chink?
What in the fuck did I just find? Is this war propaganda for kids?
OH you haven't seen anything yet, wait till you see the ones that come out of North Korea.
The Chinese are really bad at war
Looks like they're dragging their border disputes with India into this too.
Categorizing Korea as a loss for China is a hilarious reach considering where the UN was when they intervened
It depends on how you define victory.
Both sides had two objectives:
1. Save their ideologically favored Korean government from imminent destruction
2. Having succeeded in the first objective, put that government in control of Korea
Both the US and China accomplished the first but not the second, which basically means things ended up essentially as they were before but with several million less people in existence.
Leave it to the Asians to make warfare look cute.
And one of these fuckers wrote a book on how to wage war. So I'm going to pretend he wrote it every other language that has no base connections to Chinese just for shits and giggles.
It's specifying Chosin Reservoir
He probably wrote it in response to all the stupid shit he was seeing.
China quite obviously have a long term plan for world domination. Much of the propaganda is focused on getting even for british imperialism.
Calling people as far back in history as Sun Tzu "Chinese" is like thinking modern French are the same as ancient Gauls. The concept of "Chinese" as a unified ethnic group was invented after the fall of the Qing Dynasty.
Are the Koreans in those vids supposed to be worms or something?
So are the birds supposed to be Americans?
I think the Douglas MacArthur bird made it pretty obvious.
70 years on and MacArthur still makes slanteyes wet their jammies. What a chad.
are the worm people supposed to be koreans?
In Chinese propaganda, MacArthur is an idiot and insane, while Ridgeway is the scary one.
So Americans are eagles, what are the other anglo nations?
Do Australians get Kangaroos and Canadians beavers?
The birds are cute.
This. Why would you make propaganda where the bad guys are the cutest.
The only other I can spot is Britain, which is a Bull (as in John Bull).
This is a cultural mismatch.
East Asia has a thing for cuteness, likely spillover from the huge influence of Japanese cartoon design, which also emphasizes cuteness. Like the wolves in Squirrel and Hedgehog, the eagles are supposed to look more menacing (made easier by the fact that the brows of a bald eagle are shaped in such a way it looks like a human scowl); though, granted, the art style is more cutesy overall anyway.
Any cute female in this?
There doesn't appear to be any difference between male and female Chinese (rabbits) except their voices.
Female eagles can be glimpsed a couple times. The only difference is they have a curl on the top.
>In Chinese propaganda, MacArthur is an idiot and insane
The same could be argued for the real MacArthur
MacArthur wasn't insane, he just refused to see nuclear weapons as apocalyptic and thus didn't see any problem with starting WW3 over Korea, just as WW2 started over Poland. As evidenced by his plan to defeat the Chinese by nuking the Chinese/Russian side of the Korean border such that the radiation would kill anyone who tried to come through, preventing any further encroachment on Korea.
This animation is the only thing china ever did right
Doesn't seem any worse than g.i. Joe
Has a very classic saturday morning feel. I'd watch it. This a legit show? If so, Subs where?
>someone who is presumably american accusing the chinese of seething and justifying horrible military failures while he seethes and justifies the failure in vietnam
It's a promotional trailer, the studio died before it had a chance to become an actual series.
>Only thing done right
>Didn't actually get done
I'm not quite sure what you're trying to say here user?
I said "this animation" not "show", but sorry for misleading you.
chinese dubbing and japanese subtitles. Now I feel like an alien.
It's also down to small, cute animals better portraying the virtues of harmony and benevolence, while bigger, tougher animals represent barbarism and malevolence.
>how dare these commies make cartoons where they kill us!!!!
>nuke them now!!!!
No sane person would sdnd so many of his country men to die for israel
baozu are a bunch of filthy meme thieves.they made their money from stealing rage comics and reposting them to a market full of people who had never seen one before. even their logo is a copy of the LOL face.
>When even your war propaganda is entirely based on preestablished fields developped by americans
Cultural Victory.
>cultural victory
What is your point?
When you think you are cheering for america you are acctualy cheering for team israel
>chinese release a pretty neat trailer
>show gets fucking canned before even getting a chance
It's not fair! same thing happened to this probably.
Sounds pretty insane to me senpai.
Still not as much as Squirrel and Hedgehog
(seriously this show has cute animals getting shot and murdered on the battlefield of war, and yet it's marketed to young kids to a point where there's pictures of the characters on the wall of North Korean Daycares
Man this new animal crossing game looks awesome.
Hey wait a minute....
We should have listened
That's "Year Hare Affair," it's a reasonably popular webcomic/animation. The Project 896 one was good.
If you read it very carefully you can deduce it was written by a nip
>Every fighting
Squirrel and Hedgehog (C) North Korea DPRK
Not that user but... china went to war with Vietnam after america did.
Vietnam didn't even have a chance to recover and they annihilated china.
Like they weren't even there for a fraction the time america was, and they were forced out they didn't just give up and leave.
And before you say I think america won, no I don't they gave up so they lost.
It seems more like jokes
Like in this episode the america bird gets anally penetrated
Or maybe it is propaganda, idk.
I don't think anyone has said that itt.
Who are you quoting?
It seems most amerimutts actually like their portrayal in propaganda, like in like squirrel and hedgehog.