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And out of nowhere, Batman always wins.

I doubt the X-Men series ever put a desert in the middle of Washington DC, so...

X-Men fucked with time so hard to the point it made no sense that I was expecting Hank to bring the O5 to the present just to fuck with Logan because Cyclops would either be dead or not even acknowledged.

Honestly I could be watching a Micheal Bay film, not really pay attention then Bam!
Or Rain forest
Or airplane!
Or blue light in the sky!

You left out "helicopters flying towards the camera during a bright red sunset".

The MCU litterally ignored their own time traveling rules. Faggot.

Plus Captain Dyke.

Ya seethe?

>The MCU litterally ignored their own time traveling rules.
wrong, you seething stucky shipper

>getting assmad at even the mention of something negative about the MCU
It's like a cult I swear

You cope with no argument?

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Not an argument cheese cracker.

>make an argument, even though I didn't

>2 examples
>Compared the 8 movies worth X-Men had


Only niggers talk like that

At least X-Men tried to explain the changes with time travel shenanigans, Transformers just straight up ignored shit from the previous movies. Both were still incredibly sloppy.

How about ”convoy of vehicles... probably black vans”

>Plus Captain Dyke.
Severe concentrations of "rent free" in here.
And no, don't be a retard, the time travel was perfectly fine.

Being annoyed at Cap’s silly ass timeline fucking ending doesn’t make them a worst ship shipper, user.

So bayformers is actually g1 accurate. Who knew?

Bay did his homework!

The X-Men had a lot of regard for continuity, it just happens that their attempts at fixing it made it even more nonsensical. If they didn't they'd have just not acknowledged the Stewart timeline in the McAvoy one.
Even the awful Wolverine Origins is acknowledged in Logan by virtue of both dealing with Weapon X.

>least regard for continuity
can you someone explain to me why?

The sequels contradict one plot point or another from a previous film (and especially the tie-in movies). Third movie contradicts the first by revealing the allspark was sent to Earth on purpose instead of by accident with the Megatron -Sentinel Prime alliance seem to contradict the Fallen - Megatron partnership.


make 20 plus movies only connection is throwaway lines and 20 seconds after credits, stories never consequential


Ant-man 2's entire plot relies on the fact that he was arrested after CW, as a random example

Aw poor baby

Don't worry I'm sure Matt Reeves' Batman movie will perfectly explain why Batman has been missing for 3 years in Birds of Prey and why Gordon is suddenly black

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You're just embarrassing yourself at this point

>Third movie contradicts the first by revealing the allspark was sent to Earth on purpose instead of by accident

This didn't happen.

Neither audience base knows how to use 50 cent words like continuity, so it ultimately didn't matter.