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he is right.
I aint got time for your literally-who
It's a ridiculous video that misses the simple premise -- what if a normal dude came to Springfield? -- in favour of forcing his ideological rubbish.
This is someone trying to do what hbomberguy does, except horribly.
My thoughts are that I'm not going to watch a video essay from a literal who I'm not already subscribed to because somebody just posts a link and expects me to watch.
i can sorta agree with some of the beliefs but the real issue is that it acts as sort of confirmation bias to lazy faggots who want to leach off others
>i won't work at all because the system is rigged
>hard work is bad because it means someone is taking advantage of you
>no i need gibs because its wrong that people expect ME to work
Stupidly numb, ends extremely dumb.
this guy, hbomberguy, Jack Saint, and some others are all the same brand of "lets take a ridiculous premise from a cartoon or kids movie, and use it to push our idealogy!"
"you see in this cartoon's reality people are treated unfairly, this means communism is the way to go"
didn't mean to include hbomberguy
Cartoons aren't philosophy, nor should they be analyzed as such.
I'm not listening to any pretentious youtube blather, but yes, the worship of labor as a source of personal identity and purpose is one of the more fundamental/root-cause problems we're struggling with, denying us much of the full benefits of our absurdly advanced scientific and technological knowledge. this has been known and recognized since the turn of the 20th century. unfortunately all powerful collective entities inevitably become self-preserving, and realize that any diminishing of this social circumstance is not in their own interest. we keep choosing to (be) rule(d) in hell. just in case this guy is some type of commie (which seems likely), I'll make clear here; no totalitarian system will ever evade this fate. it is implicit to any human social system.
less than 2 minutes in...
>poisons the well immediately by saying the writer of the episode is a paranoid recluse
>doesn't understand satire, just reads Grimes as the sincere political voice of the writer
>"conservatives are insane"
>"being lazy is good/I'm not lazy my critics are just insane"
>"capitalism bad"
that's about all of that.
>Some faggot ranting about "muh capitalism bad" for 20 minutes.
>watching an unfunny video when i can use the same amount of time to watch the episode
why do people watch these 10+ minute videos
The premise of the video is so far removed from the source material its supposed to be analyzing that this retard could've used literally anything else to make the video and he would've mustered the same conclusions.
zoomers are unable to watch anything that requires you to pay attention
they'd rather watch someone who they can easily zone in and out of. so that means long boring people
thats because these kinds of videoes aren't meant to analyze the episode
they were meant to promote an ideology, the first step to promote that idealogy was to use something people are familar with and that means a cartoon
You guys ever think about how Capitalism has even managed to commodify Communism?
Both of them are shit anyway because they require the persistence of industrial civilization
>it's another sub 80 IQ psuedo-intellectual autistic youtuber who thinks they're smart for taking a simple cartoon premise/joke way too fucking seriously and pointing out how it was actually "tOtaLLy mEsSeD uP!!!"
God when will this trend die off
Cracked was a fucking mistake
Marx actually wrote about that particular challenge. He even sort of praised capitalism's endurance in this regard, correctly predicting that it was so powerful because of its ability to commodify dissent. This essentially predicted the rise of the consumer subculture a century and change before it happened.
>le reddit brain number
this guy is better
Spamming and shilling.
The first 10 minutes is literally "capitalism bad"
Unironically why couldn't he be the sneed meme
>just in case this guy is some type of commie (which seems likely), I'll make clear here; no totalitarian system will ever evade this fate. it is implicit to any human social system.
Anarcho-communism is emphatic about this, rejects Marxism because of it, and calls for communism to be maintained by direct democracy among local communities, which in turn form federations to deal with more large-scale issues. See Rojava and the Zapatista Autonomous Municipalities for existing real-world examples of this.
(I wanted to avoid dumping my ideology in this thread, but it frustrates me when people think Marx and Lenin have a monopoly on communist ideology)
just sneed the ticket
Art can have different interpretations user, if your interpretation of the episde is a simple one its probably because you're simple minded, nothing wrong with it.
Commies again trying to poison minds. Fuck off back to your liberal college.
Neither would have worked without the modernized industrial revolution that was built or taken advantage of by the rich able to invest in its construction in the first place. Capitalism like it or not is the cause of the world's progress for change in the first place because of the reward system it implies for getting yourself ahead. Not for being a stepping stone for your great leader.
is that way
I concur, commies stay out
Yeah, but whose definition of normal? Your version of an Average Joe isn't going to be the same as everyone else's. And breaking down what Frank Grime's definition of normal is worth at least talking about.
Fa/tv/irgin here, rarely check this board, so the memes are true about Yea Forums being some unironically megafag lefty board? I checked the video and that guy channel and I feel cringe and tired.
To the surprise of no one, he's screening comments and only allowing the ones he wants.
Remember when renegade Cut was the arthouse movie guy on TWTG?
These videos meant to pander to breadtube really drove me away and the breadtube fad has been so fucking painful.
kys immediately.
always funny how commies retards thinks a multimillionaire company product support theirs anti capitalist movement
He has some rational thoughts, but i disagree on him that communism is the only solution. Well regulated communism is needed before society at large can evolve to support some form of communism. Combination of minimal wage and goverment provided low price shop for essential goods, high education for those that proved to have high potential and antioffshore and antimonopoly measures can help a great deal.