Goes out without any training, just a vague sense of direction

>goes out without any training, just a vague sense of direction
>nearly gets killed
>converts to Buddhism, trains for a few years under one of the top kung fu artists in the world
>returns home, goes back home without a coherent plan, just a vague sense of direction and frequently gets his ass kicked

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Other urls found in this thread:


So...he's Dirk Gently.

>Also gets lung cancer

A real human bean

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Fucking Hub City! Jesus!

What is going on with these people? Are they all raised by the Joker or something?

They can get away with it.

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Hub City is the worst place in DC’s US. The cops are so completely bought off that they just don’t bother anymore, so shit like that can happen right out in the open.

Could Frank Frank Hub City?

Probably, but one of the Hub City residents would probably stab him in the back while he's reloading or something like that.

Best to just call up the Spectre and let him give the city a Vlatavan makeover.

It's a helluva place.

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No, because it essentially would just be day like any other day in Hub city, people getting whacked and nobody giving a shit.

>goes back home without a coherent plan, just a vague sense of direction

It's called the way of Zen.

Remember that time that Patrick Swayze guess starred as the Question? What a strange character.

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So hub city is the worst crime ridden city ever? Question had some serious balls

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Why did his parents name him after a Batman villain?

He's an orphan.

Why did the hospital staff name him after a Batman villain?

Charles Victor Szasz =/= Victor Zsasz.

It's almost like having Earth 3 compressed into a city and then dumped on Earth Prime

Wasn't his surname "Sage"?

He goes by Vic Sage. But his original surname is Szasz.

Is it pronounce like sass, with a 'z' on the front?

there was something charming of him constantly getting beaten up back then. but nowadays after the feminist took over reading a comic where your male hero sucks at fighting has become the norm in order for writers making female characters more competent. I mean even Batman these days can't win a sword fight anymore and needs to be rescued by Catwoman all the time.

Honestly, the o'Neil question would feel right at home with the dc universe block of shows. Gritty yet charming. Like a modern Spirit series. It could be the perfect hard boiled series.

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I thought Bludhaven was the worst.

He's just too sweet for his own good and can't abandon it.
Until he does

BTW Szasz is Hungarien.


>>goes out without any training, just a vague sense of direction
This is pretty much most of DC heroes.

How do I get a Shiva gf?

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Apparently not, or by then dc forgot about Hub City

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Hub City got rekt by a tornado so maybe the government just pretends it doesn't exist anymore.

Bludhaven is just a corrupt city. Hub City is literally falling apart in slow motion from excessive corruption.

At its absolute best, after years of Izzy O'Toole cleaning the department up, the number of "good" cops in Hub City was in the double digits.

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Any hope of this being good?

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>modern DC
Not very optimistic about it myself, but will read it for free and pass judgement only after.

I am expecting it to be full of sjw and feminist crap once more. where the question is trying to stop "racist" cops from deporting illegal aliens and some strong independent female cop is going to do all the detective work and action.

>some strong independent female cop is going to do all the detective work and action

user -

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You're just a seething "boy who cries cuz it ain't about him" lil bitch aren't you? If that's your first thought then maybe comics aren't for you anymore if you have no shred of optimism and open mindedness.

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Why though? He has tons of stuff he can read, comics included that are about him, why settle for something inferior?

>trains for a few years under one of the top kung fu artists in the world
One of? you mean THE top martial artist kicks his ass continually

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probably by kicking just as much ass

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Then he should do that instead bitching about how women are stealing his heroes

Question is almost never shown to suck at fighting. He sucks at strategy, and tends to fight with his heart instead of his head.

Why? Why settle? He can do both. Currently, whining about not having the characters you want as you want them is the number one way to get stuff, why shouldn't he do it?

But Richard was his teacher,

Because the world doesn't revolve around you in adulthood.

You are like babies. Thats not even the worst hub city has to offer.

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Last panel is prime reaction image material.

Ye. It's why I like him. He fails because he's just a punch kick man who's too curious for his own good. But he tries to do good for his city/himself and at some point thats all you can do. Also he's funny sometimes.

>what happened to your face?
>shaving accident

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I'm not optimisitc

It doesn't revolve around anyone. But other people whine and demand stuff, why shouldn't he too? That's how people get attention nowadays.

What bad has Lemire done? Everything I've read from him has been gold.

I just don't care for him at all. I've never read a book from him I've enjoyed.

Not even The Nobody? Because that's what gives me particular hope for this run.

but women and blacks literally are stealing his heroes instead of creating new ones? why is this not a thing worthy to complain about?

>muh sjws
That meme died back in 2018 retard. Now you cunts are even more cringe than those dumb radlibs on Tumblr.

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yeah, it is only revolving around feminists and sjws these days, just because it is a fact right now doesn't mean people should just accept it

Might be good. First it’s Lemire and it’s not a team book. Second they uses the same artist of the O’Neil’s run.

Only if he can kill the whole city

>instead of talking about the Question, let's bitch and whine about something unrelated we bitch and whine about all the time

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why are you lying? sjw never went away. hulk talked about trannies and spider-man fought for illegal aliens to get into new york just last month.
stories are still heavily filled with feminist crap where every female character is a mary sue who is the best at everything while once cool male characters get written as pathetic, emasculated clowns who can't get anything right and who are only there to get saved by women and their white male privilege checked

pretty great how his character pretty much killed the franchise for several years

>radlibs and idpol are basically dead in the water
>unironic anti-idpol commies are on the rise
>libertarian conservative president in office
Where’s that sjws and feminists still exist at? Are you sure you still living in the same time as normal people you schizo fuck?

>Muh woman
>Not blaming the absolute shitshow that was nu52 question and Didiot

user, seeing every single franchise there is talk about the same sjw shit and doing the same feminist plot points over and over again is getting a bit tired after 5 years.
how many white male characters have to get replaced by women or black guys, how many stories have to involve strong independent women taking on the patriarchy and incels, how many superheros need to rescue illegal aliens form "evil, racist, neo nazi, kkk, conservatives" before that shit get's boring even to you?

many other characters who didn't get their gender or skin color changed survived new 52 just fine.
you are just being a white knight cuck again going reeeee whenever somebody dares to criticize a female character

>Where’s that sjws and feminists still exist at?
in comics, games and hollywood. using one established franchises after another to tell the same boring propaganda filled stories over and over again

Renee didn't even make it into New 52 for several years

dude, batman has become a cuck and is now a sidekick to catwoman in his own comic as well as going to get replaced by yet another black guy soon, a dudebro shooter franchise like gears of war isn't even allowed to stare a male protagonist anymore and marvel is creating a show where the basic premise is "what if a beloved hero was actually a women or black". you are fucking delusional if you think sjws have gone anywhere. actually didn't you guys jsut recently drive another guy into suicide with false rape accusations with zero proof? Zoey Quinn as far as I know still works at DC despite killing a guy with her lies

>Zoey Quinn as far as I know still works at DC
so you don't know anything

I'm 100% here for the art. Dunno about the plot, the whole reincarnation thing sounds a bit too supernatural, but holy shit, Cowan and Sienkiewicz again.

That's something I love about Shiva in Question that nobody except Puckett seemed to get: she doesn't train people. She rips them to shreds, kills them both physically and mentally, and then hands them the tools to rebuild themselves from scratch. She helped kill Vic and then handed him over to Richard, but at no point did she train him herself. Because that's not what she cares about. She doesn't want Vic to be her student, she wants to see what he becomes once his creaky, rusty structure is destroyed and his horizons are expanded.

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When I get to piss on your grave, so few more years.

>white knight
Why are you still stuck in 2016 grandpa?
Nu52 basically fucked the entirety of the Trench coat brigade (some how added Question and that dumb bitch Pandora into the team with Phantom Stranger) and DC magic in general. Ruined the universe’s cohesion with continuous shitty OCs and worst of all, the closest thing from Bendis to completely ruin Lois Lane as a character.
So if Hub City the worst place to live in DC, which would be the second?

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What's Hub City more like, Detroit or East St. Louis?

Gotham probably

>Zoey Quinn as far as I know still works at DC despite killing a guy with her lies
You just ousted yourself as a fucking idiot. Good job.
Quinn and her band of cunts left right when Vertigo tanked months ago.

I remember her showing up in Batwoman pretty early on. She didnt have an ongoing then?

Remember guys, CGers and /pol/acks dont actually read comics.

Posting some previews for a bump.

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Another user, i do remember Quinn wrote some comic?
So it was horrible and tanked? Got any reviews on it?

I know it’s probably just ladderfag trying to derail shit again.

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she was half of Detective Comics during Batwoman's first run, but that was before New 52

He was trained by Dragon. Shiva shows up every once in awhile to kick Charlie’s ass for no reason.

It’s not really horrible but it’s just really boring yasskween slaay masturbatory material. Not bad as America, not good either.
Just mediocre. Also they left Vertigo when it turns out her friend who was a writer of Border Town is a sexual predator.

pretty sure she didn't leave by choice, the whole line was canned and every book was cancelled.

Like society. You think Americans were mad during WW2 when captain america was punching nazis? No. Its social commentary, they've been in comic books since basically forever. You're crying over your personal inconvenience.

more lies

For all that talk about everyone disagreeing with you being NPCs, you clowns sure sounds like a bot posting by cobbling random /pol/ buzzwords together. Just pathetic.

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There’s an interview with O’Neil where he names the city that Hub is based off of. It’s in southern Illinois and has one of the highest murder rates in the country, despite no one hearing much about it.

>Superman vs KKK book is coming out
>every thread about it is /pol/acks screeching "STOP ATTACKING TRUMP!"
Remember user, punching nazis is an unprovoked attack on the entire American right by the intolerant left!

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Man the old art looks incredible to this day.
Let just that modern digital coloring in won’t fuck it up.

That might have been the case back then but not now. Social commentary has no place in modern comics or escapism of any kind.

Why are you people responding to this CHUD?

Jack Kirby actually did get threatened by Nazi sympathizers for Captain America

Things I disagree with = JOOSIDH LIESSE!!!
Yeah, you are either a Redditard or an actual bot because this is black-hole level NPCing right here.

How can he get lung cancer in the first place? The dude doesn’t smoke much on panel and especially when he’s working because of the mask.

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a Frank in Hub City arc would only last one edition, which would take place in Metropolis or wherever else Frank has to go to steal the Hydrogen Bomb he'll drop in Hub City in the last three pages.

Good on you dood. You think Richard Dragon will show up or at least mentioned?

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Yeah, as I said the whole sexual predator thing really damaged the line.

the relaunch was crap before the sexual predator shit, and Vertigo has mostly been garbage since Berger left anyway.

So what should be in modern comics as told by your opinion?

Why are martial arts characters in DC are so great? I love everyone of them even Karate Kid until Bendis fucking ruined him and turned him into an armored lump of orange shit.

We call that bad writing.

Awwwww, you need a safe space, sugar?

Dude doesn’t live his life on-panel. And besides, he wasn’t written much about up until 52, so we can just assume that his smoking got heavier until he got his diagnosis.

Fiction stories with no attempt for social or political points scoring of any kind. Just fiction.

>no reason

But that's wrong. Shiva is always interested in beating up people.

I want a full reprint of this run so bad it hurts. Probably the best work by O’Neil other than his revamping of Batman.

Just be glad you're getting Cowan inked by Sienkewicz. I don't even hate Lemire but he could just paste parts of his elemental school diary instead of dialogue in the book and it would still be good.

Man, I miss when she was written well. When she’d break your hand for giving her dirty silverware, instead of now when she’s dressing like a scorpion and trying to take over the League of Assassins.

If Lemire’s run is successful, maybe we’ll get an Absolute Question released.

Yes because Frank is a mary sue

Because it feels like its plausible & fairly universally interesting. It's why wild cat and other fighters like him are still fan favorites

It was the binding gas that is used with the mask that could turn toxic.


So blank pages.

>never hurt anyone accidentally
>can somehow avoid capture from literal superheroes
>never gets fatally injured

So what grounds it so its relatable? Basic family drama?

>no commentary on anything that could be social or political
Sounds boring

But that's social commentary right there, user. That's a no-no.

I don't quite understand why you guys have so much trouble understanding this. Is it so hard to make something that's not connected to current events or politics? That's all I want.

have you considered eating shit and dying

You want to live in a sterile bubble.

name an existing comic that you like that meets those criteria, then

No, you don't because there are tons of comics like that out there. You want something to pander to your sensibilities

I honestly can't really think of any off the top of my head. If you can recommend something like that, it would be great.
Such as?

>How dare those Tumblr feminist have their own safe space echo chamber! I want one too!
Congratulations /pol/tard. You have achieved a higher level of immaturity of any Yea Forums posters.
So those Spider-Man & Elsa videos on YouTube are good fiction for you?


How is wanting all politics out of fiction a /pol/ thing?

Humans don’t exist in an echo chamber as much as you radlibs and libertarians want it to be.

it sure sounds like you don't actually read comics and just want to complain about them as part of your greater political oeuvre. And also you get all your information from Youtube.

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that last panel hahaha

politics out of fiction is both an impossible goal and an absurdly retarded one

Wanting everything to exist in an echo chamber with no relation to anything is a /pol/ thing retard. The infrastructure and superstructure have intrinsic connection to each other. Politics are in entertainment media because it’s part of the modern culture hegemony of global capitalism. Wanting the ultimate escapism is being a manchild completely unable to face the shit show of modern alienation.

It's true, I haven't read mainstream comics for a while now, though I enjoy Graphic Novels a lot more. But, I still don't see how me not wanting politics in a book means I want politics.
How and how? Is it impossible to make a story about a hero fighting a villain without mentioning some topical event? I don't believe so.

if you can't even name one comic that meets your criteria, then you either don't know what you want beyond the abstract, or you don't read comics

I want stories that don't have anything to do with current political or social discourse. That seems fairly straight forward. If you could recommend something, that would be great, but it shouldn't be a unobtainable pipe dream.

I take it this book was no good?

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See, it's literally impossible for anyone who cares about comics to not know a single title that fits this criteria.
I would rather not recommend you anything, but I guess Arcudi deserves all the cash you can get, but Rumble is about a dude and his scarecrow friend who happens to be a barbarian god with a huge sword, and that's essentially a mainstream title written by a guy who wrote BPRD, a comic anyone who wasn't a tourist here would know about (including that the entirety of it's politics comes down to "spooky russian zombie and spooky german ghost team up to finish the apocalypse")

name a comic. Surely you've read just one comic that meets those criteria.

He's still got it

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Thank you user, i'll check it out.

Cowan drew an issue of Prieststroke that was just phenomenal

Holy shit you're not even fucking TRYING TO PRETEND you're not a tourist? If you don't care about comics, why do you care about their politics? You're not fooling anyone, you have nothing of positive to bring to the wider culture of comics or to society as a whole. You're nothing but spiteful cynicism lashing out at people.

You really need to do some acid.

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Are you ok user?

user, just stop spoonfeeding the tourists and they'll hopefully fuck off. You have to remember they aren't really people.

It was more a bit of a test, I'm sure they'll probably check Arcudi's twitter before reading literally anything (because twitter is more important than comics, obviously), throw a hissy fit and keep complaining anyway.

I appreciate you, user. Now, can we get back to talking about Question? I’m honestly curious where they’re going with him and Renee both being around, and all their memories are intact.

Oh I remember, was sight to behold. I own all the singles of priestroke

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Did you read the Blackest Night issue? I love how zombie Vic’s features show through the mask

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Isn't this out of continuity? I was under the impression that it would just be his final days while he trains Renee, but retold by another team.

What was your first memory/how were you exposed to the question?

Btw this is the only good thread on co right now which is why I'm trying to keep it alive.

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I think user is talking about Rucka's Lois Lane, where Renee and Vic just reunited in main continuity

Not sure if you’d be interested in reading it, but Vic and Renee are both working the Leviathan case, and I think they’re both involved in Lois Lane, but I’ve missed the last couple issues for personal reasons.

this thread is trash, though.

JLU is probably going to be the answer for a lot of anons including me

Oh, I have no idea whatsoever about what the fuck is going on outside of Green Lantern, I'm only itt because the team for this book is a godsend

Hopefully Judge user will get in here soon.
My first exposure was JLU, then I went to 52, and got into O’Neil’s run when I became interested in Zen Buddhism, and haven’t turned back.

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They're currently both appearing in the Lois Lane book Rucka is writing.

such is the life of unpopular characters. I liked his role in JLU.

No I did not. Sonuva bitch

When I was around 15. I never much cared about DC (or anything outside of X-books) up until that point, but he showed up in JLU which was on when i came from school just I was started to get into Vertigo books and conspiracy stuff and he seemed like he was made for me, since I also loved how he didn't even had any gadgets (that scene where he smashes a glass door with a trash can was my selling point), he was just a nosy motherfucker who looked cool as fuck.
Then, some older guy in my town god married and sold a bunch of his collection at our LCS. From that sale, I got the O'Neill run and fell even more in love with zen Q (I also netted the entire X-Statix run, a Lantern Arrow showcase tpb and a bunch of early 90s Madman paperbacks which are still amongst the jewels in my collection)

It’s a damn good read. O’Neil’s still got it.

I liked it.

Yes. It's called East St. Louis. It's directly across the river and is a fucking festering wound that oozes over and compounds St. Louis' existing problems. All because Illinois doesn't give a damn about anything that isn't Chicago and thinks it's funny to leave a feral city parked on St. Louis' doorstep.

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>feral city
Where’s my horror story ideas notepad...

2006, Helltown and 52.
I was aware of him before but the art didn't grab me.

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I'll check it out. Its about that time to re-read the Zen-Q adventures again

Fuck he is back. Its double dragon but Questions

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>that hug
Goddamned indoor rainstorms

It’s like they’ve never read shit

Hun city man

Guaranteed, that guy would have a stroke if he read GCPD, where Renee is repeatedly demonstrated to be one of the best detectives in Gotham.

I honestly believe that the Question is the best example of how you could make Batman (or any other non-powered hero) good.

>less reliance on over the top gadgets
>solid detective work
>more grounded enemies
>far less reciting villains
>a small cast of allies

Shit, I feel something in my chest, am I having a cardiac arrest?

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Or thinking crispus allen stole some beloved character's role

>hulk talked about trannies
He was laughing at how upset people get over that, i don't think he actually cares about trannies

I hate acting like some dickhead gatekeeper, but those types make it so hard to not whip out testing material.

Saw some previews of the series on old random issues of Batman and such and thought he looked cool. Saw him again in JLU and figured I should go read his comics. Luckily, an old bookstore close to home had a bunch of dusty-ass Spanish editions of the O'Neil series and that was it.

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that inking didn't save the deathstroke annual from looking like ass

Attached: Deathstroke (2016-) 001 - Annual-008.jpg (1988x3056, 880K)

liberals don't care about comics been good. they only care about comics spreading their propaganda

the night gwen stacy died

except he predates Gently by like 20 years

why do liberals insist that politics in comics always has to mean sjw propaganda?

Where you get these HQ scans? I thought DC never bothered to reprint O'Neill's run?

Yeah thank god most of the comics posted itt were done by Denny O'Neil and Denys Cowan, two notorious reactionaries.

the comic that starts with Harry struggling with drug addiction the year the DEA was created as part of the War on Drugs?

Come now, user! We both know that O’Neil NEVER told allegorical stories about real life issues. Politics in art is a brand new thing, and leftists have never been artists prior to now.

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why do conservatives insist that politics are ruining media when politics have been part of media since the start?

>Crispy is the Spectre now

>Spectre has a goatee now
Fucking bullshit.

No, not at all.

People took high quality scans of the issues they had.
But also, DC put most, if not all, of the series up digitally on comixology. For the longest time only the first eight issues were up digitally, but more got added in the last year.
I'm not sure if they all got ripped though. Someone was doing them, then they took a break for a while, and might have never finished it.
No annuals or quarterlies are digital yet

Sense of entitlement that’s been nurtured most of their lives, and now the last ten year show signs that multiculturalism and pluralism are here to stay, they’re losing their minds. “What do you mean the world wasn’t made for me, and that there are other people that exist and deserve to be able to tell their stories the way they want to?!”

Blame it on the shill who used this as an opportunity to gauge interest on an upcoming book.

It's all connected.

yes, how dare he talk about an upcoming book starring a character the thread is about

the balls on this guy to talk about something relevant to the thread

THE SHEER AUDACITY someone must have to even attempt to talk about a Question comic book in a Question thread

I thought the slightly darker skin tone and facial hair made him look more biblical, honestly.

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Yes, blame the guy who wanted to talk about the Question in a thread about the Question, and not the CHUD that wanted to be the center of attention instead of the Question.

And to add what the other guy said, the fact that Frank exists in the Marvel universe and all of these groups of people with money he has slaughtered haven’t ever had someone on the payroll with some mutant power, alien tech, or super power? Like pretty much everyone and their mother should know someone who can literally run through Frank. Thankfully he always manage to find these organizations that are super serious evil menaces with guns out the asshole, but don’t ever hire a goon with powers.

Having story contrivances to justify their existance is a common Mary Sue sign.

>Frank Castle
>No faults
How new are you? Or do you just not know what words mean?

Mary Sues can have “faults”, it’s whether those faults actually ever create problems for them. Can you tell me some of Frank’s faults that aren’t just there to prop him up?

No, a Mary Sue cannot have faults. No min-maxing shit. A Mary Sue is a self-insert character who, through no effort of their own, is The Guy, and everyone likes him and he has no faults. That’s a Mary Sue.

So that's what you define as a shill? Someone who wants to talk, even positively about a character that is a focus of said thread. Buzzwords are fucking stupid & those who use them are incapable of a proper argument because their autism is always spazzing.

That’s not true at all. Even the original Mary Sue had “flaws”, she even fucking dies. Kirito, king of the sues, has “flaws”. Mary Sue was a fleet graduate and Kirito has the most hours spent playing before SAO. The problem isn’t “they didn’t work for what they have” it’s more “the universe seemingly bends over backwards to make sure they are the best”. Kirito had flaws. He was a standoffish loner who pushes people away. Still manages to have friends and groupies tough.

Frank is a loose fit.

Jeffery Combs' voice in Justice League

No other could ever be the voice of The Question

>>What, do you go through my trash?
>>Please. I go through everyone's trash.

Frank is: just short of psychotic, has one of the worst cases of PTSD in fiction, in unable to form meaningful relationships, lives a completely unhealthy lifestyle, makes life markedly worse for the people of New York thanks to his war mentality, has repeatedly been the subject of nation-wide manhunts, etc etc etc

Troll, new or doesn’t know what words mean. Your pick.

>Yea Forums had a positive, fun and imaginative thread about the Doom Slayer for two days
>thread about the Question descends into reactionary and Comics-Gator nonsense
Modern Yea Forums doesn't make sense. Judge user needs to come in here and sort this shit out.

Who the hell cares about fucking tripfags?

Who fucking asked for your opinion?

All these conservatives are so full of shit. Theyd be so happy if comics were full of conservative ideals, but conservatives are not very creative and anytime they try and do something like comics, comedy it sucks.

user, politics in comics is brand new, and prior to now, all art was conservative, and there were no artists that were left-wing, even if they said differently themselves.

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Yeah, the man is a cunt, but goddamn if he isn't a spectacular actor.
Then again, most are.

Listen, samefag, this was a thread about Denny O'niel's run. That dude posted some shot about the Lemire run, anons said they weren't excited particularly because he's writing and THEY were told they're chuds, comicsgators, and whatever else.

This thread was fine before someone posted something and DEMANDED everyone react positively about it. That's a shill. Your faggot ass imagining the topic is the problem rather than the shifting of the focus and attempt to control the narrative doesn't change the fact that it was the shilling that turned this thread to shit.

If people don't like lemire and think he's a SJW who cares? They replied with exactly what they were asked for; their opinion. And then the thread was derailed because the shill didn't like what they heard.

It was fine until they were told they couldn't dislike a writer.

We were all literally discussing the Oniel run until user decided to co-opt this thread rather than start a new one. If it had just been the "are you excited for lemire" post it would have been fine. It IMMEDIATELY turned to shitting on anons and comicsgates simply because people said they weren't excited.

Shills have ruined this site. Dissent never used to lead to completely trashed threads where faggots call people chuds and gators for simply having a negative opinion.

literally only the guy who started ranting about women and SJWs was called a twat, all the other negative responses were accepted and even got a little discussion. But the twat decided to keep bitching and derail the thread. Someone even SPECIFICALLY said they don't like Lemire and was engaged with seriously and in good faith.

Go fuck yourself and die, you retarded donkeybiter

>literally only the guy who started ranting about women and...
But that isn't true

And then, when Ollie met Vic..

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I'm actually only familiar with Renee, here picking up recommendations.

Take your buzzwords and fuck off. Stop trying to derail the thread, shithead.

I love that Charlie was the one to grow from that experience, cause Ollie just wasn't in the right place to undergo any personal growth. Have they had any interaction in Leviathan? I'm pretty sure current Ollie would just be irritated by no-face.

very well user, let us examine the replies to the dreaded Lemirepost:
>negative but withholding judgement until he reads it, no responses
>aforementioned twat, three reponses calling him a twat and/or a moron, further derailment follows
>negative, specifically mentions Lemire as the problem, response asking why Lemire is a problem
>positive, no response
>somewhat positive, no response
>posted preview to bump thread, responds to himself with another preview
>hoping that modern coloring doesn't cock up Cowan's art, no response
>dismissive of Lemire but praising the art, response is talking about Cowan's art
>overtly negative, no response

I don't know why you're trying to build a false narrative about a thread we are literally in and can read ourselves

Look dude.
There's a REALLY big reason why the Question was never well liked.
That he was only liked because of the JLU and nothing from Oneils run is ever really referenced.

The people who like to pretend that 80's question was good and deep or whatever are fucking contrarian retards and overgrown middleaged legbeards who only like that one story where lady shiva was all dressed up in 80's style and kicking ass.
That's it.

Even the Question in the OP feels like the more popular current question.

I never have an opportunity to use this image but it seems appropriate for this thread

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pretty hot take there, user

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There's always the hope that something good comes out o fit.

>You just ousted yourself as a fucking idiot.
They still have Hoe Quinn on standby you retard.
Marvel gave that piece of shit HELLCAT to rape and ruin.

Stop trying to derail the thread.

I would pay Denny O’Neil myself to write a Question/Green Arrow ongoing

Oh I'm sorry.
Where was the Question before the JLU run?
I'm serious.
Wasn't he fucking dead.
And did they bring back Oneil's Question or do a bad job ripping of the JLU version.

Compounds all of St. Louis problems
Yep like using East St. Louis as a scapegoat and ignoring all the shit that goes on in North St. Louis.

Neither. He wasn't dead, and the concurrent-with-JLU miniseries was nothing like JLU Question. He died after JLU ended and was replaced with a Latina lesbian alcoholic former detective (there's something for you to whine about). No version of Question in the comics has had any similarities with the cartoon version.

You utterly ignorant roostermunch.

But it never causes him issues, he still has allies, never suffers heath problems from his lifestyle, it never shows things getting worse, has never been locked up, etc. Batman is less of a sue.

Fan boy or retard. Your pick.

Genuinely do not understand about the people that complain about the JLU character. Why can’t different depictions of characters be different? I was made a fan by the cartoon, but have since read just about everything O’Neil and after have published. Except for the Rick Veich run. I mean, I have no issue with Charlie getting into shamanism, I just don’t think Veich was the guy to go to for that story, you know?

Most vigilantes have absolutely no training whatsoever until they start being a vigilante.

>But it never causes him issues,
Stopped there. You don’t know what you’re talking about. Go somewhere else.

Artwork gave me a bit of a headache, but I think its atleast a semi-solid story.

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The narrative would be the replies to each of those.

What are you gaining here?

Maybe Injustice Superman had a good point

right, the replies that continued on from the twat, either continuing to call him a twat, or him continuing to be a twat. No one took issue with anyone expressing a negative opinion on the new Question book or Lemire, just the guy being a twat.

Gr8 b8 m8 I r8 8/8

>But it never causes him issues
You don't read punisher comics

>just the guy being a twat
This is your way of sidestepping and referring to only one person. We wouldn't be having this conversation if it didn't devolve into hours of "gators don't read comics".

Those posts were totally on topic.

Name them.

that and Ratchet are his best voice acting roles.

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it's like you only read half the post to find stuff to be mad about

>was nothing like JLU Question
user, they retconned the question into being exactly like JLU question after the miniseries fucking flopped.
Have you not seen any of the apperances of the question before they replaced him with a creepy ass twitter feminist white knight attempt to pull pussy and influence?

She's nothing like the original character that was tough as fuc and interesting in the cartoon. She's a bad stereotype of a character archetype that is at best a shitty background character that people point to and say SHE EXISTS NOW YOU PEOPLE STOP SHITTING ON US ONLINE YOU LIFELESS SICK PERVERTS!!

Calm down

good one

there was only about a year between the end of the Veitch series and his death in 52, and his appearances were practically non-existent in between, and he sure as fuck didn't act like the JLU Question in 52.

And no, Renee was nothing like the cartoon. Neither were any of the other comics appearances.

He was basically a cheap knock off of JLU Question when he met his replacement Renee.

you haven't even read 52 have you

>frequently gets his ass kicked

I feel like this was more of an O'Neil thing. His Batman got knocked out by literal whos as well.

What is this from?

Lois Lane #3 by Greg Rucka

The JSA storytime threads, before that I only know him as a nut with cool costume in JLU.
God fucking damn.

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Assume that CHUDs and Gators haven't read whatever is being referenced.

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So, Question was using fucking car-fu and fighting against magical beings before?

Huh, no wonder why Tot could never make money out of his own inventions. Only Vic dared to use them.
Doubt it, DC is absolutely retarded when it comes to reprinting shit.

This thread is obviously upsetting you. Perhaps it's time to close the tab, and do something else?

what does that have to do with his character?


so you claimed I didn't read the new 52 but you don't fucking know anything about his personality and JLU inspired skillset and new reason to do anything?
Fucks sake, lez montoya was doing magical nonsense from the moment she became the question.

Please stop replying to him, man. Please?

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Fucking this. Which is also why I always consider Kev and Hitman to be a way more realistic way for a “ex-soldier merc” to exist in a universe with superpowers. Both by Ennis no less.

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Dude literally barges into every single normal discussion with the character. Normally I would just ignore it, but his same shitty posting style on every fucking DC thread just get more and more grating.

I know a lot of people weren't a fan but I really dig the urban shaman take on the Question in Veitch's run

Attached: dca-tommyleeedwards-thequestion.jpg (580x596, 151K)

NEW 52

New 52 Question was a fucking immortal seeking his true identity, not a conspiracy nut.

also what the fuck does JLU Question have to do with "magical nonsense."

It's like that Simpsons Treehouse of Horror episode. If we all ignore him, he'll go away!

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I probably would've dug the hell out of it, if Grant Morrison was writing it. It's like how the Zen stuff came across as genuine in the Question cause O'Neil's a practicing Zen Buddhist, shamanistic stuff is probably best written by a practitioner. Otherwise it's just grating as hell and comes across as 'Hello my fellow Witches,' you know?

I just read it as the gas making Vic trip balls

Completely valid

>Your favorite character only returns due to being in one of Bendis’ garbage events
I don’t know if I should be happy or mad.

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At least it's Renee being written by the guy who writes her best, in the Lois Lane series.

True, could be bendis

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You mean Dick Tracy?

Dick Tracy walks the path?

If you catch him before he's had his gin and tonic.

Bludhaven's second, Gotham's third.

They really should just drop Chemo on Bludhaven again.

they did reprint it, but over a decade ago now. I think they're waiting until O'Neill is dead so they don't have to pay out as much

If it does not happen to Bane, then it does not happen to him.

Funny because Ditko was a Slav

The whole run was rescanned as c2c issues a few years ago. Quality is crazy high.

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Also, I'm done playing vidya so let's do this. A short story about the power... of comic books.

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>Bangety Bangety Bang!
They don't make 'em like they used to.

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You look up the definition of SNAFU in a dictionary and there's a picture of Hub City.

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With a mustache like that, I'd at least listen to what he's got to say too.

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Any skipped page numbers are ads. In this case, an ad for a band called BULLET BOYS.

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I appreciate you.

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No Face definitely has a certain charm with the masses.


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And now, one of the best scenes of the run.

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You are incredibly annoying and disingenuous and thats why you have no friends and girls hate you. People can smell bullshit like that a mile away


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I hope they replace all of your favorite characters with gay black trans immigrants with expired visas that are open to Marxist ideas.

Not gonna be the last time Vic is tempted like this.

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Thanks user.

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I'm sure it was the gas and the pseudo-derm mask that caused his cancer. Renee will probably develop the C soon.

Captain Stars & Sergeant Stripes DCEU movie when?

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If this comic had come out fifteen years later, Vic would be browsing DA for artists to commission.

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God I love this page.

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And that's it for this issue. Do you believe in comics, Yea Forums?

Thank you guys for reading.

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We Morrison now.

Nah, we can assume that Tot fixed the formula since then. Just the same, Charlie's a smoker throughout O'Neil's run. Not on a John Constantine level, but still.

Jesus fucking christ fuck off retard. How dare Question fans want a new Question story to be good. Go back to Yea Forums or whatever shithole you learned the word shill from, retard

>Do you believe in comics
No but I believe in Harvey Dent.

Contrary to propaganda, lung cancer is not exclusively caused by by smoking.

Does this have the stuff not in the trades?

Yes. The last two links are the Annuals and the Quarterlies, plus the Question Returns special. Some of them are in potato quality compared to the monthly but it's still readable.

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when have anti-smoking ads or scientific studies or whatever you consider to be propaganda ever implied that smoking was the only cause of lung cancer

>no socdem reformist arrow becoming the new hal while situationist ontological anarchist question becomes the new ollie and posits that the very concept of institutionalized political struggle means they already won
just kill me already

I find it very difficult Veitch isn't somewhat into neoshamanism considering how much it shows up in his work since forever but yeah, that take would work better under Morrison (who could probably write a decent zen question as well, though probably inferior to Denny's)

Joke's on you, my favourite character is Gabby Rivera and Spain's collaboration on the Amalgam event between Rip Off Press and Marvel comics where ms. America is the alter-ego of argentinian revolutionary Che Guevara.

Ar...Are they both... flossing?

It's not that bad.

Be the change you want to see in the world, user