The great debate

The great debate

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Nothing to debate. Atlantis was the better film.

Jim Hawkins is cuter, end of debate.

Everything is Stargate!

I love Treasure Planet, but Atlantis is also great


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I like the art style and attempt at a darker tone of Atlantis, but it's a mess as a film. Treasure Planet is safe and simple, but at least succeeds at being the type of film it tries to be.

>darker tone
oh no it's Columbus 2.0 :((((((

Atlantis has to be a good original story. Treasure Planet was just Muppet Treasure Island in space.

>Atlantis has to be a good original story.

How the hell was Atlantis a mess? It was straightforward as fuck and easy for even for my 9 year old ass to follow.

Treasure planet. Its only big flaws are bad plot pacing and that shit pop montage halfway through the film.

Atlantis is an overated toy commercial


>i grew up with x and like x so x is better than y

Literally all the side characters turning out to be evil too, only for them to switch sides, was a nice twist.

>points out exactly why planet is the worse movie
>only manages to confirm that he's never seen Atlantis

>muh dark movie
>no please, don't you see killing is wrong
>oh you are right lol I'm a good person actually I swear

Treasure actually manages to have some sense of magic in it and Silver is a genuinely wonderful character. The comedic relief bot is the only thing really dragging it down

Cute nerds>>>>>>

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Also the dad abandonment subplot that got shoehorned in for drama and the pop music montages.

Pleb taste

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Disney made some bad animated movies in the early 2000s but they also made some of their best

I really wish these early 2000s action/sci-fi films were successful. Yes, they're flawed, but they also were a refreshing thing for the medium, and much more interesting than what we have nowadays.

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But they weren't feminist, so good riddance.

I unironically loved all of these. Same with Titan AE.

Atlantis is just Stargate. Treasure Planet follows the Renaissance trend of adapting old tales and had a shitload more interesting designs/work put into it than Atlantis.

A shame really, considering that one of them did indeed have a "stronk female lead".

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Which one inspired user to make a cyborg arm.

What's it like to have to live with such overwhelming shit taste?

SJWs didn't create feminism, you know.

Stereotypical side characters that are reduced to breeders by the end of the film are not "strong female leads".

man, i know it's bandwagon but that final fantasy movie was nothing
of the other three, A.E. is the weaker movie but at least it had some bits you can hang onto

Social Justice was created by the suffragette movement, moron.

Spirits Within would have done better if it didn't have the Final Fantasy label.

Agreed. They're realistic female leads.

These are the only two good Disney movies. Change my mind.

Of course Stargate was better than Treasure planet user.

kill yourself