Imagine Yea Forums reaction if instead of bubbline we got gay Finn.
Imagine Yea Forums reaction if instead of bubbline we got gay Finn
I wouldn't mind since he'd be worth a damn again.
Yey. More twink bottom Finn porn.
Who'd Finn start a relationship with? Fern? Had AT kept going, Finn would have also broke up with Huntress Wizard. Because one salty writer was determined for Finn to not have any romantic interests. So, Yea Forums would be reacting to anything. Because gay Finn would have never happened.
As long as he was happy, instead of completely forgotten.
Does this mean marceline is gonna fuck fiona?
This ship is surprisingly popular.
>wouldn't be reacting*
I’d rather big noble bara warrior Finn being seduced by the mischievous twink Marshall Lee is there any art of that
I never knew I needed this until now
Some new character.
Finn Marceline of any gender is just perfect.
Bad Little Boy is a top 10 episode
A man can dream, user
A man can dream
I've seen this a million times and never realized Fionna princess carries Marshal and that's just the best thing I've ever seen
I would not be worried about Finn, he will get more girls than we ever.
He didn’t even get to be the focal point of his own show’s finale.
Everyone find it weird that PB got 5 people that obsessed over her?
She isn't the nicest, prettiest, or even richest princess. Why do writers keep on going with the same plot of her rejecting crazy men?
>Why do writers keep on going with the same plot of her rejecting crazy men?
Because they're creatively bankrupt
Man I wish there was more twink Finn porn.
>tfw I lost 130+ stories due to the tumblr porn purge with twink Finn and various people
I hate Verizon.
In all seriousness, does Yea Forums think we'll ever get a cartoon with a canon gay protagonist? It's always lesbians, but never any cute gay boys.
Eventually. The lesbians are let through because the old men in charge don’t find it threatening.
that'd be great
What were the writers supposed to do, user? Were they supposed to develop PB and Marcie's relationship? Were they supposed to show PB and Marcie's relationship evolve through passion into familiarity? Were they supposed to show PB and Marcie go through hardships and come out on top?
No. That's lame. Letting your storyboarders show a few frame of Marcie and PB, on a date, in the background, and calling it a day is how pro writers do it.
Lesbians are worth as many points as Gays. But are less likely to receive backlash from the conservative parents that make up ten to fifteen percent of America.
Honestly, it would be nice to see him hang out with any other male as feel like other than Jake, he didn’t have many friends of his own compare jake.
One day
Glitch Techs has been rumored
Who would BiCurious Finn go for? Can't really think of any prominent male characters atm.
I would be okay with it cause it would allow for more of Finn taking it in the ass. But I prefer him with women.
That's why Finn/futa is best endgame.
He was already pretty gay being so caring with him, Finn was gonna hump justice into that grass bitch
more than one since none of the other writers bothered to keep PB or FP going or even touch upon HW again
>not backing up
Finn liked her cause he's a stupid kid.
Ice King because he's mentally deranged, and something something she reminded him of Betty deepest lore.
That one candy dude went after her because he was told to by his parents.
Ice King's heart wanted to bang her heart, then wanted the rest of her.
That one werewolf dude in the comics, I totally forget cause they were shitty and I read them like 6 years ago.
And Marceline because the writers made her, even though PB was just a bitch to Marceline more often than not and Marceline's a good enough person to probably not want to associate with someone as vile as later seasons PB.
I wonder why Finn was in the first place in love with her. Some prequel would be nice.
Finn liked her because PB was different back in season 1
What said and PB was probably the first girl he ever met. When you're 12 or younger and some pretty older girl calls you her hero, kisses ya on the cheek, and laughs at your antics it's not hard to imagine falling for her.
1st season PB is more of secondary character.
Who is then? All other princesses are ugly. Marcy is not princess
>That's why Finn/futa is best endgame.
and I got just the girl for the job
Finn was raised in that apartment complex and Id assume Margret at least would have attempted to send him to a school. There are weird colleges and schools around Ooo.
Also PB actually liked Finn enough to take time from her duties to hang. Filming movies and coming around for movie nights. Both have a strong sense of justice and depending on how long Finn and Jake have been around, they got to be familiarized around one another. Both also have a strong sense of trust in the other. Finn trusts PB to be indiscriminate in handing out justice and honest in her questgiving and PB trusts Finn to carry out her assignments with the upmost respect.
Of course with PB's regal and nice nature, eventually Finn would grow to have feelings for her. She could've squashed it right then and there like Marceline did, but decided against it. I personally think she was waiting to snatch him up once he hit a suitable age and viewed the world in a different light. Otherwise she wouldn't be goading her to kiss her ass in Richardio or not focusing on becoming 18 again in Too Young and blowing Finn off.
This is all of course the first 2 or so seasons before shit got all deep.
Yet shes better in many ways. I just like their pre-lorefeels sides better. Not all over the place and easy to digest while still being great entertainment.
I'm probably acting like a sperg here, but there is more than meets the eye than "unf prubbles I just wanna fuck you pls." I REALLY god damn wish they butted heads more in the middle to later seasons to solidify Finn's "maturity" arcs. As much wasted potential as Marceline and Finn having more co-op adventures.
Guys, did you ever want to fuck bmo?
but I did kinda want Finn and BMO to get into some inappropriate shenanigans that one time BMO told Finn to aggressively get naked cause it was bath time
BMO shaves all puberty hair
BMO has shaven Finn’s balls
oh geez
I wonder if the lil gameboy liked what it saw
I miss the fun PB lads
I miss when PB wasn't so ridiculously powerful that it made sense she defended on Finn and Jake to help her with things and protect her kingdom.
I missed when she genuinely seemed to liked Finn instead of seeming half annoyed at him most of the time and only tolerating his presence.
I missed when she had other hobbies/interests besides science, ruling, and being gay.
I miss when she did diplomatic stuff with the other rulers instead of the show never focusing on that stuff.
I miss when she genuinely loved her people and seemed to want the best for them instead of intentionally creating them to be retards so they could never threaten her.
I miss when gas was a dollar too while I'm at it.
Why they are retards? They are not more naive than any other ooo inhabitants.
He's literally got the entire air of earth as a boyfriend. Can't really compete with that.
this, but twink bottom finn fucks black guys
Better than being a footnote in his own show.
I'd rather have this
Is it his own? Its Adventure time, not Finn time.
I could tolerate the repressed anger issues. Running a kingdom is very stressful for anyone, especially a teenager. Which is why I stopped watching after they retconned PB into some kind of immortal mangele wannabe.
Adventure Time with Finn and Jake
...or did that drop that last bit?
Yeeeeaah, PB becoming a lunatic murder scientist was really a big part of the downward spiral.
DESU her getting re-aged and then using that just to make sure that ship was sank as fuck was another key point in the de-evolution of the show.
>his VA got a happier ending than his character
On that note I have no idea what Shada could voice next since all I can hear from him now is “Finn”
For a 800 years old PB is too immature.
>800 years old
18 year old. She wasn't always meant to be long-lived, they retconned her age halfway through the series.
>No male friends
I think this was the problem
>Inb4 Jake n Ice King
Brother and old man don't count
Fern? Self incest is always win.
They absolutely are more retarded than your average Ooo inhabitant. It’s been hammered home that the citizens can not fend for themselves and fuck each other up if left unaccompanied for too long.
Then fags would just excuse it by saying it was hinted since the beginning, example being PB coming out of a secret passage with a skeleton in the background in Ricardio
Honestly that would probably get a better reception because most people that are angry at Bubbiline are just mad Finn ended up with nobody.
which are both shit in context of the show
Hot. That picture.
Yea Forums can stfu
>On that note I have no idea what Shada could voice next since all I can hear from him now is “Finn”
Probably Finn again if the rumor about Rumble Jaw being an AT special is true
Only if Finn tops
Finn is for bottom breeding, though.
He likes to switch it up, but you can get he's getting Gum and Dig pussy.
Discord fits/bottomfags need not respond
>citizens can not fend for themselves and fuck each other up if left unaccompanied for too long.
Thinking about it Finn didn't get many friend that we're male that he want on adventures with other than jake.
No, I wanted Finnceline
Or Finn becoming a school shooter and kill all the princess
It was one writer that was actually confirmed to be salty after a break-up. Any other is just conjecture.
Finnceline is the best ship, but they totaled that shit so early it almost killed it for me.
>Yea Forums can stfu
>most of the thread clearly approves
The only people who wouldn't be okay with this are bubblinefags and maybe a few of the fubblefriends
why do they both just look like spoiled rich kid stereotypes
Because everyone was more shocked that absolutely fucking no one was in charge over there at CN and no one had the fucking balls to shitcan adventure time years ago.
It was doing piss poor in ratings and it sold fuck all in terms of merch and all it was going to take was a few people who read between the lines and were upset by the hardcore pushing of certain ideals that are only popular within an incestuous cult of perverts onto children...or they would if the garbage was even popular with the supposed audience and the kids didn't just tune it out to watch youtube till another ep of teen titans go or gumball came on.
I'm happy you are mad. Self-inserting fags shoul get a rope.
I had a really long ass dream just now, I just woke up. Most of it was real life situations (but fictional) but there was a very short bit where I was watching TV and they gave Tabes from WBB a girlfriend. Havent seen much of the show, or even cared about Tabes, so it was interesting. None of the rest of the dream was about anything like this. It wasn't a sexy dream either.
As a fubblefriend I don’t mind but do grow tired of the constant futa images with no Finn taking control
stop looking for nsfw images and just appreciate the wholesome ones
Mostly though it's just a part of the fact that at the height of the show's popularity (and really the entire show except for a few episodes), Finn was younger and never really romantically aggressive enough to be seen as much of a dominant guy
Would be based because lesbos are so easy to get away with in media than gay boys, acting like they’re being brave or breaking new ground for including them is ridiculous.
Nigger, I'm a girl. Fuck off with your projecting
>on the internet
Stop falseflagging bubblinefag
>There’s no girls on the internet!
Mate it’s 2019, shit’s changed. Do you really think ALL of the shipping shit on this board is done by Men?
>Still keeping this RP going in 2019
Yeah, you really should have left this gag behind years ago.
Cringe ancient meme status
Sure fag whatever you said
Ok Mr. Zoomer, I I'll go uh, what do the kids these days do? I'll go seethe and dilate and let you youngins posts your peepees and feelsmans
Would this have improved the show?
yes, mostly because of my erection, but also because manic boys are more fun
Perhaps. It would have certainly improved the porn.
Based based based based
>finnceline image I dont have
that's marshall lee
they're the same character
Literally only difference is that one has a dick, and depending on who you ask that's a good thing
Shipping is the sport of mentally stunted young women and autistic men
Then why aren’t you doing it?
Nigga who says I'm not?
What about Finn being brainwashed to be gay?
I thought she was was gonna grow taller than him and smother him with her extremely thick body, I was wrong
I wanted to like this image but Finn has the body of a meth addict tranny
How would that work?
>Finn's the submissive bottom
>i'm a girl
and? stop inserting your roast beef into cartoons
Cartoons and video games are full of lesbos, a cute gay boy would be nice.
Who could you even pair Finn with, as closest you get for another cute boy is fern.
>He likes to switch it up
nah, he is for mating pressing bottom
no. stop trying to make him all more shitty than he is now.
At least preFP Finn would be smashing pussy
Man Finn was so energetic and go lucky in the beginning, but after some point he just became static and hollow.
There surprisingly lack of crossdressing Finn art.
I prefer that desu.
dude i want to smash finns tight ass since i saw his hair in the tree with episode
It really is a tragedy. Finn started out so boyish and rambunctious like you’d expect for some peak classic adventure story but then the series just went in “that” direction.
>sleeping with an open window
>morning sunrise.
it would be an improvement.
Objectively speaking, there are way less gay (male/male) pairing in cartoons than there are lesbian (female/female) ones. I'm so sick and tired of lesbians everywhere.
I literally never think the gay option would've been better in other situations but for this one I oddly do.
It would've been fun seeing Marco have to deny how cute BoyStar is and BoyStar's aggressive flirting shenanigans.
>At least preFP Finn would be smashing pussy
The kid who nearly fainted every time PB kissed him on the cheek?
Finn is a good boy but he's not dominant with romance, at all. Never was. He might've become that when he grew up but at that point he's essentially a different person.
There's just something about this pairing that really stuck, huh?
>Finn could've had a harem of princesses and united the entire land of Ooo
it isnt fair bros