Are these the four best SpongeBob episodes?

Are these the four best SpongeBob episodes?

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replace wet painters with shanghaied for me

I don't know if the best overall but they all place somewhere in my top 10, not a bad selection

Replace Chocolate with Nuts with The Camping Episode

I'd agree with that

Correction THESE are.
Both are masterpieces, well written and creactive.

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>0 squid episodes

Wheres No Free Rides?

>tfw No one ever talks about Nasty Patty

>Band Geeks

Add Something Smells and it's now the 5 Best episodes.

I never cared for Wet Painters. Everything else is great though.

Squilliam Returns

That's not how you spell Graveyard Shift, user.


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i tried, user, i tried so hard to disprove you but i can't

add Idiot Box and you got the top 5

Not sure about the other ones but Band Geeks is objectively the best.


idiot box is just a better version of the paper

These are all weird ways of saying Big Pink Loser

No contest

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>mfw The Paper is on
which it rarely did, since it was attached to a holiday episode

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>squidwards insanity
Absolute kino.

>no Graveyard Shift
I'm disappointed

Ctrl f, no Prehibernation week, no Survival of the idiots Yea Forums is truly worst board

missing identity best episode
fight me

>Are these the four best SpongeBob episodes?
Why not ask what the best four animal shits that exist are, it's basically the same fucking question here.

>3 of these are co-boarded by CH Greenblatt

Shanghaied is the best episode, Graveyard Shift being second. Wet Painters has the best/fastest joke flow but it can't compete with the surreal mixed-media atmosphere of Shanghaied and Graveyard Shift.

"MUH EPIC SONG!!" Band Geeks shills are reddit as fuck.

The Paper is a nuSpongebob episode that somehow found its way into S1.