Attached: Mertle.png (458x924, 412K)

Other urls found in this thread:


in chris sanders world one is either a toddler or a curvy woman apparently

no in between

Hi BowlOfIceCream. I see you're making low-quality threads that will never gain any traction.

Plenty of time to grow out of it

Is the 8 site back yet?

>fat, but no tits

Bad genes.

she's like 8 user, she's still got at least a good 2 to 4 years before tits are likely to start showing up

unironically needs more r34 of Stitch nutting in her

Who doesnt

been too long since Van has drawn her

Attached: Lilo and Mertle 7.png (1200x827, 1.06M)

which artist is this?

I just said the artist's name though...

Attached: Lilo and Mertle 11.jpg (1080x1080, 143K)

All Haolies must die.

Looking up "Van artist" only gives a street artist named Miss Van, and looking up "Van deviantart" just gives VanHeist, the guy who makes Bomango
Wait, don't tell me the guy who drew that also drew Bomango? What the fuck??

None of those


cute and soft tummy for rubs and kisses

Kiss her navel, too.

The correct term is THICC.

Tyvm user

We can go fatter, as highlighted in this website.


Attached: Vlcsnap-2014-03-19-11h08m14s134.png (1280x720, 1.38M)

I want to adopt her and make sure she eats like this every day.

Look up autopsy photos of young children, OP. There's actually very little fat on a newborn, for example. A very big part of their "belly" is actually their liver. Children are very vulnerable and precious and should be protected.

Naw, she's just fluffy.

>plump lolis

Attached: CwkXyAG.jpg (842x699, 46K)

>plump lolis

They're so much better than normal loli

Attached: 1500863817302.jpg (273x273, 37K)

She's 6


Drew Lilo last year, haven't drawn her since

Um, fat lolis can have little boobies, user.

Attached: 545.jpg (400x400, 24K)

That's adorable, user

>it's a fat episode

Attached: Lilo_&_Stitch-_The_Series_Season_2_Episode_20709.png (1280x720, 790K)

>new dA layout

What the fuck? Why does every web designer not know how to web design in current year?

Can we just get more of this pls?

Jonesing for something thicc, are we?

Attached: 1556056727286.jpg (630x630, 75K)

not THICC enough

Attached: 1555130402310.png (900x1200, 1.04M)

People always rag on Totally Spies for being weird fetish fuel but always forget that like 99% of late 90's to mid 00's sitcoms and action/comedy cartoons did tons of that shit to the point that kids who got too into them are probably responsible for 50% of those fetishes existence anyway.

shame we never got a muscle episode as well

Attached: lilong_and_stinch_by_heftybutch_dda3m8a.png (3900x2700, 2.44M)

stealth porn in cartoons youtube.com/user/StealthPornucopia


Yessss its this thread again

Attached: 69122_n.jpg (164x307, 20K)

>tfw you want to write a Myrtle fat fic but haven't watched Lilo and Stitch in years

A little pudge never hurts.

Attached: Double Lucy.png (1000x1000, 462K)

She's a chubby little kid, you mollusk.

I would very much like to read that, user.

Too bad we never got any sequel fat episodes, that would be the best.

you say that, but pudge controls the weather
and don't forget how lilo's parents died

I would be fat too if the only meat that is available in the island is freaking spam.

>Mertle never ate French Fry’s food.

Attached: 15997088-7DCB-401A-8155-8B1133D3D3EF.gif (245x180, 50K)

>Look up autopsy photos of young children, OP.

Attached: 1567888221671.jpg (720x720, 29K)

>everything in this post

Attached: 1567820906752.png (530x520, 66K)

Attached: Rude.jpg (491x405, 55K)

>Calling Mertle fat
Clearly if anyone is fat it’s Lilo. Like, have you SEEN her?

They’re trying to look cool and mature like Artstation, luckily you can toggle it back

I did what he said and holy fuck, he's right! These little things are literal sacks of organs cramped together. Compared to adult bodies, babies and young children are like stuffed plushies and don't have any free space in the inside and. Their stomach looks like if was were about to explode due how everything is tightly packed.
Maybe I shouldn't squeeze my little cousin anymore.

>everything else in this thread
>this is what makes you uncomfortable

I can't think of a thicker line than looking at drawings and looking at autopsies

Attached: 1565214250316.png (488x424, 231K)

>Look up autopsy photos of young children
>I did what he said
This is not what I hoped this thread would be.

I fucking hate autopsies and taking photos of mutilated dead children is just poor taste

FWIW women are also packed in more tightly than men.

If it's your job as a coroner, it's your job. You can't be squeamish in that line of work.

>Children are very vulnerable and precious and should be protected
...from the rest of Yea Forums.

what kinda sick fuck would want that job in the first place, and why do they feel the need to upload these photos online to gore sites for people to jerk off to

>Look up autopsy photos of young children, OP.

Attached: 1559119844766.gif (400x300, 814K)

So, which young characters need more fat art?

>Look up autopsy photos of young children,
on what search engine?
cuz I'm not seeing shit

>Look up autopsy photos of young children, OP.

Attached: 1567297083022.jpg (867x591, 14K)

the bussiness of the dead is like that. from the people who pick ups the bodies from the place they died (including decaying corpses were abandonated in the middle of nowhere), the people who make autopsies to discover the cause of death to the people who prepares the bodies to look pretty for their funeral. is gross, but someone needs to do it.
>upload these photos online to gore sites for people to jerk off to
most of these photos are taken by medics as evidence or by the red press. the faggots from gore sites only grab them from other sites

worked for me on bing with safe search off

Anne from Amphibia or Tulip from Infinity Train would be nice.

Asking the real questions.

I maintain that Riley from inside out needs more. She’s cute, and has like one picture.

Attached: F8D4A8D8-493D-434F-A7B0-CA8C72DF5EB3.jpg (512x720, 34K)

Imagine her falm frond hinted scent

They shouldn't be shared at all. Its distasteful enough to have your naked dead body mutilated even further by a complete stranger, but then you have to go and post them immortalized forever on the internet.

>I maintain that Riley from inside out needs more
more autopsy art?
I agree.

>this post

Attached: 1567072259023.gif (325x244, 1.84M)

Any girl from Star Vs. Janna would be cute

>plump lolis
>dead kids

Attached: fuck your fetish.jpg (876x711, 48K)

Nothing wrong with medical knowledge

>Look up autopsy photos of young children, OP.

Attached: 1455.jpg (150x150, 11K)

just watch it then

>Look up autopsy photos of young children, OP
Is there something you wanna share with the class, user?

Attached: 1420561494161.jpg (184x184, 8K)

>medical knowledge

Attached: embrasce it anopn2.gif (245x265, 1.25M)

these photographs serve as didactic material for students in the field of health and medicine. it is not the fault of those who take and publish these photos that degenerates keep these images for their own purposes

medical knowledge and chubby lolis. god, I really love chubby lolis. they look so soft and squishy

Attached: 1567561669107.jpg (500x1000, 132K)

Keep defending your sickness

>your sickness
nothing wrong with chubby lolis

Attached: 1549102771268.jpg (700x1000, 158K)

That paunch.

There's EVERYTHING wrong with fat fetishists

See, now that I've read the text descriptions ITT about their abdomens being packed tight with important organs I can no longer view these images the same way. Chubby lolis have been ruined for me forever.

Don't hug them too tight anymore

Attached: 1293568460_1.jpg (704x512, 42K)

chubby ≠ fat
compare OP's pic with OP's pic looks cute, while the other pic is gross

>Look up autopsy photos of young children, OP.

Attached: tumblr_p58d3weICp1vtafopo2_500.png (500x323, 236K)

When you combine it with your knowledge of autopsy photos, you're obviously a sick fuck. Don't deny it. Even I'm not that supid.

and this shit.
this shit makes no sense. kids are always getting into rough shape falling down stairs and stuff and their organs don't burst

Attached: 260a6455f53110ca7dda59a62d3ab57e.jpg (1920x1080, 749K)

>Look up autopsy photos of young children
What the fuck is wrong with you?

Excuse me

then don't combine them, you retard

probably because their bones haven't calcified yet, makingthem softer than an adult's. not to mention they heal much faster than adults. small children are like little jellies covered in fat in a human shape.

Attached: 1554060547990.jpg (1824x1080, 293K)

Well they're smaller and lighter, so it's not the same as if you fell and had a higher center of gravity and more weight to leverage.
Also kids are durable, they're pretty much designed to get into accidents, it's part of learning. As they get more coordinated and wiser about their limits their durability also starts to drop off.

>Look up autopsy photos of young children, OP.

Attached: kqlvndw9jv411.png (1076x776, 1024K)

Stop samefagging already, you sperg. I can tell this isn't the first time you post that.

user, I hope you think long and hard before you type a sentence like "Look up autopsy photos of young children" again.

Attached: EEB9mqVXoAAByfM.jpg (264x295, 16K)

Maybe he's a pediatrician. Who likes plump lolis. Uhh...

Lilo's real cute.

brown lolis are always cute

Attached: 1556064222695.jpg (730x900, 309K)

>ywn but her off the intergalactic black market
It hurts so much

>not a chubby chaser, but mfw seeing that one image set of Lilo doing a camshow and she pours oil on her tummy and gives it a little squeeze before dropping it.
The artist is Noznorohc

Attached: 1545694799630.jpg (1023x1293, 316K)

I'll have to try drawing her one day, honestly.

>Maybe he's a pediatrician.
Pediatricians are all pedos

good taste

Attached: 1549950311560.jpg (850x478, 89K)

Include me in the screencap

Attached: 76794790.jpg (246x205, 16K)

Don’t worry, that wouldn’t make you a chubby chaser.
If there was a set of a chubbier lilo doing a cam show where she eats a mountain of fast food, THEN we’re talking.

just think, to have your job be to molest dead little girls all day and get paid for it...


wheres the porn

>saying children should be protected from Yea Forums
>while posting on Yea Forums

I hope you weren't being unironic.

I am genuinely surprised this thread is still up.

Attached: 1567888757493.gif (506x516, 443K)

>Lilo getting into mukbang
>getting fat as result

I can kind of see it.

>ywn use Lilo's plump tummy as a pillow and listen to it softly growl and grumble while you drift off to sleep

Attached: HORNY AND LONELY.jpg (437x431, 15K)

Attached: c35.jpg (540x572, 40K)

>ywn put your head in her tummy and chest and listen to her heartbeat and breathing

Attached: 1540502621355.jpg (480x358, 16K)

Oh man I love this guy.
His Mugen stuff is fucking inspiring.

>Lurked in some shadier sites in the past.
>Stumbled upon a thread with webcam video of a questionable aged girl.
>Proceeds to flick the bean while keeping her sweater on.
>Around halfway through the video, I start to hear a weird, muffled *thump...thump...thump* sound.
>It gets louder and faster as she keeps going.
>It's her fucking heartbeat, as her microphone is resting on top of her covered chest.
>It gets faster and faster when she seemingly reaches orgasm and then slows down.
>My dick is rigid like a steel girder.

Attached: 1281712969444.jpg (1004x586, 57K)

First time drawing her.

Attached: Mertle.png (370x500, 77K)

oh man that's the stuff

Attached: 1567380309933.jpg (670x573, 69K)

What the fuck user

Attached: Dethklok.png (1200x800, 835K)

I want her to burp in my face

Good stuff.

I don't trust Hawaiians. They killed Captain Cook.

Pretty sure its tucked away in a drawer somewhere, maybe in a plastic container?

Attached: lilo the bbw model.jpg (940x924, 157K)

now draw her nakked

Attached: blum.jpg (1019x931, 76K)


Attached: 12.jpg (1200x1200, 134K)

>she will never lewdly pat her stomach and wave at you when she sees you staring at her from across the restaraunt

Attached: 1523830941356.jpg (458x773, 174K)

Lmao, this guy's kinda a bitch. Getting genuinely upset at that autist who hates the drawthreads.

It seems right for her somehow. Streaming every day, eating mountains of fatty food every time. Gradually the weight piles on until eventually she’s starting to get pretty fat.

I’d watch it.

Attached: 1567640995252.png (408x412, 38K)


>tfw an artist remembers and makes a juniper lee pic

Attached: 1511810354826.jpg (682x546, 245K)

put me in the cap, cap'n.

Attached: 1562713382318.gif (320x240, 50K)

Attached: 28874a96bad594ff247cd28b1a041b45.gif (450x252, 1.76M)

I didn't come into this thread with high expectations, but cheese and crackers I didn't expect it to get this low.

Attached: 1499566787809.gif (120x120, 66K)

what the fuck dude

Attached: CONCENTRATED ANGER.jpg (2199x2264, 317K)

One more for tonight.

Attached: Lilo.png (370x500, 63K)

>Look up autopsy photos of young children

Attached: +_28d75f88559cb009ce8201bc8d7abea1.png (326x261, 58K)

The Bureau don't take kindly to false alarms, user.

Attached: 20190806182801.jpg (2220x934, 347K)

You are a Godsend

Attached: I'm about to beat my dick.jpg (480x467, 31K)

I'm trying to think up any situation where it would be appropriate to say "Look up autopsy photos of young children," and NOPE, NOT FINDING ANY

Attached: 1555868168063.gif (500x500, 438K)

>Yea Forums

holy fuck... were you seriously thinking these go together?

Attached: 2948.png (500x800, 491K)

Where does one find autopsy photos of young children. A-asking for friend.

I didn't know what to expect from your garden variety fat Lilo thread, but it wasn't fucking this

Attached: 4f7.gif (500x281, 495K)

I want a gluttonous little girl to burp in my face in general

Attached: 1567422898423.png (531x535, 39K)

you faggots are overreacting like bitches. this isn't even the first time someone says something completely out of place this week

>these eyes

Attached: 1541153528691.jpg (960x951, 57K)

Attached: x1491750913089.png (1920x1080, 1.03M)

Try your local university library. A buddy & I found numerous books on autopsy subject matter at the University of Calgary where he was attending back in '92. Quite graphic, really.


Attached: 1567950313320.png (490x440, 123K)

y'all wild. she was one of my childhood crushes.

fucking loudhouse fag GIT.

Those rule 34 pics of her are great.

Attached: 1564098847383.jpg (1987x1989, 1.26M)

Attached: bloat forever 2 low res.png (800x1145, 63K)

How hard is it to delete a post of someone asking where to find images of naked children in a timely manner? I've seen actual on-topic posts that don't break any rules get deleted faster than this.

Attached: mod.jpg (600x603, 46K)

If you got more ideas with one of these two, I'm open to try more sometime.

your local library carries cp?

Hm... I was thinking Lilo letting out a burp after one of her little pig outs, going off of what and said about her being some sort of Mukbang streamer or heck maybe all of that binging has lead her to eat huge portions in her normal meals.


>A very big part of their "belly" is actually their liver.

Attached: 1420079188837.gif (500x418, 957K)

excuse me what the fuck

>this post

Attached: 1555092728071.jpg (432x291, 47K)

Are you okay? Do you want us to get you some help?

Attached: Kirby's calling the police.jpg (591x319, 19K)

>fat fetish pedos just openly posting on Yea Forums now

Jannies do your jobs goddamn

Attached: 1568068093668.gif (500x288, 1.79M)

That I can do. I like belching, pic related.

Attached: Kimberly Belch Redux.png (1000x1000, 322K)

How long have you been here?

nice knowing you

You shall be struck down for posting this

Attached: 1567717480599.jpg (1024x1008, 79K)

god damnit


Mods, please do not crash this thread because of him, he dose not represent the rest of us


Attached: superthumb.jpg (300x250, 18K)

He didn't actually post it, did he?

Attention mods, this joke has gone on long enough. Burn down the thread.

Attached: 1497288007155.gif (275x275, 1.79M)

What did he post, I don’t want to check on an archive in case it’s totally horrifying.


We live in a society.

Attached: 300px-U_Wot_M8_Original.jpg (300x300, 13K)

party van is on the way

Attached: 1536527910447.jpg (334x367, 9K)

Which artist is that? I'm curious if this has come up about any of their other work.

This. I don't like this thread, Yea Forumsmrades.

Attached: 1489195497732.jpg (340x329, 19K)

We could have had a thread with fun and cute things but instead people came in here posting CP and talking about autopsies.

Does this count?

Attached: Untitled.jpg (1380x638, 67K)

What mods.

are you fucking kidding me!?!

What's your endgame, ban evader?

side-by-side comparison of chan.sankakucomplex.com/post/show/3432998 and CP.

lol, this thread. Pure Yea Forums.

>very big part of their "belly" is actually their liver.
So where is the stomach? Is it really that small or is the cavity small since it can expand a little? Plus is that why little ones are so ticklish since that's actually a major weak point?

Ah so the thing I just saw. Also, how do you forget something you saw, because I think it’s making me physically ill.

You know the rules faggot.

Attached: 1567396457213.jpg (1024x730, 49K)

This is the first time I see this pic on Yea Forums.

Thanks for the source of the one on the left. I didn't want to reverse search the original pic for obvious reasons.

But seriously, can we go back to discuss about chubby lolis (or at least about creepy medical knowledge)?

Attached: 1551198158738.png (915x1055, 431K)

Is the cp guy a phoneposter or something? I've never been able to dodge a ban and this guy's doing it like it's his job.

>he could be a hit man
Is...is there someone that rich and that autistic that they would PAY to get this site shut down?

>post I 'm not gonna link
welp, time to clear my browsing history and cache, hope the police isn't already outside my door

There's a lot of mentally deranged people with too much free time and IP. Pic related happened on /qa/ just an hour ago, and the nigger kept spamming another thread after that.

Attached: 1550520100082.png (2476x866, 565K)

We're already here Brenden.

Just don't save the shit you tard. It would be like your friend coming over and flashing his cheese pizza before leaving. You never wanted or asked for this so you're fine. Like being forced to rape at gun point.

Mods should just execute the thread already. Do mods freeze the site over cp or is that only for suicide videos like that shotgun kid?

well if we're posting Raisins stuff...

whoops, forgot my image

Attached: a925a50811c4661c.png (769x1000, 481K)

Funny thing, you'll still get marked as a sex offender if you're forced to rape someone, somehow the feminist were able to pull that one out of their asses on some poor guy in Maryland.

Ya but that's small potatoes. Imagine having the funds to make millions of unique botnets and buy CP, and proxies, and have enough time to spam the site so the feds just come in. That's the kind of God among retards I'm talking about. Like if the koch bothers had a third brother who was a neet with chronic butthurt.

I heard about that one. The lawyer got him convicted for "willingly" choosing to rape her instead of taking a bullet to the dome, right?

You can't get arrested for what others post here (unless you're Hiro).

Not yet. I want to see how much worse it can get. Also the site being frozen for CP is a myth. Posts that are reported multiple times for breaking the law are automatically deleted.

That's the spirit.

Yea Forums works with the feds. The IPs that break the law are automatically sent to the authorities. A spam wave of CP would only make the FBI search for the origin of the spam and get the faggot arrested.

Attached: 1544963879313.jpg (950x1140, 479K)

Could you maybe try mertle as well she be a good belcher

Surely a lawyer could get him off for that essentially he technically raped himself

Anons after my own heart

an user after my own heart

Attached: dbvbrx0-f7a4afd9-27f7-47ea-a7f5-a360429c622a.png (864x792, 438K)

Oh boy time for the only good Yea Forums thread.

That Jade one might be my favorite.

Attached: p.jpg (1000x1261, 279K)

>We'll likely never get another american animated show/movie with this much exposed loli tummy ever again
Why live?

Attached: lilo-stitch2-disneyscreencaps.com-702.jpg (1920x1080, 390K)

I came so many times to this picture and I don't know why. I'm into such degenerate shit at this point it's insane to think a non-nude photo can still do it to me.

Was raped himself

Attached: 32c98a526bf6936f1e463bea109c1771b6d718a66b6cb074d04e6a1f8e6c44dc.jpg (822x1200, 124K)

>Posts that are reported multiple times for breaking the law

I'm pretty sure that's not true, I'm pretty sure the janitor is just ignoring every other rule breaking post except porn.
If only my post gets deleted, I'm right.

Attached: 73647907_p3.jpg (1127x1600, 206K)

Maybe? I dunno how they could actually get a jury to go along with the reasoning. Someone or both dead with (honor/virtue) intact or one woman raped and both lives spared? I'm rather fond of breathing thank you very much, so you can guess my choice.

Attached: 1526535092660.jpg (563x843, 229K)

>that pic
My only regret is not saving the green before the server went apeshit

Attached: 1564886198573.png (1300x2116, 948K)

What do you mean?

Attached: 88078046e3e90939c93cec02257f50c12e88f8970d0d12beddf42a5dc8b81783.png (700x555, 636K)

more guts and burps before this thread is kill please[\spoiler]

Attached: 754a554f39d2574.gif (1200x1200, 15K)

Just know that it was glorious.

Attached: 2142665_SoulCentinel_heloise_raisins.png (1029x1219, 2.33M)

Unironically the native people would be long gone if it werent for the white man. Japan would have devastated the land and culture long ago. I mean the States owns you guys and Japan STILL manages to dominate the fucking islands.

Gas the tourists though, each one. Every one.

Duress isn't a thing in Maryland?

I'm telling the truth. I've seen off-topic threads with multiple kinds of shit (from loli porn to gore, furry porn and ponies) stay up for hours even after someone posted CP that got immediately deleted. It's completely automated.
Also don't post more scat. I'm trying to save what is left of this thread.

Attached: lilo on shitposting mode.png (1700x2200, 753K)

>Lilo you're...drunk
>"and you got that weird stick in your pants again"

Got em

Attached: 12 Fascinating issues of Zoobooks for the special price of $19.95, with the Elephants issue as a gif (1280x720, 104K)

I've been around the block user, I've report spammed shit for illegal before like 20 times. Nothing happens.

It's hard to find good posts in my folder that aren't screencaps from the show and movie, or porn

Attached: winners_by_atomoemyu-dbsmng0.jpg (1280x1613, 241K)

Attached: 2375646_Porkloins_14.png (1100x1500, 697K)

Finally a reason to post this

Attached: 9bbf3549-c186-4a39-857a-93a4c5f034b2.gif (560x315, 2.05M)

Attached: 1432661007699-0.gif (400x550, 685K)

Attached: 1450774445172-1.png (900x1100, 156K)

Attached: 1549595354096.gif (400x428, 1.65M)

Is it weird that I don't care if cartoon lolis serve it, I just want to try those wings and chicken dippers?

>Look up autopsy photos of young children OP

Attached: 1550298853825.jpg (800x517, 157K)