I felt bad for ZIM in the special

I felt bad for ZIM in the special.

Attached: Depressed ZimZam.png (823x369, 442K)

Other urls found in this thread:


he was faking it though

He wasn't till he heard about the peace bracelet

His shmoopy act was no act.

i didn't
he's evil

Attached: 66602085_p5_master1200.jpg (882x478, 334K)

Zim isn't evil though.

Leave the Armada to me.

Attached: isaac clarke.jpg (768x960, 108K)

Actually this is now a tallest in latex thread

>t. The Almighty Gayest

Attached: 1567930131059.png (843x795, 398K)

less than ten posts and the takeover begins again


Attached: 1566533507152.jpg (5000x5000, 695K)

Fine by me. RAPR is the superior IZ pairing.

>ywn get to feel up his perfect little body
why even live?

Attached: cuteboy.png (1230x601, 913K)

His head keeps getting bigger and bigger

Nah, he was genuinely depressed, but got over it when he head about the membracelets and figured he could use them to gain favor with the Tallest "again".

>Even when he found out he was sent extremely far away from any destination the Tallest were on, which should have been the biggest sign they wanted to get rid of him he just assumes they're upset at him and don't want to see him anymore

Zim's a special kind of defected

Do you believe Jhonen's lies?

Attached: young.png (354x555, 278K)

Get invaded

Attached: bettertallestgif.gif (1300x855, 85K)

You are not allowed to forget about him.

Attached: Don't Forget Him.jpg (1024x731, 190K)

mommy and daddy aren't paying attention to him

Attached: 1502160482257.png (500x650, 126K)

It's just what the Tallest do

Attached: cvbgfgf.png (235x214, 61K)

I wonder what happened between now Zim and old Zim?
Was he reprogrammed to work efficiently?

TallestChad detected
Thread lacking in RaPr latex

Attached: 1567877676577.png (1153x1587, 259K)

Attached: prof membrane and miyuki.png (1200x798, 414K)

>TP going over instead of under
see even aliens can figure that one out


Pure af

Such quality. And fast as lightning. You're a gift draw friend.

Attached: 1567224854944.png (492x401, 128K)

Settle the fuck down RAPRfags, time to post Invader Tim

Attached: 1567219007425.png (1858x3175, 1.22M)

That's because he killed mommy and one of the daddies


What issue is this from again?

He does it!

wasn't that grandma and grandpa?


Attached: rfwmuwgqwyl11.png (400x265, 158K)


Attached: Untitled.png (695x762, 709K)

Do they even pop?

He does it once, he'll does it again!

Attached: 1567470124561.png (217x332, 40K)

reposting cuz its gay as fuck

but also amazing

Attached: 1567963833881.gif (256x192, 273K)

Why did Zim hide Zim from the camera when he was talking to the Tallest?

I love her.

No, but they bop

But his head is even uglier than dibs.

I actually hate that.

I hate that this so well animated.

They eat and it's gotta go somewhere

Why is ZIM, an adult alien making out with a 12 year old boy?

>having an understanding of age

what if it's like the dark matter in Futurama but instead of it being poop they use it as fuel for their pak?
I saw someone make this headcanon once.

Divine forces beyond their control.

Attached: 1567926915684.png (1280x896, 2.1M)

Attached: Art_Zimyelling.png (1078x1072, 278K)

I hate you.

>the only flag hes good enough to fly

Attached: +_e9cdbab243dd83b247fb3bd498985f69.jpg (266x246, 19K)

Alternate reality. Never happened.

Good shit.

Attached: engagement.png (492x783, 155K)

>Their kid is fucking Nergal jr.

Attached: 1495578853959.jpg (244x284, 15K)

We need that Memento edit with Jhonen's face on it.

Thanks for the 2006 Deviantart flashbacks.

So... which one is the lie?

Attached: ZimIsAnAdult.png (588x535, 69K)

It makes sense when you think about.
I mean, not really, but kinda.

150 is young in Irken years.
They only start to age around the 200s.

Hey, if Invader Zim is back then so is the fuckery.

Attached: 126291245738.jpg (400x572, 136K)

This is awesome drawfriend!

Who knows, none of the irkens reproduce biologically anymore

That comic doesn't exactly discredit Jhonen's tweet.
A 30 year old and a 70 year old are both old, but the 70 year old would be an older version of their 30 year old self and vice versa.

Zim claims to know that his lineage falls back on Invaders and that he's the descendant of a bunch of them.

Jhonen says a lot of things.

Jhonen is the least trustworthy source of Invader Zim lore imo. Even the wikias make more sense than him.

It won't stop moralfags for attacking you for shipping Zim with Dib or Gaz.

Moralfags will attack you for anything if it makes them look good though.

I will take maybe one or two more requests for the night if you guys have anything else. In the meantime have something gay.

Attached: hanging out with the bf.png (1200x731, 475K)

Looks cute as hell!
How about Gaz and Zim teasing Dib?

GOD that's cute.
Can you do this with Dib?

Attached: tumblr_o16n2kBlpX1ta3qyvo1_1280.jpg (1024x768, 137K)

seconding this

>t. Dib

Thread needs more RaPr

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This says nothing to me. Honestly I'm never going to learn what different flags mean which pisses my friend of since she's so adamant in forcing me to memories this shit, but man do I not care.I tried but shit, I just can't give a fuck.

TAK on planet DIRT forlorn up at the sky and wishing for better days.

I really like that Prof. Membrane think Zim is Dibs friend
I feel like theres potential there
>Prof. Inviting Zims family for dinner
>Prof. helps Dib make alien hunting gear thinking it's a gift for Zim
>Zim and Prof. get stranded, Zim has to play along because he's afraid of Prof.

Halfway done with some latex Tallest.
woops. accidentally made it BDSM gear.

Tell them they should say their flag names all the time like a Pokemon

It's the "M.A.P." flag, which stands for "Minor Attracted Person"

Attached: dfsdgdfs.png (415x721, 204K)

It's the Pedo pride flag.

He’s a malicious pestilence.

Attached: 1567792266485.png (150x150, 34K)

why are they so hot

Attached: masalt10.jpg (626x506, 137K)

>swiggity swooty i'm coming for that booty

This whole time Zim's been posing a s a child to be close to them. My god. It all makes sense. Yep. Mm hmm.

They vomit up waste.


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Attached: 53d1c568f5de7d9fc4565b651db1e19a.png (739x1080, 959K)

When I was a young tapeworm...

They do not, shut up, stop lying

>He will never give you that look when you pick him up

Attached: aw hony.png (1073x1011, 1.24M)

The Tallest are for sex and you can not convince me otherwise

Attached: bvnkfjkh.png (122x166, 26K)

Let's catch an irken and do some tests to find out for sure.

>Inb4 Jhonen says they're like brothers.

>tfw you can't decide whether you want Red to top Purple or you

Attached: 677cbd6527178fa100b5a6172c0c70f47218492fr1-1077-1280v2_hq.jpg (861x1024, 47K)

Attached: dsgfgsg.png (525x490, 62K)

I'm ready.

Attached: 1509999276182.gif (300x225, 1.07M)

red tops while purple bottoms

perfectly balanced as all things should be

Attached: 1567876860167.png (1000x850, 35K)

>implying that will stop anyone
I ship them yet also want to get dominated by the both of them.

He's referred to them as Zim's Dads/Surrogate Parents a couple of times instead.

I wasn't exactly referring to them doing it with each other, but okay

Hello! I love invader zim since tape-worm 4 years of age...

You sure about that?

Attached: bnokpmp[jkp[.jpg (1164x1555, 298K)

>Inb4 RAPR is Jhonen's OTP.


Attached: 62134514_429483701003558_2880620405606619638_n.jpg (480x480, 43K)

please don't tempt fate like this user

Purple is actually to lazy for topping i feel

Attached: 1567971441631.jpg (1000x1000, 112K)

AAAAAaaaannndddd now I regret learning this. I did not need to know. But knowing me I will probably forget about this one to, actually PLEASE let me forget.

Almost finished, tell me some funny text to put on the background.

I hope you do forget user. I'm sorry you had to learn that.

I feel like he would be the one to initiate Red and would ride him.

>Weinie = Tak?

How can such a tiny manlet be so cute and evil?

Attached: Green Waifu.png (588x775, 338K)

Attached: neutral.gif (175x343, 44K)

>red tops while purple bottoms
Purple only bottoms when he's lazy. Now, if there was an incentive to be a top (like getting a rare flavored doughnut or some other great confectionary) then Purple's gonna pound you into the bed.
>YWN bait an alien warlord to fuck you into next Wednesday, with only a handful of white raspberry suckers you got from a bank

Attached: 1418595459729.png (571x448, 20K)

The real question

Whos who?

Attached: 1567877966960.jpg (1000x761, 104K)

He's a cute little buggo

Attached: vlcsnap-2019-09-05-18h43m36s768.png (716x540, 469K)

This is Zim's wife.

Attached: 1567630923512.jpg (350x250, 20K)


But they never interact. It's PERFECT

Probably the last one for now since my hand is hurting from all the drawing. Thanks guys!

Attached: crazy dib.png (1000x870, 290K)

Attached: EChnsLrX4AIidqw.png (360x300, 145K)

hope this isnt too lewd for a blue board

Attached: wops.png (623x912, 227K)

Awesome work user! Thanks for the deliveries!


i drew Gaz dressed as Luna from Mutafukaz uwu

Attached: luna x gaz.png (654x786, 227K)

He looks so into it, this is perfect. Dib a cute.

Hell yeah, anything with gaz is a 10/10

Fuck yeah, thanks user. I love your art style.

Sizz-lor as Alex Jones is just too damn perfect

Attached: 1567281157561.png (788x960, 391K)

woah mama


Attached: tumblr_oobbfbufVn1w639bgo1_500.png (500x643, 75K)

Thanks for this degeneracy, user. And no, I guess at this point this is considered a trash outpost anyway.

Thanks user! Hope your hand feels better

Attached: Lossed.jpg (1280x943, 282K)

OR here, I love it! Thank you so much!

Attached: Dv8V-_lX4AAqase.jpg (680x680, 70K)

Red's the one sitting up, you can see the color in the PAK and eyes.

How far down are you, Yea Forums?

Attached: 3rg6pqxy.png (964x372, 53K)

>TFW the far superior ZADF is constantly overshadowed by the inferior ZADR

Attached: last_resort_in_rain_by_demyrie_d66hkb-250t.jpg (250x250, 16K)

where is "creating your own episodes" on this list

user I am going to break your kneecaps

Attached: looming.png (167x144, 42K)

I love you, you magnificent bastard

>Dib is officially a whiny bitch!

>oc x canon character

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Attached: 1512521091703.png (800x700, 232K)

I'm at Sizz Jones, my dude. It's fun.

I'm still with that theory that the Tallest are genetically/chemically/surgically enhanced to be tall and that our current Tallest were only created together to see how well two Tallest function at the same time.

Attached: tumblr_nvo8rf1yOP1r90qrho1_1280.png (824x1154, 367K)

Not even on the graph anymore I fear.

Attached: dhdhnhjj.jpg (2200x1708, 244K)

I really really hate this picture

Attached: DJOFDSJFSFK.jpg (450x330, 29K)

I want to beat the shit out of him then give him cuddles

I would just put him in a blender

Attached: DCh88pgVwAM5ZBK.jpg (675x1200, 92K)

I don't. He gets all the fanart.


Attached: EDnTS02UEAEP4t4.jpg (1000x1000, 195K)

Attached: DCh89YTUIAAnzdE.jpg (675x1200, 73K)

omg post more of that Tak she's so cute

Kinda all over the place if I'm being honest

Attached: slope.png (964x372, 58K)

i read JTHM but i thought it was shit. i prefer i feel sick


Attached: gjjhfnsfhrehrtj.png (564x514, 16K)

i agree

Attached: tumblr_oph5ex4zDX1r7f4yoo1_500.png (480x640, 113K)

Attached: fjrjgregheke.png (1280x882, 358K)

I want the Tallest to burp in my face

Attached: 1566178484872.png (1696x1495, 462K)

Poor pure user

Attached: tumblr_oynd3kkA8i1wvhap9o1_1280.jpg (1280x985, 238K)

Attached: 984D22DD-0232-4F96-A507-DB475DDC1B05.gif (250x188, 334K)

For me its the washing machine.

RAPR Latex user here,

I love you, youve made my night, thank you so much

Attached: 1567890491417.png (885x1243, 191K)

Amazing job user.

Thanks man. Still gotta do some coloring and the waffles one. But doing homework for college.

I just want them to be friends...

and WITHOUT benefits.

Attached: 1543254630912.png (540x810, 310K)

ZADR is eternal in that it encompasses both ZADF and ZADE at the same time. There's no real escape.

Attached: EDz7T8bU4AE7E_s.jpg (1000x863, 88K)

Sadly I think that artist and many other cute IZ Westaboo artists deleted most of their older IZ art before the movie came out.

Attached: 1495434145927.jpg (420x495, 27K)

Thank you expecially for this picture you faggot, I finally give up.

Attached: 1495434219548.jpg (922x1087, 147K)

Attached: bjvhhiyhol.jpg (997x668, 166K)

Human Tak!

Attached: Human Tak.png (430x600, 67K)

Why can't they just have one of those friendships where "fuck you, faggot" is a casual way of saying "I love you, bro" instead of "I wanna fuck you, bro"

Attached: 17d3cbb04f409fc3e2888b0a8456b2ad.jpg (1279x972, 111K)

Oh hey, I think I remember that artist.

Attached: tumblr_orm9bkGMAU1tqr149o1_1280.png (567x371, 43K)

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Attached: tumblr_oln4n40z4k1vz1bqqo1_1280.png (1280x1772, 831K)

My father took me into the city......

Attached: 41594214_283386035831289_1075662919867766690_n.jpg (625x625, 31K)

on-model porn

Attached: 1567387721909.jpg (1500x992, 215K)

she cute

Attached: tak3.png (1334x750, 1.92M)

Go back

Attached: Shocked and Awe.png (400x400, 182K)

Yea she is!

Attached: Tak with MiMi.jpg (640x640, 38K)

Attached: fdzgghthtrrt.jpg (560x331, 29K)

There's just not enough TaTr appreciation in this thread.

Attached: Tak and Tenn Chilling.jpg (2172x1586, 266K)

imagine tak picking tenn up off the ground and pinning her against a wall and then making out with her haha i'm not gay but imagine that not that thinking about things like that is gay because it's not because i'm not gay but yeah that would be neat

Ha! Yea, it would be so funny if Tak also just rubbed Tenn's antenna while making out with her, while using her pak legs to continue pinning Tenn to the wall. I ain't gay but that would be so funny haha. It's be funnier if someone drew this with so much detail it'd be gay but no haha

I know, It's brilliant. I need more images of it.

yeah lol i'll try drawing it but i'm not gay i'm just doing it to study anatomy you know in a completely heterosexual fashion for educational purposes

Attached: zadr.png (577x432, 394K)

So where does forpus go when it comes to the comics?


Attached: 1509874897304.jpg (544x499, 42K)

Different timeline.

If you had to put it in the main timeline it'd be post-series, pre-comic, but Zim doesn't make a lot of sense anyway considering characters are implied to die all the time.

ZaTr exists.

Attached: unknown-44.png (300x300, 6K)

If whoever drew this is still out there- just know that I love you and keep staring at it.
I'd die for you, drawfriend.

Attached: 1567978654964.png (1200x931, 353K)

Do Irkens even know the concept of kissing?

ZaTr is Irken on Irken love. Irkens are a proud and pure race. They would never resort to such filthy species-mixing.

Attached: 1567641616950.png (1000x900, 164K)

Hi Toaster.

I think this Florpus has the beginning of the comics with Zim's plan to have Dib let himself go waiting, but it diverges from there.

thats understandable bro yea it ain't gay to understand anatomy and it'd be funny at the same time haha

Fuck me I meant

>They would never resort to such filthy species-mixing
This sounds like a Control Brain post if I ever saw one.


quick MS Paint edit before bed

Attached: Chad_ZaDf.png (2406x1134, 197K)

Thats slightly better compared to ZaDr, but still shit

The Tallest should kiss.

Attached: riewrjosjvo.png (1280x1280, 441K)

Yes, this is excellent

Based and redpilled nothing more pure than homie respect.

They should pocky kiss.

Attached: 9u04reijfodo.png (357x346, 51K)

zadf should be TV Dib, but good job still

Attached: 1524266067281.png (1280x867, 295K)

>Last thread made me read Trainwreck ZaDR
>really enjoyed it
>artist last posted on Dec 24th, 2017

Attached: 4e5f99facaac0b375561c5cdcc871cc6.jpg (1541x862, 533K)

Something about the way Gaz is holding her body in this image has always bothered me. Why is she crouching? What sort of bizarre way would one have to contort their body to lead up to a kiss like that? It's like they wanted Gaz's face to be reaching up to Tak's, maybe because in their mind that puts her in a more submissive position, but also knew that teenage Gaz would be taller so they just awkwardly hunched her back to make up for it.

Glad you like it!

Worst part about shows with fandoms that have been around for almost two decades: so much abandoned shit that there's no hope for.

Never mind that user. Just laugh at its ridiculousness

V2, just for you

Attached: Chad_ZaDf.png (2406x2108, 431K)

Why isn't there ever any Gaz x Dib. They'd be cute AF

cus it's incest.
and there is. just look for it.

Are the tallests the only irkens Zim respects?

Attached: TAZ2.png (635x440, 424K)

Zim respects himself

God knows I have nothing against incest but I just can't see that as a ship. They're too sibling-y, Gaz doesn't have any particularly strong feeling towards Dib except on-and-off annoyance and Dib is neutral towards her. Strong hate or love make the easiest or more interesting content, that's why hate pairings are so popular.

Bigdad draws a lot, but is so off-model they might as well be original characters. He also has his weird AU that casts them as non blood related siblings, which shows a serious lack of conviction.

Attached: 1478039181434.jpg (309x381, 31K)

Anyone got the picture of the tallest eating snaks in a huge bathtub?

lmao what a faggot. Go all in our go home.

Attached: Dzf5tH0UUAEVXHI.jpg (240x240, 9K)

Yeah I personally don't like his version of gaz.

bigdad you wussy might as well make it incest

Attached: 1567030706571.png (340x360, 36K)

>Non-blood related siblings.
What a whimp!

Doesn't he know incest makes is hotter

Why is Skoodge such a Chad?

Because HE FUCKS
don't you read?

I want his shmoo in my florp

That shit looks like he just stuck some tits and purple hair on a How to Draw Manga bimbo and called it a day. Can a degenerate explain the draw or is it awful to you too

'Cause he makes every Irken feel special to him.

Attached: Boss Skoodge.png (909x498, 190K)

Attached: LEAVE.jpg (400x252, 25K)

Its garbage

No, I can't read.

I wish Skoodge would make me feel special.

We still need the tallest zim crew

Why won't Zimpai ever notice Skoodge again?

I want skoodge's schmoo in my floo!
He's so hot!

nice quads

Attached: fasdsafads.png (500x714, 143K)

I honestly think he did it to appeal to normalfags. Which worked to a modest success, considering how stupid popular his designs are.

Attached: 1529310159073.jpg (1217x1280, 267K)


Gaz's hair isn't even the right color

Tak looks more like D'vorah than herself.

Give me the tater tots.


Attached: 1421937961056.png (314x438, 227K)

god that Tak is hideous.

>irken tits

Attached: 1566349420413.jpg (960x892, 114K)

Would you let Skoodge slap your ass?

What's the point of drawing a character if all you do is give them thighs tits and ass and call it a day, especially when it doesn't fit anything about them

She don't gotta be thick to be attractive

Based drawfriend! See? Totally not gay and super funny.


Also when is tallest Tenn

>thinking he needs permission first

Attached: EDo8_0iUcAAsqnd.jpg orig.jpg (1080x1920, 172K)

god i wish that were me.jpg orig.jpg

These proportions are absolute trash. Not to mention Tak in general might as well be an early 2000s deviantart oc, with her human disguise lookin' like an ugly dyke

How about instead of DIB it's Skoodge who's doing this?


Oh my god my dick

This is exactly my fetish

Attached: 1414008042682.png (199x275, 97K)

Hopefully soon friend. I wish a draw user would consider this.

These proportions are even worse

Attached: BB16391D-1A2F-468B-8B9A-801537FE1E2B.jpg (1280x929, 109K)

this is not gaz.


Pak kabe-don is a nice touch

This is a complete dumpster fire. What said.


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He would place his foot on Dibs head and keep it there while both of them feel more and more akward baout it.

heres your (You)

Attached: McFuckingHadit.jpg (568x677, 35K)

why would you post that

Attached: 92301222-D1C1-4707-881A-F67AE4BC4568.jpg (523x369, 126K)

Skoodge is such a chad

Attached: Prof. Membrane's Facts.png (500x384, 254K)


Human disguise RaPr incoming

Attached: uujfhkdgfjfg.png (803x790, 253K)

yo this is gay

Attached: NiceCarl.jpg (540x405, 59K)

I love it, awesome job

3onz3 on tumblr


Attached: 1565310846479.png (1200x1200, 253K)

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Attached: 2dd.jpg (300x300, 15K)

How does Zim fare during Penis Inspection Day if he has none?

>What is Genital Slit Inspection Day

I wish I could perform his prostate exam.


Attached: 1567843876605.jpg (210x240, 16K)

Attached: zagr inspection.png (2000x2400, 613K)

This is perfect.

Attached: jhkuyky.png (1280x848, 601K)


user no not ona blue board D:

He does his research first.

Attached: penis inspection day.jpg (848x1200, 214K)


He gets exempt from normal Penis Inspection Day and gets to participate in Weird Dick Wednesday.

>Weird Dick Wednesday
There's probably a few other kids from the school there anyway, they got weird bastards like old kid, pig kid and that kid with the webbed toes

Zim's tentacle dick would be relatively normal compared to straight up pig dick.

Yeah, GIR's kinda cute.

Attached: jU8AETJ9w.png (1200x1035, 683K)

Attached: no.jpg (349x300, 11K)

Do not lewd the retarded robot

Attached: 7b9.jpg (326x326, 18K)

Let's not go down this path, user

Well golly whats this


man you glorious sonvabitch

have some leg

Attached: leg.png (612x1000, 222K)

Keep posting this god tier content and I'll have to come over there and kiss you on the lips. Don't fucking try me.



Hey guys. Oxenfree here. I know that name doesn't mean much but I wrote this prompt a few days ago and I can't get it off my mind. A few people have been asking me to continue it and I've given it a lot of thought. I can't guarantee it will be fast as I am super busy with work but I'll try to work on it in my freetime.

As it stands I'm currently reworking the first prompt to be more of an actual "chapter" instead of the one-shot I wrote it as. This will include additional scenes and dialogue, as well as a more in depth explanation for the forces that interfere with the tallest. I will also be posting it on AO3, as while I was writing more on paste I accidentally refreshed the page and it deleted an entire story. I cannot say for certain if it will result in romance, I know a lot of people like that stuff but I've hardly written it so I cannot promise anything.

Here is the original paste for those interested. pastebin.com/JzV0A7ha

Attached: Request 01.png (432x90, 4K)


Why not?

Attached: DbJLVBX4AAC-Do.png (1199x635, 782K)


No, Gir is like Zim's little brother. It's wrong.

Attached: SkoodgeCry.jpg (718x540, 41K)

Don't make me like this user
But this is cute

yall this shit is stressing me out pls stop

Attached: 1567057715652.png (2412x2294, 471K)

This is why

Attached: 12689.png (192x221, 86K)

Let it be said every drawfag on any IZ thread are on par with being a Tallest themselves

What im trying to say is yall motherfuckers are Gods

Attached: Sure+_34902c78880a5c3c0b7df93bdd1e6192.jpg (499x802, 32K)

Semi-related, namefagging in general isn't great but I'd like to be able to put names to the writers and artists in here because there's some real talent. Even just signing an initial on your art/fic to keep track of who's doing what inside of these threads.

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Do more faggot.

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Ok this is great. Keep up the amazing work

But it's cute.

I agree!

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Still waiting for the human Irken soldiers and RaPr being impressed at humanities own capabilities at waging war.

But this is pretty solid

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Okay this one's pretty funny actually

Jimmychads rise up

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What a horrible cartoon kid

I want to lick his anus and hear him screaming of pain.

No. It's horrible. It's like lewding a retarded baby.

Hear hear! We have quite possibly the most based draw anons!

He's not a baby though. And lewding someone retarded is okay, if they know what's going on.

GIR knows what's going on. GIR fucks.

>on model porn

I have no shame.

How old is GIR? He's an older model so technically he's not a baby, his brain just is.

>tfw foot fetish for non human feet but think human foot fetish is retarded

My brain doesn’t work.

>Jimmy is as much IZ canon as Miyuki is

>tfw I have a foot fetish for monkey feet
Why, brain, why?


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Can you say something nice about normal human Skoodge’s wife and children?

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I'd fuck his wife and have him raise our kids.

Jimmy x Miyuki

His wife looks like a total roastie

Why does Zim Zam look so cute in dresses?

Jimmy Neutron fucked tallest Miyuki and is the actual father of Dib and Gaz.

>taking care of children

Zim would be the perfect housewife.

I like both of these.

Complete unironic question. Why is it alright to lewd Zim but not Gir?

Ah yes a man of culture.

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Because it's Gir. That's fucking weird, man.

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Zim is legal shota. Gir is not and it's fucking weird.

Zim is an adult, GIR has the mental capacity of a toddler. Also what said


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Shut up Dib.

When are you finally gonna fix your stupid head anyways?

>he’s a 500 year old alien that looks like a ten year old boy! You have to believe me officer!

>tfw ywn wake Zim up on your anniversary with a plate of buttered griddle cakes with syrup and teacakes
>ywn cheer him up when he's depressed by cradling him in your arms and singing metallica right into his antennae
>ywn personally scrub his entire body down with chalk before pounding his bussy into oblivion on his sofa while he screams for the Tallest
Why even live

Shut up bitch

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Good, I hope he does. Shipping is the most fun BECAUSE Jhonen hates it.

That ship could have fucked Zim easily.

I'd draw lewd GIR, but at this point people recognize my stuff. Whoops.

Why does this show have so much shipping? It seems so out of place with the tone of the show

just draw with your left hand.

You better not, drawfriend.

If people enjoy the characters, there will be shipping. It's as simple as that.

It pisses Jhonen off.

Just draw it you dumb bitch. If catches you, you have plausible deniability.

there's not much else to discuss about the show so we might as well ship

I'll respect you more if you actually post it, cause you admitting that means you're letting society dictate what you can and can't draw. Society is a fickle as history, do you want to be wishy washy like the rest of the fools!?


I don’t care about shipping. I just want to see Zim fucked and I don’t care who does it.

Chaos, chaos!

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B & R

Anyone else think that Dib kid might be a pedo?

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Because there is an alien. People love xeno. And if you're asking about the most popular ship, because they're both males and are enemies but also obsessed with each other and literally the only ones who take each other seriously which makes their relationship stand out among all their others. Put it all together and it's pure catnip for shippers.

Keep in mind that most of the shippers were Dib's age themselves when they first got into the show, which made it easier to go that direction.

If I were so inclined to read a ZADR fic which one should I read? There's so goddamn many of them, and I can't tell which ones are any good just at a glance.

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What does Zim's skin feel like? I always imagined Zim felt kinda smooth and glossy.

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Seconding this request, I've completely run out of gen fics on Ao3 which means that I have to start wading into the ship stuff.

There aren't really many good ones. I've looked.
And I'm really picky on that ship, only certain content I enjoy. Most of them are cringy or really uninteresting AUs.

Skoodge will cuck all other Zim ships and claim his wife

Is it because he's always seen with that green kid? Kinda creepy desu

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>I've completely run out of gen fics on Ao3

Any interesting finds? I've only really read shipping stuff. It'd be nice to check out what else there is outside that particular genre.

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i imagine it soft like a ripe papaya
someone once described that in these threads and i'm going with it
maybe soft like a rice cake

You ever touched a large ant?

This ship really is only good if Zim doesn't grow. And if he does, he should still be infuriatingly shorter than Dib.

They'll pretty much all be OOC, but you can usually tell which will devolve into irritating fluff or the author's dark goth or gore kink too quickly. Find the fics that don't seem to take themselves too seriously and you'll have found the best you'll see in this fandom. Even the summary should give you a clue.

Irkens are surprising soft and pleasant to the touch. Zim is twice as soft and pleasant due to being the shortest invader.

based RAPR poster

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sir I can only see your words as a challenge

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holy shit i once went to new england and the ants there are HUGE
like bigger than any ants i've ever seen in my life
wonder why

For real though, I would like to see some in-character art with this. I think Zim would let Skoodge be his cousin or something, if he was going to try and go out and get in on the "mission".
And how would Dib react to seeing another Irken join Zim on Earth? How would he approach TWO Irkens? How would Skoodge react to Dib?

Attached: Skoodge and Zim.png (351x322, 179K)

Here we see four wild ships attempting to fight for thread dominance...

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Shit, now I have to.
Right after injecting this directly into the base of my spine.

yeah my brain completely removed the sexual overtones of that post when i stored it in my memories but my point still stands

>mfw I posted most those images because I have multiple pairings.

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how bout I post the version where I DIDN'T forget to erase the background off Purple's leg

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I love these two so much. Their designs are so perfect, especially Purple with his huge sweater sleeves. I can't wait until that one write user continues that Tallest on Urth prompt he's working on.

We need some fresh ZATR, boys

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I just want Zim to be my wife and fall asleep in my lap and maybe get gangraped a little bit... am I really a bad person for that?

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i see your ZaTr and raise ONE ZaSf

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Smooth and soft but in a rubbery way because he lacks the tiny hairs humans have, and also more pliant than human skin. His hands are probably also completely smooth since Irkens seem to wear gloves at all times and would probably not have a need for anything grippy on their skin. Antennae I think are firm and bristly.

I wonder if there are nails at all or if the ends of their fingers just get firmer like claws.


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Only when Zimpai notices him and doesn't kick him off a cliff.

>ZADR fighting for dominance
It's my ship but it doesn't need to be dominant here when it is everywhere else. I like seeing more variety in these threads.

Sizz will win the Zimbowl by force

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swing ur bod from side to side
comon its time to go
do the mayeo

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What if you opened up Zim's PAK?

>Ywn get to take Zim's gloves off and play with and touch his soft, delicate hands
>Ywn get to watch his reaction and confusion when you kiss his little fingers and press your thumbs into his palms
>Ywn get to trace symbols on his soft skin and laugh when he squirms at the sensation
Why even live?

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I hate that I visualized this.

Lil lewd

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Now I want to see Zim in her outfit hanging from his pak legs.

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Fuck, how small do you think his hand is compared to an adult human's? With the spindly fingers too.

Still waiting on tallest Tenn

What would Zim think of all the Hot Topic type merch? Especially with the grand majority of it being GIR.

they made an issue that was about GIR being famous and basically he had to change GIR's outfit to be more inconspicuous.

Do I post an actual discussion topic I’ve wondered about the show or do I just shitpost about lewding Zim

here u go senpai i hope u liek

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He would use GIR's popularity to his advantage. This goes along the lines of the comics.


What’s stopping you from doing both

This isn't a full list of everything worth reading, but they're ones you'll most likely enjoy.

Hey Spacejerk (probably my favourite, interesting concept)
The Only One I Know (just starting but it looks promising)
A Parade of Indignities (sickfic if you're into that, high quality writing and lots of Irken society makes up for the melodrama, unfinished)
Possessed (torture but not graphic)
Malfunction Junction
Play Fair

We need more tallest Zim and Tak art.

What’s the credibility level of the Swollen Eyeballs? Obviously they don’t believe Dib about his observations but do they handle any serious supernatural issues or are they mainly bullshit like the paranormal investigator Dib worked with?

Zim wears nothing under his black leggings so his red tentacle cock is slightly visible as a bulge if you look under his shirt.

Neat, thanks for the list user. I'll check these out

Darkbootie believes Dib, at least to some extent (see Battle of the Planets). The only other paranormal investigator we've ever seen outside of Dib's calls is that dude from the Career day episode.

Sorry, but the second half of your post slapped me. Anyway I think the SE are leagues better than Bill since they have regular conventions not to mention we did see Agent Darkbootie and he seemed competent enough where he actually tried to help Dib catch an alien.

>What’s the credibility level of the Swollen Eyeballs?
they're based off of the secretive paranormal investigation group Fox Mulder's a part of but are generally seen as lunatics by the outside world and outside of internet forums.
from the comics, it doesn't seem as though they have any merit and are just nerds nerding around though in the show there's that one guy who knew the moon was a space ship, i guess. but they're more like regular /x/ users normally, smart enough to provide information about conspiracies, but unable to apply them realistically in the real world. .

Only partially satisfying

What even counts as a serious supernatural issue for them? Would a being like Mortos be something the Swollen Eyeball normally deals with if Dib hadn't been there?

You're very welcome! Hope you enjoy.

>What even counts as a serious supernatural issue for them?
reptiles running the government probably


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Zim is not a legal shota!

He's a 260 year old alien! So it's okay!

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What if you forcibly removed Zim’s disguise in public and held it out of his reach and he started crying

i would laugh

ZIM does not cry

I wanna hold forcibly undisguised Zim up high and out in public!

I got some art of them tall.

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Don't they hate each other?

>No one hasn't mentioned that Poonchy tried to hold Gaz's hand in the movie.

Welcome to the zim fandom

This is a blue board sicko

>Isn't Tak short?
>Isn't Zim short?
> Aren't all episodes romanceless?

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Yes, and?

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>using that image
Please don't.

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Is he dead?

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It's times like these I really wish I had any clue how to draw hands.
Have a failed attempt.

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No. Pak is his brain too.

Lovin the posting.

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the idea of Zim being alive and disembodied yet conscious enough to control his beheaded body brings up a whole slew of new ideas to expand on hehe

Stadium and Spin the Bottle of Doom, and Other Awful Party Tricks by the same author are both enjoyable.

So what's the idea here? How did they get so tall?

He'd likely disconnect from that body and go to a new one like it's nothing.

They absorbed the tall of the previous tallest.

I want to fingerfuck Zim and then force him to clean my fingers

that's no fun

What if each previous Tallest has a vertebrae removed when they die that's inserted into the successor's spine

Cute! CUTE!

I wanna hold Zim's tiny little hands!

I don't really find pleasure in looking at or reading Zim porn, but I want to produce it. Why is that?

>Instead of Purple and Red Zim and Tak get tall. Zim and Tak are defectives(Zim moreso than Tak) they get along mostly. Tak's defect is that she wants to be loved moreso than worshipped like a Tallest, and Zim us capable of that in a crazy way. They were partners since they were in training. Tak gets taller as time goes on (antenna height), but she doesn't show it just to allow Zim to continue ruling with her.

>Tak makes the Empire prosperous and doesn't utilize slave labor while Zim is sort of her house wife or Purple equivalent.

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A fun challenge. Interesting design. Maybe not sexy or hot to you, but fun to look at?

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Dib looks exactly like the "how to NOT draw Dib" guide from the series bible.
I don't know what cut-rate chinks they got to animate this cartoon but it offends me on every frame.

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that's pretty clearly an edit

| ||
|| |_

A-user, you're awakening something in me.

>Tak's defect is that she wants to be loved moreso than worshipped like a Tallest, and Zim us capable of that in a crazy way.

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Hand fetishes are the most patrician of tastes.

especially when they're dainty little irken hands!

He does, but the "shitty cut-in mouth" and "whiny bitch eyebrows" are edited in. Though the movie does have some instances of those on Dib.

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Ranking Invader Zim's artistic quality:

>art direction
Season 2 > Late season 1 > Early season 1 > Florpus > Comics
Season 2 > Season 1 > Florpus
>voice acting
Season 2 > Florpus > Season 1
Season 2 > Season 1 > Comics > Florpus
Season 1 > Season 2 > Florpus
Season 1 > Late season 1 > Florpus > Comics
Season 1 = Season 2 > Comics > Florpus

Attached: 1488415818444.png (626x754, 58K)

thanks doc

>better voice acting than Season 1

>Ywn hold both of Zim's little clawed hands in one hand and go back and forth from kissing the left and right hand.
>Ywn get to pull him closer when he shies away, feeling overstimulated by all the touches on his sensitive skin.
>Ywn place him on your lap and comment on his flustered babbling and twitching antennae in reaction to your prodding and kneading.
>Ywn get to use one hand to pet and poke at his cute little antennae while using the other to hold him still, by the bare wrists.
>Ywn kiss the top of his head and roll the tip of his antenna between your thumb and forefinger, stopping only to laugh softly at his squeaking and quiet mumbling for you to not stop...




I want to smash Zim's face against a wall till he piss himself, then I would force him to clean the floor with his tongue

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Patrician tastes, user.


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Zim doesn't pee

That's nice to know, Jhonen. You can go now.

Art direction is subjective as hell, I like both Florpus and the series equally for totally different reasons though season two was better than season one.
Florpus animation quality was objectively better due a freer budget and technology upgrade, there were some Toon Boom shots but most of it was properly done.
Florpus VA really varied. Berman was fantastic, Horvitz was also really good, but I was disappointed with Bumpass.
Agreed on the last four, but worldbuilding isn't a great thing to judge on since so much of the potential was cut off.

Can we go back to the threads being just gay Red and Purple shipping

Soft Zim abuse is ok
>beatings/getting the shit kicked outta him
>black eyes
Hardcore Zim abuse that makes my cock soft
>hard torture

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I prefer zim Bully over zim Abuse.

I like him getting beat up, but only when everyone knows he deserves it.
I don't want to see him cry. I wanna see him dizzy, and just as angry.

I only wanna see him break sexually. Maybe.

>Florpus animation quality was objectively better due a freer budget and technology upgrade, there were some Toon Boom shots but most of it was properly done.
It is animated much more rigidly and choppily with more basic cinematography throughout most of the shots.

Zim is a cocksleeve for gangbangs and that is okay

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Why does everything want to hurt Zim?!

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We're going to have to agree to disagree here. Weird boarding doesn't mean it's better boarding, just that it's more surreal. Which isn't a bad thing in Zim, but personally I prefer shit like Tyson Hesse's front lawn sequence where the time and expression goes into the posing rather than the angle. That's where it starts to blend into art direction which they were given more liberty with this time around. I do miss Chris Graham and Bryan Konietzko's work though.

Why would you draw that?

There's some kind of allure at least, yes. But I can't fap to it. I just kind of enjoy looking at it on some level.

It's kind of depressing though, I wish I could just fap to it.

I'm in a similar boat, there's just some series I have zero sexual feelings about but like looking at the porn for aesthetics. For IZ it's probably because I first watched it as a middle schooler so it's in the childhood memories category.

I want to rip off his teeth, slowly, one by one, so I can french kiss and lick his bloody gums, after beating the shit ouf of him

I just want to see Zim crying, because he knows that he is a shadow of his former self, I want to hear him sobbing, praying for the help of his beloved Tallests.
Is it too much to ask? )·If3kpeo'0lfwepf32lpd

It's kind of jarring to rewatch an episode of the show and then hear a scene from the movie with Horvitz. Florpus Zim sounds way different. Not bad, but still different, and a little more strained. He's definitely a VA that yelled a shitload over all these years.

Series Zim sounds like a kid, Florpus Zim sounds like an adult pretending to be a kid. But that kind of fits anyway so it's fine.

The sooner these threads get kicked to /trash/ the better. At least then we could be where we belong with clown shows like this.

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>tfw no psychotic bf to torture Zim w/

I just want to hide Zim in my shirt when it rains.

I know it's the job but at the same time I feel bad for him, early in his career he had a bunch of characters that pretty much screamed to talk so it's affected everything long-term. He still does a fine job with gentler characters like Raz, but you're right in that the strain is more obvious when the yells go into the so loud you start coughing area.

Part of that might also come to where they only seemed to pitch Simons to where it's obvious, Zim, Gaz, and Dib's tones were only lightly treated, if at all.

See, yall niggas ruin these threads

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What program did they even use for the vocal pitching?
I'm jealous.

Who's DNA is used for producing smeets anyway?

I want to comfort Zim and protect him from all the abusefags.

new thread?

>It seems so out of place with the tone of the show

I think that's part of the reason. Shipperfags like a challenge.

RaPR wins by default because they're the tallest


I felt sad that we never got the chance of seeing his story being told fully. the show getting cancelled so soon still hurts all those years later.