Seriously, they kept pushing this Inferno guy in all the Inhumans books and cartoons, but nobody gave a crap about him, and Marvel has since given up on him along with the entire Inhumans push.
ITT: New characters that got a big push but failed
Him and his buddies there look cool. But...
I don't read inhumans, they were always kinda dumb so I barely gave a shit.
Maybe if he'd opened up with a solo I'd have given enough of a shit to read him because as is I generally won't ever dig through the Inhumans to pick out the gems in the trash. Much like with X-Men that ship sailed aaaaages ago.
Inhumans was one of the most awkward pushes ever.
Also Quentin Quire. Good lord, I hate Quentin Quire. Aaron of course loved him.
That whole period where they pretty much killed off the FF and X-Men/mutants was bizarre as fuck
Every new character that wasn't Ms Marvel.
Spider-Gwen is also probably going to the wayside eventually.
>big push
What you mean with "big push"?
Inforno got to be the first nu-inhuman to appear in the Inhuman book but he was never pushed, in fact he became secondary pretty quickly.
Even Flint, the Snek and the light detective got a bigger push than him.
>That filename
Funny enough at the start Johnny Storm himself was in some of the inhumans comics that where part of the push. Making Inferno even less needed. I don't hate the character just wonder why they picked him of all the Nuhumans to be the face of the push?
Remember when Harper Row ended up being a main character and "perfect Robin" in Batman and Robin Eternal
Marvel unironically needs to start up just doing random ass solo runs for new shit again and seeing what sticks.
Ideally with powers that are interesting or shit that's not entirely pointless, because Mosaic or what the fuck his name was, was fucking terrible.
aka the weekly meant to celebrate 75th anniversary of Robin
He's still being pushed
He's the only Nuhuman from the main book that was put on the Secret Warriors alongside Ms Marvel, Moon Girl and Quake, as well as Karnak coming off of his successful solo book
And then there was the Inhumans arc that has Inferno. And the Marvel Rising cartoon movie series that continue to feature Inferno
>Marvel unironically needs to start up just doing random ass solo runs for new shit again and seeing what sticks.
Do Aero and Sword Master count?
Spider-Gwen wasn't even that good. She only really got big due to movie hype but she was one of the least interesting characters there. Peni and Noir were way more interesting.
I'd fucking kill a man for a solo about Spiderman Noir getting stranded in mainline and just going out and doing shit.
From an ongoing, to a maxi, to a five-issues mini and finally: a three-isses mini.
Not even Batman in the cover saved the Duke's push.
I'm grateful to Tom King for keeping her out of the Bat-Family photo in Detective Comics #1000.
Sure, I'll take it, looks interesting.
Any good?
No she got big because her costume was really really good. Lots of news, hype, and cosplays literally just because her costume was amazing and some people were still irritated that Gwen died in ASM.
And she got put in the Spiderverse movie because of the hype surrounding her that resulted due to her costume.
Petty much everything Inhumans was terrible and should be purged from the universe.
It's amazing really because marvel had pushed a few Spider ladies before but Gwen ended up the most popular because of good use of negative space.
Still being editorially active is not what "pushing" means.
Putting the character on the center of the attention, siding him up with more famous heroes, being part of the big teams: that's what pushing means.
I can’t look at this and never not think “The Virtue Signal.”
Pretty good, depends on what you're looking to get out of it though like with most comics. If you're expecting "faux 10/10 manga: Marvel Edition" then you're gonna harp on it, but it has pretty good art and the main character is decently interesting.
Right, I think I'll take a look then.
It's surprisingly easy to miss things these days.
Any other newcomers I should be aware of?
So what are his powers again? Marvel has a lot of fire people as it is.
Which differences does he have, powerset-wise, from Human Torch to justify his existence?
I agree with the sentiment but I have to say..
"What differences powerset-wise does Beta Ray Bill have from Thor to justify his existence"
Just powerset IMHO isn't the best way to do it. Really we have to be asking about his character and how he uses those powers, etc, IMHO.
same as the Human Torch but with a Healing Factor and Lava/magma powers after having his powers boost by an Inhuman named Leer.
That's just semantics
Teaming him up with Ms Marvel in multiple books and in animated movies makes him so much more visible than the other nuhumans
Duke and Harper Row are pretty forgotten now huh?
Spider-Gwen got popular because of her design and costume, then Spider-Verse pushed her into a mainstream position. But her comic continues to be pretty unremarkable.
Then push was so bad that Marvels benched all the Inhumans except Lockjaw
lol i forgot miss marvel
This character totally went under the radar for me and if OP hadn't put his name I wouldn't even know it. I just knew that they wanted him to be popular since he was in a lot of stuff but not in anything I gave a crap.
The other character that I can think of that they tried to push but didn't catch on was Spencer's Patriot, he just appears occasionally and then everyone forgets about him again.
What about Ms. Marvel and Moon Girl?
only reason Lockjaw wasn't beached is because Cates needed him for his get out of jail free card in his GotG run. how else would they have got away from that Black Hole in time.
So how many years has it been in-universe?
What's the age difference between these "New Generations of X-Men"? The New Mutants are all in their early 20s by now, right?
Spider-Girl is the one that impressed me because even though I wasn't that much into her comics Marvel tried burying her but she stayed alive a whole decade more than what her comic was suppose to run. She outlived the MC2 imprint too.
Ah, the classic "lava/magma burns hotter than normal fire". It the most retarded thing they do with fire-themed characters. I'm looking at you One Piece.
Miss Marvel and Moon Girl are barely Inhumans, to the point that my brain is telling me that Moon Girl is infact not an Inhuman at all or that it's a retcon.
Something something sliding scale.
Inactuality nobody fucking cares now because the X-men have been shit for so long that the details are ignored in a haze of apathy.
It's been about 12 years since the FF first became a team. So the age difference is probably something like 6-8 years.
>It's been about 12 years since the FF first became a team
14, actually.
All inhumans not living in New Attilan are fine. as told to us in Death of the Inhumans. So Moon Girl, Ms. Marvel, Ahura Boltagon (not like they remember him anyway), Luna Maximoff etc are a okay. The rest of them are either dead or in hiding.
Oh yeah, Triton and Maximus are still dead.
Do they have a solid second tier character to do a Marvel Two-in-One title with these days?
I thought we were getting another Marvel Team Up with Kamala but it seems that's a mini
>That's just semantics
No those are facts. Being a secondary character in a cartoon and a secondary character in a D-list Team is the exact opposite of being pushed.
They will be back in like what 5 years after Marvel has forgotten about the inhuman push. Till then Rest in Peace Fishy and Mad Man.
It's more than Iso, Naja or Grid are getting
Yeah, rest in peace to Spider-Man. Its only a matter of time now
That guy actually got put into an animated Batwoman movie, no? Funny because if I recall Lucius Fox already had a daughter in Red Robin, you'd think they'd be all over that.
user, before the Sony/Disney deal was reached, Marvel still kept relying on Spider-Man because he's just that much of a top-seller beloved by all. Nothing will change.
i didnt notice but fuck thats amazing lmao
Remember Morpheus? The other hip black Gothamite crimefighter?
Reader was badass, when was the last time he appeared in anything?
She was popular from the moment her debut one-shot appeared you silly casual. This was due to a great costume and art that perfectly matched the frenetic tone of the story.
100% just looks like Brand from league of legends
It's not like Marvel does not already have a huge selection of fire powered people in the first place.
And it always seemed weird to me for an ordinary non-noble Inhuman to actually have reliable superpowers that do not make them freakish or look weird in some way.
>just wonder why they picked him of all the Nuhumans to be the face of the push?
I'm willing to bet it's because they panicked after Mosaic flopped hard and couldn't think of anyone else.
Inferno was pushed long before Mosaic was created though.
Don't forget that they are now just going to make him the new Batman.
yeah Inferno is part of the same opening push/drama that Fraction was involved in.
isnt duke kinda bad at even just being robin ?
yep. he got killed because stephanie brown is a moron. at least they didnt kill off onyx
I least she got to enjoy some girthy BBC before getting dabbed on
>New characters that got a big push but failed
Captain Marvel
It was supposed to be an ongoing but tanked so badly that they cancelled it.
forgot my pic
Isn't he dead now? Only the main Inhumans are alive now right?
last time we saw him was in Inhumans: Judgment Day.
She is.
One of the major plot points EARLY in her book was that she tested her DNA and found she was one, but didn't want to risk being a freaky bird girl or whatever, so she was tracking the cloud so she would never get powers.
The real reason Ace died was because he figured his fire was hotter. Alas, logic works differently in Oda's world.
From the super cool red lantern that can use constructs to jobbing to Nu Lobo, another failed character
we do not know. Most of the Nuhumans where not confirmed dead outside of Naja. So he might be alive or he could have died in New Attilan with many other Inhumans.
>Only the main Inhumans are alive now right?
the Royal Family is alive (expect Triton and Maximus) and the Inhumans that did not live in New Attilan like Moon Girl are fine.
>Batwing had his own series for two straight years
>Luke Fox took over after him
>Both were members of Batman Inc and included in numerous crossovers
>One of them even hit it from the back
>"It" being Batgirl
How can Signalets even compete?
It probably will be the 2nd Batwing if they want it to be an established Bat character (and the rumor is real in the first place).
You know I like Batwing, both of them in fact. Luke Fox is the one recent addition to the Batfam that doesn't feel forced or contrived, he's basically a spiritual predecessor to Terry McGinnis.
But fuck, he needs a better name. Did DC seriously forget that name was taken by Batman's plane?
Naja dead bro
Forgetting Marvels cutest Fire based hero...
DC Has been doing this a lot more in recent years it seems.
That whole New Age of Heroes was a colossal failure.
And also pic related
That's exactly why I didn't bother to care about the NuHumans.
They were like another generation of X-Kids. And they ended up like them, either limboed or killed off panel (Naja)
At least Flint got to be in Agents of Coulson
God bless him.
>I'd fucking kill a man for a solo about Spiderman Noir getting stranded in mainline and just going out and doing shit.
I don’t know how to tell you this user but Noir is kinda dead after Spider-Geddon. Same with Spider Brit
Actually tons of inhumans are alive there was only 7 confirmed deaths in DOTI. The rest were unnammed. Attilan didn't get attack, it was another city called Arctilan that was just made at the end of Royals.
I think he was suppose to important in Fractions run. The switch to Soule was so last minute they already had him on covers and promos and too committed to drop him. Despite Soule barely using him he was popping in teasers, covers, games, cartoons, ect.
He was in Soule's daredevil
Now hes on Outsiders
or the half a dozen replacement captain marvel before her
Isn't she a microwave-based type? Actually, isn't Firestar too?
I think we can all agree that Spider-Geddon isn't canon.
Just Firestar
Firebird is regular fire user. And she might be related to a Phoenix, but not the Phoenix Force
who was going to read an Inferno book when Johnny Storm and Sunfire exist?
>as is I generally won't ever dig through the Inhumans to pick out the gems in the trash
just read the Kirby and Paul Jenkins runs
Hopefully miles and squirrel girl is next, hopefully America Chavez is next as well
>the signal
So if Wolverine and Batman’s costumes fucked and were worn by a black guy?
Lockjaw, Black Bolt, and Medusa should be the only Inhumans written about.
Batman had a Matrix crossover?
And then the mist got her anyway and she gained the power to swap brains with Devil Dinosaur.
That’s because compared to the other more newer spider themed females Mayday is the best and has the best story.
Which seven?
Spiderman Noir and Punisher Noir were both great. Loved how Punisher Noir ended. Hated that they made my boy Peter a socialist.
Its almost laughable how 'straight' they played the nu-lobo, as so super snowflake cool and so much 'better' than the classic Lobo that fans loved.
They even tried to claim the main man was a fake all along and this nancy was the True Lobo.
I'm probably the only person on Earth who hates her costume, and thats only because of the neon teal booties
And in that panel, we have arguably one of the most broken of the regular lantern rings not working like it should so he can get free hits in.
Remember how Red Lanterns have burning blood so hard core it can fuck up Black Lanterns? NuLobo's fucking leg sure didn't and neither did the writers.
Nearly all of Snyder's OC's, the only one that worked is the Batman that Keks, and just because is the fucking Joker in a Batman costume.
Batman that laughs was by far the least interesting of the Dark Knights though. He's a one note event villain combining the worst of Batwank and the worst of Jokerwank into one, and him surviving Metal completely undermined Metal's entire core concept, IE "All these dark edgy comics are getting ridiculously excessive, tone it the fuck down and maybe cut down a little on the outright batwank."
Are you retarded? He's the worst of the Joker and Batman bullshit combined, he's pure cancer.
That’s weird view of that series given she quits the superhero stuff in that series.
It’s was always announced as a mini
By Editorial Edict writers at Marvel are not allowed to bring up Ms. Marvel being an Inhuman
Black Bolt's other four fives, Maximus, Triton, and Flagman.
Ms. Marvel kamala is a failure.
Until now they keep shoving her down our throats.
When will sjws learn?
This but unironically. Her relaunched failed and all of her books sold terribly. Champions died, Marvel rising, Team-up which had spider-man in it and still bombed, and of course her solo did bad too. It's Ahmeds lowest selling book.
every Sam Alexander series was better than Willow's Ms. Marvel
don't forget Cage Noir
LOL what a turn of events
Didn’t Infernos powers burn the shit out of him if he used them too much?
Reader was cool af.
Which was a shame considering how I actually like all of them (except for Damage which sucked ass).
How has no one fucking said Pandora
She's right here But yeah, they show her off in every New 52 first issue, and in the end all she does is get killed of by Blue Dong without having contibuted anything of value. Also, fuck that Question retcon.
agreed he indeed was cool asf.
Yeah that used to be a problem for him but he learned to control his powers and doesn't do that anymore.
I cannot help but to think we reached Batfamily peak. What I mean is that there is now way how to add any new member who would stick. You cannot add anobody new without overshadowing some old establish memeber with fanbase while you also cripple batman because another character must leach on his mythos.
Comics need to actually come to an end, not dragged out forever to milk fanboys.
Yeah, that's totally what fans want.
She actually had gotten an actual ending in a Future's End tie-in, where she stops a new reboot from happening.
It's revealed that the sins she released were actually alternate selves with their real appearance hidden that fought against the others and then the winner rebooted the multiverse, but she discovers that cycle and decides to end it and let the universe go on.
Johns seemingly completely ignored it though. In general he has been surprisingly bad with New 52 continuity messing up the origins of both Superman and Wonder Woman back during his JL run for example.
Fans are the ones feeding the cancer.
I feel like that would work for some comics like Spider-Man, The X-Men and maybe the Inhumans but not for others like Punisher.
I just loved how unashamedly blatant the reasons for the Inhuman push was
>Guys, you keep shitting on x-men
>Guys, you try to replace them with the inhumans
>This wouldn't have anything to do with fox owning x-men movie rights, right?
>Of course not
>Well, Hickman has said he wants to do x-men, how about you give him the chance?
>Guys, the guy that tried to stop his persecuted minority race from being gassed to death can't be hitler
>None of this makes sense
>How are the inhumans not the villains
>Give Hickman the fucking x-men so he can fix them
>X-men movie rights back to marvel/disney