Spends most of the movie obsessing over Steven

>spends most of the movie obsessing over Steven
>Is visibly heartbroken when she sees Steven with Connie in the end
>The entire song Found
Why the fuck is the majority of the Tumblr side of the fandom shipping her with a gem she hasn't even met,

Fuck this is Lapidot all over again

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Other urls found in this thread:


Fuck you idiot you're like wrong.
>t. NPC

>Defending crack shipping characters that haven't met
>Defending Tumblr

>They're pink
>They're in homeworld
Do you believe they need anything else?

No idea

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Don't pay attention to that side of the fandom, it's as easy as that.

Because tumblr chooses "gay" over anything else
Spinel got cucked hard by Steven and it's not right.

eat a sack of baby dicks motherfucker , she deserves all the love and care in the universe .

does it NEED to be super coherent to the narrative? What's wrong with pairings based on superficial observations in disregard to the story?
Not every bit of fanart is a formal declaration of a secret truth.

It's all fun and games until we get another Lapidot situation

Attached: pearlwhatdidshesayaboutme.gif (327x555, 1.88M)

Just be glad that there’s no retarded tumblr discourse on how Stevnel is pedophilic because Spinel is 6000+ years old or whatever.
As much as I hate using the term, Spinel is “coded” as a child-young teen, so it makes the StevenxSpinel relationship less controversial.

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He’s 16, doesn’t look 8 anymore. Zach being able to use his normal voice. They can handle that now.

but by merely engaging with that argument you've validated it.
These are cartoon characters and "coding" is entirely in your mind.

its because the Maryland age of consent is 16

calarts trash

the thumbnail of this pic makes it look like steven and spinnel are chibi characters packed into a bumper car.

>Steven protective over Spinel

I’m not saying I’m against the Stevnel relationship especially since it’s my OTP , I’m only stating that OP should be glad there isn’t any dumb drama in regards to the ship, like what had happened in the past before.
Anyway, found a source to this pic incase you guys were still searching.

Attached: 36FF5642-F6DD-4C88-87D8-AA56B590D0FD.png (1280x789, 950K)

>finding this on tumblr of all places
This is nice :)

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we need a stevnel fusion

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Because Steven doesn't like Spinel. He's just a good person. Spinel even acknowledged that Steven didn't like her and wasn't going to because she fucked up so bad that she had to leave and find someone else to befriend.

She can only really have a healthy relationship with a gem she didn't meet in the movie (barring the DA of course).

I like this. ....

>tfw no vulnerable clingy Spinel gf.

I’d imagine a SpinelxSteven fusion would be a mascot-like character.
>Has the toonyness of Spinel
>Has Steven’s passionate personality
>Always being there for kids and everyone
>Preaches about peace and love like a mascot would
>Loves to give hugs and being overly positive in general

Attached: A2F0E90A-D4A0-44EC-8FDC-B35DDC74FFA0.jpg (1172x1280, 649K)

Glad I'm not the only one that saw that

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>Loves to give hugs
Except that Steven never hugged Spinel...Don't forget that.

I'd imagine they'd be a mix of this and Luffy, since they're both willing to fight and Rebecca is a One Piece fan

But Spinel loved to hug Steven!

Attached: 64888374-F18B-4D71-B3A6-EC3C2CA2D4FE.jpg (1280x720, 116K)

Spinel will hug anything.

So will Steven...Except Spinel :(

I've never watched SU so I have no idea what I'm talking about but I've been seeing these threads and I must ask: does anyone think that Spinel's ending is good? It seems like she was an exceptionally damaged character that was desperately looking for someone to bring her back to reality and steve curved the shit out of her

Am I missing anything?

No, and other than Spinel, the movie is otherwise forgettable. Watch it for Spinel.

She re-entered a codependent relationship. She took a step back, not forward.

First time around, the ending sucked. She should've stayed with Steven and been friends with him.

Second time around, I can appreciate her wanting to start over with something new. And now she's around someone who likes her. She deserves happiness, and she seemed happy being with the Diamonds. So I like the ending.

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>shipping is for retarded tumblrinas
>except when its my ship

>thinking either of those ships is worth a damn thing
spinel is made for friends, not sex

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She reunited with the few people she knew before she was damaged and decided to reconnect with them. I feel t’lk work out

Spinel needs a good hard dicking and you know it.

The real big change from Pink to the other diamonds is at least one of the other diamonds will tell Spinel if her clown act is getting old or not. Meaning she'll get the chance to change and not repeat the past.

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>"coding" is entirely in your mind.
I wouldn't say that. Even if you just don't like the academia-type socjus type term of "coding" it's pretty present in SU. Garnet and Bismuth are pretty obviously black women, for example. Saying "but they're actually space aliens" makes sense in a vacuum, but we don't live in a vacuum. If those two characters started shucking and jiving and doing minstrel show numbers, it'd be pretty apt to call it racially charged, even if TECHNICALLY in the narrative they aren't humans of African descent born in the United States.


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This is really a poor ending. It just shows that she hasn't grown or changed.

She was made to be best friends with Pink Diamond. She never had a choice about who she would be. She came to Earth for revenge, but ultimately she was becoming her own Gem in doing so. She was choosing her fate. She wasn't going to be Pink Diamond's friend, because fuck Pink Diamond.

Steven showed her she deserved better friends, but more importantly, she could be her own Gem on Earth. That's good, but she immediately re-attached herself to Steven. Even at the conclusion of their fight, she couldn't go through with it, because at the end of the day, she can't fight her programming. She just wants to be his friend.

Then she comes to the realization that Steven can't be the answer, that she needs to start over with someone new. And that's nice, but she's still focused on being someone's friend as if it is the sole point of her existence.

Then the Diamonds show up, and now she's completely regressed. She is only ever going to live out her intended purpose - to be a friend to a Diamond. She doesn't get to find her own friends, or even find out that maybe she can love herself without having to rely on someone else doing it for her.

It really was the worst ending, Anons.

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staying with steven would have done the same thing, retard.

More importantly, what would their weapon be like?
Spinel wasn’t made to have a weapon, unless you count the scythe which had the heart gem as a symbol, and Steven has a shield.
So a Mascot character with a shield+scythe would be? Something sports related maybe, considering the playful personality it would have.

Would it? Steven made it perfectly clear he wasn't going to coddle her.

shes still making friends with the diamond she was made to be. IE, doing the same thing she did with rose. all of what you wrote applies to steven.

another thing that burns me about the ending is how Yellow Diamond just kinda hand-waves her suffering away as "nothing". Even assuming that the diamonds are like 50000 years old, 6k is still more than a tenth of their lifespan. Even assuming theyre at 100k years, thats still significant. Considering how quickly they broke down without Pink that time frame definitely wouldnt be nothing to them and I loathe that she says that.

Pink Pearl and Spinel are more likely to kill each other based on determining who Pink Diamond loved more.

they could be a fusion that doesn't have their own weapon, like alexandrite

how old are the diamonds anyways? they imply that pink is somehow "younger" less experienced but that doesnt make any sense since gems dont age.

thats like asking which type of cancer was better

I'm not saying she needed to stay on Earth and hang out with Steven, either, although I think that's the better of the two options if that is all we have to work with. The Diamonds are not going to treat her like a friend or loved one, they are going to treat her like a pet. She's never going to learn what it truly means to be someone's friend, just their entertainment.

She's never going to learn her own value. She's never going to learn that she can have a life outside of being someone's friend.

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That's cause tumblr has an allergenic to straight ship.

she never would have learned that anyways. shes not built for it.

>And that's nice, but she's still focused on being someone's friend as if it is the sole point of her existence.
At the end of the day, she still wants a friend more than anything. I mean, she was left for six thousand years on her own. I think she's had enough alone time. She needs to heal with a fresh start. And she has that. The diamonds barely know her outside of "oh she was a friend of pink's" She has the start she wanted, away from earth, where she can be herself again. I think it's really sweet. And she can be Steven's friend when she finally grows a bit back on home world.


but she'd be so clingy youd have to let her be around while you are having sex, and you know she'd trying to participate.

Yeah if connie doesnt put out she's going to lose steven to someone who will.
Kiss on the cheek?! are you serious?!

spinnel cucking connie comic sounds like a great idea just from the alliteration.

spinel was a dead end anyways.

Pearl ain't built for it, either.

She wants a friend because she thinks she needs one. She was MADE to be a friend; she never got a choice about it.

If she can't even get a chance to find out who she is besides being a Diamond's friend, how can anyone say she's grown? She's always going to be the same way she was made: Spinel, a Diamond's playmate.

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some people want to live in the matrix. Steven's not staying true to his own philosophy if he insists all gems have the same life changing experience and arrive at the same conclusions as him. (Even though that happens every single time except for spinnel).

Why is this well thought out post on the subject ignored?

>Pearl ain't built for it, either
yet pearl still cant get over her built in obsession for rose. and there was no indication that steven even really wanted spinel around either. he felt bad for her, but other than that they didnt know eachother at all.

>no ending where Spinel actually just left and become a wanderer who made friends along the way before returning to Beach City at some point. That or perhaps doing that and she shows up in an odd episode or filler of her misadventures

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i dont care how many people had her as their waifu, she shouldnt have been talked down after she changed back and steven should have had to shatter or perma-bubble her. it would have been way more kino.

That's what I'm saying. I don't want her to be alone forever. Of course I want her to have friends. But she needs to figure out who she is, first.

If you can't love yourself, how the hell are you gonna love somebody else?

So basically Wander over Yonder but with even more Cartoony physics?

>she needs to figure out who she is, first.
But she already knew who she was. She was a friend.

counterpoint she can only have a healthy relationship with ME

because we want more Pink Pearl, but she got swept under the rug harder and faster than even Aquamarine

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That and more issues with the protag.

Could also have her stumble upon war sites and get some insight on Pink and the war

It seemed odd how he basically didn't want anything to do with her besides getting her to turn off the injector, like even his parts of Found are singing how Spinel will find someone else to love whereas Spinel is singing about him. Its like he's already hit his quota for former enemies now friends he hangs out with and doesn't even entertain the idea of Spinel hanging around with him.

Would have been shit, literally every redeemed gem were worse than her, pointless Death isn't kino you edgefag

Spinel wanting to be around Steven is stupid writing hes a literal reminder of her trauma.

No it wouldn’t have.

While I would like to see a villain Steven can't just talk down and forced to shatter or bubble them for good, Spinel can't be that because she has one of the most sympathetic backstories possible it would be wrong for her not to get redeemed in some way.

I just wanna see Steven be able to fight at his strongest, especially after Change.

Both were abandoned by Pink Diamond.
Personally, I ship Pink Pearl with Crystal Gem Pearl

>tfw Spinel doesn't go through an Asura arc and punch monsters to death with the power of anger, toonforce, and eventually friendship.
>No battle where she dukes it out with someone on the fucking moon and stretch punches a mother fucker from the moon to earth

Attached: Asura VS Argus.gif (267x200, 1.79M)

He was also the one to help her get past her trauma

I see steven and spinel as brother and sister

No all he said was some faggy feel good bullshit that doesnt excuse that she was abandoned by his mother for 6000 years.
>Spinel I understand you :)
>Really? Then you dont mind waiting here in the garden for 6000 years away from all of your friends right? :)
>Uh well
>Thought so you lying bastard!

>she’s had enough alone time after 6000 years




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>having only women as friends
I would kill myself if I was Steven.

>other than Spinel, the movie is otherwise forgettable
She's the entire core of the movie
There aren't even very many scenes that don't feature her, and most of them are from the first ten minutes before she's introduced
Also the diamonds are great too, big lonely grandmas tying the movie together in a neat little bow

why was she cracked in the face anyway? it goes again everything we know about the Gems.

Except she was never actually talked down
Steve-O tried that but he was a bitch and she didn't understand his intentions so it didn't work out
She only ended up actually turning around after she was given time to wear herself down and get the anger out

Diamond fuckery
Possibly a literally messed up gem

>Considering how quickly they broke down without Pink
Pink Diamond was a necessary component to keeping their empire operational, which they didn't realise until they lost her. (which is what hit Yellow Diamond the hardest during Change Your Mind)

Just fucking make another diamond, how hard can it be?

Shippers and logic are like oil and water.

Eh, I don't think you can really paint all the Diamonds with the same brush, like at minimum even if they are being a bit nicer now, I can't imagine them being quiet when someone is bothering them. In addition, all the Diamonds have different wants and needs when it comes to companionship, so she might not just be doing the same routine.

Like I think the crux of the matter is whether Spinel is just designed to be a jester, or if she's specifically designed to be a -friend-. Because properly being a friend to someone requires an ability to grow and change.

I think they need a special Shooting Star to make another, but that just leaves the question what their empire was like before they made Pink and exactly how much younger is she compared to the others

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>advanced alien being has drawings like this instead of a detailed 3D model

And what the fuck else is he supposed to do? She's a literal stranger taking out her trauma on someone who had nothing to do with it. He's not responsible for her happiness. The fact that he tried to empathize with her at all is far more than what was required of him.

Nope, they'd be a professional cosplayer. Their understanding of eachother is superficial and they both like to entertain. So they'd be a combination of what they think the other is. In this case, a smug action hero who's always posing for pictures.

He should just shut up and stop being a patronizing faggot. Also he is a remnant of Pink Diamond meaning abusing him is the closest she will get to revenge.

So you’re saying if your one of your parents wronged somebody, it’s perfectly fine for a stranger to beat the shit out of and kill you?

Steven's gem is a very factory reset Pink Diamond so abusing him is revenge.

This fucking scene....

Attached: RDtears.webm (640x360, 1.47M)

Maybe he’s not a pussy like you are who would take that lying down and let a stranger beat you up.

The point is he has no right telling Spinel to chill out since hes an object of her rage to begin with. Reasoning with her is pointless he should have just rejuvenated her and pretended this never happened, and let Spinel become his wife.

He's been in similar situations like this a bunch of times, and Spinel is possibly the most heartbreaking example. Steven had so much patience with someone like Peridot but with Spinel he automatically went into
>Eh you can just find another friend
as if he didn't help Pearl, holding her hand, through a very very similar situation though in her case instead of "oh just find another Rose!" he tells Pearl "*you're* pretty great."

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Makes you wonder if teen Steven would just perma bubble Lapiss and Peridork without a glance.

Kinda creepy but works.

i think it would've been a little jarring for Steven to redeem 3 genocidal alien dictators that tried to kill him, his friends and earth repeatedly and then to just say fuck it to Spinel, especially since she was clearly traumatized, and Pearl knew who she was.

Steven doesnt like the diamonds observe his facial expression anytime he is around them he cant even make a fake smile around them.

They’re just very clingy.

No he probably hates them alot despite them changing their ways.

i think it's more than that, listen to the line when Steven contemplates gets his help
>How do we reverse this? Oh no... Do I need to get the Diamonds?
he says Oh no like getting them would be a bad thing and should be avoided
for some reason

even then he clearly likes Peridot. Remember the unholy combination of rape and necromancy the cluster experiments were? The show likes to forget that Peridot was a villian because they want her to look cute and funny or whatever. But the cluster experiments were fucked.

I feel this only further shows that she was a child, not in the human way in that she was young but that she was created to act childish and would always act childish. It’s no wonder the diamonds didn’t want to give her a colony.

They know the advantages of simplicity.

Peridot had jack to do with the fusion experiments she was simply reporting on them you retard.

Pretty sure Peri didn't literally make the cluster, she was just there to check the progress and make repairs if necessary
If anything, Lapis was the one that performed a fish genocide and fucked up the entire planet's ecosystem and weather

Peridot didn't make those things though, she said it was before her time. But it's not like she cared about the stitched zombie abominations she was checking and reporting on.

his powers are shit tho. hes the weakest CG.

That hasn’t been true for a long time.

>Can form damn near indestructible shields that function as literal plot armor
>Can roll over or literally beat the shit out of people with spiky balls
>Has OP healing ability
>Can fly
>Can possess other people
>Can't be poofed
>May or may not literally be able to magically influence others with his words

if anything steven is completely broken as a character. not only is he the only one with half humand half gem powers, but his gem half is a diamond. So hes immune to things that instant poof gems, with a diamonds level of gem powers, and i believe hes stated to be the only gem with healing powers at all for some reason.

That the DA's fault for giving their operatives only gem disabling weaponry instead of idk energy guns for example.

I think it was mostly due to the circumstances.
He lowered his shield when she started to calm down, but then the Injector blows up before he can even speak.
He saves her and lies her down, but then his friends show up, and he goes to check if they're okay.
Then when he returns to Spinel, and they actually try to talk to eachother, the diamonds show up out of nowhere.
Not to mention he was feeling like shit the entire day due to his gem powers getting messed up.
It really just feels like it was a series of inconvenient events that robbed a well placed heart to heart between the two.
Should've given her a hug aswell.

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Steven being unpoofable is the only reason the villains are allowed to have one-hit KO weapons to begin with

>as if he didn't help Pearl, holding her hand, through a very very similar situation
Pearl was his mom, Lapis was his friend before freaking out, Peridot was an angry little slice of pie, he never hugged Jasper.

Permanent disfigurement that happened during the Diamonds "interrogating" her after Pink was shattered.

I agree with all of this. Steven's behavior was understandable, but it hurts that they didn't have a chance to just talk for a while. I want to see Spinel again, but I'm worried about her getting the Peridot treatment.

No more hugs, Spinel

>he says Oh no like getting them would be a bad thing and should be avoided
>for some reason
He doesn't want them taking over Earth

Peridot was cute, even as a Villain. Most of her fights were attempts to run away

literally every other CG can do 90% of that and the other stuff they have over him makes up for the rest.

>Eh you can just find another friend
I don't know if the movie was purposefully saying this was wrong of Steven or not.
After Spinel's depressing origin song Steven immediately breaks out into a song which was pretty much just him saying "find a new friend" and it's interesting to note the BGM for the scene did not exactly sound positive, in fact the BGM sounded downright sinister listen to it yourself
and it very purposefully had imagery of Steven pulling his hand away from her.

But then the movie ends with Spinel finding her new friend(s) and it's treated like the best possible thing that could have happened, and I would be extremely surprised if they revisited Spinel her situation won't be anything but sunshine and rainbows so it's very confusing to me what the message was here.

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Not to his levels. And when he busts out Pink Steven, he can bring the Diamonds to their knees.


>Steven will never learn to control his hologram double separately from himself
>He will never become the bad guy from Chronicles of Riddick

>You can find a new friend :) AS LONG AS IT AIN'T ME BICH

He did access Pink Steven’s Shields.

>be me, corrupted gem
>about to snack on this short pale defective gem
>it pulls out its own fucking gem and throws it at me
>oh god oh fu-

Spinel will never be used again, so may as well ship her with a useless character.

Pink Pearl was replaced by CG Pearl way before then

pink steven is the only thing he has over them, and he has to die for pink steven to even form.

He used that guy’s shields when he got his power back.

>Steven pulls a Vergil but with shields
I guess he can talk an opponent down twice as fast.

Imagine watching all of Steven Universe and still thinking this. Literally one of the biggest points of the entire series is that he isn't his mom, and isn't responsible for her mistakes. Spinel has every right to be upset but she has no right to take it out on Steven.

He could've shattered her for all I care and it would've been justified. But that would go against his entire character.

Fujoshits jump through many hoops just to get a non straight pairing.

is there a megalink for the movie?

Also, Steven has serious road rage going on.

>you WILL be friends with the bipolar bitch you don't know, who tried to ruin your life, kill your friends and destroy your planet.

>Steven in a long pink coat with his slicked back Tiger Millionaire hair, shooting enemies with little energy kite shields
>Steven getting backed into a corner and pulling his Gem Trigger
Man I wish I could draw

Her voice cracking when she said "I just want to be your friend." tugged at my heart


>"Uh where did Spinel get the injector and rejuvenator???"
>answer was right in front of our faces the entire time
bravo sucrose

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it would be pretty interesting if he could willingly unfuse from pink steven temporarily

Attached: garnet-unfuses.gif (600x338, 3.53M)

Steven is a remnant of his mom so she justified.

I was thinking more Jojo or Persona
She’s not, and even if she was with Steven, doesn’t justify her wanting to kill all organic life on Earth.

>Not going in the Nero direction
>Movie not having Steven really feel bad about Spinel's situation
>Spinel going suicidal mode with the drill and just kamikaze after the presumed betrayal
>Steven not getting knocked off the top of the drill by a tearful Spinel lashing out in rage
>Midfall is when the powers kick in
>Music kicks in
>Diamond Trigger activates



Attached: Devil May Cry 5 FUCK YOU.gif (480x270, 3.76M)

Earth is considered precious to Pink, and Earth is why Pink ditched Spinel so fucking up Earth is perfect revenge.

You got beef with somebody, you kill their dog? Get help.

He's not really fused with it though
It's supporting his physical body as a natural part of his biology, like a second magical nervous system

Steven is reaching his emotional disponibility peak.

Yes killing their dog is alot of nice psychological damage to them before you take your slow time torturing them. Theres a reason criminals target your loved ones when they are blackmailing your ass.

Well yeah, Spiniel isn’t exactly sane and does in fact need to get help

>Steven can now wield four shields

>His gem double is fighting the villain, things look grim
>villain poofs Pink Steven, starts monologuing with the gem in his hand
>sword stabs through from behind
>human Steven says a one liner between spurts of blood flying from his mouth
>takes his gem from villain and limps back through the doorway out into a sunset landscape

user, you didn't get joke there

Yeah, that sounds like something an insane borderline personality disorder ex would do.

>Implying Steven wouldn't be emo Nero, constantly screaming about Connie

It's basically like tearing out your skeleton and throwing it at someone

Nothing that was posted here matters, since we all know that this movie is like your mother

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A black dick sucking whore?

Is a shit

Nobody ever said pink steve had to be attached to the gem

That's Steven when Connie gets kidnapped by Sneople

If she stayed, she would've been barned and reduced to a gimped husk of herself like lapis or peridot. At least with the diamonds she can be more than just a lesbian farmer who gets developed into a brick. I like the ending so long as we get a follow up on her actually getting better with the diamonds. Which it 98% will because the show rarely ruins characters after a redemption, minus pink diamond.

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She wasn't made for pink/rose. She fell in love with pink/rose. She was originally white's pearl. Pink's original pearl was taken by white.

>Considering how quickly they broke down without Pink that time frame definitely wouldnt be nothing to them

Actually that shows how really insignificant the time frame was for them. For the Diamonds, 6,000 years was an eye-blink; to them, the "shattering" of Pink Diamond happened just yesterday, which is why they were still so deep in mourning, even if all three had different ways of managing it.

Peridot farms because its like a scientific process to her.

>the show rarely ruins characters after a redemption, minus pink diamond.
What is Lapis and Peridot

s6 steven has his stand crazy pink diamond

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Steg is stronger.

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Or how quickly she made them regret it:
>hey, I want a colony
Uhh, no. You can't even treat your pearl like a pearl.
Ok, fine. Here, fag.
>cool thanks
>hey, thanks for the colony and all but I kind of don't want it anymore if it means killing all these cute little things on it
Uh, no. You wanted a colony, you got a colony. Assert your dominance and take responsibility for this colony that YOU wanted. Be a diamond.
>b-b-but I don't want to
This is why we didn't want to give you one in the first place.

>You unleash your stand against your opponent's stand
>They start fucking

They don't need development anymore. They're ultimate forms are garbage because they got BARNED. Same would've happened to spinel if she stayed on earth. Maybe the little homeworld opens up better development for some characters.

>Connie getting cucked

I too want source

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And that’s how he wins. Fucks the other Stand to death.

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Oh, ok.

Her new sword isn't big enough.

>Connie getting NTR and BTFO


Attached: Test your might.jpg (960x1280, 221K)

Steg has only amplified shit against Connie

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Steg fucks so hard he doesn't even need to use his two dicks
He has Sing-no-Jutsu and pussy-kinesis, that's all the power he needs

Didn't care enough to finish

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Steven fucks the Universe.


It's Steg Multiverse

early Lapidot, pre-Jailbreak and pre-Barn Mates was fun because it was combining two characters who never met and had no interactions together, so our imaginations could go wild.

Shipping Steven with anyone but Connie is a nono for most artists, lest they get mobbed by the anti-pedo brigade. We saw what happened with SteviDot / PeriSteven.

Once again, never watched the show but for a show I always thought was hugs and compliments, the fact that they didn't do this is absolutely brutal

He was 13/14 back then, now he’s 16, a few months from 17. It’ll be alright.

>Implying normalfags don't literally screech about "pedos" banging 17 year olds all the time
Teenagers are teenagers, user

>hook nose
Was the racism really necessary?

Size doesn't always matter user

Attached: Connie (1).png (750x750, 179K)

white people can have hook noses too user, kinda racist to assume hook nose means non white user.

That’s more appearance based.
He’s already legal in most states.

Will S6 Steven finally gain control over plant life like his mother?

Attached: farfetch.webm (498x278, 76K)

>No Spinel figure with arms that bobble back and forth
>No Spinel plush with noodle limbs and a squeaker inside

>He’s already legal in most states.
Good luck telling that to most people

Attached: 1561104747818.jpg (750x614, 83K)

>No Spinel figure that says, “Don’t leave me alone” when you exit it’s line of sight

>bottom heavy Spinel

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Did Roberta Allspice plan the PD/RQ twist or was she making it up as she went along?

Experience isn't physical aging user

>"Already legal in most of the world"

>No Spinel plush with noodle limbs and a squeaker inside
so my dream of doing an onahole to the spinel will never be achieved

Attached: number1#.jpg (500x500, 41K)

please do not

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Cookie Cat Theme Song

>Multi-cock preparing for DP
Be still my boner.

They should probably get on that.

>imagining Spinal groping Steven's junk as she mentions "your human half"

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One argument that I can understand is that not everything can be fixed with a hug, and the movie takes a 2 year gap between the previous season, so he's supposed to be maturing and realizing he can't just use the same formula on everyone showing up to kill him, until it throws that away and he sings them into complacency.
At the same time, he's also the only catalyst for development between characters. His dad and pearl for example. Pearl hated greg's guts because she felt that he stole rose from her, until steven parent trapped them. Or amethysts' insecurities weren't solved until he helped her realize and move past them, because her teammates somehow couldn't do it like he did.
But still... a hug might not have helped her get better but steven is a hugger and him not hugging her was a dick move.

why are they so cute bros

Attached: couple.png (592x337, 40K)

People figured it out years ago and they had to be like "N-no that's not it"

jesus christ

Much appreciated : )

because they were made to be together

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Bimbo Garnet!

Attached: cute! cute!.jpg (824x597, 151K)

Bimbo Garnet is best Garnet.

>D̶e̶e̶D̶e̶e̶ Garnet: Ooooh, what does this button do?

she was designed to be as annoyingly cute as possible.
Yea Forums is proof of that

>Steven still visibly uninterested and indifferent even in an edit
You guys are delusional

Side characters like Peridot were most assuredly "made up as they went along". Pink Diamond becoming her Rose Quartz persona was planned from the start.

Attached: IanJQ draft pre-season 1.jpg (2048x1152, 317K)

She is a beautiful perfect and innocent jellybean how dare you


That's why we're mad he couldn't fucking grace us with a hug. Maybe in another episode.

That is perfect for a romance manga and you know it.

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She deserves someone better and you know it
Someone who treats her better, someone who wants her around

dont forget lapiven getting a ton of shit too
even tho it was the one who has more sense canon wise

How old is this image because the whole show felt like they had no idea what the fuck they were going for 90% of the time and just threw shit at the wall and saw what stuck.

Rose being Pink the whole time and totally responsible for all the bullshit everyone had to go through is pretty hilarious though.

kind of unrelated but what did chance the rapper even do for the movie
i couldn't tell at all while watching it

I guess that's the nature of juggling storytelling with an unknown number of episodes. I wish all shows had the popularity of Avatar, though I feel like Bryke really bungled their take on Korra.

Damn it hasn't even been a week yet

I think he co-wrote True Kind of Love, Garnet's song towards the climax. The one they've been spamming nonstop in commercials.

>Season 7 has 20 year old Steven
>People still whine over him being shipped with Gems

I hate certain people in this fandom...

People don’t complain about Goku or Naruto

because while quite of us anons are in the range of the cluster a spectrum(autism), the people at tumblr are our antithesis, cluster b(or what the scientific community is to afraid to call it, beutism/butism)

That song felt so out of place and like an excuse to have another "Stronger Than You" moment. Completely unnecessary.


True Kind of Love was a mediocre song.

yeah, stronger than you was fucking hype because of the way it was framed. That violin/synth(?) build up while the two strongest characters circle each other, fucking hell that was good. I wish they'd actually use Alexandrite for more fights.

I think it would have been better in literally any other context. The lyrical content isn't even relevant to the story outside of a couple of lines that are only incidentally related. It's just Garnet being "cool" for the millionth time, but this time it was just there for some half-baked fanservice. In the actual context of the scene, Garnet has no idea what's going on. She has no idea what happened to Spinel or what's threatening the town. She's still back at the lighthouse.

Haha more like buttism.


What I don't get though is why they kept trying to remake stronger than you? They already had a lot of really good songs. Like A tier songs. Some of the songs from the movie at least as good, if not better, than stronger than you.

I don't agree with that, but he's friends with Peedee, Lars, kinda Onion, Ronaldo, Buck, Sour Cream, he's on friendly terms with Mr. Smiley and Mr. Frowney at least, and even though he's Steven's dad Greg is a solid bro.

Might be more.

So Peridot?

I took Found sounding so off being because Steven and Spinel are singing the same song but they mean different things.

Steven helps her up and gestures to the outside universe to indicate she'll find someone eventually. Spinel keeps her eyes locked onto Steven for the entire song once she takes his hand and it's clear he's the Universe she thinks he means.

Attached: Spinel realistic.png (2700x3200, 3.27M)

Imagine being this retarded

Might as well play to Estelle's strengths. Which makes me wonder if Sucrose lets her cast of professional singers help her write songs, or what's keeping her from doing so.

I wish we'd gotten to see more of what drove her to her season one extremely stoic form. I mean, we know technically but I wish we'd seen as much backstory with her as we did with Pearl.

Sounds more like Lapis to me.

I just realized the lines on her eyes are suppose to be washed up mascara.

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It was mainly Rose’s death, the Diamonds are parallel to the Crystal Gems in Season 1.

Point being, she has befriended bipolar gems and gems trying to kill him and the planet. So there is not much difference with her.

haha, based
(or should I say, buttsed)

...Did you watch the movie? Because that was pretty obvious.

I think it's a bit more understandable with just how physically and mentally exhausted Steven is at that point, trying to fix everything on a frantic timer and not wanting to take on any more problems than he has to while everything's still mucked up.

But I do think it's sad that Spinel thought that she had screwed up too much to stay with the group on Earth. Especially considering how long it took characters like Peridot to come around after repeatedly trying to kill Steven.

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Its not the first time I've seem characters with those kind of likes in the face. So I didn't put two and two together until now.

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I think it'd be genuinely interesting if they do a bit more with her story than just saying that life with the Diamonds is perfect now, but I don't want to over-hype the idea of her getting another whole plot arc.

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it's from MahmaPuu

Bless you

It's just really obvious in the scene where she becomes punished spinel again.



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It's not that I don't get it, but it still came off badly to me. It's not what I watch this show for.

I can imagine being overwhelmed with Pink Diamond's presence and memories would get to be bad for Spinel. After all, it's not as if her most prominent memory of Pink is exactly good. She abandoned her for thousands of years. I can't see her wanting to do anything but move on from that eventually, not be surrounded with it. Have all that love and acknowledgement of Pink as a bandaid for now and then find something new and her own.

>overwhelmed with the Diamonds and tired of the way that they continue to romanticize Pink, Spinel ends up finding someone else on Homeworld who was abandoned and hurt like she was and decides that she needs a friend
I kind of like the idea now. Sue me.

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yes but listening to spinel sing happily makes me happy youtube.com/watch?v=42k_b_Qcg9A

Spinel needed time with herself before she decided to go with someone else. Obviously they can't dedicate half an hour to her wandering around the world finding out who she is on her own (as much as I would like that), but they should have restructured the ending a bit.
I would have switched the order from
>Spinel stops being an ass
>Diamonds show up and she leaves
>montage of Beach City getting cleaned up
to have the last two swapped, with a few quick shots of Spinel helping to fix things, but not really interacting with anyone. Actually SHOW that she's improved, but can't start over where she's caused so much trouble, THEN the Diamonds appear to give her a new start in life.
It's small, but I think it would have made the ending seem less like Steven was pawning her off at the first chance he got.

she just had to man the fuck up and become leader

Happy Spinel makes me cry but happily.

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>Hesitantly lapsing into goofy old mannerisms
That got me good, too.

Familiar is the best song in the series because fuck you just listen it explains everything

>spinel slowly bouncing higher and higher

>the virgin hormonal dilution
>the chad testosterone overdose

I'd prefer this without the adultery/cucking element. It's awkward and distracting, plus Spinel doesn't seem like she'd be spiteful in this way.

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>Oh, poor Pink, losing control of your world again!
>Here, let us help you keep it safe and secure, so you and your little "equal" friends can have fun!
>Happily ever after, forever, under our loving (diamond) authority!

The impression I got was that, as Steven later says, he had forgotten some of the lessons that had led to his "happily ever after". He was tired from years of battles and dramatic speeches, of travel and toil restructuring an empire of autistic alien robot wizards. He wanted to just chill, at home, in Beach City, with his friends and family. He didn't want the work of personally rehabilitating a clingy lunatic murderer (even if he empathized with her). He didn't want to have to explain to another gem, over and over, that he isn't Rose Quartz or Pink Diamond.

Also, Rose seems to have had a certain gut disdain for Spinel, judging by her expressions, her treatment of her, and her total lack of thought about going back for her. Steven is a much better person than his mom, but he is an incarnation of her. He may have that same instinctive, subconscious dislike of her.

Even then, after learning his lesson about embracing change and the need for vigilance and continued hard work, he would have been there for Spinel. It's just that then the Diamonds stepped in, and he figured "well, maybe this'll be good for all of them" and decided to let them give it a shot. He already had a lot on his plate helping otehr people with more urgent needs just then.

I mean, it's an ethnic trait. I guess white people can tan or be Mediterranean or whatever and thus be dark, but if someone called a non-white character a name that made fun of their skin, you wouldn't just be like "now hold on, maybe they also hate really tan people and would call THEM 'darkie', too."

>only knows gem culture
>trapped alone on a rock for 6000 years
>knows the human "peace out" sign

pretty sure the moral wasn't "you don't need her" but more "no matter what, you can get back up on your feet" whether it be from a global crisis, or broken heart. spinel learned that she can start over even though she's been hurt so badly. that it might not ever be exactly the same but it doesn't have to be. I think that's quite a nice moral, and more complex than most. clunky writing sure, but that's SU for you

The irony is that hook noses are exclusive to cacasian ethnicities

>Spinel doesn't seem like she'd be spiteful in this way.
Her entire intro song was about spiteful jealousy


>As much as I hate using the term
>he uses the term
... right

Most people like Pearl, Lapis, Peridot the most... because they are white-coded. The fucking ethnic gems like Amethyst Negro Lips and Garnet are nowhere as popular

Garnet was plenty popular, the benefits of being a not shit character who had undeniably the high point of the show devoted to her in Jailbreak, it was only later her popularity died off a bit because the only thing she ever did was show up to talk about sex-I mean fusion.

As it is Pearl and Lapis both had super rocky receptions due to struggling with writing quality, but, again, still had more to them than Amethyst.

It has nothing to do with any bullshit about coding, something that's only starting to be a thing because it's basically being memed into existence by dumbass tumblrites, and everything to do with those characters getting more effort and being less obnoxious.

So this is what it feels like to hate an otherwise universally popular waifu.

These lines are not only leaking mascara, but also upturned eyelashes

Attached: 67461179_440366479930782_1535380140016074761_n.jpg (768x768, 79K)

I mean if it helps any I don't like her much myself, her design is kinda shit and like a lot of SU designs is only salvaged by fanart that changes it wildly along with a total art style shift to something tolerable.

>less obnoxious

You can say that about Pearl, but Peridot and Lapis? Fuck no. You have to be incredibly naive if you honestly believe those three aren't the most popular because they're conventionally attractive.

Still better than Lapiss

Lapis at the least had a story arc and character development. It was a shit one, and she developed into an asshole, but that's also when people stopped liking her.

And Peridot is a fucking dorito on stumps you stupid fuck. Pretty much the only reason she was liked was because of how hilariously in over her head she was at first and then how awkward and insecure she was, making her seem relatable.

You're basically saying "This character is fucking obnoxious and shit, and doesn't give me a boner, ergo she's totally black" and ignoring literally everything else because it disagrees with your world view. And user, that's pretty fucking racist, and pretty fucking retarded.

Pink Diamond is a fucking bitch.

Attached: fce.png (1920x1080, 1.03M)

You tell her user.

>Literally one of the biggest points of the entire series is that he isn't his mom
And yet... Just like Pink... He ran away from the Diamonds who unconditionally loved him.
The opening scene in the movie where he ditches the Diamonds is identical to Pink leaving Spinel. And I think it was supposed to be too. Though the makesiteasy ending kinda undermines it... And sucks that there's no Patti Lupone for S6+7

If you see to the right, it's at least as old as the planning for the character design of KO from the OKKO pilot...
So fucking years ago. It's most likely a part of the pitch document. (Which makes Ian's lie about Rose even more heinous.)

Peridot was great when she was still a villain.

But he does. Didn't he mention several times he can be her friend and that she would find new friends on earth?

Attached: 1567648540926.png (1073x624, 372K)

He never said anything about wanting to be her friend, just that she can start over on Earth. If he clarified that his friendship was being offered, she wouldn't have freaked out about being left alone.

I prefer watching the slightly longer version.
Shes so cute, and I love the leadup to the song.

Probably my favourite song of the show now, just beautiful.


Attached: 1567921637289.jpg (1280x720, 99K)

>you're delusional
>you're reading too much into it
>they don't like each other
>stop liking things
>now here's my post overanalyzing every scene and frame, reading into every word and minute expressions as if the show's crew are utter geniuses in writing and art capable of delivering ultra realistic body language and subliminals, all to tell you Steven and Spinel are terrible with each other. By the way, Spinel and Pink Pearl canonically love each other

Attached: 1555103158271.jpg (393x393, 31K)

She was.

After she wasn't, she still held up a bit, but then she got nailed to Lapis and Lapis slide from "Kinda shit" to "Just a huge waste of time" and dragged Peridot with her to be made a bit part.

What is Spinel for?

Attached: 1567504051772.jpg (1190x1200, 208K)

The better question is why you're so intimately aware of who people are shipping if among people who you hate. That or why the fuck you even care who they ship.

Given she's almost indestructible, stretches like crazy, and was probably made as a literal plaything for a negligent and possibly abusive demigoddess womanchild..

She's probably for cuddling, and stress relief fucking until she feels better, but also cuddling.

For fun things

Attached: Your new best friend.webm (1280x720, 2.94M)

This user knows what's up.

>Why the fuck is the majority of the Tumblr side of the fandom shipping her with a gem she hasn't even met,
Obviously because they both belonged to Pink Diamond.

>We were both abused by the same person, that makes us besties!
Tumblr's pretty fucked up.

You'll know she truly trusts you when after a long session of cuddling and pounding she turns around and nuzzles up to you before going to sleep because she knows without asking you won't let her wake up alone in the morning.

God damn it

Attached: 1567513284337.png (1280x1078, 654K)

>why was she cracked in the face anyway?
Just like what's going on with Jasper, we will never know. Pink Pearl, Spinal, and Jasper have served their narrative purpose and will no longer be in the show.

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She literally said she came there to take out her anger on complete strangers. She wasnt operating with a sound state of mind, dude

The first time you left for work she had to stop herself from crying her heart out, but the first time you came back from work she smiled so brightly it almost literally lit up the room.

This will never be true and it hurts.

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Really, all people, places and things are virgins compared to Steg

Jasper is going to get major development with the Crystal Gems before Lapis has a single noteworthy conversation with any of them

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She tried to make you "one of those dinner things" once to make you happy, back before she really got that you ate for a reason other than entertainment. Almost burned the house down, but the worst part was how scared she was you wouldn't want her anymore afterwards.

It took almost the entire night to convince her you'd always want her, but it was worth it.

Attached: 1567478937972.jpg (680x383, 25K)

>hurts if it happens
>hurts that it will never happen because she's not real

Attached: 1566343508778.jpg (1280x936, 102K)

She's not a dog user

The sad thing is, I've known girls like Spinel and... yeah, relationships with them almost NEVER work out. More likely you'll come home to find your dog in the oven because you got stuck in traffic and she assumed you ran off with Vicky from the office.

Sometimes you found her, looking at herself in the mirror, with a different face and build. More of a glam-rock hair cut and a more pointed chin.

It was like she was in a trance, shaking in place, until you pulled her into your arms. She didn't break down, didn't cry, but you could feel that she wanted to.

It hurt more than anything when you couldn't tell her *why* the woman in the mirror threw her away. Nothing you said worked before. The best you could do was rock her gently, and ease her to sleep.

And remind her that *you* would never throw her away.

You had a little box burning a hole in your coat pocket that proved it.

Closest thing I've had were two girls online who were obsessed with me. One had a breakdown, disappeared, came back and apologized, and came back again.
Other one is a major thot who talks about sex constantly and constantly acts for reassurement "that I like her". She probably got molested as a kid or something. I've been trying to get her to change because I feel kinda bad for her, but I don't think I'd ever date her.
Neither of them are the "good" kind of obsessed.

>You had a little box burning a hole in your coat pocket that proved it.

She didn't really get the idea, at first, the concept was a bit, well, alien to her, not that you'd made the joke at the time. But after a few movies, a few stories, she started to get an idea. And when you were sure of that, well, you decided you'd do your best.

A nice lunch outside, you and her, warm sunlight, like her smile, coming down on a clear day with the birds singing. The dawning look of understanding as you'd pulled it out, and gotten down on one knee.

You'd panicked, when she started crying, but then you heard her laughing at you, and pressing her lips to yours. She had tears going down her cheeks, ruining her mascara, yes, but there was that smile again. Brilliant.

You didn't even manage to finish asking if that was a "yes" before she tackled you to the ground. You didn't have much time to talk for awhile after that...you were...busy...

I tried that “dating a Spinel” once. She almost ran over my dog. He still gets spooked easily.

Attached: 1567873098417.png (479x720, 406K)

>You didn't have much time to talk for awhile after that...you were...busy...

>Comparing Spinel to any 3DPD
>Comparing any 2D to any 3DPD

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See I was going to with a comment about how hard it was for my inner sadist to not make it a tragic/schizo ending involving murder and/or double suicide but knowing you despise it appeases my desire to feed off of suffering as well as my desire to write cute sappy drek like this.

Goddamnit I thought I was free of this fucking show! Season 5 gave me the perfect excuse to just cut and bow out. The first three seasons were great and I still love them, even season 4 had its moments.


I just want more happy Spinel, guys. More than anything.

Attached: 28AF29F9-3014-45D8-B16B-CD7B93DEF272.jpg (500x281, 14K)

You'll never get any more spinel and season 6 will disappoint you to the core

Don't get too worked up despite my...it's not even writefagging more just blurbs, it's still garbage. It's just that the entire work manages to barely have 6 whole good ideas in its entire run.

Teenage girls and those that yearn to be teenage girls are pretty fucked up.

The most development Jasper got was in a self-esteem commercial: youtube.com/watch?v=vxwqcEZHHTM

Face it, she ain't ever coming back.

Attached: jasper-alt.png (1920x1080, 1.16M)

I'm doing my part.

Attached: spinelwip.png (1205x956, 346K)

VERY based

If by never coming back you mean appearing in a multitude of episodes and getting another arc next season. Voice actress has been recording for new episodes regularly. Storyboarders uploading drawings of her post-CYM. The self-esteem commercial was just Rebecca's way of giving a taste of what's to come All signs point to SU entering a new era of orange. Get hyped for Jasperdemptionseason6 and jump on the Jasper train now before it becomes too mainstream.

I decided to check it out to confirm this

after about 1000 post I found five shipping post with spinel

3 were with pink pearl
1 was with garnet
and 1 was with a character I didn't reconise from a different series

/pol/ retard

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Poor noodle girl.

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>Basic camera direction and emotion
>The literal fucking plot of the movie

You're delusional.

In the battle of literal evidence vs. an insistence on emotion-based arguments, it's not the former that's delusional

>Spinel will never wrap you up completely in her stretchy arms

Says the denialfag that thinks Jasper isn't coming back

Attached: 1549732016645.png (719x1280, 1.02M)

Loving it

I want to gather her up in a bucket, pour her out onto the couch in front of the TV, put on some rom-coms and cuddle

the moment i wanted to hug her the most

She's going to be a Villain again

>only knows gem culture
>speaks english

Catching up here.
Why is Steven/PD more powerful than the other Diamonds put together? They threw everything they had at Pink and he brushed them aside like gnats.

Humans have the ability to change and Gems usually don’t unless they interact with humans. Steven may have started out weak like Pink but he used his ability to change to grow stronger.

That will just make her even more based

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Strong defense doesn't necessarily mean more powerful. Even if he is all you're gonna find is theories. They never once expanded on what it means for him to be a hybrid, the full extent of his powers etc.
Everytime he found something new the episode was just about him trying to figure out how to control it. After he did they went back to normal as if nothing happened.

Kind of makes you wonder why Spinel was an issue when Steven can kick White Diamond around like a tin can.

He reflected their attacks back at them and hurt them, and showed no strain at all while doing so. A powerful defense can be a powerful offense.

She got the jump on him and striked him with something that reset his powers. As soon as he remembered his ability to change, it wasn’t even a fight, it was basically him letting her throw a tantrum.

>Connie goes and buys a pair

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Based, doing the lord's work.

That's be great tho

based and spinelpilled

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Gotta say I'm loving all the affection porn Spinel is getting.
Shit like gives me a boner in my heart

Attached: 3281778%20-%20Spinel%20Steven_Universe.jpg (1208x927, 475K)

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Risky. Whoever Spinel fuses with, will find Spinel reluctant to ever let go.

>Not wanting to permanent hug Spinel

What exactly goes on in a fusion? Are the two "components" still conscious, or is it a fused consciousness that thinks like a solo entity?


Attached: 1568025347617.png (841x722, 336K)

Depends on the stability. If you’re in sync well enough like Garnet usually is, she describes that the name of the components might as well be names for your different arms.

>If you’re in sync well enough like Garnet usually is, she describes that the name of the components might as well be names for your different arms.
God, that's so trippy to think about. Makes me uncomfortable.

Does anyone have a gif of Spinel doing that spinning move while fighting steven


>Didn't even change hook-nose to Tumblr

Attached: spin.gif (640x480, 2.78M)


Attached: let it rip.webm (800x450, 2.92M)

Spinels are as made for sex as Pearls (100%). It's just that Gem sexuality is a fucking mess, by human standards, with a relative lack of distinction between between sexual and non-sexual acts.

Attached: myownpearl.jpg (1280x720, 52K)

I want Spinel to be friends with Rosine

Attached: rosine-0-2.jpg (298x449, 113K)



We don't know other than that it was presumably very far in the distant past and probably not directly related to any of the Earth Colony / Rose Quartz / Crystal Gem drama. PD had her replacement Pearl (Our Pearl) even before receiving stewardship of Earth Colony, and all of Stevens recovered memories involving her seem to be center around Homeworld (which PD seems to have mostly left behind, after getting her colony).

It's possible there could some extremely convoluted story involving Earth Colony drama (eg. there was some point during the time before the big PD shattering ruse when Our Pearl was outed as a Crystal Gem, and Pink Pearl was then made to be her replacement), but more likely it's just more untold backstory of Pink fucking things up. It's been suggested that Pink broke her mind by ordering her to be disobedient, which then represented in the light-form as the dead eye and cracks, even while her physical gem remained intact.

Do we know who designed Spinel?

Attached: 1567470338472.jpg (640x640, 47K)

It's from 2013, at least the paper is, not the image itself

I did

How are Peridot and Lapis white-coded? You just think "personality and style that's not stereotypical to any particular racial group = white".
It's embarrassing. You're the type of retard that would code me as "white" because of my mannerisms, accent and typing style.


Damn, that looks slightly better than the one I drew. I dig the hand-grip.

Attached: is it called stevel or what.png (776x598, 53K)

This. Just killing off "bad guys" isn't interesting.

Yeah it’s cool, though I like yours a bit better due to the colored hearts.

I agree about Peridot and hate that she's only comic relief now, but in hindsight I could already tell Lapis was bland as early as Ocean Gem. And then she just fucks off to leave Steven to plummet to his death (knowing humans can drown)

Sugar, most likely.

That's adorable, user. Saccharine, sure, but I'm a sucker for that sort of thing. I hope you don't mind me compiling that in caps and sending it to friends of mind that love Spinel /that/ way.

Aw, thanks. I have a tendency to add big toony hearts that float up and pop. Even in sex scenes.

I REALLY wish there were more bimbofied Crystal Gems art.

Attached: mrsamson crystal gems.jpg (983x879, 141K)

Can you change it to punished Spinel instead?

she was making a joke

The show was making a joke
There is a difference

Isn't that like, the majority of SU porn though? It's usually painfully OOC already.

my favorite game

>Isn't that like, the majority of SU porn though?
Not from what I've seen. The majority is lesboshit or futa.

Man it's been a long time since I edited stuff. I'm rusty

Attached: 1567873098418.png (479x720, 392K)

The ending was bad, and actively harmful for Spinel and the Diamonds both. The writers likely just did it for the sake of convenience.

>Prevents the Diamonds from immediately going crazy and relapsing without Steven there to keep them in check
>Gives Spinel the loving friends that she needs at the moment
>actively harmful

She was playing it off because Spinel was joking about it.
Does that make sense still? Not really, but people seem to keep forgetting that the writers of this show are really just not that good. Not everything they attempt is done well or for good reasons or in ways that it works the way they want it to, nor they always have good ideas as to what they write including dialogue.
Just because you see notes dating back years refering to shit that happen recently doesn't mean they're some godly writers that plan everything, on the contrary in fact that's just basic. You come up with ideas, notes and you save them for when you can figure out a way you can use them later in the future. The difference between a good writer and a mediocre one is that a good writer can use those ideas they saved, even years later, in ways that they don't create any plotholes or shit that makes you question characters' behavior.

Attached: 1567472392701.png (395x536, 348K)

Attached: 59e.jpg (680x503, 60K)

I still think it's far more likely that a diamond just wouldn't give a shit because they're so out of touch, don't know what to tell you user

So when exactly are these pictures from? I'm happy to finally get more Jasper but the fact that it's happening after the diamonds being redeemed and 2/3 years passing in-universe is VERY annoying.

Thank you, this is perfect.

They're from earlier this year

I won't mind the wait for it as long as it isn't rushed to fuck

>Implying it's not going to take place before the movie

Anyone have that comic where the chest held the new jacket with a note from Rose?

That'd be great.

>Going back to no-neck Steven and never seeing Spinel again

>We get Spinel
>it's just random cut aways to her still standing in The Garden

Attached: 1567700068543.png (1280x720, 397K)

I... I've experienced that response from someone I love. It clenches my heart every time she does that.

is this self harm?

No but it won't stop faggots and teens with mental issues from thinking it is

>Stars on the bandage
She fucking cut them into her skin, didn't she....

I meant having a flashback episode or two just for Jasper, I wouldn't want a full return to that.

Is allowing herself to get killed in the fist 10 minutes of the movie self harm?

Spinel will never spindash on your cock

Attached: SpinelAdv.png (495x494, 56K)

that was more of a keikatu so he couldn't undo the injector

That would be a good way of cementing the Diamonds as literal space fascists.

Attached: 76695951_p0.jpg (2000x2400, 1.45M)

Attached: 1551043626251.jpg (480x323, 18K)

You really have to ease into any relationship with mentally fragile people. You gotta know what they need before committing, otherwise things are going to blow up some day.

Sometimes the best thing you can do for someone is get them professional therapy.

Spinel's not 3DPD.

Attached: watch-this-you-can-actually-pinpoint-the-second.png (650x490, 509K)

Did you draw this?

>Are the two "components" still conscious, or is it a fused consciousness that thinks like a solo entity?
It's like a network. Two separate intelligences doing the work of one. They can form a more or less individual consciousness, or they can maintain more of a separation.

>that face
I just want a real spinel to hug her

Attached: YoXYsYj2m1M4NhvFcNsY.png (540x537, 398K)

You can tell her to make that face whenever you hug her.

Damn, that's some really good linework (and nice art). Once I realised though I can't unsee Spinel's design having a face shape similar to the matsus.

>scoop up Spinel while she's moping on the floor
>she pathetically tries to slink out of your arms like a snake, until her limbs are all piled up and coiled on the ground under you, while you still hold her tight
>you hear a weary sigh, and then her head gently bonks against the side of yours
>"You'se an idiot for putting up with this"

Attached: tumblr_pxjg32w23c1w8j58yo6_500.gif (500x328, 698K)

>tmw when you come home late from work/a night on the town
>Punished Spinel is waiting for you in a dark living room, clearly not happy
>Ya late user...Where ya been?
>she twirls her scythe one-handed, menacingly.

Attached: 1485638002087.jpg (200x274, 17K)

>'Working. *Talk about boss, work, etc*'
>Don't act like you have a reason to be scared, will be taken as you 'knowing' she has a reason to be angry
>Ask her how her day was/etc
>Trust yourself and trust her

Your local drawfag just doing his duty.

Attached: Rivalry.png (2480x3507, 1.38M)


Sometimes I forget that gems other than Amethyst can transform.

>Ywn become fight buddies with Spinel
Hugs and kisses are fun and all but you must remember the answer lies in the heart of battle.
And she's pretty good at it already
There's nothing wrong with some good old fightin
The famous carnival song is called entrance of the gladiators for Gods Sake

>Steven lowkey imagining a threesome


>Thicc Spinal

Attached: sweat.png (1203x875, 1.69M)

>Thinking that's thick

Go ahead, just glad to have both tormented people emotionally and also made them happy.

It's thicker than she usually is.

wow, that's a hell of a meme there. also witnessed.

I hope that this will be coloured.


Attached: 1568079002151.jpg (437x431, 21K)

Only one more after that user.

oh wow someone made the ugly pajeet fuckable.

Congrats user, you've given birth to an epic new reason to put in my suicide note

Attached: 01_Blade-Runner-2049_Ryan-Gosling.jpg (960x640, 52K)

Didn't Zach turn out to be a tranny?

Finn's VA never went insane.

What no, he was just depressed. Having colored is just a thing music artists do.

He just dyed his hair dude. Don’t even know why you gotta bring up Finn’s VA. Well that and he was going through depression but I think he’s doing better now.

Unironically gets me hard.

Attached: that one video of jontron saying stop a bunch.png (730x1373, 773K)

Tall teenage Steven is cute!

Here you go:
... Huh, we're ~25 off of 500 now, still plenty of time.

She’s a designated best friend gem, her feelings towards Pink and Steven are nothing but friendliness

And nobody but this site cares about Steven ships, because this where the majority of the male fanbase is

I wish Spinel could have met S1 Steven, he would have appreciated her then.

White: Mind-control
Blue: emotional manipulation
Yellow: lightning
Pink: shields and shield constructs
Pink had the best powers of the four.

He also would have been easily emotionally manipulated by both her and the Diamonds

Spinel needed to go with the Diamonds because they match her level of intensity/insanity. Steven would have been screaming nuts after 5 more hours with her

incredible, beautiful
now write her reaction at the funeral


>Maybe if I hit him in the shield again...

>pink doesnt have emotional manipulation powers

A great idea is recutting season 1 episodes with constant cutaways to spinnel just standing in the garden.

I’m just looking into it now and honestly, it’s cute. Pink Pearl used to be amused by Pink’s goofball antics, maybe she’d like Spinel.

Attached: B6ABB4A4-D3B7-4B86-A1DC-95B6269108A5.png (1280x1375, 1.39M)

Thanks. I sent it to one pal who said it was really sweet. The other hasn't seen it yet, but she already has a big crush on Spinel enough to draw self-insert fanart so I hope it makes her happy.

Pink Pearl was abused by White, not Pink.

Honestly though, wasn’t Pink Pearl White’d long before Pink even went to Earth? I wonder how she felt to come out of her porcelain doll coma to discover that it’s thousands and thousands of years later and Pink’s dead.

Attached: EEECCYhWsAAS1MU.jpg (689x1199, 175K)

Steven is so fucking ugly, how do you guys jack off to this shit?

>You will never vigorously grope spinel's ass.

Nobody should care about Steven ships anyway, because he's one of the worst characters in his own goddamn show

>one of the worst characters
Imagine being this wrong

Yo, source?

Pink has way more powers than that
Shield is like the least OP thing Steven can actually do

I agree, this actually has some basis in the characters' personalities.

Also I got the name mixed up, but seeing "Making Friends" in the corner made me think of this

Kind of works for her nonetheless.

Also, this.

Attached: another MSPaint Spinel.png (578x504, 21K)

Are you unaware of Fat Ugly Bastard In Hentai?

He's a massive faggot user
The only male character on the show worse than him is Ronaldo, and that's mostly due to that one episode
Even fucking Lars became someone you'd rather be watching than him

That's a HARD disagree from me my dude. That may have been the case in seasons 1 and some of 2, but after that he genuinely grows into his own and you start to really like the guy as he matures. And now that he's the fucking character I've waited for h to grow into from the movie, I wanna see what season 6 has I'm store for this new steven

Steven can't be the worst character when Peridot while she's written by Zuke exists

Zuke isnt on the show anymore.

I know but I'm saying if we're talking about bad character, Peridot by zuke was the worst even compared to Steven. Regardless of whether she's off the show

Steven continued to be a faggot right up through season 5 where half of the conflicts were entirely his fault
I'm not gonna deny that he's better after having grown a literal spine for the movie, but there's a fair chance that season 6 will be before the timeskip

Peridot would be in the same boat if she was the main character and audience surrogate in every single episode
Though as far as I'm concerned she still got a better deal than Jasper

Loving Movie Steven. Still got a big heart, just knows when to put his foot down. Also really loving how his powers have grown.

alright i just fucking binged this show from season 3 onward and finished the damn movie.
1.Steven gets his way again
2.Spinel is too annoying even for Steven which is weird, but i love that even he has a limit
3.deus ex machina all over the fucking place
4.this show makes me yearn for fucking lore on this gem ridden planet earth but because kids show and so much sex innuendo, we aint getting shit
5.Blue Diamond needs more development because for one, she has been frozen in character development and two, I wanna fuck that bitch

Attached: 1370503032199.png (248x241, 83K)

oh yeah and Pink Diamond is a selfish shithead that we never see get punished for her bullshit, which sucks and whomst i also wanna give a good pussy ravaging

Attached: 128574669996.jpg (640x480, 126K)

Not that user but I couldn't stand how Zuke wrote Pearl either. She became none of the elegance half and all of the awkward half, plus she didn't suit their style at all.

Examples? It's been a while since i watched through the show, cant remember any pearl episodes boarded by Zuke.

im new to the fan discussion of this show, im also retarded as far as knowing "good" or "bad" writing unless its obvious. What about Zuke's writing was bad?

I also have a good friend who was friends with Zuke a bit before she worked at CN. When I encountered Zuke, they were a fucking asshole for no reason.

Posting stuff

Attached: Zuke.jpg (645x436, 91K)

theres also the fact that zuke abused her ex girlfriend.

Attached: 1566958094255.png (2850x1844, 3.46M)

Zuke had a really bad habit of making the character extremely ooc to push her own personal ships and if she wasn't doing that she leans way to heavily on making them quirky and with no nuance to their character

>"healthy queer relationship"
>"forgiving others but respecting yourself"

I really didn't get this vibe whatsoever. Lapis was consistently an asshole that had Peridot whipped. I guess it only makes sense.

Keep in mind, Zuke was also abusive to her girlfriend irl. So her idea of a "healthy relationship" is VERY warped.

Is anyone going to post some FUCKING examples before this thread gets bumped off

I can't believe that tang of all people was straight caught in a predatory relationship with a cartoon network boarder

Already did.

Attached: Read nigga.jpg (644x354, 46K)

Yeah, that's what I meant by "I guess it only makes sense."

While Zuke's episodes were airing I honestly thought Tang was like, one of those friends that's practically a clone. Got any more info on that?

i actually liked episodes where Peridot was adapting to living with Steven and the gems, was that all Zuke? I hated how fucking miserable and brooding Lapis became though, like she was so unfun until she decided to become a martial artist or some shit

Here you guys go, maybe one of these days I’ll fix it up kek

Attached: 27F826DE-4C2D-4FA7-94DA-AD1843893F4D.png (2480x3508, 1.47M)

can i get some info on Tang? feel kinda bad for them now lol

I know Tang drew a comic about their relationship, i dont have it saved sadly.

I'm in the same boat as you user, I honestly don't know anything. Didn't follow either of them so I don't have a clue.

>Steven is a much better person than his mom, but he is an incarnation of her. He may have that same instinctive, subconscious dislike of her.
The rest was bullshit but this is correct. Steven is the only one who seems to actively dislike having Spinel around, which shows especially when she doesn't have her memories and is just acting like her regular self. There are multiple times where Steven looks irritated at her when everyone else is perfectly fine having her around.

Attached: vlcsnap-2019-09-10-00h34m07s515.png (487x344, 182K)

Steven confirmed for Pink Diamond in a flesh suit

I hate this bitch but her Spinel art is great.


At best, he just ignores her
Makes Spinel's comments later about him liking her seem kind of forced
Lucky for us that her "annoying" mannerisms weren't pushed too hard, and only made her more endearing

She's a coon.

I remember that comic. It was the one about her biting into styrofoam cups from stress, yeah? Fucked up shit.

I remember some posts she made about how traumatized she was by the whole experience. I don't remember the story, but I think it was your bog-standard, controlling "I am your only source of safety and love" type bullshit.

I really think he was just completely focused on the injector. No one was around to help, he lost all of his powers, and as far as they knew, the entire world was at stake (yet again).

I'm not really sure how else you expected him to act around Spinel. It definitely was not the time to be playing games and joking around.

How is the rest of that bullshit?

He never even said that to her though, he didn't even talk to her. He just ignored her. If it was really a problem, why didn't he open his mouth? He didn't want to interact with her at all.

Because it portrays Steven positively when he doesn't deserve it.

man, if only the artist also made this one

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 19K)

She already goes to it, not sure if it helps.