I'll always have more work to do

>I'll always have more work to do
Why is he such a Chad?

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fuck off

Poor boy

He’s been a Chad.

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Reminder that more male characters got laid in SU than any other show on CN or nick.

Cause his mom was a weak gem who created bad times, you know how the saying goes.

Might as well give SU it’s own board

He’s a ticking time bomb, he needs to be able to let it all out on somebody really evil.

Please do so these haters can shut up.

He has to be to make up for his cunt mother.

Who could be eviler than Spinel?

That boards name is Yea Forums



Maybe Beyond Steven's Universe is about him reaching his breaking point.
Maybe he finally steps in into the next White Diamond since all the diamonds want to please him.
The insignia in the opening was reversed.
Maybe the villain is gonna be Steven's self

Kevin’s kind of human so not much Steven can do with him. Maybe destroy his car.

Because he's finally growing the fuck up? Because he was raised outside of retarded public schools by alien warriors? Because he's Steven Quartz/Diamond Universe and he's just fucking strung out after three goddamn years of this shit?

Character development that sticks. Plus the jacket, new powers and the fact he's willing to fight for what he believes in.

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Steven is THE Chad because he defeated gigantic ancient alien overlord by looking directly into her eyes and saying:
>no, u

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Loving the fact he’s got a bit more edge as he got older.

>Marty openly tells Greg about how many of Vidalia's friends he fucked at an afterparty, just after the night he fucked Vidalia in his van.
>Marty also asks 'how big was she' when Greg talks about his crush on Rose, implying he usually pursues larger women
>It's implied that Greg may have fucked Amethyst and Vidalia at some point, and if not, things still got really personal
>Lars fucked Sadie on a few of their vidya nights together and this is outright implied when Sadie commented she missed being his 'player 2' as if it's rare they would play videogames together.
>Lars and Sadie also spooned an entire night when stranded on Watermelon Island with Steven

>Steven Quartz Universe
>Steven Diamond DeMayo

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>destroy his car
Savage Steven

> yeah Steven is such a cha-
No he is not. These are real CHAD boy heroes. They don't bitch whine and moan about their problems or at worse sing about them like pussies. They get shit done and make out with their love interests instead of getting kisses on the cheek and they are not over weight. Steven will never be a CHAD.

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>Steven realizing he will never truly have a happy ever after, that he's doomed to be cleaning up the messes left by his mother for the rest of his life
kinda depressing really.


Spinel accomplished what she wanted in a way. She kinda got away with it.


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Hey can I use that as a copypasta?

Eh, that’s life. And he’ll always have good moments sometimes.

Just a suggestion

You forgot one

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Stexter is Chad Supreme

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>never bitching or whining about their lot in life

None of those guys are Chad, 3 of them complain about their bullshit almost every episode and Jake is the FARTHEST you can possibly be from a cartoon Chad, he's a wannabe gangsta nigga. If you were gonna post a Chad, coulda picked Brock from venture Bros or something

He literally had that chance with the Diamonds. They were like condensed evil Triple-Hitlers.

Holy shit, a middleschool boy on Yea Forums! Shouldn't you be doing your homework or something?

>I'll always have more work to do
You wouldn't have so much work to do if you were willing to kill your enemies Steven.

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his own mother

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Redeeming them also neutralizes the threat. Threats just keep popping up.
Isn’t Steven’s thing that he almost never talks about his personal issues and doesn’t really prioritize himself?

Fuck off hal pussy

Stay mad Kuro.

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The hype has been dying, user. We do not need to create an entirely new board just for Steven Universe.


>They don't bitch whine and moan about their problems
>Danny Fenton

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He could beat his ass real bad and then spit on him so that no one will believe him if he tries to go to the cops. Really think about that, he could make the experience as brutal and painful as possible and as long as he heals him in the end he's in the clear.

I fucking hated that episode, especially that scene.
They made corruption into an allegory for autism, despite the fact that it had stated multiple times that corruption was caused by the war.

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Crazy Diamond.

he was a whiny fuckhead throughout the movie

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I’m sure you would too.

>Steven breaking Kevin’s skull and spitting on his face

>all the Crystal Gems get poofed by the Diamonds, could easily be shattered
>Steven: meh

>all the Crystal Gems are reset, hasn't even tried fixing them yet
>Steven: here we are in the future aND IT'S WRONG WAAAAAH

Literally, a jober.

When does he job? As soon as he got his full powers back, Spinel couldn’t hurt him at all.

I would have gone and gotten my crazy aunts to turn off their fucking machine. Its their fault its happening and they like me, no reason why they wouldn't just pop in and punch in the 'fuck you I'm in charge' code. Then I'd ask my brainwashing aunt if she knows how to undo brainwashing via scythe because that seems like her ability more than mine.

Then the movie is over, put the Spooky Scary Skeletons background character in a bubble and forget about her, and go back to singing about happy endings. Or not. I can literally do nothing and let that injector thing go off completely and just kiss the ground because my life is beyond easy and the writing for my series is so childish kissing is the answer to my problems, I doubt I'll ever actually face real harships.

He just has some residual big dick energy from fusing with the actual source of high test in the show and becoming Chad Universe

Just allow generals.

Evil never sleeps. There will always be some kind of monster out there wanting to take their hatred out on a universe that doesn't deserve it.

Don't bother. "Job/Jobber" has become one of the biggest buzzwords on this board, and is the fastest way to tell that someone isn't worth talking to.

>When does he job?
When Spinel hits him once she manages to slash him about 6 times, if the scythe was a real reason he would be dead by then.

>Steven: meh
If you actually watched the arc, he didn’t react like that...

That only worked because of his Gem anatomy. A regular scythe probably wouldn’t even pierce his skin.

He just is and will continue to be.

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An alien energy scythe would mince him up though.

yes he did especially compared to his reaction in the movie, he barely gave a shit about the Crystal Gems safety even though there really wasn't any reason for the Diamonds not to just shatter them on the spot
>What'll Dad say when he finds out? His only son, in jail at 14! What a disgrace.
but it's more pronounced with Connie who was making stupid jokes despite being the reason everything turned to shit

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user we're supposed to pretend that we'd all be as stupid as the writers and cry so that we could relate to him.

Doesn’t he heal himself now?

>if the scythe was a real
His shield would block it


His shield would probably fuck up an energy scythe

Think it’s from before PD reveal

Chad Steven is too much of a Chad to care about conforming to your traditional perception of a masculine hero.

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why do yall watch this pussy shit?

Because it's good.

Why wouldn’t I?

i find some perverse joy in watching the show waste its own potential and it gives me something to complain about in conversation with other people.

Johnny Bravo

He needs to be able to let it out on somebody evil who hasn't been fucked over by his mom.

That list is getting shorter by the day

Just beat up Kevin

Go back

Only the movie user

Maybe it's about being crippled.

Better idea: Form Stevonnie and beat up Kevin's prostate.

Anone who watches this over the age of 10 is a certified faggot.

Probably true.

Always love when the hero does that. Able to let out all their pain and all their anger and show off how powerful they are.

I swear, the show isn't going to end until Sneople are proven to be real.

He wasn't until this line. Which was immediately forgotten about and shit all over in the song Finale as well as the ending overall so good job Sugar you dumbfuck.

It's the logical next step now that the highest gem authority has been pacified by Steven

>Isn’t Steven’s thing that he almost never talks about his personal issues and doesn’t really prioritize himself?
Yeah, but it usually boils over every several episodes or so.

A Diamond gem providing all its power into generating Big Dick Energy. It's so overwhelming that one can't even comprehend it; people bend to him not due to his charisma, but unconsciously crumpling to the power of it.

That would be fucking amazing. We've needed an antagonist that simply can't be turned or even reasoned with since season fucking one, so if Steven, after 3 in-universe years of being able to perfectly bring everyone to his side, just COULDN'T no matter what, that would be a really good way to show off his terrifying Diamond side more. They'd never do it because Sugar is a child who'd rather pussyfoot around her more questionable implications and lore instead of ever showing and owning it, but it's nice to imagine.

Can confirm

Show is going to end against an Anti Spiral enemy. Steven's gonna have to brawl it out first.

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>Steven beats the fuck out of his mom with nothing but a lead pipe for the entirety of season 6

>Punches the bitch out of his mom

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I feel Movie Steven is a step in the right direction for that. Even he’s getting done and while he does sympathize with Spinel and the Diamonds, he’s getting tired and is more willing to assert himself against them.

>inb4 Pink Steven turns out to be Pink Diamond hiding in Steven

How'd fucked up would that be? Would you think Steven would fight his mom in season 6?

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A lot, a great mindbreak for someone who has just become secure, but what would be cool would be Steven fighting for the right to be Steven against her.

If nothing else, Steven VS Pink would definitely be a big mind fuck for the CGs

like could you imagine Pearl having to choose between Pink and Steven?

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That wouldn’t make any sense, Rose seemed pretty happy to “become” Steven so even if rose is still alive in there she wouldn’t kill Steven or try to take over him

Boy's always been a chad, gets it from his human side.

What if she only did that so she could experience humanity first-hand?

Storm in the Room shows Steven’s got a lot of anger towards her. Would be interesting to show him being the one wanting to hurt a person.

If by "work" he means crying and singing and talking about feelings, then yes. But nobody considers that work anywhere except in this cartoon.

This idea is interesting, so that's how we know it'll never be in the show

>Steven risks his life
>Steven gets traumatized
>Steven nearly dies a few times
aLl hE DoEs Is CrY

Think back to when you were 13, imagine a grown man is after you and wants to kill you. How do you respond?

With what we've seen from the movie I wouldn't be surprised if Rose only birthed Steven for her own sick entertainment. I'd imagine their confrontation to be akin to Asura's Wrath, with Steven rejecting the person that created him

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What's being done to him is irrelevant. He considers singing and crying to be the solution. That's not work.

In Steven's world, all you need to do for that to go away is cry and sing. Telling me to imagine that in the real world is a joke when Steven himself never would have to face that real world experience with its ramifications.

>nobody considers that work
it's called emotional labor
the thing your mom has to deal with when she rubs your tummy and sings while you complain about girls not liking you


>That's not work.
How is what’s being done to him irrelevant? He only gets to sing his opponents into submission after he’s done a fuck ton of work, have you every actually watched the show?

Intent is what matters. Jasper is trying to kill him, Bismuth is trying to kill him, they attack his Guardians, he had to seal them away. He is being punched. Solutions don’t matter, it’s what happening to him right at the moment. A grown stranger is trying to kill a young boy and attacks the people who raised him.

Just how he was raised I guess

The finale was not about him returning to the idealist dream from the beginning of the movie, it was him moving a goal post in saying that he will never be finished fighting but that his life will remain a "happily ever after" because no matter what new challenges he faces he'll still have The Gems, and Connie, and his dad, and all of the other people whom he loves.

I've watched since Jailbreak and have liked Steven less and less since season 2 ended. I've gone from rooting for him to wanting to see him broken. He's a patronizing piece of shit.

Way to miss the point of the movie. The person you described is spinel.

>Solutions don’t matter

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His mom, but she's already dead.
She did her damage and fucked off.
Escaped all of her consequences by killing herself and becoming part of Steven.
She basically won.

Spinel is a Chad?


>let it all out on somebody really evil
>We've needed an antagonist that simply can't be turned or even reasoned with since season fucking one

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I do love Superboy Prime but not sure if Steven is quite on his level yet.

No, but that's the sort of person the other two anons were talking about - a flat out murderous asshole who can NOT be reasoned with.

Anyone who watches cartoons or reads comix is a child.

Only the results matter, history only remembers the results!

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That’d be badass like how Superman is normally a nice dude but freaks everybody when he goes all out.

>Steven fighting for the right to be Steven against her.
After Steven fixes all of her mistakes, his mom crops back up to take over his life?

Oftentimes we hate in others an aspect of ourselves that we don't like. Or, they regularly do things that we deep down wish we could do but don't because we know it's wrong. This hypothetical murderous asshole needs to have some of that to make Steven really go off on him.

It's the voice. He sounds so manly now

Do you even watch these shows , Randy spent literally every episode whining about something. And the bottom three are literally retarded.

The only one on there that deserves to be called Chad is maybe late season 2 Danny Phantom

I know Phantom Planet Danny became a bitch when he wasn’t getting attention

It makes me depressed how shitty the third season was, because of how kino the 2nd season was. Like we went from Danny phantom literally fighting Thanos and defeating the King of Ghosts to lame ass phantom planet. The show used to be everything you wanted in a superhero show; hype as fuck, original, compelling villains and character conflicts, something you could you watch with the kids. The show deserved a better ending than it got.

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>a middleschool boy on Yea Forums!
pedo detected

>"Had a chance"
There was no way he could've defeated the diamonds. Conversion was his only choice.

"The best way to defeat your enemy is to make them your friend" is a lesson lost on this board. I feel like people would hate anything sugar did though desu, she went the opposite direction with spinel and no one liked that.

Of rebeca turns Steven into a decent male role model instead of a fat retard I might start having a good opinion of this show at least in a few areas

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When did you get such a boner for role models?

Please describe what you want in an “ideal male role model”

Still a step down from his fucked-a-ten-feet-tall-alien-amazon-to-death dad

Pink Steven could have.

>Nobody can defeat the diamonds

Unless you're no morals Pink Steven

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why are you such a cunt?

>This next songs called, “She’s gone, please die”

Pink Steven doesn't afraid of anything so he could do it.

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This comes across as more sexual than either of you intended.

What, that Steven needs to unload every drop of his frustration onto evil, evil Spinel?
I'm not sure how you're getting that, user

>Punches somebody into space
Probably not happening but would be kickass

I mean there's also the matter of the giant fuckoff drill that nobody knows how to deactivate. If he had time to fix his friends with no pressure it probably would have been fine but there was a ticking clock.

Though the real problem is that he didn't immediately warp back to the diamonds and ask for help.

why are you posting in this thread about something you're not interested then, huh fagot?


Just add a rule to /mlp/ that it's also a SU board.

what a whiny faggot


That was a pretty cool resolution.

Yeah we don't want them but thanks

>30 episodes of him beating Pink

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>Turns out Kevins father used to date Rose, but she ditched him to fuck Greg. When he got a new girl and got Kevin, he raised him to think lowly of girls

that isn't connie even. her nose isn't big enough

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Danny was a whiny bitch about his problems.

Your role models should be people like your family, not a cartoon.

It's probably from when Steven actually thought positively of his mother, and didn't know how much of an apathetic escapist cunt she really was.

I intend a lot of things. Can’t keep track of them all.

But they’re EEEEVUL and apparently so bad that it got the horse show it’s own board some six years ago when circumstances was completely different

He changed

What's wrong you both have your OCs one's ponies and the other are gems.

It’s sort of his whole schtick

cant wait for season 6. I hope this bitch is involved

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These guys complained all the time. Except maybe Max, didn’t watch that show. Rex was cool too.

30 episodes of Namek, prolonged by Pink and Steven healing themselves in the midst of exchanging blows.

Jesus is a hell of a drug.

Friendly reminder if you watch this shit past the age of 12 you are a faggot and should just kill yourself.

i was surprised that they actually wrote him like a 16 year old

He shield would have blocked the energy one. I guess it just hooked around his shield because of its shape and hit his body first

The energy scythe cut right through the shield.

His shield is supposed to block everything

His mother was badass.

Funny. We've never seen her fight. I would have liked to have.It's often discussed how cute/sexy/thicc she was or what an awful, awful person she was but rarely is it discussed how badass she must have been.

Her shield was strong enough to take on a blast from the Diamonds from possibly light years away.

>not Gregoria Perlita Cuarzo Universo

Seriously - go fuck yourself.

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Sure he does.

Struggling rock 'star' trumps rebellious alien space princess who turned down the throne of an empire of alien slaves because she decided the cock was better.
Dream on.

Rose was more chad than any human who ever lived or will live.

Fuck no. Imagine standing in one place for 6000 years because you were told to.
Even a gimp would eventually be like "Fuck this. Unless someone comes to beat me soon I am outta here."

>Not waiting for your best friend and play the game right
Only virgins don't care about their friends.

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Seriously though most characters in the show are garbo tier.

But OP, he doesn't kill and he sticks to his own moral beliefs and has the strength to back them up against overwhelming odds, so he's clearly a wimp

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So will Steven's hair start going pink when he gets old?

Don't lie.

I don’t think so. Though he does consider dying it.

Steven vs. Rose
who's better at TNJ
note: the Crystal Gems were comprised of TNJ'd gems, and they all practically saw her as a walking goddess

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That and he'll turn into an old granny.

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Don't compare a chad like Aang to a loser like Steven.

Nah. Terrible fathers aren’t Chads.

Aang wasn't a terrible father, Kya and Bumi aren't reliable sources

A father that was at least a poor one that tried would have a child that would defend him or come out at least decent.

One is retard
One is a lesbo
The other is a stuck up fuck up.
None of them have anything positive to say about him.
He's a poor father.
He's not even a good teacher.

So.....that means he has to redeem more people doesn't it

>None of them have anything positive to say about him.
that ain't true
The reason why Kya and Bumi were so butthurt was because they thought Aang favored Tenzin, but obviously Aang needed to teach him airbending. We see Kya and Bumi angry at Aang for not bringing them with him to those Air Temple "vacations" but then a second later we deliberately see them bitching constantly about how boring Air Nomad culture is so either way they'd be complaining. How is he a bad teacher? Tenzin is an extremely skilled airbender.

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Lets be honest. He probably molested Tenzin.

Why didn't he take them on his journeys?
No raison?

Secondly, it seems that he mostly taught himself.

Lastly, he didn't teach his daughter how to use water bending nor did he teach his son how to kungfu without bending or let him hang out with his uncle to learn how to do something other then be the loser without anything to offer other then having no ability and a subtle push of "interracial sex leads to nothing good occasionally" thing.

Not to be racist, but they never at any point had a single solitary ;person be the child of two people of two different "races' and have them either be born with one the other or both in the entire damned series and that is the probably one if not THE biggest flaw in the entire poorly designed bit of retardation called avatar.

Still wondering what this is all about

How is it an allegory for autism? I always viewed it as an allegory for mental illness in general

If there were ever a Steven Universe fighting game, I feel like Steven's finisher should be unleashing this guy

>hasn't even tried fixing them yet
Honestly, I'm still surprised fixing them was so easy. The effects of that scythe seemed pretty permanent at first to me. I didn't blame him for being bummed

Yeah, Bismuth seemed to think it actually worked as advertised, not that Steven could undo it in three hours.