Young Justice s3

What went wrong?Whats up with all these puzzling choices

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What puzzling choices?

Could Steven redeem it?

>What went wrong
Season two. Showrunner getting more control. Too many characters. The focus isn't on the tight-knit team that we grew to love from season one.

The only puzzling choice I find in the show is the one to change Superman and Wonder Woman's outfits to the horrendous JL:War ones.

Show started to go bad with first timeskip

>Doesn't know what the New 52 is

Greg Ciepes

the structure of ep. especially the last 3, stuff that needs major focus comes too late and/or is almost a B plot instead of the main focus. for example artemis saying goodbye is not its own ep and major stuff is done in shallow way (terra) and don't get me started on darkseid

>treating Geo-Force like a bad guy when he didn’t do anything wrong
>pushing the brown Muslim non-binary-but-still-identifies-as-female unfaithful whore as morally superior
There you go

Doesn't excuse that Supes and Bats' costumes looked like crap. Wondie's was the only one that was an improvement.

Why does not she have a back skirt? at least the kind that is that shredded so her ass is on display

>Implying that's a bad thing
I wish I could unknow it.

>What went wrong?
When they elected black lighting chairman

1) Adding way too many characters beyond what was needed. It was telling when Terra joined the team and then the next 3 episodes she doesn't even say a word even though she was supposed to be a pivotal character.
2) Making Beast Boy this main character cause his voice actor can not pull a serious character. It's all "We're OUTSIDERS who will fight against GRETCHIN GOOD and GRETCHIN GOOD won't see us, the OUTSIDERS coming. Be sure to get hastag weareOUTSIDERS trending, so that GRETCHIN GOOD can see us as a threat. This will be the end of GRETCHIN GOOD and the start of the OUTSIDERS!"
There were fucking 5 minute monologues of him going on like this!

On that note, why wasn't the Anti-Life Equation the finale? The fucking episodes spelled out "Prepare the Anti-Life Equation", and yet it was done away with in the 3rd to last episode?!

>1) Adding way too many characters beyond what was needed.
True. The size of the cast was something a show on the 8th season would have. cyborg and many others got shafted when it come to screen time. Which also added dumb cutaways (like when metron nabs halo and cyborg for less than 1 minute just to tell her she might be important down the road)
The whole hashtag stuff was cringe. They even shoved it in the last ep. Feel like they want to make you into a shill for their products.

I felt the same and again a "high concept" if you will that arrived like a wet fart. Anti-Life Equation, one of the major events in comic that was an ender of the universe (I think) got 3 eps but felt like less than 2 (the switch to another team killed the pacing) and was solved in 2 seconds with an unforeshadowed asspull rainbow powers which halo "just knows". Side note: they lied to Artemis about her experience and don't plan on telling her the truth? whats my take away supposed to be? at least she did not hook up with her brother in law (beyond kissing)

Too many characters.
I'm in the minority, but I liked YJ Beast Boy. He was less of a clown and more competent.

I agree with the monologing though. It was funny the first time but after that it was annoying.

I liked him too but I felt like his tone was not meshing well with the show. I guess it was meant to be that way since even the "main" team just set up stuff for him to save but I wish it was more digestible (if you know what I mean)

Because they wanted to end on a more personal note. Also, the Anti-Life Equation plot isn’t done. Darkseid will still look for it.

>Side note: they lied to Artemis about her experience and don't plan on telling her the truth? whats my take away supposed to be?
Conflict when the real Wally comes back.

There were too many characters and too much going on. It would have been better to focus on just a few characters and really flesh them out.

>Darkseid will still look for it.
look for what? he has it. He needs to rebuild the generator and an organic motherbox, bam done.


This. To this day I don't know all the names of these new faggots and I don't care enough to look them up. Fuck em.