What did Marvel mean by this?

What did Marvel mean by this?

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>Zeus: "That's my boy!"

Comic book writers don't read, colour me surprised.

Yeah Im not reading all that

Isn't there a comic version of this with Zeus giving him a thumbs up?

it's really weird though, I mean Zeus being a serial rapists is one of those memetic pieces of information that seem to be known even by dumb dudebros because they read it on the lad bible or some other shit

>probably bisexual
He fucked a guy in public, like he fucked it while flying so at least hundreds saw it.

Marvel comics are incredibly stupid

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This just happens to be a case where dudebros are more cultured than a geeky comic book writer. It happens.

In the actual comic, he's not even assault. He saved her, then hit on her.

Did the artist get light theory and color theory mixed up? Because that's the only way I could see this happening.

they probably got so excited at the prospect of punching something "pure white" that they just stopped thinking at all

Is that that stupid ass chicano brainwashed America Chavez?


It's partially our fault too, because of inmigration. But seriously, it should not be allowed to say ''FUCK THEIR CULTURE, BUT NOT MINE, MINE IS THE BEST''. Fuck whoever drew this comic too, why is it still running?

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She doesn't look pure white to me more like a Pinko.

It's not running

Hey Mexibro, can't you tell your cartel friends to give everyone working at nu-Marvel the old narko-policia special?

it's quite obvious it was supposed to work that Herc stopped because he realized he was acting exactly like his father, a reversal of what Cap was implying.(as she evidently didn't know much about Zeus)

PAD is not exactly ignorant, but this page didn't work like he intended, though it might have been fault of the artist

Hera is a cuck haha

Being fair, Cuck usually implies you just end up lying there and metaphorically taking it.

That said Hera is such a massive bitch that you almost feel like she deserves it.

>that's MY boy

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it's ultimately the editor's fault over everyone else
they're supposed to be the one who keeps shit like this from happening

it was ancient Greece
everyone was at least a little gay

how long until the next reboot?

The Disney interpretation has penetrated the cultural zeitgeist, now everybody thinks that Zeus was a hero and someone like Hades was a big villain.

pretty sure Poseidon was the big villain of a lot of the Greek mythologies

Yeah, thank fuck for Overly Sarcastic Productions teaching people that Hades was the nice one. People won't listen unless you jangle keys in front of them and make silly jokes.

>guaranteed replies

Also why is OP using some shitty picture clearly taken from Facebook which uses fucking Disney's Zeus as a main picture instead of, you know, actual Marvel Zeus? Is it maybe because he's a fucking outragefag who probably doesn't even know where the first panel comes from? The mind boggles.

Like they'd want to go ALL THE WAY to New York to do that. Yeah, maybe tomorrow.

Mexican self-hatred at its finest, in full display.

yeah, except there are no editors in Marvel, so nobody to check such things.

marvel readers are incredibly stupid

tl;dr fuck off with your outragebait

Poorly made bait.
In the comic this speech reminds Hercules of how ashamed he is of his father's drunken womanizing, and he backs off.
Gets posted in /tg/ a lot as "failing your history check, but succeeding with persuasion anyway"

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Hera was a bigger villain.

>In the comic this speech reminds Hercules of how ashamed he is of his father's drunken womanizing, and he backs off.
And as a result he stopped drinking altogether. This is why Yea Forums tourists get the bullet.

Marvel has cool characters but most of the writing is bad. NEWS AT 11


Mortals looking upon a god's natural form will kill them. They're essentially lovecraftian.

>Comparing comic Zues to actual Zues
Are you autistic?l

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>the lad bible
the what?

I'll take things that never happened for $1000 Alex

So I take it you really don't know about Marvel's Hercules, huh? He actually did quit drinking for a while, but now that I looked it seems it's been an on-and-off thing given inconsistent characterization, current explanation is "maybe?" since it's not referenced again in No Road Home.
Though saying "things that never happened" just outs you as a massive casual, because it DID happen.

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It didn't happen in the same comic, retard.

... Obviously fucking dumbass, the fact is that he quit drinking.

>In the comic this speech reminds Hercules of how ashamed he is of his father's drunken womanizing, and he backs off.
>In the comic

I was the one who brought up the drinking, not the other thing about Zeus, so don't try and cling to badly gathered input and fuck off.

No, Satan, but you did reply to it quoting that part. Don't try to act like I wasn't responding to both of you.

And you did, but he still quit drinking for these same reasons. You're still wrong!

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I'm not because it didn't happen in the fucking comic, which is why I said it didn't happen. I can totally admit that I didn't know he quit drinking, but I didn't know it because it wasn't in the same comic.

It's amazing someone take the time to write all that and still not bother to research anything in the comic besides that one panel. Marvel Hercules doesn't like his father and that comparison shames him into obedience, but for the opposite reason that she's thinking. Her ignorance is deliberate and played for laughs.
That's an edit (albeit one that somewhat accurately sums up the above). The actual comic is more subtle because it trusts the reader to know the character's history.

>so let me give her a little of this brown fist
Usually you have to pay extra for stuff like that

>it’s partially our fault too

that's my lad

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