/gg/ - guitar & bass general

Asian Shitplanks Edition

Various Guitar Related Books:

Beginner guitar tutorials:

Music Theory for Musicians and Normal People:

Chord Finder:

4 things every beginner should practice:

Real music theory taught by a real jew:

Tony Enamel teaches fingerstyle guitar:

How to set up a Fried Rice tremolo:

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based OP

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>3 posters

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Is this overkill for a rig? It's literally everything I could ever want though. Am I missing anything? Any recs on pedals, especially the reverb and fuzz would be appreciated.

>EVH 5150iii 100s - 2500$

>Torpedo Captor X - 600$

>EHX 2x12 Vertical Cab + 1 Celestion V30 and Celestion EVH speakers - 700$

>Pedaltrain Classic Pedalboard + power supply bundle - 400$

>EHX Grand Canyon Delay - 300$

>JHS Bonsai - 250$

>Dunlop mini wah - 100$

>Dunlop Mini Volume Pedal - 100$

>Earthquaker Astral Destiny Reverb + Dunlop Mini Volume Pedal - 400$

>MXR 10 Band EQ Pedal - 150$

Electro Harmonix Big Muff Pi - 100$
Total - 5600$

you're missing a guitar bro

I already have the guitar, it's time to build the rig and go out and start gigging

>mfw this guy rolling out that monstrosity by himself onstage

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just get a modeler

How is that a monstrosity? I was being conservative kek it's a reasonably right pedalboard and 100 watt head/cab
I'm over, like O V E R, digital. I want the real deal

anyone play a baritone guitar?

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you play deez nutz

you MUST get this fuzz. behringer gets a lot of shit, but this one is sick. go check out the youtube clips.

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>$25 smt chinkshit Boss FZ-2 in a plastic enclosure
why are poorfag/gg/s like this

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Not him, but you're basically never gonna get to turn that thing up loud enough to hit its sweet spot. I also fell for the 100 watt meme and all I use it for is a power amp for my modeler anymore. That said I'd see about getting a used wampler ego compressor. I've got the little one and I love it.

>100 watt tube amp
>not a monstrosity
nigga what the fuck kinda gigging are you planning on doing
>next up at Dairy Bill's Open Mic, the Amazing user, who can empty an entire bar in under 7 seconds!

>archived with 0 replies

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Yeah I get that buuuuuuuut with the captor I could run the amp into it, then run the output of the captor into the cab right?
I like to roar bro
Believe it or not I already have it, great pedal

This is true, there's really not many venues that require a 100 watt amp. If it's a smaller one, 50 is fine. If it's a bigger one, they have a PA and will mic your amp.

>Believe it or not I already have it, great pedal

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>can I use the attenuator
sure, but what the hell are you even going to be playing?
dirty electric guitar is hardly a solo instrument

Is that how cabs work? If I plug an XLR to TRS jack from the captor to the cab would that work?


nigger just learn to actually play guitar you're skipping over the most important thing

im looking to do bar gigs and shit and put out everywhere that im looking to form a band, i can play alot of different generas though my favorite is fast and loud so I could hold a drunk audiences attention for about an hour, making sure to put out there that im looking for bandmates at the beginning and end of the set

I can play bro

youre fucking with me right?
like this is actually bait, yeah?

welcome to /gg/
you'll learn

Take your meds and stay in your bedroom faggot, we're not waiting anymore we're riding

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Try 8 smart guy

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I've got a Squire Tele Cabronita

Its pretty cool but in all honesty everything I've written on it sounds just as good on a standard guitar. I also find everything I write sounds very depressing

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>I also find everything I write sounds very depressing

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is that u john wayne, is this me

Who said that? Who the fuck said that? Who's
the slimy
little communist shit twinkle-toed
cocksucker down here, who just
signed his
own death warrant? Nobody, huh?! The fairy
godmother said it! Out-fucking-
standing! I will P.T. you all until
you fucking
die! I'll P.T. you until your assholes are

Mahogany Monday

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it's Tuesday you melon

Not for me.

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RIP Rickenbacker

what, did you sell yours?

my dog thought it was a chew toy then took a shit on it

Yorkville and Traynor are owned by Long and McQuade in Canada. You heard it here.

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A long time ago, mate. I'm calling it now: Rickenbacker is kill. I saw the writing on the wall in 2010 or 2011 at the latest. With hormones and additives in food, people's fingers have grown just too big for Rickenbacker's pool-cue necks. The company has been circling the drain for a while. It's only a matter of time.

HARTMAN Storms into the latrine.


What is this Mickey Mouse shit? What in the
name of Jesus H. Christ
are you animals
doing in my head?
(to JOKER)
Why is
Private Pyle out of his bunk after
lights out?! Why is Private Pyle
holding that
weapon? Why aren't you stomping Private
guts out?

Sir, it is the private's duty to inform
Senior Drill Instructor that Private Pyie has a
magazine and has locked and loaded, sir!

HARTMAN and PYLE look at each
other. PYLE Smiles
from the depths of his own hell.

HARTMAN focuses
all of his considerable powers of
intimidation, into his best John-

Now you listen to
me, Private Pyle, and,you
listen good. I want that weapon, and I
want it
now! You will place that rifle on the deck at
your feet
and step back away from it.

With a twisted smile on his face pyLE
POintS his
rifle at HARTMAN.

HARTMAN look suddenly calm. His eyes,
his manner
are those of a wanderer who has found his home.

What is your major malfunction, numbnuts?!!
Mommy and Daddy show you enough
attention when you were a child?!!!
The round hits HARTMAN in the chest.

He falls back dead.

JOKER and PYLE stand looking at the body.

Then PYLE looks at JoKER and
slowly raises his rifle.


Easy, Leonard. Go easy, man.

PYLE breathes heavily, and Keeps the
rifle aimed at

JOKER is scared shitless.

PYLE looks at
JOKER for several seconds and slowly
lowers the rifle. Then he stumbles
back a few steps
and sits down, heavily on the toilet.

PYLE turns
away from JOKER and stares into space,
a strangely peaceful look
transforming his face.

He places the muzzle of the rifle in his mouth.



PYLE pulls the trigger and blows the back of
head over the white tiled wall behind him

some other company will probably buy them out like how mesa boogie was dying then shitson bought them

>it's rickenBACKER, not rickenbacker

Is there anything more pretentious than this?

Mesa wasn't dying Gibson needed an in house amp brand to match fenders 5150 and made smith an offer he couldn't refuse

New card. What do you think?
McDermott lifts it up and examines the lettering carefully.

Whoa. Very nice. Take a look.

He hands it to Van Patten.

Picked them up from the printers yesterday

Good coloring.

That's bone. And the lettering is something called
Silian Rail.

Silian Rail?

It is very cool, Bateman. But that's nothing.

He pulls a card out of his wallet and slaps it on the

Look at this.

They all lean forward to inspect it.

That's really nice.

Bateman clenches his fists beneath the table, trying to
control his anxiety.

Eggshell with Romalian type.
(Turning to Bateman)
What do you think?

(Barely able to breath, his voice a croak)

(Holding the card up to the light)
Jesus. This is really super. How'd a nitwit like you get so

Bateman stares at his own card and then enviously at

I can't believe that Price prefers McDermott's card to mine.

But wait. You ain't seen nothin' yet.

He holds up his own card.

Raised lettering, pale nimbus white...

(Choking with anxiety)
Impressive. Very nice. Let's see Paul Owen's card.

Price pulls a card from an inside coat pocket and holds it
up for their inspection: "PAUL OWEN, PIERCE & PIERCE,
MERGERS AND ACQUISITIONS." Bateman swallows, speechless.
The sound in the room dies down and all we hear is a faint
heartbeat as Bateman stares at the magnificent card.

Look at that subtle off-white coloring. The tasteful thickness
of it. Oh my God, it even has a watermark...

His hand shaking, Bateman lifts up the card and stares at it
until it fills the screen.

He lets it fall. The SOUND RETURNS TO NORMAL.

CARRUTHERS Is something wrong? Patrick...you're sweating.

>Mesa wasn't dying

So you're an industry insider? Do tell user.
Oh wait you're just making baseless assumptions off the cuff

t. mesa boogie fanboy
im right, they're amps were selling shit numbers because no one wants one of those autism boxes

>No actual numbers to back it up

i didn't buy a mesa boogie amp, thats a number

That's because you don't deserve one


>/gg/etting this defensive about a brand that died in the 90s

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>more baseless speculation

Gibson buys Companies and then they they kill off the products and the Company.
Gibson is a Company KILLER and I predict Mesa Boogie will either be gone or bought by somebody else within 5 years.

Name 3

Cakewalk, Tobias, Steinberger

sugma, ligma, disdiq

Nobody ever gave a shit about any of those things though, I loathe Gibson but shit on them for something they actually did wrong