Legion of superheros

>have to wait at least until 2020 to get through the PROLOGUE to Bendis ruining the legion

I fucking hate everything about this run Yea Forums

Attached: large-2030616.jpg (600x905, 206K)

So close to getting Hickman only to get Bendis, I feel for you Legionnaires

The Millennium book wasn't that bad.

I get that it didn't have the Legion in it, but they're obviously building to something.

So serious question; no one on twitter or the regular "news" sites are giving Bendis/DC shit for race swapping Lighting Lad of all people? Because this feels intentional and subtly racist.

>but they're obviously building to something.

You mean like the other times Bendis was building to something?

I'm not familiar with the Legion or Bendis' recent output. I liked USM way back when. New Avengers was okay for a time. LOSH had serious hype behind them from my time on here and the old BBS's and so I checked it out. I wasn't disappointed at all.

Disappointment is something

The main comic fan sites will never raise a single negative word against Garth being race flipped, and will only mention the race change to shit on fans for daring to complain about it to begin with (see Bleeding Cool only talking about Matt Tracker being race flipped so Rich Johnson could shit on fans for complaining about THAT franchise killing fuck up).

Also, reaction to Bendis taking the book is pretty dire at least among regular Legion fans combined with Bendis' reputation as a franchise killer (which the comic sites again, will never bring up and would rather ignore than address given how they don't want to get on Bendis' bad side and have him and his cronies refuse to give interviews to said websites) and the backlash over Bendis's reboot fucking up Doomsday Clock, means they are basically waiting to see how badly the book sells before they start shilling it wildly in order to see if they can A. Ignore it for the sake of not having to publicly take a side against Bendis and B. Have to go all in on defending it because Bendis can never be openly criticized for being a franchise killing hack.

The worse thing about Bendis raping Lightning Lad and Lass is that you KNOW that they are going to make Lightning Lord white and say he's a racist who's insanity is due to "him being pissy that his dad left his mom for a back woman" and amp up the degeneracy by ditching the twin aspect of their species and have Lightning Lord not only be a racist but a self-hating racist who secretly wants to fuck his half-sister and make her his black sex slave while screeching about wanting to kill his brother's black ass for being a reminder that his dad is a race-mixing race traitor.

Wait a second, is OMAC joining the Legion?

Fuck, that's a cool concept and I hate that it's gonna be ruined by Bendis

>I liked USM way back when. New Avengers was okay for a time.

Yeah and that was back in the 00's.

You realize Bendis wrote those comics up until a few years ago, right?

Well we should be safe then because this is modern DC so chances are there will be an editorial shakeup and/or direction will have changed by then and this will be forgotten about until someone reintroduces or introduces a proper version of the Legion.

I wouldn't have been happy with Hickman either.

News sites and twitter normies suck off Bendis so of course not.

Those comics were always shit. The "oh they were well loved" and "well Bendis is only good at street level" stuff is pure revisionism pushed by people who started reading comics well after Bendis became The Guy. Especially in the mid-2000s from Disassembled on he was pretty widely reviled by a lot of the more hardcore fans especially for what he did to Wanda.

Things really only turned a corner for him with Dark Reign and even that didn't last long before people went back to hating him. All of the criticisms people have about him now were all largely present in peoples' bitching about him 15+ years ago too. Bendis has always been a bad writer who got by more from ingratiating himself with the right people and always being given the biggest characters to write than on any actual talent he might have possessed.

>New Avengers
>A few years ago


It goes worse than that.

Even though DiDio/Morrison had firmly moved Kamandi and OMAC to Earth 52, Bendis has defied YEARS of Kamandi/Great Disaster being it's own Earth/pocket universe by sticking it into the main timeline as part of the Millennium mini-series.

I was actually so hyped by Sook's initial designs that I was willing to give the book a shot despite Bendis. I was really upset by the race swap because Garth is totally my self insert, but now I'm relieved that I won't actually punish myself trying to tolerate Bendis' terrible writing. I'm not at all hopeful about the long term impact this will have on Garth and Ayla though. Hopefully it doesn't sell.

Bendis sat on Avengers for seven fucking years until 2012. His also shit Daredevil and USM were before that. He spent like 15 years at Marvel shitting up the place.

And in 2011 for some unknown reason he was asked to write a forward for the Incal collection. There is truly no justice in the world that this bald faggot's name is printed on the same material as Jodorowsky and Moebius.

Comixology's top sales for the week:

1. House Of X (2019-) #4 (of 6)
2. Doomsday Clock (2017-) #11
3. Justice League (2018-) #31
4. Legion of Super-Heroes: Millennium (2019-) #1
5. The Wicked + The Divine #45
6. Immortal Hulk (2018-) #23
7. DCeased (2019-): A Good Day to Die #1
8. The Green Lantern (2018-) #11
9. Fantastic Four (2018-) #14
10. Die #7

Bleeding Cool's bestseller list for the week (among 8 retailers, one who has two stores that have different customer bases, and one retailer with 12 different locations):

Doomsday Clock #11
House Of X #4
Spawn #300
Justice League #31
DCeased Good Day to Die #1
Legion of Super-Heroes: Millennium #1
Immortal Hulk #23
Fantastic Four#14
Harley Quinn & Poison Ivy #1
Something Is Killing The Children #1

>The big disappointment of the week was Legion of Super-Heroes Millennium #1, which barely placed in tenth place; word got out early that there was absolutely NO Legion of Super-Heroes in the first issue, so a lot of readers decided that they could do without it.

>Legion of Super-Heroes Millennium had a passable premiere, cementing it in the middle of our top 10, which I guess is decent for a book lacking its titular team.

>Bendis' reputation as a franchise killer
Since when? Like him or hate him, it is an undeniable fact that he made Avengers a top-seller after he took over the franchise. His sales on X-Men, GotG, and Iron Man were decent by the standards of the modern comic industry. His only real flop was Moon Knight.

Superman and Action Comics were doing pretty good sales wise before Bendis, now they sell like shit

Oh, for fuck's sake, user, the first hundred or so issues of USM are fine comics and I suspect you know this, but you're just blasted because Bendis ruined some pet character of yours. I personally don't give a flying fuck, because Bendis has ruined many of MY pet characters too. But saying USM isn't an important and well-made comic that basically changed the entire industry is what's revisionist history.

I kinda doubt that this will happen but it'd be hot if it did.

>His sales on X-Men, GotG, and Iron Man were decent by the standards of the modern comic industry.


This was after Marvel relaunched titles post-Secret Wars:

10/15 Guardians of Galaxy #1 - 118,342
11/15 Guardians of Galaxy #2 - 51,690 (-56.3%)
12/15 Guardians of Galaxy #3 - 53,627 (+3.7%)
01/16 Guardians of Galaxy #4 - 46,215 (-13.8%)
02/16 Guardians of Galaxy #5 - 40,581 (-12.2%)
03/16 Guardians of Galaxy #6 - 48,330 (+19.1%)
04/16 Guardians of Galaxy #7 - 40,213 ( -16.8%)
05/16 Guardians of Galaxy #8 - 38,404 (- 4.5%)
06/16 Guardians of Galaxy #9 - 34,542 (-10.1%)
07/16 Guardians of Galaxy #10- 36,614 (+ 6.0%)
08/16 Guardians of Galaxy #11- 34,914 (- 4.6%) (CV2)
09/16 Guardians of Galaxy #12- 32,373 (- 7.3%) (CV2)
10/16 Guardians of Galaxy #13- 29,845 (- 7.8%) (CV2)
11/16 Guardians of Galaxy #14- 28,405 (- 4.8%)
12/16 Guardians of Galaxy #15- 63,338 (+123.0%)
01/17 Guardians of Galaxy #16- 32,890 (-48.1%)
02/17 Guardians of Galaxy #17- 31,093 (- 5.5%)
03/17 Guardians of Galaxy #18- 27,094 (-12.9%)
04/17 Guardians of Galaxy #19- 30,028 (+55.4%)

And when he was having Riri and Doom as Iron Men:

11/16 Invincible Iron Man # 1- 97,713
12/16 Invincible Iron Man # 2- 81,271 (-16.8%)
01/17 Invincible Iron Man # 3- 44,184 (-45.7%)
02/17 Invincible Iron Man #4- 36,600 (-17.2%)
03/17 Invincible Iron Man #5- 38,746 (+ 5.9%)
04/17 Invincible Iron Man #6- 31,561 (-18.5%)
05/17 Invincible Iron Man #7- 28,266 (-10.4%)

10/16 Infamous Iron Man #1 - 73,735
11/16 Infamous Iron Man #2 - 40,225 (-45.4%)
12/16 Infamous Iron Man #3 - 40,546 (+ 0.8%)
01/17 Infamous Iron Man #4 - 36,373 (-10.3%)
02/17 Infamous Iron Man #5 - 29,685 (-18.4%)
03/17 Infamous Iron Man #6 - 28,319 (- 4.6%)
04/17 Infamous Iron Man #7 - 27,032 (- 4.6%)
05/17 Infamous Iron Man #8 - 26,330 (- 2.6%)

And I'm pretty sure his X-Men sales were sliding downwards. Not as bad as the sales after he left, but not good either.

the millennium book so far is shaping up to be pointless

if youre gonna have a fuckin prologue dont make it 5 bucks and a monthly it really should be a bi monthly at minimum

>See Bendis is coming
>Hates his shit but still won't stop reading it
>Anxiously await his next series instead
Are you a masochist?

Bendis' All-New X-Men sales:

11/12 All-New X-Men #1 - 181,693
11/12 All-New X-Men #2 - 100,983 (-44.4%)
12/12 All-New X-Men #3 - 90,161 (-10.7%)
12/12 All-New X-Men #4 - 90,946 ( +0.9%)
01/13 All-New X-Men #5 - 86,301 ( -5.1%)
01/13 All-New X-Men #6 - 85,403 ( -1.0%)
02/13 All-New X-Men #7 - 85,234 ( -0.2%)
03/13 All-New X-Men #8 - 90,990 ( +6.8%)
03/13 All-New X-Men #9 - 81,692 (-10.2%)
04/13 All-New X-Men #10 - 84,760 ( +3.8%)
05/13 All-New X-Men #11 - 80,582 ( -4.9%)
06/13 All-New X-Men #12 - 82,178 ( +2.0%)
06/13 All-New X-Men #13 - 77,656 ( -5.5%)
07/13 All-New X-Men #14 - 74,848 ( -3.6%)
08/13 All-New X-Men #15 - 73,035 ( -2.4%)
09/13 All-New X-Men #16 - 84,218 (+15.3%)
10/13 All-New X-Men #17 - 82,843 ( -1.6%)
11/13 All-New X-Men #18 - 82,365 ( -0.6%)
11/13 All-New X-Men #19 - 71,044 (-13.7%)
12/13 All-New X-Men #20 - 68,189 ( -4.0%)
01/14 All-New X-Men #21 - 62,876 ( -7.8%)
01/14 All-New #22.NOW - 76,565 (+21.8%)
02/14 All-New X-Men #23 - 64,625 (-15.6%)
03/14 All-New X-Men #24 - 63,739 ( -1.4%)
04/14 All-New X-Men #25 - 63,827 ( 0.1%)
04/14 All-New X-Men #26 - 58,918 ( -7.7%)
05/14 All-New X-Men #27 - 62,269 ( 5.7%)
06/14 All-New X-Men #28 - 57,135 ( -8.2%)
07/14 All-New X-Men #29 - 58,817 ( 2.9%)
08/14 All-New X-Men #30 - 54,882 ( -6.7%)
08/14 All-New X-Men #31 - 58,535 ( 6.7%)
09/14 All-New X-Men #32 - 54,654 ( -6.6%)
10/14 All-New X-Men #33 - 60,032 ( 9.8%)
12/14 All-New X-Men #34 - 57,569 ( -4.1%)
01/15 All-New X-Men #35 - 51,823 (-10.0%)
02/15 All-New X-Men #36 - 49,464 ( -4.6%)
02/15 All-New X-Men #38 - 58,037 (+17.3%) B. Vortex
03/15 All-New X-Men #37 - 48,140 (-17.1%)
03/15 All-New X-Men #39 - 58,490 (+ 0.8%) B. vortex
04/15 All-New X-Men #40 - 57,797 (- 1.2%)
06/15 All-New X-Men #41 - 48,937 (-15.3%)

Bendis' Uncanny X-Men sales:

02/13 Uncanny X-Men v3 #1 - 177,463 (+169.0%)
02/13 Uncanny X-Men v3 #2 - 94,615 ( -46.7%)
03/13 Uncanny X-Men v3 #3 - 85,775 ( -9.3%)
04/13 Uncanny X-Men v3 #4 - 80,047 ( -6.7%)
04/13 Uncanny X-Men v3 #5 - 78,919 ( -1.4%)
05/13 Uncanny X-Men v3 #6 - 73,621 ( -6.7%)
06/13 Uncanny X-Men v3 #7 - 73,719 ( +0.1%)
07/13 Uncanny X-Men v3 #8 - 70,274 ( -4.7%)
07/13 Uncanny X-Men v3 #9 - 67,338 ( -4.2%)
08/13 Uncanny X-Men v3 #10 - 70,903 ( +5.3%)
08/13 Uncanny X-Men v3 #11 - 65,700 ( -7.3%)
09/13 Uncanny X-Men v3 #12 - 76,790 ( +16.9%)
10/13 Uncanny X-Men v3 #13 - 75,202 ( -2.1%)
11/13 Uncanny X-Men v3 #14 - 65,655 ( -12.7%)
12/13 Uncanny #15.INH - 62,692 ( -4.5%)
01/14 Uncanny X-Men v3 #16 - 58,676 ( -6.4%)
02/14 Uncanny X-Men v3 #17 – 56,163 ( -4.3%)
03/14 Uncanny X-Men v3 #18 - 54,902 ( -2.2%)
03/14 U X-Men #19.NOW - 64,514 ( 17.5%)
04/14 Uncanny X-Men v3 #20 - 55,359 (-14.2%)
05/14 Uncanny X-Men v3 #21 - 54,747 ( -1.1%)
06/14 Uncanny X-Men v3 #22 - 52,731 ( -3.7%)
07/14 Uncanny X-Men v3 #23 - 55,738 ( 5.7%)
07/14 Uncanny X-Men v3 #24 - 53,677 ( 5.7%)O.Sin
09/14 Uncanny X-Men v3 #25 - 58,062 ( 8.2%)
09/14 Uncanny X-Men v3 #26 - 51,862 (-10.7%)
10/14 Uncanny X-Men v3 #27 - 57,908 ( 11.7%)
11/14 Uncanny X-Men v3 #28 - 55,939 ( -3.4%)
12/14 Uncanny X-Men v3 #29 - 53,502 ( -4.4%)
01/15 Uncanny X-Men v3 #30 - 48,824 (-8.7%)
02/15 Uncanny X-Men v3 #31 - 46,993 (-3.8%)
03/15 Uncanny X-Men v3 #32 - 49,639 (+5.6%)
04/15 Uncanny X-Men v3 #33 - 49,278 (-0.7%)
05/15 Uncanny X-Men v3 #34 - 45,267 (-8.1%)
07/15 Uncanny X-Men v3 #35 - 48,094 (+6.2%)
11/15 Uncanny X-Men #600 - 126,447 (+162.9%)

Since the anniversary issue was an outlier the book under Bendis still went below 50,000. That didn't even happen during Fraction's run.

We will preserve, we will make it through, and we will be stronger for it. I'm gonna hold on to that 1% it might be good.

I really love that Hitch cover btw

Attached: LLTL.jpg (983x1510, 393K)

Also on top of that, trying to say the market changed between Bendis' and Fraction's doesn't work, because the price for a regular issue during the end of Fraction's run and Bendis' run was the same: $3.99.

>Threeboot, Retroboot, Bendisboot
It hurts

You a big Legion fan?

Do you happen to have the CeraKesh chronology files? I'm looking all over for that shit. The torrent's still up but nobody is seeding.

There was a fucking miniseries LAST YEAR about how the Kamandi future started to become the Legion future

Attached: Electric-Warriors-1.jpg (781x1200, 202K)

no one reads Orlando's shitty comics

This was sales on the pre-Secret Wars relaunch by Bendis:

02/13 Guardians #0.1 - 80,344
03/13 Guardians v3 #1 - 217,993 (+171.3%)
04/13 Guardians v3 #2 - 88,184 ( -59.5%)
06/13 Guardians v3 #3 - 75,633 ( -14.2%)
06/13 Guardians v3 #4 - 71,575 ( -5.4%)
07/13 Guardians v3 #5 - 110,372 ( +54.2%)
09/13 Guardians v3 #6 - 69,030 ( -37.5%)
10/13 Guardians v3 #7 – 68,647 ( -0.6%)
10/13 Guardians v3 #8 – 63,494 ( -7.5%)
12/13 Guardians v3 #9 - 57,665 ( -9.2%)
12/13 Guardians v3 #10 - 53,527 ( -7.2%)
01/14 Guardian #11.NOW – 61,111 ( 14.7%)
02/14 Guardians v3 #12 – 55,454 ( -9.3%)
03/14 Guardians v3 #13 – 56,764 ( 2.4%)
04/14 Guardians v3 #14 – 53,976 ( -4.9%)
05/14 Guardians v3 #15 – 54,332 ( 0.7%)
06/14 Guardians v3 #16 – 54,827 ( 0.9%)
07/14 Guardians v3 #17 – 62,986 ( 14.9%)
08/14 Guardians v3 #18 – 60,657 ( -3.7%) O.Sin
09/14 Guardians v3 #19 – 55,891 ( -7.9%) O.Sin
10/14 Guardians v3 #20 – 61,072 ( 9.3%)
11/14 Guardians v3 #21 – 62,387 ( 2.2%)
12/14 Guardians v3 #22 – 52,470 ( -15.9%)
01/15 Guardians v3 #23 – 51,466 ( -1.9%)
02/15 Guardians v3 #24 – 60,046 (+16.7%) B.Vortex
03/15 Guardians v3 #25 – 61,798 (+ 2.9%) B.Vortex
04/15 Guardians v3 #26 – 54,124 (-12.4%)
05/15 Guardians v3 #27 – 49,308 (- 8.9%)

>Bendis sat on Avengers for seven fucking years until 2012.
That can't be right. I seem to recall Disassembled being WAY before Civil War, like 2003.

>Like him or hate him, it is an undeniable fact that he made Avengers a top-seller after he took over the franchise.
I wonder if that had to do with putting SPIDER-MAN and WOLVERINE on the book.

Not him, but
>the first hundred or so issues of USM are fine comics
The first arc was a drag and managed to turn the Green Goblin into a bore

>But saying USM isn't an important and well-made comic that basically changed the entire industry is what's revisionist history.
Not remotely important or well made. The ultimate universe in general sorta changed Marvel because the "grim and gritty, grounded" shit leaked into regular Marvel... largely because the ultimate writers leaked into it.

OK, since I assume you read it, care to explain how they explained it?

>Come on guys, his Legion run might not be that ba-

Attached: D95EDA90-1A7D-474D-AF39-7BDE8C9979D1.jpg (1987x3056, 1M)

>That can't be right. I seem to recall Disassembled being WAY before Civil War, like 2003.

Disassembled was 2004. New Avengers launched in 2005. Civil War was 2006. There was a gap between Disassembled's conclusion and New Avengers' launch.

>The first arc was a drag and managed to turn the Green Goblin into a bore
Well shit, I'm sorry you didn't care for it, but nine year old me was blown away by that shit.

>Not remotely important or well made. The ultimate universe in general sorta changed Marvel because the "grim and gritty, grounded" shit leaked into regular Marvel... largely because the ultimate writers leaked into it.
USM isn't remotely important? It pretty much solidified the way comic stories are told in the modern age, totally altered the way origin stories worked, and defined how Spider-Man would be portrayed in media for the next twenty-plus years, which in turn influenced the MCU, which is one of the cultural tent-poles in the modern entertainment industry.

please dont crucify me for asking but is that booster gold or just the guy booster stole the gear from before he went back in time i only read his solo and some other side stuff and never much about the legion so far

Not that user, but USM was mediocre to good it butchered so many characters and ideas that it was frustrating to read at times

Also the best Spider-man title around that time was Marvel Adventures Spider-Man, updated so many classic story’s to fit a modern narrative

No it’s Booster, he’s from that era

so he was actually part of the legion? i must have really skimmed over some parts then because i thought he just stole legion gear from a museum and fucked off to a dif time
thats what i get for only paying halfway attention i guess

>Marvel Adventures Spider-Man
That comic literally came five years after USM and would not exist if USM had not succeeded before it.

I think he was a sportler. And he wasnt allowed to be a superhero, so he went into the past.
But take me too serious, because i dont know if this was pre 52 or it still applies as his origin.

why yes i love to inject random words of my native language when talking in english how could you tell

but yeah thats what i thought too first some kind of future football? and then got his hands on flight ring + shield belt and fucked off

does he actually appear in legion comics? i like him and have otherwise not much interest in the legion

Attached: file.png (953x510, 263K)

one of my actual nerd nitpicks/big problems with Millennium was Bendis had Kamandi and the Great Disaster waaay too early in the timeline

Booster is from the 25th Century but he did steal a Legion Flight Ring and Brainiac 5's force field belt and use a time bubble from his security job at the superhero museum to be a hero. The Legion is from the 31st Century, well Bendis has been saying 32nd but either way around there.

>does he actually appear in legion comics? i like him and have otherwise not much interest in the legion

Not really. His original series had the Legion guest star to deal with/explain his stolen tech. In his 00s/10s series Jurgens also revealed that older Booster is a friend of the Legion's.

Attached: Booster_Gold_8.jpg (400x607, 93K)

It depends on the iteration, like in the Cartoon and Smallville Booster is from that era not sure about the main continuity though

>5. The Wicked + The Divine #45
>10. Die #7
Gillen hitting strong this week, huh?

its more like
>feel bad for marvel fans with bendis but glad hes not my problem
>see bendis is coming
>oh no
>see bendis is on favorite superhero team which hasn't has a run since nu52
>begrudgingly read it for the legion and be angry inevitably

Attached: 87C0F23C-561F-4559-8715-C3AE9B20C852.jpg (400x618, 83K)

>why yes i love to inject random words of my native language when talking in english how could you tell
Why the hate? You react like i insulted your mother and cucked you the same day.

Bendis' stint on the GOTG was the worst and longest of any other writer team, but it was also paradoxically the best selling. After him, neither Duggan not shitty Cates' runs have broken beyond 40K, with Duggan only going above 50K with Infinity Countdown/Wars.

Attached: guardians_of_the_galaxy-sales_august2019.png (1810x807, 69K)

why so aggressive? it was just a joke geez
you sure are thin skinned, that shit happens to most of us now and then theres no reason to get worked up about it

It's a couple of hundred years after Kamandi, there are a bunch of humans but they're second class citizens, at the end everyone on Earth comes together and join/help start a version of the United Planets.

It was the final issue of Wicked + Divine which I imagine is somewhat of a boost

I never said it did, I just said it was the best Spider-man comic “around” that time and your right if USM didn’t regularly kill characters they wouldn’t have had to put out a book that was all ages so they could actually sell a spider-man comic

Read it here. Don't give them money.

What happened to all of the animal people then?

That was admittedly a flaw in the comic from the start. Let's say they're on....oh Venus

They died of Benditis

>why so aggressive? it was just a joke geez
Than you should work on your reading and comprehension skills, never used an aggressive writing and jokes are written differently, user.
You seem to project yourself on me!?

i am

Bendis' stint on the GOTG was the worst and longest of any other writer team, but it was also paradoxically the best selling. After him, neither Duggan not shitty Cates' runs have broken beyond 40K, with Duggan only going above 50K with Infinity Countdown/Wars.

This is true, but Bendis' run on GOTG pre-Secret Wars was helped by a lot of different factors. For instance he was on the book a year before the movie was out and he was on the Creative Committee. Then there was them bringing in Angela onto the GOTG, which was said to have Gaiman co-writing (but turned out not to).

Plus Bendis had decades to cultivate his fanbase and his breakout book was USM like 19 years ago.