How would she fare?
Catwoman in the Suicide Squad
Why would she? She hasn't been a villain for 18 years
Oral or anal?
She sucks cocks.
Waller abducts her and puts a bomb in her head?
Might as well put a bomb in Lois's head if you want someone to come knocking on your door.
Waller abducts her and puts a bomb in her cunt?
Vixen wasn’t a villain and she joined, and Rick Flag isn’t a villain and he was the team’s ground leader
and DC doesn’t treat Harley like a villain and more and she’s the face of the team
Also, Katana
That doesn't seem like the best idea. Historically Bruce does not react well when someone messes with Selina.
She better be white
I could see Catwoman in the Suicide Squad for maybe an arc, she would probably be relatively useful in helping them break into places undetected but the other members of the team aren't exactly stealthy so It would be pretty pointless.
A few days at most before Batman or another member of the Batfamily come and demand she is freed. Katana is friendly with Batman and on the team so I doubt she would stand idly by as Selina has a bomb put in her head.
She could be a neat alternative to Flag as a field leader on the more cloak & less dagger missions. Something between Checkmate and Suicide Squad, with more heists and less wetwork
that pussy already fire tho knowhatimsayin
Joker did something like that. Not that it ended well for him.
Waller abducts her and puts a bomb in her HIV ass?
Waller fakes her death. Batman might still search, but he'd be slowed down.
Did Batman just kill him?
He looks pretty dead.
Also, I'd like Crane to be more fearless here. I kind of like it when he's desensitized to his own fear toxin.
Would she need a bomb? Just tell her there's a government patented cure, but she needs to do what she says.
she has no superpowers
No, but neither does most of the Suicide Squad team.