Ian liked this regarding the Diamond redemption but the show didn't even make this clear?

Ian liked this regarding the Diamond redemption but the show didn't even make this clear?

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Just because he likes an idea or interpretation doesn’t make it canon.

Isn't all redemption just a positive kind of manipulation by the hero to get the villain to do what they want?

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>They were never forgiven

Steven really doesn't show this kind of thought process beyond the movie and you could easily say it's because they're being extremely pushy about wanting him to be with them so much

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Pretty much. The alternative would most likely be death, so a reluctant compromise does seem like the better option.

He’s part of the development of the show.

So? He likes it, doesn’t mean it’s officially part of the show.

Yeah but the crewniverse are horrible liars when it came to theories.

No, redemption requires a genuine change of character.
It's the same reason why mind control doesn't mean a hero is a bad person after it's worn off.

Ian always struck me like he was critical of Rebecca's politics. The congresswoman from OK KO was a big nod to that. She's Rebecca's ideal politician and yet she helps Dr. Venomous more than she does KO or Gar. Because she's easy to manipulate.

The show doesn't make this clear because Rebecca Sugar's way of handling a show is letting other boarders do their own thing for "Artistic reasons" when she should be telling more people to fuck off. Now she has to clear things up in podcasts not many people watch because her true vision got skewered by nutcases like Zuke. Like when Cartoon Network had a podcast interview where she and Ian deadass told people Pink Diamond was actually a cunt.

Where’s your proof Sugar never wanted Lapis and Peridot to be a ship? Because I know that’s what your talking about and it’s getting old.

Why do you think they're not dating anymore?

Not them but I think I heard rumors of her having a Lapiven thing

Yea it sucks everyone else ruined Rebeccas show. She didn't fuck it up at all aside from being too nice to her crew.


People on Yea Forums have been saying that for a while. But that's not actually true. She did put her foot down, when a storyboarder messed with her political agenda. She just didn't care if they messed with the narrative.
The biggest example of what I mean is Yellow Diamond. Paul Villeco wrote Yellow Diamond, in her first episode, as intimidating and authoritative. Sugar wrote the next appearance of Yellow Diamond and wrote Yellow Diamond as a tragic figure that could be redeemed. Then Paul wrote the Trial and Yellow Diamond was back to being intimidating and coldly authoritative. Then Paul never storyboarded another episode with Yellow Diamond in it. So there was clearly a tug-of-war at work. Over the characterisation of Yellow Diamond and Sugar won out when she pulled rank and she pulled rank because her end game was having the diamonds be forgiven/redeemed.

it certainly wasn't clear that they were "redeemed", whatever the fuck that means. Peridot is hardly "redeemed", too.

You can never know the full story of a breakup and you should never want to know. So, I try not to look at it that way.

Ian bought a doujin centered on futa Pink Diamond fucking Pearl and Jasper with her giant cock, why doesn't the show ever make it clear that she had one?

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four words: Death of the Author

Ian doesn't understand how storytelling works, OP. He made that painfully clear with OK KO.

Despite drawing Stevonnie and having Connie's last name mean "Lord of the Universe"
She could not be more blatant. Steven and Lapis haven't even fused yet! It was never going to happen

Nah Peridot is completely redeemed.
>Morally white instead of grey
>Firm part of the CG's
>Loves Earth

In fact I'd say Peridot is the ONLY character that's been redeemed.

>Lapis and Bismuth
Tragic cases, misunderstood
Lmao hell no
>The Diamonds
A work in progress

Steven is exasperated by them and certainly doesn't seem to like spending more time with them than he can help. He's like a parent scolding his child. They didn't really come that far in the two years between CYM and the movie, which is honestly for the best.

My point is just that to some degree their outlook on life isn't compatible.

I like the Diamonds as needy women who happen to be former space dictators.

To some extent I'm okay with that. He never actually pretended it was anything more than a continuous series of events.

Yeah I think it's a good modern example of turning antagonists into wannabe good guys. They're trying so hard but they just can't grasp the concept. Not right now, anyway.

its a stalker situation, you try to keep the crazy person that could kill you somewhat happy so they dont start killing all your friends but you are still nodding while reaching for the knife for when the shoe drops.

So if Steven's manipulative, does that mean every gay song he sings isn't the truth?

It just makes future viewings less tense because you know that deep down, the antagonists have no spine

Are you implying he really didn’t wanna see a Giant Woman?

That along with Rose being a megacunt means Jasper was right and did nothing wrong

Steven isn't manipulative, that's just anons not understanding how someone can want the best for someone with nothing in return.

>yeah my wife writing suck ass lol but no one is perfect

Personally, I view it like DBZ, part serious, part gag, I mean you literally have fourth wall breakers. Yeah Beerus or Buu wanna destroy the world but just give them like a cupcake and don’t take it too seriously.

Shit ton of proof. She said in the podcast that they're not a relationship and now she's threw in Bismuth and don't make Lapis and Peridot interact with each other anymore, they haven't since Raising the Barn

Ian liked a tweet suggesting Steven was manipulating the diamonds that means all his talk no jutsu was just a tactic to manipulate others for his benefit

That sucks because Yellow Diamond was much better in the Paul episodes rather than her being a big crybaby

It's not that I don't believe you I'm just too lazy to google it. So if you could provide some proof and a link to the doujin would be appreciated too. Also any other Pink Diamond doujins.

user they were poofed the moment they reunited, then it was the final episode then there was a two year timeskip.

Ian should come back onto the show so he can slap sense into Rebecca when she needs it and everything can go back to being as good as it was during the first two seasons

>Implying Rebecca doesn’t dominate him.

Not a single interaction despite sharing episodes together afterwards shows that Lapidirt is uprooted and destroyed, as Lauren Puke said in her own words

That's why Spinel punched him the fuck out. She wanted to believe what he was singing to her but also didn't trust the reason he was doing it.

so how is the diamonds not a "change of character"? They did a complete 180° on what they want to do

Yeah but it’s not coming from a place of heart. Blue thinks killing someone is as bad as making them cry which is a little funny but doesn’t make her truly redeemed.

If you think about it, Sugar pretty much pushed away her best storyboaders. Ian left to do his own thing and Paul got less and less episodes as time went on.

The Diamonds are basically autists like the rest of their race. For her that's like winning a gold meda in the 100m dash despite both your legs being broken.

Well Zuke’s not coming back so...

Before Ian announced that he was in Japan and visiting toonmix con, Gram (the artist of the doujin) tweeted that she was excited about him being there and that he had bought her new PD x Jasper comic (referring to the doujin). An hour or two later Ian shared a picture of his haul on twitter minus the doujin (wouldn't be surprised if he grabbed more nsfw merch than that one) but you can see Gram's Jaspis poster in the top right corner of his picture which is proof that he did indeed visit and spend money at her booth.

Attached: toonmix.png (1080x1874, 1.78M)

that's only 2 words

Dude, his fucking Twitter profile outright says that just because he likes or retweets something doesn't make it official.

He’s lying.

Doujin has not been scanned and translated yet but link to buy is here:
Gram's twitter handle:

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Why do you think they don't?

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Noice. Cheers m8. I was not being facetious when I said I believed you. I know both Ian and Becky have been around the block once or twice when it comes to fanart and 34. Just wasn't familiar with this one. Also thanks for the info. I thought the artist look familiar. Already have some doujins from panda. I'll be on the lookout for this one.

she might have slightly had some moral ground on that representation jazz if she wasn't boarding on steven fucking universe. she should have been demanding more rupphire eps if she legit gave a fuck about the gays for altruistic reasons

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In the SU podcast Ian makes seem like Rebeca's just to open about everything

They’re not?