Anime made a superior Joker

Anime made a superior Joker.

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The joker is shit so that means nothing.

What’s with people’s boner for anime making better versions of comic book characters?

Superior to which version?
Because I'm sure a bucket of warm shit is a better Joker than Jared Leto

>every haha wacky smiling character is a joker re-hash

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Doffy is trash, user.

He went by the name Joker as an alias.

I guess that's because he was funny?
Joker is a real word to describe joking people you know

His crew were made up of card themes

So wait, is he the Joker, or the leader of the Royal Flush Gang? or a male version of the Red Queen from Alice in Wonderland?
The way Japanese take things from western culture, he could be any of these.

His crew were made of Jacks, Queens, Spades, and Aces. Had a project going called SMILE of artificial devil fruits where the side effect is giving people permanent smiles who must laugh forever uncontrollably.

"Here's the validation you ordered"

So was the guy in Full Metal Jacket but that doesnt mean shit you fuckin gook

Set fail for wan piss

I think you mean real life.

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Kaido has his Three Calamities: King, Queen, and Jack.
He has a group called the Numbers.
All of his Headliners are named after card games: Ginrummy, Holdem, etc...

Doffy was called Joker because of his association with Kaido, not his own thing in Dressrosa.

One Piece turned to shit after Thriller Bark

>Not liking Sabaody Archipelago

I would definetly rape him

His arc was literally rehash of alabasta arc. Shit-tier onepiece villain and shit-tier joker

His crew kept the theme though

More like after the time skip
Fishman Island was the arc that made me drop the series

>Pre-timeskip: Doflamingo is a crafty, cunning man with a tricky power.
Fuck what One Piece became.

Considering Toriyama straight up ripped off Superman in DB Minus, I'm not surprised all mangaka are just doing second hand copies of popular characters. I'm still baffled by how badly DB Minus copied Superman. Holy shit, might as well rename Vegeta into Krypton.

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Oda rewrote the story mid-arc like thrice, and after that it was never the same.
user's right. There were exceptions, and some of Impel Down was nice, but the comic never recovered.

>might as well rename Vegeta into Krypton.
Which Vegeta?

Also you're implying Toriyama gives a single shit about DB anymore and isn't cashing out on retards who never appreciated his comics or what he was trying to do with them.

>My son, the planet or me?

>Which Vegeta?
>Also you're implying Toriyama gives a single shit about DB anymore and isn't cashing out on retards who never appreciated his comics or what he was trying to do with them.
He made the saiyans a lot more normal and not as rough and violent as they used to be. He straight up George Lucas'd Bardock and the destruction of Planet Vegeta. And Goku started off as a copy of Sun Wukong. Now he's Saiyan Superman. And it was all unnecessary. DB Minus didn't need to exist and the changes to Bardock's story (yes I know Toriyama didn't do the special) made it worse.

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My point is the dude does not fucking care, nor should anyone. He's getting a check off something he doesn't care about anymore by doing whatever he wants. Why respect the story when nobody consuming the new stuff does?

I never liked the dismissive attitude when disregarding that something is shit. That's like saying cartoons are for kids as to why they're badly written. Just because Toriyama is phoning it in doesn't mean he shouldn't be criticized for it. The whole DB franchise has been mishandled since it came back.

His arc sucked so much dick

He literally did nothing wrong

>doesn't mean he shouldn't be criticized for it.
He honestly shouldn't. He's a satirist at heart and the people demanding more DB don't understand what was good about DB. If he wants to piss around, let him. They're morons. He's not senile yet, he's still perfectly capable outside of DB, he just clearly doesn't give enough fucks to micromanage it. He gives suggestions and the people running the show fumble it.

Toriyama is a godtier troll. But Super is basically Zombie Simpsons. Either do it right or just cancel it.

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Holy shit superfag btfo

You think that.
I think that.
If Toriyama wasn't getting paid to do nothing and the series' legacy wasn't already trampled? He'd probably agree. But he is, so he doesn't care, and Toei wants its cash cow.

At least he still does good shit for DQ and occasionally puts out a comic.

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1920s made a superior Joker

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1920s make a superior everything.

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But he made Battle of the Gods because of how bad Dragon Ball Evolution was.

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Honestly, a part of me wishes he'd left Vegeta dead, because that would have been a nice send of for the character.
Everything we got after, completing his character arc, was all good too, but I woul dhave been perfectly fine with Vegeta staying dead on Namek

But Vegeta is even better than ever. Easily the best character of Super and showing that a character can still evolve in the series.
I know it's dub but this is Yea Forums.

>But Vegeta is even better than ever. Easily the best character of Super

Not denying that. I'm just saying that in another timeline, where Vegeta was left dead, that would have been fine too, because it was a good moment

You could say his death during the Buu saga was better. Funny how it was shown in the Janemba movie with him being a ghost. Bittersweet end with that scene.

Yeah, and he had to come in and fix that piece of shit because the people working on it were retarded. Super Sayain God having a cape and looking like a king? Calling your antagonist "Virus" and not giving him a personality? Shit was fucked. After BotG he became less and less involved because he was satisfied, just threw in some cool stuff he liked and made suggestions that everyone botched.

Post manga Dragon Ball is an amazing example of how retards interpret genius. Nothing Toriyama ever suggested for this shit was bad, it was just all executed terribly by people who didn't get WHY he made those suggestions.

>Super Sayain God having a cape and looking like a king? Calling your antagonist "Virus" and not giving him a personality?

lol, what? This sounds awful and tryhard. Sauce?

>I handled the roughs for Super Saiyan God. It was “a being that surpasses everything” so I drew a character more built than Super Saiyan, with a cape, but then illustrations with a completely different feel came back from Toriyama-sensei…. It was too different from my own internal image, so I tried suggesting the more sturdily-drawn character one more time, and then Sensei told me that it really was all wrong.

For once the tripfag did okay, that source
has it right. Beer is being a cat and having an alcohol name, as well as Whis in general, was all Toriyama.

>Yosuke Watanabe:I thought I’d do a story where the enemy appears at a party on Earth when Goku’s not there, and there’d be big trouble; in the original plot, I wrote Kuririn and No. 18’s wedding, but in the story that came back from Toriyama-sensei, it had changed to Bulma’s birthday party.

>YW:Actually, I had been thinking since before that perhaps the Saiya had had evil planted in their hearts by someone. That was Beerus, God of Destruction, from this [movie];

>He’s not only scary, but a god who also has a screwy side to him.

>YW:That was an element created entirely by Toriyama-sensei. I can’t write that. I felt that that kind of character, where you’d be in serious trouble if you came in contact with his wrath, was really like him. I had made Beerus more of a bad guy, and a kind of story where everyone is taken over and given an evil heart, but Toriyama-sensei in his way apparently felt that, “It’s after the earthquake, so I want it to be, not a tragic story, but a positive one,” and it came to have its present form.

>Akira Toriyama: The name Beerus, I used as-is from the story outline. Anyway, it’s apparently a name that was taken from “virus”, but I mistakenly thought it came from “beer”, and gave his attendant the name “Whis”, which I took from “whiskey”.
>Tadayoshi Yamamuro: Beerus originally had a lizard-like form, but at Toriyama-sensei’s idea, he ultimately became an Egyptian-style cat character. I handled the roughs for Super Saiyan God. It was “a being that surpasses everything” so I drew a character more built than Super Saiyan, with a cape, but then illustrations with a completely different feel came back from Toriyama-sensei…

And link for the interview with the writer Watanabe which I somehow skipped there.

I honestly feel bad for Toriyama. This is like having to explain to Snyder that Superman shouldn't kill Zod, but you're Jerry Siegel.

your loss, retard.

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>Still reading One Piece in 2019.
>Calls someone else a retard.

>Buying into the "OP is bad after the timeskip" meme
>Not a retard

Superman has killed 2.5 Zods before Snyder.

A lot of characters are superior to the Joker. Only faggots like Joker and think that he is an interesting and good character. Batman's main antagonist should had been Ras al-Ghul, Black Mask or something.

If Zod was ever as successful as King Vegeta, Zod would had been capable of taking over Krypton and renaming it to Planet Zod.

Sounds like you're insecure about something, if you feel the need to call others retards for not liking what you like.
Need to reassure yourself about your "superior tastes?"

Its cuz he stopped paying attention after GT. Thats a good 20 or so years of people free to do whatever they want with Dragon Ball without him noticing. Or caring.

Considering what happened to Krypton, regardless of what destroyed it, Zod lucked out.

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Good argument. You sure showed me

no one can improve on the famous Joker.

Byrne's a hack.

Zod could potentially had prevented Krypton's destruction if his revolution was successful. Zod would at least be more open to the idea of Krypton's destruction due to science and not reject it because he is a religious fanatic.

>Eating shit
>"I'm not dumb they are!"
FI is unironically the worst arc. The war was shit too, but that's pre-skip.

Thank you, it took me many years of Yea Forums rhetoric classes and not a few Yea Forums dialectic practical courses to reach this level of eloquence.

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Can't wait for the doujins

Best part of his defeat is he's still yucking it up while rotting away in jail. Dude just gives zero fucks.

And Law's crew being the Heart Pirates.

Did Mama rape him too?

Fucking maybe.

You see now Batman? This is what happens when you don't rape the Joker. More pop up like wildfire. Now I gotta get a boat and sail my dick into another Jokers asshole while he screams "Yo ho ho, get out of my bum".

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Now that you mention it...

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What's that movie even about?

After the timeskip.
The timeskip ruined it.

The guy's enemy killed took his lands, killed his dad and cut his face so he would always smile.