What is your preferred version? If you don't have one. Make up your own
What is your preferred version? If you don't have one. Make up your own
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For me, it's Quentin.
On a serious note, probably Ends of the Earth or Spider-Man TAS's Insidious Six.
Is this the poor man's Sinister Six?
It's the superior Sinister Six.
Me and the boys after saying the n-word online.
I think spectacular's first Sinister Six is my favourite.
Though I have some strong nostalgia for this line-up.
fuck you for making me chuckle at that
Imagine if Mysterio didn't take off the helmet. I'd like to think something like this happened
Yeah, it's dumb, but clearly, they don't care about unmasking him.
Reminder that Mysterio has done the Pepe punch meme.
>If you don't have one. Make up your own
Six Black Cats and they're all hot dogging my fucking wiener with their latex clad buttocks.
Not enough red in these lineups
The PS4 game had a pretty good lineup IMO.
patrician spotted except the latex wouldn't feel good at all
It would feel good enough to make me skeet.
I like that there was actually a relationship dynamic between certain members. Namely, Rhino and Scorpion and Electro and Vulture.
>no shocker
>no mysterio
In my opinion, the Six has to have at least one of those two for me to enjoy it. I did like the banter in the Vulture/Electro boss fight though.
>that time Venom joined for a couple pages.
Mr. Negative seemed to substitute for Shocker. Probably because he was mainly an energy projectile kind of attacker.
Could a boss fight against all of them work?
Too cluttered?
>Dropping the Living Brain
I'm still not ok with that. I honestly would have liked for it to stick around.
Yeah, you wouldn't be able to do the "it could even be Dormammu!" joke, but you could do the "only having to split the loot five ways" gag, because what the fuck does Living Brain need money for?
Thoughts on this iteration?
Needs more Dormammu
Uh huh and where's the sixth? How come I never see them?
Sick of Sandman being a villain.
They never should have been allowed to revert him after his stint as an Avenger
There could be six illusions of him for one version.
Maybe Trade Kraven for Scorpion but really there’s nothing wrong with this Sin6
I grew up watching reruns of this so I'm biased towards this line up but with Vulture replacing Chamleon.
In Webspinners: Tales of Spider-Man, he pays a bunch of random crooks to dress up like the Sinister Six with really elaborate costumes just to mess with Spidey
Sounds like the crooks probably had a really rough time.
Kraven would probably go out of his way to sabotage the team's attempt to kill Spider-Man. Only he gets to have that honor.
Here's a question for you guys...what Spider-villains who has NEVER been a part of any version of the Sinister Six would you like to see in a line-up?
I remember a lot of folks used to clamor for Spot, but he's in now. Who else?
Silver Sable. It'd be interesting to see her working with some more colorful rogues while she's the professional mercenary who probably got hired by whoever the leader is.
This. Also I always took Kraven as a man with his own apparatus and hunting empire different than all the others, a true free agent. Maybe I hype Kraven too much idk. Sad we’ll never have a good Kraven movie, he honestly could be a Spiderman villain, a BP villain, or his own thing
>Sad we’ll never have a good Kraven movie
Coming from a Mysterio fan, never say never. I got to see my favorite actor play my favorite villain WITH a comics accurate costume. Never give up hope, user.
Hobgoblin has been in like 3 versions of the Sinister Six, I think.
Green Goblin I'm pretty sure has been in alternate versions of the team
>Hobgoblin has been in like 3 versions of the Sinister Six, I think.
Yeah, that one, plus the current version of the team, plus the "Sinister Seven" team he formed to try and kill Kaine
Harley Quinn
Captain Boomerang
Bronze Tiger
Copper Head
Killer Frost
>what the fuck does Living Brain need money for?
batteries and hooker bots
And Marvel was going to make him from Wakanda so that was a dodged bullet there.
Friendship ended with Kraven. Now Hobgoblin is our best friend.
that joke would even work perfectly in Superior Foes, just another reason he should have been kept around.
Doc Ock
Sub out Sandman for Shocker and I think this might be my perfect team.
Spider-Man's work got a whole lot easier after taking that diversity officer job.
That's a pretty good lineup.
Early 1990s Sinister Six is best Sinister Six
And then there's THESE assholes
Not the most frequent spider-villain, but I'd never say no to more Batroc the Leaper.
At least the Savage Six killed Flash' brother in law.
I would just swap out vulture with green goblin
Half of them aren't even Spidey villains.
Terrible because Kingsley wouldn’t work for anyone but himself. That whole book had him job to make Miles uncle look good
>Megatak is dead again
>Death Adder is dead again
I love and hate the Savage Six at the same time, for using these guys, but then also killing them.
I know Melter is an Iron Man villain. What about the rest?
Swarm and Delilah at least are Spidey villains, right?
Swarm, Delilah and Squid are Spider-Man villains, Melter, Killer Shrike, and 8-Ball aren't really.
>Terrible because Kingsley wouldn’t work for anyone but himself.
Bendis could have made that work with a few lines explaining it. Maybe after his defeat in Spider-Woman's series, he gets out of prison but has lost everything, no money, no henchmen, nobody to brainwash as a dupe. There's a story there, Bendis just didn't bother to tell it because he thinks nobody cares about these characters.
>That whole book had him job to make Miles uncle look good
Bendis didn't kill him. It could have been a lot worse for all of them.
Killer shryke is a kingpin guy isn’t he? only book I remember him in is a spider book where will o wisp took over his suit. Who does he primarily fight?
>Crime Master also died, shot by Betty.
>Toxin merged with other symbiote to become a fairy and kill Chtulu, also "dying"
I think 4v1 could work, only because Ock and Mister Negative were more central villains that had weirdly complex stages to their fights
He fought Jessica? Last thing I remember him doing was faking out his own death and we saw him leasing out some villain names I guess
>Get rid of Negative man, change it for Mysterio
>Remove Electro for Kraven
> Alistair Smythe (90s ultimate form)
> Donna Diego / Scream
> Kraven
> Shocker
> Death Adder
And 1 of pic related...
> Arachne
> Charlotte Witter / Spider Woman
Who'd be leader?
>Rogues vs Sinister Six never
>So what? We some kinda Sinister Six?
As someone who likes the Black Manta helmet aesthetic, I need an ID on that robot looking guy. He's going in my "cool obscure characters that need to be dredged up and used more" list
Kraven & Smythe together. I would give them a unexpected respect for each others competence in their fields.
And yet the Human fucking Fly survived it all
Fuck Human Fly. He disgusts me.
>As someone who likes the Black Manta helmet aesthetic, I need an ID on that robot looking guy. He's going in my "cool obscure characters that need to be dredged up and used more" list
Here you go - comicvine.gamespot.com
And here is the bigger blue guy - comicvine.gamespot.com
>that name
Well, I guess this thread is gonna have to be nuked for posting Anthro
Underrated post
Nuked for posting Anthro?
End of earth are the best roster for sinester six IMHO.
Yeah, for posting Anthro
Why do mods have a grudge against him?
I thought we were doing a Bendis speak thing
If it is a Bendis joke I don't get it.
I can hardly find anything on ANthro by the way. Guess he's really obscure to the point of barely having an internet presence.
>If it is a Bendis joke I don't get it.
Ok, the original joke was about the mods nuking a thread because anthro (as in anthropomorphic art) is usually frowned upon as furfaggotry. So it was a joke about the guys name.
when the reply to
>gonna have to be nuked for posting Anthro
>Nuked for posting Anthro?
It read like the start of a Bendis dialogue, so
>Yeah, for posting Anthro
Now that it's all explained, it's not funny anymore.
It's still kind of funny to me now that I know it was supposed to be Bendis syle posting.
Replace Kraven with Hobgoblin and that's my favorite lineup.
What do you think of this?
It's one short, but still a team.
>Sinister Syndicate
>lead by Beetle
You know what would have REALLY gotten me to buy into this?
If the team was female versions of Speed Demon, Rhino, Hydro-Man and Boomerang himself.
Honestly, it would have been hilarious to see, and I'm sure Boomerang's reaction to a Girlarang would have been fantastic
>It's one short, but still a team.
The sixth member is the new female Trapster.
>female Trapstr
>not female Dormammu
And Janice thinks she's a match for Fred
Oh, crap. I forgot about her.
so how cute is its penis?
though what happened to the original? I wonder if she ever tried to go as paste pot patty
Let's shake things up.
Come up with a Gotham Sinister Six.
>Killer Croc
I guess.
Either Penguin or Bane as the leader who brings the team together
>Mr Freeze
>Kite Man (hell yeah)
Last member depends on who the team leader is
If Penguin, Killer Croc as the team muscle
If Bane, he's already the muscle, so Poison Ivy, probably.
Bane, Firefly, Clayface, Scarecrow, Killer Moth, and Poison Ivy. You'd have Bane as the leader with Killer Moth as his right hand guy, Clayface as the heavy hitter, Poison Ivy and Scarecrow would fuck with people's minds (With Ivy also capable of being a heavy hitter), and Firefly would just be there to burn shit down (And act as air support).
Probably Bane. I can hardly imagine Penguin doing much else other than masterminding and financing the team like a lower scale version of Waller.
>I can hardly imagine Penguin doing much else other than masterminding and financing the team like a lower scale version of Waller.
Your probably right, my decision was mostly influenced by cartoons rather than comics...specifically Team Penguin from The Batman and that animated movie where Penguin had the Animalitia
Kung fu Penguin was a little goofy.
That one with hobgoblin instead of kraven, the one Larson drew
Ah this one: