What would be the DC equivalent of this?
What would be the DC equivalent of this?
Other urls found in this thread:
Watchmen, the book
Dick Grayson taking up the cowl?
Reign of the Supermen?
they aren't that close, but close enough.
Batman wielding the Trident? I think the Aquaman movie said only the king can do it?
Batman using a green power ring?
Probably the latter. Or getting a Sinestro Corps ring.
Superman picking up some kryptonite thing to save an innocent.
Batman with a power ring
Wonderwoman taking Mera's crown in Flashpoint
There isn't one
There is literally nothing DC could ever do that would match the epicness of that scene because every DC character is already an overpowered Mary Sue God
>superheroes are overpowered Gods
>this is somehow a bad thing
>Batman using a green power ring?
Batman wielding a GL ring and SC ring at the same time.
To be fair, DC could do it with many other objects: Aquaman's Trident, Dr. Fate's helmet, Blue Beetle's Scarab, a Motherbox, etc. They would only need to portray said object as unique and obtainable under very specific circumstances through many movies to increase the awe factor. Mjolnir's scene worked because nobody beside Thor and Vision handled it throughout the 20something movies. If the scene was about Thor using Cap's shield it would have not been as impressive because so many people handled the shield in the past.
Dr. Fate Constantine
Shazam Constantine
Batman with Superman Powers
GL/YL Batman
Motherbox Wonderwoman
I don't think DC has a weapon that's as special in universe as Thor's hammer.
John Constantine in Dangerous Habits. All of it.
Anti Monitor and Superboy Prime being revealed as members of Sinestro Corps
Batman with power ring obviously
Batman on the mobius chair or whatever metrons chair is
Batman sucks with a Green Lantern ring. Now a Sinestro Corp ring, that's a different story
Superman destroying kryptonite or holding a piece of it
Who wins?
Batman with a Power Ring
Superman with a yellow ring
Batman with a Green Lantern Ring.
Lex Luthor taking up the Superman cape.
Batman solving the anti life equation and killing darkseid
Shazam knocking out Superman
Anything power ring-related, as long as they build up to it properly.
Superman getting Shazam powers?
Never will there be a better equivalent
Superman weilding Thor's hammer is such bullshit.
He is more worthy than MCU's Thor.
mcu thor a shit
While fighting a Thor expy. Which I guess could be an actual Thor.
batman is the dc iron man tho, as they’re both rich people with gadgets. Superman is more like cap. America’s sweet baby child in blue with superhuman strength.
Something that'd take years of build up, lore establishment and audiences investment in a character so it can pay off in a satisfying way? gee I don't think there is such a thing for DC and probably never will be
Superman wielding the Green Lantern Power Ring, or maybe something akin to that wish machine that he used making the perfect wish through his willpower and morals.
Alan Scott's ring flying onto Batman's hand. He then starts reciting the speed force formula.
Panel down, the golden lasso was around his ankle, Bruce is finally being true to himself.
Hal Jordon screaming the oath as Darkseid is about to use the anti life equation on him.
Closest thing ITT
Superman yelling Shazam then being struck by a bolt of lightning.
>epicness in a MCU film
>saying a math formula out loud grants powers
Fucking how does that work? If I say "a^2 + b^2 = c^2" I don't turn into a right triangle.
That's because you're not a comic book character.
Are you really asking writers that studied literature to understand how science works?
In DC science is just another form of magic. Reciting math formulas out loud causes things to happen. It's basically incantations at that point
Didn't the chair make Batman go crazy?
I’m....surprised I don't even know any stories in the comics that explore this.
>It's basically incantations at that point
Yeah, I guess so, it's just pretty nonsensical even for a comic book. Like, I could see how SOLVING a particular formula could grant you the insight to understand how to exploit portions of reality at will, but just saying a string of letters and numbers out loud causing shit to happen is a bit much. Even with magic in most fiction, the words themselves are usually conduits of some other level of understanding or power being exerted by the user; someone who doesn't actually understand magic can't usually make anything happen just with rote memorization of key words.
That's because Billy's transformation into Captain Marvel isn't a powerboost, just a straight up transformation. For further clarification, his strength is boosted from that of Billy Batson's to the strength of Hercules. Superman transforming wouldn't do anything for him because our regular Supes is already as strong, if not stronger, than Cap.
And then literally nothing happens because Superman is already at his peak physical potential. Or he dies because he's weak to magic and the magic lightning bolt just fucks him.
Eh, if nothing else I think it'll boost his speed. I distinctly remember an issue where Billy had to catch up to one of the flashes (Wally I think, don't remember for certain) to stop them from running and did so by catching up and yelling the word so they'd both get hit with the lightningbolt.
And, like everytime I see this pic, I'm in love
Star Sapphire Wonder Woman is my personal hypercrisis
In that case, Superman once had a sword. It was carved by the solar winds over millenia amd was sharper than any other weapon in the DCU. Just for an annual tho. I wish it'd come back desu.
Nothing. There is not a weapon in the DCU that is as special as Mjolnir.
The sword would make him an omnipresent immortal god which is why he rejects it in the end.
Superman is not willing to kill in battle, he's not worthy
The only way for DC to top this is to get Batman to wear a yellow lantern ring on the big screen and have fight BTFO the entire Green Lantern Corp.
You say that, but mjolnir deemed him worthy of the hammer, if only for a short moment.
can't imagine a being more unworthy
Have you tried looking in a mirror?
Came to post this. It was goat.
Didn't Odin give special permission for Superman to do it the one time specifically because he wasn't actually worthy but they needed him to use it anyway?
Superman/Flash getting a blue ring
Superman getting Dr. Fate's helmet.
Dr. Fate just showing up would be hype as shit
Cap lifting Mjolnir was actually hype and deserved, Batman with a GL ring feels more like batwank.
The lifting of infinity
so if someone thats worthy and stronger than Thor grabs the hammer does it nerf them down to Thor's level?
Wonder woman’s lasso is pretty special.
Mcu faggots will be triggered so hard by this picture
>non-GL hero wields a lantern ring
>World of Cardboard
>Flash fully taps into the speed force/"those were for charity"
>superman is just a shadowy silhouette except for burning red glow on his eyes
Based Diana.
I dint get the appeal of this scene.Even Thor calling a hammer from the past was more entertaining
This was kind of close, in my opinion. It's not QUITE the same thing, but it's as close as any DC movie has ever come to capturing that kind of comic book-y feeling of something that seems to have jumped right off the page and onto the big screen. It also captures the spiritual heart of DC more effectively than WB's previous attempts, have to give them credit for starting to get it right.
"Whoah, it's (((Mike the key grip))) in our lunchroom! OMG!"
>sperging out because they didn't show the actor's face
That was the point, user. Focusing on the symbol (because the symbol is the iconic/timeless part) is classic DC. It's why some of the best depictions of DC's heroes feature the characters with only their emblems visible, sometimes even just their silhouettes. It was cool to see a modern DC movie pay tribute to that, after so many years of systematically misunderstanding what actually appeals to people about the DC mythology.
>sperging out because they didn't show the actor's face
It was a member of the crew, wearing a terrible-looking plastic muscle suit, made even more awful-looking by the near proximity of the expensive Shazam! costume.
Superman doesn't appeal to anyone anymore, WB fixed that. Bendis is wiping up the last of the comic book die-hards even now.
Superman still appeals to people
God, don't start with the tear-filled eyes at me.
Fine, there are probably some people somewhere who still like Superman. Bolivia maybe.
Superman wearing Blue Lantern Ring.
Probably someone wielding Excalibur desu.
Didn't work for Transformers
Didn't work for Legendary as Fuck Hellboy.
Johns Rainbow Corps are almost as silly as the new crayon-box Shazam family.
Okay, pal.
There's been a lot of talk lately of how DC lacks strong characters beyond Batman and I wasn't really sure about it before thinking about the OP
I really can't think of any power you could give Batman that would have the same punch as Cap with the hammer. It's just such a cool image.
Evans, Downey and even Hemsworth really own those roles. I don't think fans would accept stand-ins for any of them at this point.
Batman has been rotated in and out so many times that I don't think movie-goers could be made to care to that level.
>Evans has portrayed Cap more times than there are actual movies about Batman, period.
I just had that thought.
and the rest of you
Im tired of clicking in order
Literally, who?
Mera, casual
There are lantern rings, but they don't have the same impact considering plenty of humans have already wielded lantern rings, and the fact that there are fuckton of them distributed through the universe, so there would be nothing unique about him using one even for a bit.
Alternate universe takes on characters don't have the same punch, because they don't count and you can do whatever the hell you want with them.
was thinking this exact thing
this was the equivalent 40 years ago, in terms of "wow that's a superhero moment!"
The scene doesn't work that well in hindsight. Cap getting the hammer doesn't mean that much, it's not the key to victory or anything he just hits Thanos a few times and he's done. It just seems like something they thought they needed to add but had no real purpose for it
The whole point is that it's a weapon mystically locked based on being "worthy" and doesn't give a fuck about strength, the only individuals in the universe that can wield it can be counted on one hand, one of them is Captain America. One of the weakest Avengers became one of the most powerful members on the team just by virtue of being a good and badass enough person to wield it.
How autistic can one user be?
I don’t see Batman using Will as much as Fear.
When Hal wields other people's rings was a pretty fucking big impact for a hero turning heel moment.
Superman finally accepting Magic and putting on the Dr Fate helm would be nice
Sinestro getting the White Lantern power
Or Superman getting a Sinestro Corp ring in Injustice comic
The Rings working on anything but sheer Willpower will never, ever stop being gay as fuck.
Sorry Johns.
It also works as a good bookend to his arc from First Avenger where, among his more virtuous instincts, he also feels insecure about proving his worth and doing some of value with his life. It's part of why he jumps on the grenade and is arguably the most suicidal Avenger in terms of near-death risks taken, and also willing to fight his way out of nearly every conflict to prove he can.
It's a nice bit of growth to both see him validated in-universe by Mjolnir but also how he chooses the more prudent option in the elevator scene even though I'm sure he'd love the chance to beat them up there and then.
Superman dies in battle, and there's literally crickets at my theater, a couple of chuckles. Before people can even say "hey, is he really supposed to be dead?", there's an end scene showing that "nah, he's just fakin".
WB absolutely cannot into epic/emotional moments.
Meanwhile at Marvel Studios, they had people in at least both my showing shedding manly tears for blue Mary Poppins.
This is trash tho. I find a Superman delivering a Kubrick stare much more threatening than that try hard red eyes bullshit.
>WB having epic moments
"As I stand here at Superman's funeral, acknowledging that What has fallen, can't get back up, I remember how I spent many hours planning his grisly death. Even my best friend, appalled by my villainy but too complicit to dart me and lock me up, thought I was Full Psycho.
But now, standing at the gravesite of this noble savior of billions of lives, I realize my error was signing a multi-film contract under Zack Snyder's direction. I am given hope by the script that I glanced at last night, which implies I kill myself from the franchise by driving my car like an asshat into a swarm of mooks my allies can easily pound into gravel. May this franchise reboot again (without me) Amen."
Mine was in complete silence, someone broke it by saying "Put a bandage on it." in a deadpan tone just loud enough for everyone else to hear it and have a chuckle. Fucking Superman had people not only not give a shit about him sacrificing himself to kill Doomsday, but cracking jokes seconds after it just happened, there simply wasn't enough of character to get anguished over. A god damned blue space redneck and a secondary with much less overall screentime got people sniffling over his funeral, Snyder fucked things up that badly.
My gf has cried 3 straight times at the Tony Stark death scene, and my best mate gets teary at the Cheeseburgers scene at the end with Happy (he has a little girl).
DCEU is like a Brazilian knock-off of the MCU.
>Overpowered character becomes even more overpowered
Seriously there is no fucking appeal to this. No thematic weight. It’s why Cap holding Mjolnir or Bats with a ring is more interesting. Characters with actual defined limits getting a power up.
Superman fucking sucks.
Fate is a giant nothingburger character who relies on Superman to save the dimension from anything other than "Who?" demons that never amount to anything.
Only the Spectre is more pathetic.
>"Superman is finally awesome now that he's decked out in MCU!"
I get a hearty chuckle out of it, honestly.
Completely wrong
Thor entering with Stormbreaker and chopping Thanos’ chest was more hype than Steve not getting his ass kicked by Thanos for a few seconds, desu.
He better get one that's actually charged.
If anything, Superman could get a Shazam version of his costume along with magic and lightning powers.
Look at this shit.
Oh fuck! It's evil Superman! How could I have been prepared for him to cleverly rush at me and attempt to punch me! Who could have forseen such a brilliant tactical move!
Fate is a putz.
Superman is a guy who can lazor starships in half with a glance. He's already as strong and fast as the story requires.
He gets nothing at all from Billy's powers.
Superman is fighting Khalid not Kent. He’s basically fighting a child
>And now with the excuse-making
>fighting a child is the same as an adult
>lightning powers
>magic resistance
>wisdom of Solomon
>cool Shazam/Superman costume
>Lightning powers
For what purpose? Superman can punch lightning. It's like giving Darkseid cold breath.
>magic resistance
Superman has already kicked the asses of a hundred magic-users for most of a century. At least give them some hope.
>wisdom of Solomon
This does about as much for Billy as super-intelligence typically does for Supes. It's just there and ignored.
>costume change
fuck off.
Look at this shit
Even the dumbass Hulk has held a black hole in his mitts. This vague metaphysical wank schwarbage means nothing. You'll have Spectre getting owned by the Joker within 12 issues, and Fate cooling his ass while Darkseid is stopped by actual heroes.
DC'S thor is dead, him and race where the old gods that dies before the multiverse was ceaated
That level of math is so laughable low that it's not even funny
Nope. Most of the time they're still alive and well. Only a few writers go with the Old Gods actually being the mythological Gods (like Starlin and it has been a while since he wrote for DC).
So is there a magic thing in DC that only the worthy can wield?
How do other superheroes not have the will to use a GL ring. Being a superhero in itself takes a great deal of will. Many should be more than effective. Hal is just some dude who is a good pilot, while fly do take great skill, being a surgeon take more will power to stay calm, cool, and not kill your patient.
You might as well ask "Why couldn't the Wizard find a pure heroic child, when in the very same issue Billy is thrown into a house brimming with them."
>asspull superwank is soo good his weaknesses don’t fucking matter anymore. Isn’t he so cool
Fate is one of the shittiest, least consequential heroes that has been around for ages at DC.
I'm sorry you find this fact so hard to accept.
He beats up on demons-of-the-week basically invented for just that purposes. His rogues gallery is a sad joke. He is a sad joke. I bet you think Helmet-Man matches up well against Strange, who has actual villains people have heard of.
>>>>>>Fate is one of the shittiest, least consequential heroes that has been around for ages at DC.
I'm sorry you have to jack off to a hero who somehow dies and comes back a week later from a major asspull or his weaknesses being completely ignored. I’m sorry you have to jack off to Superman’s also shitty rouges gallery that is completely overshadowed by darkseid and luthor. So shut your fucking mouth about shit characters
>a literal who until 3 years ago
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