What I mean is, say the Iron-Age Spongebob cartoonists with permission from the higher-ups through some strange string of luck made a little account on twitter containing a good amount of the cartoonist's less-than-kid-friendly drawings of the characters and the voice actors saying things that would make the DBZ leaks blush.
Would that have gotten the show a stable fanbase, since releasing the animatics and fan-baiting haven't worked too well?
Should cartoonists exploit the "holy shit" quotient created by official raunch/smut?
Other urls found in this thread:
Yes, and no.
Care to go into detail?
Companies like to be protective of their property. They wouldn't go out of their way to damage the brand even for fun. Not saying that's always the case though, but generally you're hired to make sure ______ is always viewed in a favorable light.
Funimation is in a world of trouble because they just ruined the Dragon Ball brand in the West.
No, that would be disrespectful to Stephen Hillenburg's vision.
>Funimation is in a world of trouble because they just ruined the Dragon Ball brand in the West.
I mean, that’s a but unfair. They didn’t make Super, they just dubbed it.
any more disrespectful than the shit nick's already pulled?
or tom kenny and mr. lawrence swearing in the voices of spongebob and plankton (the latter actually in character)?
Camp Koral is already a disrespect.
Or maybe he wasn't a fag and was just astounded Spongebob became a cultural icon on the level of Mickey Mouse no matter how crappy the show got.
Ask the guy who created VG cats how that worked for him. Maybe Ava's Demon creator as well.
CN risked having Steven Universe dead in the water upon release given Sugar's past clashing with today's climate.
What did they do?
opened a patreon with pornography of their characters
From what I understand it was the latter.
>Sugar's past
You must be a retarded child. Literally every professional artist in the industry has done smut/porn. There is nothing special about Sugars past, and past works have fuck all to do with the current project. also, cancel culture only affects straight white males, so she's fine
The drawings and the voice actors swearing would probably disrespect Hillenburg's vision (granted not as much as the hypothetical but also not as much as what Nick's done. Hillenburg's vision saw the show end at season 3 but Nick pushed for more episodes, and so the dark age began...)
Given that the Amphibia thing that wasn't even porn apparently got someone fired (not the actual artist who did the drawing, but someone in that artist's friend circle), I'd say things have changed.
There were a bunch of news outlets making a stink out of Rebecca's EEnE yaoi.
>There were a bunch of news outlets making a stink out of Rebecca's EEnE yaoi
lul, probably just pushing Murdoch's antifag agenda. I bet they don't care at all about porn
i dont even need to be able to hear the whole thing to know this was such a bullshit controversy,
Anyone who has done voice acting or listened to rob paulsens podcast should know that part of creating and performing a voice is not just staying in character but being able to say ANYTHING in that characters voice without breaking character, its as important as being able to improvise if you are an on screen actor.
>Dragon Ball brand in the West
It's literally impossible to ruin the dragon ball brand. Funimation is going to be just fine.
nobody in the amphibia circle got fired. the person you’re referring to was already looking for a job unrelated to that incident.
>that ChiCHi part
I literally understand the rage people have for rugrats Behind the Scenes?
"Oh no they did a naughty swear and a crude image, time to #Cancel Rugrats"
People say 2009 is when the internet died but 2015 is when it just felt like one big vegative state.
Also yeah because apparently Tara Strong did warm-ups by doing sexual moans as the character so yeah.
Nobody was ever angry about "Incredible."
It just became a funny in-joke for Rugrats fans.
Isn't this kinda expected tho? Hanna Barbera have been doing this stuff since the 90s. Recently they made the Banana Splits into a Slasher movie and almost got Seth MacFarlane to do a raunchy Flintstones reboot back in 2013
But I think what makes Hanna Barbera willing to let once kid friendly characters go wild is that literally nobody but boomers are aware and give a shit about any IP that's not Scooby Doo not. Not sure if the likes of Nickelodeon nor CN would wanna do that to their own creations.
>The cast actually swore in character while recording Sailor Mouth
>We'll never hear the uncut recordings
I remember an interview stating they weren't actually swearing, but using made up swear words.
If this is an age-based conundrum, Viacom could certainly stop making episodes for Spongebob and wait a couple of decades to make it PG-13 at least. Hanna-Barbera was able to pull those off because of the lack of immediate awareness family-based viewership had of those IPs.
Lol what the hell are you talking about?
Normal non “PC” non toxic feminist psychos have had their impression of Funimation go up 10 fold.
A sense of humor and dirty jokes are actually popular, despite what millennial women and dickless men tell you ;P
Now I wanna draw gohan fucking chi chi....
>ruined the Dragon Ball brand in the West.
None of the normie spics, weebs, 90s kids, neckbeards or black people who make up the entirety of the fanbase give a fuck though. DBZ is such a dudebro anime that it's exempt from cancelling. The only ones trying to make this an issue is twitter and no one's listening to them except for the dumbshits on this site who can't ignore outrage-bait if their life depended on it.
Because of the shitty complete series release? I don't understand. Was Super that bad? I only watched the first season, it was fine
>distinguishing between cancel culture and outrage-bait
soft head detected
No, that's because they were such massive hypocrites concerning Vic and then it turns out their moralizing was because they were doing things as bad as what they were accusing him of.
The idiots would freak either way, but the use of the word faggot really sends them over the top with the cancel culture.
Listening to this thing all I could think was, "Do these people have any idea about that Rugrats storyboard?"
I'm more interested in the fabled Disney Porn Vault.
Thundercats did it better.
thats real?
> but generally you're hired to make sure ______ is always viewed in a favorable light.
>Companies like to be protective of their property.
is that why corporations use a faceless mascot
Wtf, source on the Amphibia thing?
What is “incredible”
I hope Vic never gets voice work again just to spite you IStandwithVic'ers
>why won't Viacom have Spongebob says fuck.
is this a real question or is OP is a gigantic moron?
that shit about fan baiting gave it away but is that shit about these images real or nah? because i thought they were fake
"What the fuck is a Samoflange."
I hope he doesn't get voice work again because he sucks but to each his own.
He's probably not going to given the dismissals.
What dismissals?
No one got fired, thats a shitty rumor the shitchildren tried circulating because they want to think people give a fuck about their opinion. The show the person was on finished.
Vic has been using his status of playing cute teen boy Edward Elric and other characters to prey on teenage girls at anime conventions for years. Why are people so eager to defend an actual pedo?
It was clearly done in revenge for Vic.
>Not only did all of his lawsuits get dismissed he has to pay their legal fees
He should have chosen a better place then one that has vicious anti-slap laws but it's his own fault.
All I've heard are people asking for proof.
>These photos!
Got debunked by the actual women in the photos.
There's never been a single police report. Vic's last name isn't Rothschild, it's not like the guy's buying out the police department everywhere he goes. And yet not a single time has there even been a documented complaint of him trying to hook up with a minor.
Adult gag reels are nothing new.
it's strange how people stopped talking about the DBZ leaks really quick because they figured out that these supported Vic's case.
Because it mostly happened over a decade ago. If you just talk to people who've gone to cons with him they can tell you themselves that he's creepy. If a man has had a reputation for being creepy for years it's not for no reason, they fired him on what they could peg him on but it was really about the reputation he had and that people started to speak up about it and be taken more seriously after the #metoo/#timesup movement.
the name of the storyboard jam in the OP image.
An artist on the show posted this on twitter, made some jokes about shipping them. Tumblrinas found out screeched and screamed pedophilia l. Artists friends, who also worked on Amphibia came to her defense, but threw some gas onto the fire. Said tumblrinas then tried to get them fired and started a twitter tag.
Right, but source on someone actually getting fired?
They didn't even work on Amphibia. If I remember correctly they were a comics artist, and their project had come to its natural end. Again stop spreading tumblrina rumors, you will make them think people actually give a shit about them.
So a person made this tweet unrelated to the entire Amphibia thing while it was going on.
People figured he was talking about the Amphibia thing (even though that's technically a straight pairing) because the idea of allowing people to be gross and horny is usually reserved for defending shota/lolicon.
At the time (I may be wrong about this part), the Nib apparently was "cutting the fat," and so they got rid of the person who was currently being outed by twitter as a pedophile.
Newgrounds has become reality.
Shut the fuck up and go back to tumblr.
if I was a tumblrina I wouldn't be dissing the nib
You ever seen the DVD commentary for Bart the Lover?
Mike Reiss: So one day Fox invited a couple of school aged kids to studio as a field trip. They came in when [Dan Castallaneta] was recording the scene where Homer yells expletives repeatedly. So these kids were standing there with their eyes popping out of their heads as Dan is shouting four letter words at the top of his lungs.
>people trying to dig up dirt to avenge Vic
He still did it and will still be jobless once he loses his current case.
>Buying into the blatant lies about Vic
Unironically, reconsider your life choices.
>"Oh no, the voice actors are saying bad things in their character voices. :((("
I remember there was a video of Dan Green doing the voice of some character from Samurai Deeper Kyo and saying that he was gonna do some crack and get laid and no one had a problem with that.
Didn't Yeardley Smith get extremely butthurt when neckbeards at a con asked her to recite lewd dialog?
>believing an unbearable Christian voice 'actor'
Unironically and literally kill yourself.
>and so they got rid of the person who was currently being outed by twitter as a pedophile
is total bullshit and you're spreading the crap they sew for clout. Fuck off.
>Uses Christian like a slur
Bro I'm a fucking Atheist, but if you feel that's even remotely relevant you should probably do us all a favor and go see if God's real or not.
>Tfw we will never get official VG Cats porn from the time Scott's art was good
>Uses Christian like a slur
Yeah. Nothing wrong with being associated with the biggest groups of hypocrites and inbred hicks.
And you're 'standing' with a dub voice actor.Fuck off.
>if you feel that's even remotely relevant
Vic shoved his stupid religion in everyone's face every chance he got. He would have prayer services at conventions.
My favorite anecdote is the "Dicktits" song from Back at the Barnyard
It was called "Blundercats"
Still can't believe the 2011 show referenced that.
>biggest groups of hypocrites and inbred hicks.
That's not Jews, Muslims, or really any other religion.
Christians are one of the least-inbred religions in the world. Consider this: Most Christians in the world have been living at certain developmental standards which are much higher than other religions for the past 300 years.
Higher developmental standards lead to less inbreeding.
No one asked you, /pol/tard.
>Christians are one of the least-inbred religions in the world
Not like the southern most hillbilly states of the U.S. is referred to as the bible belt or anything. Oh wait. Fucking moron.
Kind of agreeing with this guy, Vic may or may not have done things, but we KNOW that the people pretending their shit didn't stink have done things just as bad as what they're accusing him of, so focus on the whole picture instead of #KickVic #KickVic #KickVic
Yeah but how the fuck is that relevant to his morality or if he did it or not.
Nice argument.
>Yeah but how the fuck is that relevant to his morality or if he did it or not
Because literally everyone's defense of him boils down to "HE'S A CHRISTIAN!" and "I MET HIM AT A CON AND HE WAS NICE!" like those clear him of anything.
>posts random map with numbers slapped on it with no citations
>Nice argument.
Found the Alabama cousin fucker.
>but we KNOW that the people pretending their shit didn't stink have done things just as bad as what they're accusing him of
Saying 'faggot' isn't the same as groping under aged girls.
> the "holy shit" quotient
gb2 tv tropes
Americans should leave
Don't lump all of us in with him. Some of us are educated.
Any religion makes the people go inbred, check out certain areas in America and historically Christianity has had its counterproductive moments. I'll agree and say Christianity is not the most inbred, especially modern Christianity. People just find it easier to rail on that religion because they won't get slaughtered for it and they might have had a shitty catholic style upbringing. Not to mention they are trying to look rebellious.
DBZ leaks?
I just wish we lived in a society where voice actresses were allowed to give lewd audio performances out of contract.
A controversy that is happening after they said how shock and appalled at the rude word/behavior of another now-ex-member (Vic)
First link on google 'DBZ leaks':
Not everyone is a sissy fag boy like you friendo.
>ruined the Dragon Ball brand in the West
What are you talking about
The dragon ball is impossible to kill
Aside from the hordes of wh*tes who like, add the hordes of niggers who love it, and mexicans.
And a lot of those fans are off the internet
Vic truthers parrot every little rumor they hear from Rekieta/Anime Outsiders while also instantly dismissing dozens of testimonies sworn under oath from people who actually know Vic, unlike them
Hell they were willing to exploit Scoody Doo as well with those live action films.
Pure Yankee and proud.
We're Christian up north, too, you know?
Ava's Demon controversy stems exclusively from some oversensitive cunts that nobody should pay any mind.
Is Funimation really in trouble for this, or are the only people who care about this retards on Twitter upset that "oh no they said a bad thing"?
>tfw i consider english dubbing the worst in the fucking world but i still laugh at this entire issue.
americans being crybabies and being btfo when their crying doesnt get them what they want is one of the best things to see. If the dude gets at least one more role on fucking whatever i'll laugh even harder.
if nothing else, the #metoo movement has made people more wary of people calling rape at fucking everything. nice going dipshits you ruined it for actual victims. yes im fucking mad about this issue.
I just want DeLisle to voice porn man is that too much to ask.
>posts random map with numbers slapped on it with no citations
>Nice argument.
>Found the Alabama cousin fucker.
Found the retard who can't into google. The picture is from a scientific research journal called Reprod Health, the article with it was written back in 2009, has 139 citations backing the evidence presented, and itself is cited in 57 other published scientific research journals.