Fusion is an allegory for sex

>fusion is an allegory for sex
>Steven fuses with Greg
What did Sucrose mean by this

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if we refuse to limit it to that crude reading

then the possibilities for fusion are endless


it is more like a metaphor for relationships

That sugarpumps has DADDYISSUES

It used to be that when it was first introduced with Opal .
They changed it, starting with Stevonnie.

>sex makes people fight better
>sex combines their powers together and makes their weapons "fuck"
>sex makes a person feel like one being
>sex turns a person to be a size of a building
yeah i don't understand

>sex lasts for like an entire day and eventually like years at a time

you can probably save on airplane fare except fused people are bigger

Fusion isn't an allegory for sex. It's an allegory for a relationship. It's just that smooth brains can't possibly understand the concept of a close relationship that ISN'T sexual so they conflate the two.

Why are the Steven fusions except Mr Multiverse and Obsidian so fucking ugly

Fuck Rebecca Sugar


It's more like SU itself phrases fusion as being more of a metaphor for sex in its own show.

>"You don't have to do it if you don't want to. You can wait until your comfortable."
>"Was this your first time?"
>"I want to be able to fuse with you to get CLOSE to you, and I never will because I'm a human!"
>Garnet feels violated that she got TRICKED into FUSION!
>Pic related

On paper, it's SUPPOSED to be relationships. But in execution, they throw around all this awkward phrasing that makes you think it sounds entirely sexual.

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Oh so they changed it's obvious meaning the second they started having children do it

How do you "trick" someone into "sex" if that said person has been having "sex" for several milleniums?

Also none of those quotes have bee in the show.

meant for

You realize pre-redemption Peridot was completely retarded and that was the point right? She sees fusion as disgusting because she doesn't know any better.

Some relationships are sexual or involve physical intimacy, but it's not a requirement. There are plenty of fusion moments in the show with zero sexual undertones.

fusion is an allegory for BOND

>>sex makes a person feel like one being
Actualy that's true. Sorry if you never felt that.

>How do you trick someone into sex
Drugs and/or manipulation. Though in real life it's less of a trick and more like convincing someone to do it for the wrong reasons. This is coming from someone with personal experience who thought to be a good partner, you have to have sex and sex is all that mattered. "If you don't fuck me, you don't love me"

I guess Garnet is also retarded since her phrasing with Peridot fusing for the first time implied Garnet was fucking Peridot.

My post is already a response to that. Whenever characters TALK about sex, it sounds sexual, even though in execution, it's supposed to be relationships. The show muddles up their own symbolism with its dialogue.

Garnet blatantly uses sexual language when talking about fusion.

Missed opportunity for it actually happening

Malachite was rape

Why are you retarded, OP? What is the reason?

Reminder that fusion is sex, Pearl raped Garnet, Ruby raped Sapphire, Lapis raped Jasper, Jasper raped a dog, the cluster is a giant ball of zombie rape, and Steven raped all the crystal gems consecutively

Fusions being a metaphor for sex is something made up by e;r that for whatever reason started being taken for fact

Fusion is a reflection of intimacy, not sex. You can have sex with someone without intimacy, but you can't fuse without it. Even Jasper and Lapis had to agree to do it but remained separate.

sorry I am not black :(

it stopped being that metaphor when Steven fused with Amethyst

Unironically this.

The number of times it "wasn't" sex were so few and still so borderline that in the context of fusion they all also read as sex.

Which means Steven fucked all of his aunts and his dad. Make of that what you will.

Sure, nothing sexual at all...

Attached: funky flow of garnet and amethyst.webm (720x404, 2.89M)

>But what about me?... I've never--
can't be the only one who heard the cliche "girl nervously tells partner she's a virgin before sex", in the same vein as
>Ruby: And you hadn't before?
>Sapphire: [flustered.] Of course not! When would I have ever?
thinly veiled innuendo
>ruby apologizes for off handedly slutshaming sapphire
>"it's not sexual"

Do you watch the show and turn your brain off?

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>Steven raped all the crystal gems consecutively
And people say he isn't a Chad.

Relationship includes sexual relationships too, you know

Steven Universe is not a show that uses 'allegories' for shit. It never was. It has a PG rating and has no trouble outright implying or demonstrating certain themes. If Steven actually fucked Greg in the act of fusing there would be a much longer scene afterward and a lot more harsh emotions. It doesn't shy away from that.

Only if they realise what they did. Remember this was the show that straight up tried to make Lapis out to be basically a rape victim and then had her "grow" as a character by raping her rapist in a hatefuck dungeon at the bottom of the ocean for an extended period of time before becoming an abuser herself...

And completely missed that subtext and glossed over it.

>fusing with someone = rape
>being trapped in a mirror also apparently = rape
I think you just like to think about rape, Anonymous.

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user literally Jasper forcing Lapis to fuse was loaded down with "jock pressuring girl into sex" stereotypes, and then we had Lapis turn it around on her and dragging Jasper screaming down into the depths to be stuck being struggle fucked for as long as possible as Malachite.

You really ought to write this smut down sometime

>That webm quality.
This was taken from the leak before the episode actually aired wasn't it? Now I feel old.

I wish there was more clarification on why some fusions look more normal than others. Like why does Garnet, both Rainbow Quartz, and Stevonnie have normal limbs while other ones have mutliple arms or legs? Is it a sign of how well their relationships are, or is it just random?

and Steg definitely is not one of them

and I kind of like it, SU doesn't shy away from sexuality, I wish they did those funny little fusion=sex jokes more often after S2 we get NONE

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So you're claiming Steg is a sexual relationship?

Steg himself is sexual, I'd like to think Steven and Greg don't want to fuck though

I think it's kinda hard for a sexual fusion to be the result of a non-sexual relationship.
Unless by sexual you mean, "sexually appealing."

Every relationship is sexual and on purpose, of having sex. At least for women. That's why they do friend zones.

>I think it's kinda hard for a sexual fusion to be the result of a non-sexual relationship.
why not Steven and Connie weren't sexual and they made a sexy fusion too

again, "Unless by sexual you mean, "sexually appealing."
As in, sexy.

Who is the fire one?

Sunstone. Showed up in change your mind.

it's more than just sexually appealing when he does stuff like humping the air, Steg is sexual

I'd argue that humping the air is sex appeal.

>season 1 garnet
God, it's so ooooooold.

>fusion is an allegory for sex
what retard said this was a thing

I know, right? It's literally sex. Their genitals are inside one another. The balls are even touching.

>the balls are even touching
Well at the very least it's incredibly gay then

>Sure, nothing sexual at all...
I don't understand. How does having a sexual example of a relation make all other relations sexual? That doesn't follow at all.

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>Tfw a girl doesn't want to enter a Military Alliance with you
Why even

If fusion is the embodiment of relationships, then Stevonnie is the physical manifestation of heterosexual romantic relationships.

It’s straight up a reference for (gay) sex

So everyone in your family wants to fuck you?

>tfw Trade Apprenticeship-zoned

Malachite was a relationship taken to its toxic extreme. The way Jasper begged Lapis to fuse again had all the undertones of an abusive relationship

fucking this
the concept is problematic

>sugar btfos the idea that fusion is about degenerateness for her liberal fanbase by first dissuading the notion, then having steven fuse with his dad

wow. based

Could it be that it's not actually an allegory for sex?
Nah, must be incest.

What did Garnet mean by this?

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It's because of the way the show portrays it. They'll have Garnet and Amy fusing while doing a sexy dance and Pearl covers Steven's eyes as a joke to its sexual nature, indicating a much more intimate fusion.

But then that would SUGGEST that because Pearl feels the need to cover Steven's eyes, there IS something intimate about fusion as a whole, otherwise, why would she act that way?

In-world, there aren't defined divisions of "fusion". It's all just called fusion. It's not like we say, "There are many kinds of relationships. There are friendships, romantic, family, co-workers, teacher/student", etc. But in SU, they just say an all encapsulating, "This is fusion". Which makes it very awkward when you have Pearl blushing one moment during an example dance and then Steven and Greg fusing during another dance.


user you're thinking to deep into this

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Well you don't have to be so anal about it

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