This video argues that Frank Grimes is a conservative hard-believer in the "if I work hard I'll succeed" mindset, but because he was born poor the system was stacked against him from the start. He then blames all of his problems on individuals he believes "cheat" the system rather than the system that is actually responsible for his misery.
Do you agree with this interpretation?
This video argues that Frank Grimes is a conservative hard-believer in the "if I work hard I'll succeed" mindset...
Other urls found in this thread:
The writers have literally gone on to say Frank Grimes is a mockery of everybody who keeps trying to apply realism to a cartoon.
I watched about halfway and it just feels like bull.
Like, what should Frank have done? Organized to overthrow Burns? People like Homer wouldn't be interested.
What is this "system" exactly? Sounds like commie ravings to me.
Who? Frank Grimes' interpretation of the world or the reviewers interpretation of the world? Because I'm of the opinion that they're both partly true. The system is obviously flawed, I don't think anyone seriously believes otherwise, but there are also individuals who cheat and exploit and leach off of the system at the expense of others.
>OP's overinterpretations are just what the episode is no mocking
>It's impossible for an individual to change the world, so they should just give up and submit to the system
This. "Homer's Enemy" is a postmodern take on "The Simpsons" and the universe which it resides within.
Don't forget to blame immigrants and minorities for any problems.
Shadman goes out of his way to tell people he's not a pedophile
And let us not forget to blame blaming immigrants for any problems.
...yes? That's the truth.
If everybody thought like you, then nothing would ever change.
I choose Europe.
Death of the Author. Don't be a sheep.
Nothing ever does. There's still "I hate you because you're different" which drives all of humanity.
>the author's intentions are irrelevant
t. talentless hacks who want to imbue other people's shit with their preferred meaning instead of actually gitting gud at art
marx was a retard and the communism we’ve gotten so far has been miserable for the people
>Your housing is a barn or rundown shack
>Your healthcare is a poorly educated man who lied his way into his position
>You can never reach beyond these means because lmao no wealth
Based retard.
Well, if I'm going to make the same mistake of taking the show seriously, he blames Homer, when he should be blaming all the jerks around him who helped him fail upward. This matches how conservatives I know believe; I'll hear them talk about how their employers won't pay them more and instead threaten to replace them with undocumented workers whom he can underpay even more. I'll hear them talk about how the company's insurance won't pay for some essential procedure but it'll pay for someone's gender reassignment. But he doesn't blame his employer for threatening to illegally hire people under minimum wage, and he doesn't blame the insurance company for neglecting his health; be blames illegals and trannies. It's like the system has these scapegoats built-in to encourage fascism: "These are the people you have to eliminate before we'll pay you a fair wage." (BTW, has anyone's wages gone up since the ICE raids started?)
if I'm interpreting Grimes as an insert of how a realistic human would respond to all this shit, then we run the risk of every cartoon being Grimesed. Futurama had Fry's ex get thawed out in the future an fail to adapt, maybe that counts. Family Guy has probably had that episode by now but I don't care. Are we going to go all the way down the abstraction chain and put a normal guy in Steven Universe, in Duckburg, in Equestria, and marvel mostly at how nothing makes sense? I don't think so.
Even if you want to make the case that conservatives get tricked into punching down... probably better ways to do it.
>comma as decimal point
sounds like it's from one of those countries where the schools AREN'T crumbling
The joke is literally that everything that could go wrong for him goes wrong, while the opposite is true for Homer. He's just a guy who's frustrated by the fact that the world is skewed in favour of the protagonist.
Studies consistently find that people in most ex-socialist countries feel that life was better under socialism than it is under capitalism. Would you like to know more?
>comma as decimal point
No seriously, I ask every time I see this, and no one ever provides me with an answer. Why do Europeans not know what a decimal point is?
I would like to see these studies.
Art is in the eye of the beholder. Art wouldn't be timeless if people gave a damn about the artist's interpretation.
The Simpsons was massively anarchist and cynical of society. So, yeah, I agree with the interpretation.
Art is not fixed and trying to keep a single point of view of art as the only point of view does a massive disservice to art. If you actually cared about good art, you'd know that by now.
>you can have a system that ensures housing, healthcare, and education, but will completely remove any financial, social, and political autonomy.
>you can have a system that ensures housing, healthcare, and education, and so long as our American allies continue to subsidize our defense spending, will only partially remove any financial, social, and political autonomy.
>or you can trade it all in for a system that still does little to nothing to prevent the unfair advantages of and exploitation by the aristocracy, but generally treats you like an adult capable of making their own decisions on housing, healthcare, and education and provides the chance for a modicum of financial and social mobility for those who are skilled and determined enough.
Pew Research | 72% of Hungarians Feel Life Was Better Under Communism:
Der Spiegel | 57% of East Germans Feel Life Better Under Communism:
Gallup Poll | Former Soviet Countries See More Harm Than Good From Breakup:
Levada | 66% of Russians Say Life Better in Soviet Union:
Balkan Insight | Serbia Poll: 81% Say Life Was Better "During the Time of Socialism":
Romania Libera | 53% of Romanians Would Go Back to Communism If Given the Choice:
Reuters | In Eastern Europe, People Pine for Socialism:
It's nostalgia - they grew up being fed Soviet propaganda that they were living in the best of times and the Union was the greatest thing since sliced bread and when they look back on their lives that's what they remember.
>The curtains are blue
>83% of serbs
That's not too surprising. They had it better than most recovering war torn countries under Tito's administration didn't they?
These pills barely mean shit. The 81% could’ve consisted from asking the amount of people waiting in line.
Nigga it's just a cartoon. It ain't that deep.
Not a rebuttal, try again.
You, and people like you, are responsible for every earthly ugliness.
Let's be honest, you were gonna say that no matter what data he presented. You just didn't expect someone to actually cite proper sources and now you look like a dumb reactionary with no evidence of your own and a lot of mouth.
Not everyone in a capitalist society can become a millionaire, but in a capitalist society a millionaire can come from anywhere.
Which is such a ludicrous statement that you now sound like someone from the west bureau baptist church. Well done.
Did they even know what sliced bread was under the Soviets?
>Studies consistently find that people in most ex-socialist countries feel that life was better under socialism than it is under capitalism. Would you like to know more?
Usually because when a country falls, opportunists swoop in, scoop up all the wealth that used to be communal, and establish an oligarchy immediately.
likely when a capitalist country fails under a communist "revolution", all that happens is that the wealth gets seized still gets hoarded, but by the state instead of a few private citizens.
The countries that aren't in turmoil right now are the ones that have elements of both systems: people can do a capitalism and use stocks and bonds to distribute risk, but they can also do a socialism and, like, get sick without going fucking bankrupt.
And the only thing wrong with that system is, eventually rich people despise having to be bound by the same laws as everyone else, and of people poorer than them enjoying the same protection of the law as them. so they put in Reagan and Thatcher to "deregulate" and "privatize" everything so that the oligarchy can form. Everyone else gets poorer, but the oligarchs have bought up the media. Now they can start full-scale blaming immigrants, and scaring people about terrorism, and now you've got Donald Trump and Boris Johnson.
Almost as if these countries murdered and tortured tens of millions of dissidents in order to crush any dissenting voices
He's dead now so who gives a shit.
Except they can't. The millionaires are funded by billionaires. It's trickle down economics 101. You have to be liked by the billionaires or you'll never be anything more than a wage cuck. That's why the Simpsons made Mr Smithers.
It's probably not jast nostalgia. Remember that corporation is "indidividual wealth without individual responsibility."
That is, when those governments reformed, they usually sold the monopoly businesses to the mation's oligarchs, and also removed the obligation to provide free rations. So now you STILL have poorly regulates monopolies running everything, AND you have to pay out of pocket for it.
It can legitimately be worse
Yup, like China, which is communist in name only.
>in a capitalist society a millionaire can come from anywhere.
then the system in America must not be capitalism, then.
because it looks like the system isn't set up to allow people to get rich, but rather to keep these same people rich. Oil and coal companies especially, many of which should have closed down or scaled back as demand decreased.
>Look at me, I'm 12 and don't know history
You're just wrong. Anyone in America does have the potential to get rich (innovation or lottery) , it just ain't likely.
Who did the billionaires get funded by?
>people like homer would actually help
>The workforce of the nuclear power plant so fucking stupid
>they failed a fire drill
He's not changing shit when idiots run the asylum
You know you could make a lot of wealth being a fixer in the Soviet Union. Communism doesn't truly destroy wealth, it concentrates it at the top and fails to regulate it.
Most of these sources are from 2009/2010. They barely mean jack shit now.
It's pretty much Falling Down in cartoon form ending in accidental death.
Innovation doesn't work. You have to already have money and you'll always be competing with mega-corporations.
And, if your go-to for anyone can become wealthy is the lottery, then you know damn well that not anyone can be become wealthy unless under set circumstances that rich people decide.
If it is "the system" that is to blame, would the maker of this video accept that in a "better" system Homer would be as impoverished and miserable as Grimes is in this one?
Rail monopolies. Gold monopolies. Oligopolies.
>Who did the billionaires get funded by?
Their customers. The amount of money they made is the exact amount they underpaid their employees.
Jeff Bezos made $100 billion, he has employees who have to live in their cars. How rich does he have to get before he decides to pay those people more?
of course, skyrocketing rent is another factor. if a shoebox apartment costs $1000/month in 2014, and $2000/month in 2019, where does the extra $1000/month go?
Frank's system would be considered awful to 90% of the plant.
What is PC, Amazon, paypal, google, etc.
Westboro, retard.
How do the customers have money to fund billionaires if they're presumably employed by millionaires and billionaires that underpay them?
>Ugh! Like, don't you get it? In my magical fairy land the industrious and the lazy would be equally well-off!
Elon Musk grew up with literal emeralds in his pocket and do you not know that the internet isn't a wild west anymore?
That sounds like my situation right now
People who a defeatist attitude will never become wealthy, you are correct.
You could have just said that from the start and let everybody know that's your answer to every criticism of the system from the get-go.
Every now and then, aviation is born or the automobile is invented.
>the left: don't you get it? the immigrants are just used as a weapon against you!
>also the left: more immigrants, please.
>Just pull up your bootstraps
Criticism of the system is not the same as giving up. As much as indoctrinated conservatives might wish that was the case.
But he DID succeed. He became hyper-fixated on Homer's career, which was his downfall.
Which leftist politician is calling for more immigrants? I can't see a single one in any English speaking country.
Plenty of self-made successes exist in the United States, but people who can succeed like that are not and never have been the norm. But they are people who may not have had the same opportunity for success in countries with less financial autonomy.
Despite the claims that most millionaires and billionaires come from families with money, a census taken earlier this decade found that 85% of millionaires and 55% of billionaires around the world are people who were not born into the upper class. The "self-made millionaire" is not the myth that socialist "democracies" would like people to believe.
There are 17.3 million people in the US with a net worth of $1 million or greater. That's 1-in-20 people, and just over two-fifths of ALL the millionaires in the world.
What makes you think I defend the system as it is? The answer to the lazy benefiting at the expense of the industrious is not to make them both equally wealthy (in reality, equally impoverished), but to have a system where everyone in the hierarchy attains their suitable position.
On the off-chance you're serious, the magic of credit allows people who are dirt poor and really cannot afford anything to buy shit anyway and dig themselves deeper into a hole. If the average pay were this relatively low in any previous age, 80% of the US would be starving to death and walking around in homemade cardboard instead of buying shit on Amazon. Only credit cards are keeping this insanity afloat.
>you can be part of the world's most democratic trading block, that has international cooperation on a level that literally prevents wars which is because MUH AUTONOMY
>or you can trade it all in for a system that still does little to nothing to prevent the unfair advantages of and exploitation by the aristocracy, but generally treats you like a child if you dare to suggest there be an acceptable basic level of quality of life for everyone, and acts like charging tens thousands of dollars for life-saving medical procedures is the norm instead of a freakish abnormality that the rest of the world is quietly horrified by because MUH AUTONOMY
ftfy. Way to prove the orignal meme right, dipshit
Yo, can we see the census? Thanks.
You mean usury?
Credit is just a way to get away with charging more and paying less. This happened in Florence in the middle ages and it never recovered to this day.
>the world's most democratic trading block
When did this become a YLYL thread?
I don't thin i've ever heard anyone on the left really call for more immigrants. It's more that the city areas that are run by Democrats are harmed by mass deportations and find it more expensive than helpful, so it's been turned into a basic wedge issue in the knowledge those politicians would be in a logistical corner with it.
A lot of the politics you care about are just wedge issues, user.
>Tables of logarithms prepared by John Napier in 1614 and 1619 used the period (full stop) as the decimal separator, which was then adopted by Henry Briggs in his influential 17th century work.
In France, the full stop was already in use in printing to make Roman numerals more readable, so the comma was chosen.[12] Many other countries, such as Italy, also chose to use the comma to mark the decimal units position.[12] It has been made standard by the ISO for international blueprints.[13] However, English-speaking countries took the comma to separate sequences of three digits. In some countries, a raised dot or dash (upper comma) may be used for grouping or decimal separator; this is particularly common in handwriting.
don’t trust this guy he’s an anarchist.
>muh juice
Just a reminder that the country trying to leave the EU is only doing it due to electoral fraud and an unelected head of state literally pulling the same shit that Hitler did in the 30s
How do you plan on fighting the system? Twiddling your thumbs all day? All you can so is sit and critique because communism is not a viable method because it throws the human desire to want more and basic economics out the window.
The forms of communism that have been tried were miserable to live in and led to the genocide of millions every decade into the 80s and then slowly rotted away and collapsed miserably. A noble putsuit that takes you on a road to hell.
It's just common sense.
>How do the customers have money to fund billionaires if they're presumably employed by millionaires and billionaires that underpay them?
Because the ones who don't make enough money die in the streets. So they work their asses off to get enough money to survive, sometimes two or three jobs because no one employer will support them fully.
And anytime there's an industry that pays enough for someone to actually accumulate wealth, an industry arises to extract that wealth and put it back into Goldman Sachs' hands. Usually landlords. Smart people in Silicon Valley are working 80 hours a week and making six figures but living in dorms with eight bunk beds.
Because the idea of the lazy benefiting is a very old conservative talking point meant to turn working class anger against itself and away from the wealthy class and conservatives always want to defend the system. If they have to blame someone, they'll blame crony capitalism.
What? Cool it with the anti-Semitism. I didn't mention any particular group, just a system of money-lending and its damaging effect.
>the economy
Wow, as long as the economy is doing great, who cares about anything else, right? Gotta get that GDP up another 0.01%.
Strange my parents and grandparents are from the ussr and say it was awsome being coalminers there
>Elon Musk
Yeah im sure thats why he worked his way up from the bottom of the work force.
>do you not know that the internet isn't a wild west anymore?
But it was and soon in your lifetime something will come again just like says.
>Wow, as long as the economy is doing great, who cares about anything else, right?
That's exactly what conservatives usually argue though.
Dude, don't strawman me. You don't know what I do, when I'm not on Yea Forums.
Also, not every communist country is poor and miserable to live in. Cuba and Vietnam are actually doing pretty well for tiny islands, way better than the UK right now.
Without reading your link I don't know what you classify as "common sense" considering it's been tainted by whatever videos Youtube decided you should watch.
If you ask around old coal mining places they actually miss it.
Why does it feel like so many commies are coming out of the woodwork lately?
Elon Musk didn't work his way up from the bottom of the work force. What the fuck are you talking about?
>leftist perspective
>poor people can never make anything of themselves without the help of muh nanny state
It's all so tiresome
>soon in your lifetime something will come again
Oh, you. Do you know that the size of the teams being awarded patents has increase massively, as has the budgets required to attain them?
I know. Materialists in general are fundamentally broken human beings. "Gotta get muh marbles."
They will not likely replace the airplane in my lifetime, nor will they stop Google.
>Fidelity Investments today released results of its fifth Fidelity Millionaire Outlook, an in-depth survey analyzing the investing attitudes and behaviors of more than 1,000 millionaire households. This year’s study found that 86 percent of millionaires are self-made and that their path to wealth, financial outlook and goals greatly impact their investment behaviors.
The billionaire census is from WealthX, they do one every year.
Shame your system doesn't allow food or civil liberties
>the country trying to leave the EU is only doing it due to electoral fraud and an unelected head of state literally pulling the same shit that Hitler did in the 30s
Stop! Stop! Please! My sides!
he borrowed money to start his company like every man who wants to be a business man then he made it a success and sold it to create paypal.
Do you really believe this
Because of class antagonisms brought about by increasing inflation, climate change and the rise of global fascism. That last one is the main reason. Communists will always react in response to fascists.
>cuba and vietnam way better to live in than the UK
Just idiots who got indoctrinated at college by aging commie boomers and will give up their pursuit for a socialist state when they reach their 40's just like their professors.
>rise of global fascism
But the Simpsons was originally conceived to try and be a more realistic take on the american family in comparison to the idealised versions that were prominent in sitcoms throughout the 80s.
Which "writers", the only good ones? Or the shitty new ones who produced this:
Funny how their ideas are totally hegemonic yet they can still act like they're the under-dog.
The most authoritarian governments as of late stem from China and North Korea, and they would be considered communist anywhere.
Well, according to others in this thread, that seems to be the case.
>you can only be a millionaire if a billion decides to fund you
>you have to work 2 to 3 jobs just to survive
>innovation is impossible
>not everyone can rich, so capitalism has failed
>my totalitarian ideology will defeat your totalitarian ideology!
I wish both of you would fuck off to the sun like you should have after WW2 and the Berlin Wall's fall.
He's probably referring to the economic policy of elevating the production of the state above the rights of its citizens. Maybe call it a "representative fascism" I guess. Where you get to vote for who bauls out the corporations in the next election.
>Do you know that the size of the teams being awarded patents has increase massively,
the population has also increased dramatically there's a correlation.
>as has the budgets required to attain them?
because of supply and demand?
It's not population size. It's thr complexity of new technology - it requires experts from multiple disciplines.
>the population has also increased dramatically there's a correlation.
Are you saying that a boom in the population of Africa is why American and European research teams need to be larger? Not just that all the low-hanging fruit and "easy" discoveries have already been made?
>because of supply and demand?
What? Are you saying that the supply for research teams has increased, or the demand?
>Cuba and Vietnam
>way better than the UK right now.
On the one hand, the UK is in fucking turmoil right now because its entire political establishment is dedicated to shredding every agreement and treaty and relationship it has with the rest of Europe and calling it "Brexit, the will of the people."
Of course, the reason it's doing this is that billionaires all banded together, decided that even the amount of protection the poors were getting, and the amount of restriction the riches were getting, were intolerable even after Thatcher, And these protections and restrictions came from the EU. So by tricking the poors with the old tired "immigrants" bullshit, and getting the EU out of the UK, they can really fuck the poors super-hard like they've been wanting to forever.
Really, these are your sources? The sample size of your first source is too small. The third just cites the second and the second is WealthX. D! See me after class.
all you have to do is not succumb to fascism and you're better off than the UK at this point
Even incredibly simple tasks require a massive platform. Just think about how many lines of code operate underneath software now, and the layers of abstraction involved. How can there be a new (for the sake of argument) operating system on the market when you'll need a decade and billions of lines of code to be written?
>D! See me after class
jesus christ
>He then blames all of his problems on individuals he believes "cheat" the system rather than the system that is actually responsible for his misery.
I hate this mindset. Whenever people talk about 'the system', they act like the system is some ancient alien god that's immovable and can't be confronted. Same sort of 'invisible hand of the market' shit. No. The system is people.
If you want to get angry, get angry at people, not 'the system'. Otherwise, 'I was just following orders' becomes a viable argument.
>It's not my fault, it's just the way we do things around here!
>I can't get ahead because the system is stacked against me!
Which one is it? Or are you so intellectually dishonest that you only complain about the system's flaws when they hurt you specifically?
Not a rebuttal. Vietnam and Cuba have better healthcare, free college and more job opportunities.
>Are you saying that a boom in the population of Africa
>nothing about a boon in america or europe
>"easy" discoveries have already been made?
Shit isn't easy if it was easy we would have been flying in the air since the renaissance
>Are you saying that the supply for research teams has increased, or the demand?
Lots of demand from team and an artificial scarcity of supply
So the EU, is looking after the "poors"?
>Radical centrism.
>the EU protects the poor
Nice job supporting a fourth reich I guess
You blame the people in charge, not Homer.
>not being a commie or a fascist makes you a radical centrist
>not choosing either of only two extreme political/economic ideologies makes you a fencesitter
lol go get blown away in a storm of bullets
>>nothing about a boon in america or europe
I thought they had a declining native birth rate?
>Vietnam and Cuba have better healthcare, free college and more job opportunities.
It's funny how their job pays shit, the colleges don't even rank in the top 100, and they all come to America to get their health fixed.
>D! See me after class
and people wonder why Yea Forums is the most ridiculed board.
Proof that they’re better than the UK then?
>Good news, Homer! We've overthrown Mr. Burns.
>Unfortunately, we've been looking at your productivity and it turns out that you're actually costing more money that you make the plant, so you have to go.
wow, what a great and funny episode I’m sure their audience completely understood the intentions of when it first aired
>but doesn't allow wealth accumulation
And there is the problem, should a man not be entitled to work harder to earn more?
That's exactly what happened when the Germans bought the Plant. The only reason Homer has a job is because it's in Burns' best interest to have an idiot as a safety inspector.
Except none of that is true. Cuba has the most doctors per capita and the requirements to become a doctor is the same worldwide, so their education system is just straight up better than the UK and the US.
>1900 america population
>2010 population
>300 million
It's probably the same for Europe.
Like how HR is populated entirely with bitchy middle-aged women.
There are loads of political ideologies that are right-wing and left-wing. Trying to group them all under communism or fascism is admitting that you don't enough to speak and yet still feel the need to anyway.
i do not agree with the existance of this video
>native population is below replacement birthrates
>yet the population is increasing
>and the natives as a demographic is decreasing
>while the third world is increasing
For the doctors
for the colleges
It's all true
You fucking dope. No one was attributing all left-wing ideologies to communism or all right-wing systems of thought to fascism. Maybe you should read more thoroughly and try to actually understand shit yourself.
i wonder how many of the people answering those polls are old enough to have seriously experienced living as adults under communism
>guy says communism will always be back to combat fascism
>other guy says he wishes both commies and fascists would fuck off to the sun
>guy says other guy is a radical centrist for not wanting to be a commie or fascist
Keep up with the conversation
>and the natives as a demographic is decreasing
Thats a good thing
Are they doing this because china has just started tapping into Africa?
>lets be honest
>claims to have studies
>ask for studies
>studies are presented
>can clearly see conflicts on those studies
>well the studies i presented to you dont mean shit anyways, i win.
how about you start being honest?
This article is ten years old, doesn't cite sources and the only actual picture of a Cuban is of a nurse, not a doctor. Slow clap for trying.
Communism and facism is the same thing, it's a trick to get you both to surrender your rights.
Democracy and Republicanism gives rights for all not the select few
Based though I'd say republicanism has a slight edge over democracy for me
Fuck off, Boomer.
Perhaps, but ethnic groups being replaced for social (the left) or economic (the right) reasons is not.
>not Homer
He's a known incompetent who works regularly with hazardous materials. By all means, he absolutely should have been fired as per The reason why Cuba has so many doctors is that the education system in the U.S. is fucked to high hell. Everyone comes here for quality education, but shit's expensive, so places where education is cheap have more doctors and hence more competent people present at any given time. It's a matter of quantity, not quality (and yes, quantity has a quality all on its own- more doctors period means more competent doctors overall). Plus there are more specialists in the US. Doctors from other nations come to the US and brain drain other nations because the US needs docs badly, and docs get paid more here because of course they do.
Your first source did a poor study. Your third only cited your second and your second is well known for having a bias. This shouldn't be hard.
its not nostalgia, socialist propaganda is strong and it fucks with peoples minds harder than the uneducation movement, people learn to think wrong and come to conclussions based on emotions and only emotions, and im not claiming for a second the right doesnt have its own propaganda showing criminals a satan trying to kill children and grandmas and the army/police as angels but socialist propaganda is different, a socialist will hurt himself non stop and keep yelling into the void that is someone elses fault getting progressively more angry even if nobody is around to listen
>communism and fascism [are] the same thing
Why don't people read books anymore?
Honestly, I wonder why more American students don't just go to universities abroad. It would actually be a lot cheaper even if you take into account moving costs and all that.
read the post again
Fascism is just communism with more nationalist larping, even Mussolini admitted this.
They're both shit.
Why do people who overwhelmingly support authoritarian nanny governments call others bootlickers?
If the brain drain was true, China would have more doctors per capita than Cuba. Because they'd brain drain from surrounding Asian countries. But that's not true. Also, the qualifications to become a doctor are the same everywhere. So, if there weren't enough public funding for Cuban schools, it wouldn't be producing many doctors.
Freedom is a meme created by people wanting to sell you things.
>says the man thats hasn't read books
Because they'd rather read comics and watch cartoons?
Nice video but I think it ignored the biggest gap between Homer and Frank, Homer is a boomer and Frank is a gen-xer. Reminder that The Simpsons exist in a 50s-lite vacuum were a worker's salary can afford a house in the idealized white suburb, 2 cars in the garage and a stay-home wife. There was a time not so long ago where American exceptionalism wasn't about the humongous militar complex but about how superior were the life conditions compared to the rest of the world. Now even fucking Canada has better life conditions. The point is the writers admit they base The Simpsons on their own experiences as children, which happened around the mid 60s to early 70s. Frank Grimes is what happen when a 90s worker clash with a boomer world. Again, it could be a nice touch for the video
No. There is no common goal between the two. Rejecting nationalism is literally critical to communist thought.
go to east germany or poland and try preaching about comunism
lets see how long it lasts until someone stomps your face in
Because they're retarded and unironically believe more government power = more freedom, they're the same kind of idiots who would be in the inner circle of 1984.
also you didnt read the article, the man was a doctor
And yet every single communist government has embraced nationalism, almost like all you fucks are hypocrites whose ideologies could never work in practice.
>why are these people so excited about leaving our glorious communists empire
Stop being Materialist.
>Rejecting nationalism is literally critical to communist thought.
And so is removal of the state yet none of the communist regimes have done that either.
>posted from my iPhone X
>The Simpsons exist in a 50s-lite vacuum were a worker's salary can afford a house in the idealized white suburb, 2 cars in the garage and a stay-home wife.
Yeah, a lot of early Simpsons is based more on the childhood of Groening and the writers than the actual reality of the 90s.
Clown shows were popular when the creators were kids, but not in the 90s.
If you missed a movie while it was in theaters back when the creators were kids, you would probably never get to see it, the episode where Bart is banned from seeing the Itchy and Scratchy movie only works in a reality without VHS.
Everyone has to go to Church even if they don't really want to, which wasn't really a thing in the 90s outside of small towns.
No, posted from my 11 year old laptop running free software. Nice try though.
>If the brain drain was true, China would have more doctors per capita than Cuba.
Yeah, except being a doctor in China sucks because most of your wages aren't part of your salary (either commission for drug sales or bonuses) and going to America earns the same doctors a lot more. China is one of the nations the US is brain-draining FROM, and it's actually causing a lot of issues for China due to its aging population. You deal with the same stressors in the US as you would in China, except in the US you can make much more bank much more legally.
stop using the internet then
>it's not materialism if I bought it years ago
Why should I give up my personal freedom to live in an unbearable totalitarian state with shitty living condictions where I’ll be worse off and starve/be sent to gulag/be massacred?
>i'll ignore the capital M because I have an awesome, upvote-worthy, "gotcha!"
Bart writing on the chalkboard is probably another hold over from that, public schools in the 90's would just have you sit quietly for a bit as detention.
why should someone be entitled to a house or food?
There was actually a chalk gag where Bart writes "Do kids even do this anymore?".
Because if you don't put chains on your own behavior you'll have those above you doing it on your behalf and you might not like what they do.
That's so kafkaesque.
>posted from my Macbook Air
Do you really think materialism and Materialism are the same thing? Answer yes or no.
They do point it out is some episodes, Homers Phobia is one of note where their entire house is described as camp and pointing out the oddity of an eight year old girls wearing pearls.
Sounds like a communist regime.
Looks like commie gobbledegook to me
Communism is an end goal. You cannot have a communist regime by definition. What you can have are socialist leaders with different interpretations of how to arrive at that end goal.
The revolutionaries in Catalonia and the anarchists in the Paris Commune weren't authoritarian by any means and they got fucked over hard and quickly. It makes sense that people would then think that at least maintaining a strong socialist state before whittling away power is preferable. Their embrace of nationalism is a failure on their part but I'm not here to hail them as perfect societies with no flaws. I'm just saying that nationalism is rejected by leftist thought, regardless of how you feel about what leftist regimes did.
Capitalism doesn't work in practice.
>capitalism doesn't work in practice
>meanwhile capitalism is still alive and thriving while communism has been crushed into the wind
Go stand in a bread line
He can pay lib service all he wants when the reality shows that canadas immigration policy is stricter than the US's.
>capitalism is still alive and thriving
It's been choked into a monopoly, mate, don't be stupid.
>American education
Causes of monopolies aside, its still alive, unlike Socialism.
Those interpretations ended up leading to Stalin and Mao’s regimes which were totalitarian states. It seems like it almost never works out in the end and that the complete absence of any stare/people in power is an unfeasible pipe dream.
Capitalism with all of its flaws has raised the quality of living considerably from 200 years ago and has operated stably in many countries more or less since then. On the contrary, the countries you could cite as Communist are some of the worst places to live in the world outside of Africa.
Sorry my country didn't fall for commie propaganda like yours apparently did.
commies fear chadbertarians
Didn’t the standard of living and life expectancy drop like a rock in Russia after the collapse of the USSR?
>nothing in common
>Reject nationalism
>all people in this world are equal
>except capitalist pigs
>we must unite under a common banner
>gives full support to the party/state
>becomes nationalistic the very thing they hate
>Capitalism doesn't work in practice.
>When we live better than fucking communism
>Sorry my country didn't fall for commie propaganda like yours apparently did.
America is capital-M Materialist to the core you fucking idiot. "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness" is totally capital-M Materialist.
I didn't say I hate capitalism. I'm just saying it is sure as shit not alive and well.
i didnt say you hate capitalism.
>commie hates life, liberty and happiness
I'm not surprised in the slightest
Reminder that the equipment and training that CEOs spend so the labor (that they hire and pay) can most efficiently do their job comes directly out of the CEO's expected profit and keeps very little of that profit. Laborers have assume no risk in their income.
Standards of living in the USSR was already considerably worse than in any western countries well before it completely fell apart. Communist fallout made people unprepared for capitalism, as they were so used to being dependent on the government in anything.
>was originally, "life, liberty and property"
Wow, how magnanimous.
So why'd you link me on that post? Am I just supposed to bend over and accept the dumbest shit of our anything-that-prints culture climate?
I'm sure as fuck not going to. The only way free speech works is if people 'restrict' free speech not by force of law but by culture. You shouldn't be able to put someone in prison for saying dumb shit, but you should sure as fuck be able to call them out for it.
>A genuinely unfashionable opinion is almost never given a fair hearing, either in the popular press or in the highbrow periodicals. -George Orwell
If you think that is all a nation can offer, then you are basing your nation on Materialist ideals. The Communist just disagrees on who gets that "life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness."
>The Communist just disagrees on who gets that "life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness."
Who does get it then? The party members? It sure as shit isn't the workers.
I'll take those over not having any life, liberty or happiness under one of your regimes thanks.
You said that there was nothing similar between fascism and communism, Thats wrong
You said that Capitalism doesnt work, thats wrong too considering we live better than any communist country.
>Am I just supposed to bend over and accept the dumbest shit of our anything-that-prints culture climate?
See thats how i feel about people coming here talking about communism, when my fucking family had to give up everything they owned to escape it.
>You shouldn't be able to put someone in prison for saying dumb shit,
Which is exactly what would happen in communist utopia
>but you should sure as fuck be able to call them out for it.
Exactly, stupid ideas should be mocked
replace him with glorious communist master, and you'd be 100% right
>The Communist just disagrees on who gets that "life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness."
>Renegade Cut
Another Left wing idealogue, media critic *yawn*
That being said, do you have any idea what unions actually do or the stuff they are legally allowed to get away with?
>i am SILLY!!!
>commies calling anyone boowickers when they want to deepthroat pinko dictator dongs and have their natural freedoms supressed for a pipe dream ideology
Actually, I want to follow up on this post. The reason I mention this is because we've currently got it ass-backwards. We're in a situation where you're not legally allowed to disagree with certain people even though their opinions are unpopular, but people are allowed to print blatant fucking lies because of 'freedom of speech'.
I'll send another post later, but I love capitalism. I just hate the effective government that corporate lobbyists have got set up, because they're allowed to essentially buy the state at this point. It's patently against economic freedom in all but print.
Marge originally was conceived to have fucking rabbit ears
If you think it works, it's because you've never objectively looked at the downsides. Capitalism is creating an ecological disaster and the ONLY way to continue being in favor of it in the face of that disaster is to pretend it's a hoax.
Well, fundamentally, with the abolition of capital, there would be no capitalist pigs left by definition. Not all leftist ideologies are Marxist-Leninist or believe in unifying under single party rule. You do know that there are many different socialist ideologies right...?
Go live in a third world country and talk about how capitalism is helping them.
Pedos think not consuming actual cp not wanting to molest real kids makes them not a pedophile
I mean I don't agree with Communism but I guess I can acknowledge that Capitalism gives anyone from a lower income bracket a very hefty disadvantage.
I'm still honestly confused why a lot of lower to middle class joes argue against these social safety nets when these safety nets are put in place to protect them in the first place.
Honestly the worst thing about capitalism if you do see these third world countries is the comically staggering class inequalities.
It's funny.
"It's not honest, it's not honorable, it's not fair!" cries the /pol/yp.
But the truth is that the essence of the life is freedom, the will to power, not any sense of right and wrong.
Consequently, the left-wing truly IS based and red-pilled in a way the right-wing never is.
Have you ever heard a /pol/yp rant?
It's so obviously a performance just to psyche themselves up.
At a deep animal level they still just cannot disabuse themselves of bourgie notions of equality.
But women never do this.
Women don't need to psyche themselves up.
Because at a deep animal level they are truly free in a way men aren't.
wealth. Wealth cannot be generated in a socialist economy, this has been proven time and time again through various failed experiments at socialism. Look no further than our own country, Puerto Rico. Puerto Rico used to be socialist and now look at the shit show it is in now.
socialism only comes up as a topic for discussion with ALREADY WEALTHY countries. Nobody gives a fuck about discussing socialism for shit third world impoverished countries, right? Because they have no fucking wealth. Capitalism creates the society in which people at the bottom cry and moan about unfair distribution of wealth, but they're ignorant as to the economic forces that actually create that wealth in the first place. if everything you earn is being split up, you have no incentives to earn. Can't redistributed what isn't being made anymore. Eventually the economy collapses, people die and starve, and then capitalism rises again.
the issue isn't capitalism. the issue is shitty ass government regulations making it impossible for capitalists to even bother with doing business properly; so they need to chest to keep up with the competition.
When your views of an ideology are cartoonishly evil hellscapes, you're never going to have an intelligent contribution to the discussion. You'll never understand what makes it appealing because you choose to disregard actual theory in favor of nightmare scenarios you've been force-fed by the pre-existing social order.
Does every capitalist country function the exact same way? Same laws, same culture, same attitudes towards other countries? No, they don't. Your desire to pin socialism or communism to specific regimes and their policies (assuming every reiteration will follow every single policy/law/behavior to a T) is really just a way for you to reject critical thought and pretend it's enlightenment.
holy fuck probably the most embarrassing post in the thread yet
>Well, fundamentally, with the abolition of capital, there would be no capitalist pigs left by definition.
How can you reach this goal without mass murder?
>Go live in a third world country and talk about how capitalism is helping them.
That even then they manage to live way way better then communism.
The worst thing about communism is the ssame staggering inequalities and get a bullet to your brain if you don't tow the party line.
in order for socialism to work, you need to generate wealth. Wealth cannot be generated in a socialist economy, this has been proven time and time again through various failed experiments at socialism. Look no further than our own country, Puerto Rico. Puerto Rico used to be socialist and now look at the shit show it is in now.
socialism only comes up as a topic for discussion with ALREADY WEALTHY countries. Nobody gives a fuck about discussing socialism for shit third world impoverished countries, right? Because they have no fucking wealth. Capitalism creates the society in which people at the bottom cry and moan about unfair distribution of wealth, but they're ignorant as to the economic forces that actually create that wealth in the first place. if everything you earn is being split up, you have no incentives to earn. Can't redistributed what isn't being made anymore. Eventually the economy collapses, people die and starve, and then capitalism rises again.
the issue isn't capitalism. the issue is shitty ass government regulations making it impossible for capitalists to even bother with doing business properly; so they need to chest to keep up with the competition.
> cartoonishly evil hellscapes
>When the event in question happens literally everytime communism comes into power.
If this was a one off thing i would say you're right but this isn't the first, or third, or even fifth. At that point if someone can't see the obvious pattern its obvious he's the dumbest cunt alive.
>Nobody gives a fuck about discussing socialism for shit third world impoverished countries, right? Because they have no fucking wealth.
is that even true? Is there a country with no wealth?
Like, is there a country where most of the people live in mud huts, but the king or president or whatever also lives in a mud hut?
naw, usually there are warlords and other corrupt shit going on. Someone lives like a king in every country.
And even in "third world" countries, the standard of living is increasing steadily. It probably helps that there aren't vagrancy laws or the other bullshit that makes it impossible for people on the way-way bottom to improve their lot in the United States.
>puerto rico is a colony owned by capitalist america
>capitalist america drains puerto rico of all its most valuable resources for generations
>capitalist america offloads massive debt crisis onto puerto rico
>capitalist america creates oversight committee to take control of puerto rican economy without the people's consent and bleed them financially even more
>this is somehow not the fault of capitalist america but the imaginary socialists that have never held power in puerto rico
damn nigga U dumb
>the issue isn't capitalism. the issue is shitty ass government regulations making it impossible for capitalists to even bother with doing business properly
governments regulate capitalism for the same reason your mom and dad made you get flu shots: regulation is literally the reason why capitalism survived the 10th and 20th centuries
tick tock lumpen
Please be a copypasta please be a copypasta
>way-way bottom to improve their lot in the United States.
some tell trump maybe that could get the illegal migrants to stop coming over
>>The worst thing about communism is the same staggering inequalities and get a bullet to your brain if you don't tow the party line.
Also true, but I'm not arguing for communism here.
Reminder that in Rerum Novarum even the Vatican endorsed worker's Unions. Imagine being so psy-op'd that you automatically knee-jerk them away as "communist."
If you want to "generate wealth" then you can just rub two coins together and produce a third.
The video also states the writer for this episode is a conservative libertarian who is a bit of a recluse. His political side would say everything Frank says to Homer to another person they think is getting ahead without "earning it" via the value system they adhere. It's ironic because the people who tend to get promoted up usually aren't qualified and got the job because they know someone.
>resorting to even more I AM SILLY and tirades about how he’s a piggy wiggy
lmaoooo you’re tripping over yourself
How would you know this applies over most cases?
Most likely. China plans to basically hold all of Africa finances by negotiating deals that will put all of them in debt to China while they come in and take all their resources. It's quoted as being worst than what Europe did for Africa during its colonial days.
i unironically believe in taking worldwide action to confront the poison in our world and eliminate it and then reverting back to cozy small government libertarianism (not the modern day tea party bullshit burger politics has propped up)
How did the slaves achieve freedom without mass murder? How did the American revolutionaries achiever independence without mass murder? Seems like every great liberation movement throughout history employed violence to a great degree, but somehow socialism is less noble for it. Capitalists have no issue with violence unless it's to seize their property.
>communism has never created ecological disasters
oh im laffin
Did it happen in the Paris Commune? Revolutionary Catalonia? Rojava? Seems you've done no research and just parrot talking points.
>Do you agree with this interpretation?
No. Grimey is wrong to jealously blame Homer for his problems, but ultimately he's just a plaything for the writers and would be miserable in any society.
The exact same situation can still play out under communism. Homer is useless, but he has high needs due to his largeish family and various health problems. Grimey has no family, is educated, and has proved that he can work long hours for little reward. Unless Grimey's personality radically changes, he's still going to be pissed off at Homer for reaping the rewards of his labour.
Also I didn't bother to watch the video.
Also this guy's against Tifa having big tits. What the fuck?
Imagine being illiterate enough to think that's what was stated.
Tifa having legs that go on forever > her tits.
The new design ruins that as well, so...
>a-all changes of the tide started with a great revolution and people died
yeah no shit, no one’s complaining about 1917 infact it’s all the shit that continually happened after
Prison Camp S21 (Cambodia)
Gherla prison (Romania)
Soviet Great Purge/Terror
NKVD Order 00485 (ethnic cleansing of Poles)
KVD Order 00447 (slaughter of kulaks)
Katyn Massacre
Hỏa Lò Re-education camp (Hanoi Hilton)
Belene labor camp (Bulgaria)
Camp Boiro (Guinea)
Hoeryong concentration camp (N Korea)
Laogai prison camps (China)
Four Pests Campaign (China)
Hundred Flowers Campaign (China)
Great Leap Forward famine (China)
Kolyma gulag (Russia)
Mongolian Stalinist Purge
South Yemen Socialist Economic collapse
Ethiopian Famine
Ukrainian famine (Holodomor)
Socialist Somalia Red Beret Terror Campaign
Socialist Somalia Isaac Genocide
Socialist Tanzania economic collapse
Socialist Burundi Hutu Genocide
Socialist Eritrea purges
Socialist Kazakh famine (Goloshchekin genocide)
Cuban MUAP concentration camps
Socialist Angola Halloween Massacre
Socialist Congo purges
Basmachi Massacre
Houphanh Samana (re-education) Camps (Laos)
Pul-e-Charkhi Prison (Afghanistan)
Grimes was angry because he realized that the two guys sittiing in front of the store were in fact not Chuck and Sneed.
I too can hastily read a wikipedia article and then list the names of events in history without understanding the broader context behind why those events happened.
They're the same thing as any voluntary organization AKA they can either be useful or incompetent.
There it is. I can't believe we got a Simpsons thread that stayed on topic for over 250 posts without any Sneedposting. Haven't seen this in a while.
>Video essay on Youtube.
>Some community college liberal arts degree.
>Everything they say is conjecture.
>Basic understanding of terms from text books.
>Episode is just about applying realism to Homer Simpson's life.
Fuck you Quinton, stop chilling your shitty essays here.
>a system that gives you the bare minimum of what you need to live
>or the chance to make your own life
ah yes i’m sure i skimmed over everything and the communists didn’t actually mean to kill all those people on purpose, it was just a huge misunderstanding